Hollywood Drawing

~: Thirty-seven-0 millionaires

Wayne looked at Townsend Rothman\'s surprised cry. The other party seemed to be frightened by the price he offered, but he noticed that the other party\'s eyes had not changed, full of calm and rationality.

This can only show one thing, that is, there is no such thing as a simple person who can be the executive of such a giant.

"Mr. Rothman, I don\'t think I need to analyze the possible revenue of "Happy Death Day"? I\'m not a fool outside the circle. We all know that as long as a movie that sells well in North America can have a good box office overseas, and Twentieth Century Fox has a complete overseas distribution network."

"Director Greenberg, what you said should all be built on Fox\'s overseas distribution department. Without these, you would not be able to distribute overseas at all. Your asking price is too high." Townsend retorted him It seems that Townsend said it very objectively, but in fact, it is all a means of reducing prices.

He always kept that sentence in mind, and only those who bought goods would dislike it. If the other party was hit by the bottom line of this price, it was absolutely impossible to discuss with him.

Wayne kept staring at each other\'s eyes, trying to see some changes in Townsend\'s eyes. "Mr. Rothman, not to mention overseas income, the copyright of this film\'s sequel is worth the price. We all understand that with the current audience base, as long as the sequel is not badly shot, the box office will definitely explode. My asking price Absolutely not."

Townsend Rothman was also thinking, and finally realized that this child is not easy to fool. His work determines that he can only stand in Fox\'s position and try his best to lower the price.

There has always been a saying in North America that business is business, and business is just business.

"Let\'s talk about it, Wayne, $12 million, packaged to buy the overseas distribution rights and follow-up copyrights of "Happy Death Day". This price is not low. Compared to your investment in the film, this is already a sky-high price."

"Yes, compared to my investment, this price is not low, but this price does not represent the value of the festival\'s happiness. Mr. Rothman, Hollywood is not only a company of 20th Century Fox, I believe that someone will bid to buy it, I Came to Fox just because you guys released it."

It is absolutely impossible for Wayne to sell the copyright at a low price. In his plan, there will be few such opportunities in the future, and he does not plan to go to independent production in the future.

Looking at the other person\'s eyes, his pupils shrank obviously, he knew that he was talking about Fox\'s weakness. Fox has bought out all North American copyrights, and subsequent adaptation and overseas distribution rights are very important to Fox.

As Wayne said, as long as he releases news, there are definitely a lot of people who buy the copyright in his hands, and at least five giants are definitely willing to buy it. These big Hollywood giants have a relationship of competition and competition. While making money, it will be better if they can disgust each other.

"$18 million, Wayne! This is Fox\'s bottom line, don\'t forget who helped you distribute the film, without Fox, your film is worthless." While the two were thinking, a white man came in through the door. , speak directly to Wayne.

Seeing him come in, everyone was stunned for a moment. Wayne glanced at each other and looked directly at Townsend Rothman. "Mr. Rothman, aren\'t you here to preside over the negotiation?"

"This is Tim Fisher from the film and television production department of Twentieth Century Fox. Yes, I will host the negotiation. Wait a minute." Townsend explained, then looked at Tim and said:

"I\'ll preside over this matter, Tim. If you want to intervene, you need to start a new meeting. You have to explain the situation to Jeff."

Tim obviously didn\'t have the self-consciousness to stir up shit. He said with a relaxed expression: "Well, I\'m just making a suggestion to tell this little director why he succeeded, ok, you continue!" After speaking, he opened the door and walked out. .

No one thought of this accident, not even Townsend. Wayne watched all this, he wasn\'t angry at all, his temper was nothing compared to tens of millions of dollars.

"Is this a big company? Mr. Rothman? I hope the strife between the factions in your company doesn\'t affect us. Well, that gentleman has some truth in what he said. Seeing that the film was released first on Fox, I can make a move. $28 million, pack and take everything."

Townsend returned to the opposite side, and said with an ugly face: "He will not affect this negotiation, Wayne, your asking price is too high, I need your sincere offer. Now I don\'t want to play with you anymore. Money tricks, say what we can afford to each other."

Wayne knows that the other party is much more anxious than himself. Now the film will be released in North America soon, and the box office will soon be 70 million US dollars. Fox needs to take advantage of the heat and release films overseas as soon as possible.

"Okay, Townsend, buy it now, $25 million! This is the final offer! If Fox buys it, I want Fox to pay off the funds within half a month and put the money on Greenberg Studio\'s account. I can\'t wait. You get your money back."

This is the price in Wayne\'s heart. If he is less, he will really find someone else. Paying off the purchase funds is a prerequisite, because the profit recovery cycle of the film is too long, which generally takes at least one year.

