Hollywood Drawing

~: Thirty-six - I want thirty million dollars

Wayne looked at Harvey, thinking about the possibility of handing over a new project to Miramax.

The other party is right, as long as any project is handed over to a big company, it will have to go through an unknown number of reviews from project initiation to approval. No film company will joke about hundreds of millions of dollars, or even the production cost of mainstream commercial films in the future. Soaring, hundreds of millions of dollars in funding can hurt any company if it\'s not careful.

But these are all processes that must be experienced. Mainstream commercial films have already had a complete operation process. Even a director like Spielberg or a continuously successful producer like Bruce Highmore cannot change this process. Said to speed up with the coffee position.

And Wayne is still a young director, and it is impossible for Fox to look at him differently. Even if there is a good success, it will not be of much help to his current situation.

If it is true as Harvey said, Miramax can review as soon as possible and start film production as soon as possible, which really makes him tempted. He himself knows that time means more to himself than others.

"Harvey, if the project is handed over to Miramax, can you be sure to pass the review as soon as possible? I mean can you make the decision alone?" He asked the other party a little uncertainly, after all, this company is not completely owned by the other party. Forget it, but also consider the Disney factor.

Seeing that Wayne was obviously moved by him, Harvey said proudly: "You can rest assured on this point, the operation of Miramax has always been in my hands. If you want, you can bring the project at any time. Plans and scripts, come to Miramax to see."

"Okay, I\'ll contact you after I finish the plan in a few days, and we\'ll talk about it later." He wasn\'t afraid of selling goods for two families, one daughter and two husbands, and even if it was feasible, he planned to contact a few more companies. .

"OK, I\'ll wait for your call." After Harvey finished speaking, he left with satisfaction. Everyone is grown up and seems to have completely forgotten what happened at the previous film festival. For the dollar, let alone this small face, it is a bigger contradiction, and it is worthless in front of the dollar.

Wayne considered the feasibility, stood up and walked to Naomi\'s side, and said to her, "I\'m going back, do you want to be together?"

"Sure, go to my place? I got some new toys. It\'s definitely very exciting. Do you want to try it?" Naomi looked at him, licked her lips, and said something that only two people understood.

"I can\'t wait to see it, let\'s go." Wayne and Terry greeted and pulled Naomi into the underground parking lot.

In the car, Naomi asked the other person in a puzzled way: "I remember you said before that the fat pig is definitely not a good partner to work with. How do you think you and him are having a good conversation?"

"Nami, things have changed. I\'m not sure if I\'ll work with him, it depends on 20th Century Fox\'s attitude towards new projects. Even with him, I\'m not going to be like a few months ago, I I\'m qualified to make a request." Wayne said confidently, he believed that he could get some respect he deserved through "Happy Sacrificial Day".

"Well, I don\'t like that fat man. He looks at people like a snake crawling on his body." Naomi obviously still doesn\'t like Harvey very much. It can be said that no one likes Harvey\'s strong character.

"In some respects, the other party is a very successful producer. It\'s just that his character is very unpleasant, which doesn\'t mean he\'s not successful. This fat guy has no bottom line and will be more successful in the future."

That\'s right, this big fat man will be more successful in the future, and even become a guarantee for the Oscar award in the circle. Like Wayne said, Harvey has absolutely no idea what the bottom line is, Oscar\'s game, played out by his PR strategy.

Wayne has several classic PR cases in his memory, such as this fat man trying to bribe the media with his life, the black Spielberg\'s "Saving Private Ryan" directly lost the Oscar, and the Miramax film made a profit in the end. .

Another example is Gwyneth, the most famous actress in history. No matter what, that kind of woman can make him become an actress, which is also a kind of ability. This fat man is still cold, and at Melstreep\'s age, he can sleep well. This kind of bottom line is always easier to succeed.

In fact, even the current Mrs. Cruise, the newly divorced Nicole Kidman, is also credited by this fat man for winning the actress at the Oscars. Not to mention the character of this fat slot egg, only to say that he has slept with the mermaid Nicole Kidman, makes people hate it sometimes.

Parked the car downstairs, and the two entered Naomi\'s apartment together. When Wayne came out of the shower, he saw that Naomi had changed.

She was wearing a tight black ultra-thin leather jacket, and a black lace eye patch over her eyes. All her body looks bumpy under the leather jacket. The most terrible thing is that she also wears a cat ear on her head, a belt loop around her neck, and a thin chain on the loop.

Naomi was stunned when she saw him coming out. She proudly picked up the thin chain and put it on the other party\'s hand. "Wayne, Mr. Batman, Black Catwoman is reporting to you, do you want to walk the kitten?"