He can\'t wait that long. The longer it takes for a small director like him, the more disadvantageous it will be for him. Who can say for sure what will happen in the future.

"Wayne, I need time to think about it, give me half an hour, you\'ll wait for me here." Seeing that he killed the last price, Townsend understood from his expression, if Fox disagreed, Wayne Definitely go out and find someone else.

Wayne was in no hurry, and after agreeing, he chatted with Jimmy in a relaxed manner. About half an hour later, Townsend Rothman took Terry back to the conference room.

"Okay, you won the kid, 25 million US dollars, packaged to buy the overseas distribution rights and follow-up copyrights of "Happy Death Day" in your hands. The funds to buy out the copyright, no more than half a month at the latest, will be remitted to Greenberg on the studio account."

When he saw Townsend come in with a relaxed expression on his face, he knew it was done.

"I can sign the contract at any time, Mr. Rothman." Wayne stood up and extended his hand to the other side with a smile.

"You can sign right away, as long as your agent is there." Townsend also smiled and held his hand.

Jimmy looked at these two people with a little surprise. Just now, they were still at odds with each other, and in a blink of an eye, they became like a pair of old friends.

Sure enough, business is business, and business is just business!

Things went well. Witnessed by lawyers and agents, Wayne signed his name on the contract.

It was not until he went out and got into the car that he waved his hand vigorously. This was the first big money he made with his own abilities. He understood that it would be difficult to hit Fox so easily in the future.

Sitting on the pickup, Jimmy looked at Wayne with complicated eyes. No one could have imagined that more than half a year ago, this kid was still holding the script and needed his own help to save a rudimentary crew. After more than half a year, he made money from this film. Tens of millions.

Watching him start the car, Jimmy asked him curiously, "What are you going to do after making such a large amount of money? Don\'t tell me you have to invest in your own films."

"No, you\'re wrong, Jimmy. I won\'t invest in my own independent film production anymore. This time it\'s just a fluke. You can see how many difficulties there are." He drove the car and chatted with Jimmy in a cheerful tone.

"Okay, lucky boy, you can easily make a fortune that ordinary people can\'t make in a lifetime." Jimmy said helplessly. Today\'s negotiation is also very exciting to him, even bigger than when he bought out the film. .

Tens of millions of dollars are a lot of money at any time. Even 30 years after Wayne came, this is a lot of money that can change the fate of many people.

"Jimmy, do you think it\'s time for me to consider changing houses?"

"Investing in real estate is a good choice. Money in the bank will only depreciate." Jimmy gave him serious advice.

"Okay, help me get in touch with a real estate agent. The main goal is Beverly. Also, I need an assistant to help me pay attention."

Beverly Hills (Beverly Hills) is located in Los Angeles, USA. It has the title of "the most prestigious residential area in the world" and is known as the representative and symbol of wealth, fame and fortune.

Nestled on the refreshing Pacific coast and at the foot of the Beverly Hills. UU reading www.uukanshu.com Beverly Hills is the world-famous dream place in the eyes of the world\'s richest people. As the most famous city-within-a-city in Los Angeles, it has the world\'s most high-end commercial streets and also gathers Hollywood movie stars. Many mansions are also used as holy places in the world of film circles.

Every year, Beverly Hills attracts countless tourists from all over the world, curiously exploring the streets. The world\'s top fashion brands are gathered here. Each store is resplendent. The finely crafted marble matches the brass gate. The arched fountain makes the street even more impressive. Now it is the most expensive shopping mall in the world.

Almost all of the people in this place are Hollywood film and television practitioners. It can be said that every inch of land is expensive. He still remembered that Naomi\'s dream was to buy a house in Beverly Hills, but he didn\'t expect that he wanted to move in before her.

"Assistant, what\'s your request, Wayne?" Jimmy took out his notebook and carefully recorded Wayne\'s request, lamenting that sometimes the agent is really not much different from the nanny.

"Gender, age, race doesn\'t matter, it\'s better to have some understanding of this circle." He thought for a while, and added: "Don\'t be rude to people, not even highly educated people in the circle, I don\'t like their self-righteous group. "

"Hey! Hey! Wayne! I\'m warning you, just tell me something in private, don\'t worry! Don\'t go out and say it, understand? It\'s going to cause you big trouble, big trouble for your career. ." Jimmy heard her words, threw away the book, raised his head and looked at each other seriously.

"Of course, I understand. I\'m just expressing my opinion to you, as long as you understand." Of course Wayne understood that he would never say such a thing in front of a third person. Even if Jimmy got out of his car, he wouldn\'t admit to having said such a thing to him.