"Yes, you are too good at playing, Nami."

Wayne picked up the chain and slowly led her into the bedroom. This arrangement was too exciting. It seems that the other party really understands him and really put his mind into it.

Early the next morning, Wayne returned to his room refreshed. The pressure he had been under for a while was completely released. Now he just wanted to complete the plan at hand as soon as possible.

Twentieth Century Fox was discussing Wayne even as he was concentrating on making new projects. In the ceo office on the top floor, in addition to Townsend Rothman, the distribution manager, there are Tim Fisher of the film and television production department, and 20th Century Fox\'s CEO Jeff Giannopoulos.

ceo Jeff frowned first and said, "Alien 3\'s box office in the first week did not meet expectations. Townsend, let me know, reduce the investment in subsequent publicity, reduce the scale of publicity, and stop losses as soon as possible."

"Okay, I will stop the follow-up capital investment, and I will also call the theaters to let them increase the screening time of "Alien 3" as much as possible, but even so, if you want to recover the cost, it will take many years of offline operation."

Alien’s box office failure is certain, but even losing money is temporary. For big Hollywood companies, offline operations can recover costs or even make profits, it’s just a matter of how long it takes.

"Is the overseas copyright of the film made by the Ruben family still in his hands? This project is operated by you and has created a large amount of revenue.

Then contact the child and buy the overseas copyrights and subsequent production copyrights in his hands. Take a look at his wishes. If it is appropriate, you can hand over the second part of "Happy Rites" to him to shoot as a negotiating condition and add it to the contract. "

Listening to Jeff\'s words, Townsend remembered that before the film was released, even if it was bought out at a low price, the kid would retain the overseas distribution rights and follow-up copyrights. Did he expect the film to be a success?

"I will ask him to talk, but it is difficult to get the copyright at a low price now." Townsend Rothman said, thinking and continuing: "But he doesn\'t seem to want to continue directing the sequel to this film, I listen to Terry Said he was planning a new project."

"Then take his new project and tell him that Fox can invest in production." Jeff took a sip of his coffee, thought about it, and said, "But there must be some review procedures, let\'s take a look at his new project first. Projects, if they have prospects, will be discussed at the meeting on Monday.”

At this time, Tim Fisher, who had been listening to it for a long time, couldn\'t help but speak: "The kind of kid who hasn\'t graduated yet who is lucky enough to make a big-selling film. We must be careful about such a small director. The risks behind the film must not be ignored."

Seeing both Jeff and Townsend looking at him, Tim Fisher continued: "While his first film was popular among young people, we shouldn\'t forget that audiences have fickle tastes. . This is a niche film originally, and no one knows whether the young fans of the next film will buy it."

No one who can be an executive in a big Hollywood company is an idiot. All Tim Fisher said are objective facts. But he said the reasons for these are worth considering.

Townsend Rothman is his main competitor for the next CEO, and the films introduced by the other party have created a large amount of revenue. He absolutely cannot do nothing.

When Jeff ceo heard Tim\'s words, he thought about it carefully, and then said, "Townsend, talk to him about the overseas distribution rights as soon as possible. We need to take advantage of the popularity of North America and release the film overseas as soon as possible."

"Okay, I\'ll make an appointment with him as soon as possible." Townsend Rothman finished and returned to his office. Of course he knows what Tim means~www.novelhall.com~ These things cannot be avoided in a big company, just like he himself has sabotaged Tim\'s plans.

The next day, Wayne had to stop his work again. Under the leadership of Jimmy, he came to the Fox Building again to discuss the issue of copyright trading.

He himself didn\'t want to keep the copyright of the film, it was in his interest to sell it at a suitable price. He does not have the ability to operate these, he knows very well.

This time, it was Townsend Rothman who received Jimmy and the two of them. To be honest, Wayne is more grateful to the other party, regardless of whether it was because of his father\'s favor or money, the other party gave him an important opportunity before.

"Hi, Wayne, how is the preparation for the new project these days?" Townsend greeted happily.

"It went very smoothly. It will be completed in a few days. Fox will see the plan as soon as possible." He shook hands cordially with the other party, and he was very fond of the Jew.

"Well, okay, let\'s talk about business. For the overseas distribution rights of "Happy Death Day" and the rights to the sequel, Twentieth Century Fox is going to buy them all. Let\'s make a price, Wayne."

"$30 million!" Wayne looked into each other\'s eyes, at this time, no friendship could compare to a beautiful knife. "Fox only needs $30 million to pack up and take him."

Listening to Wayne\'s offer, even though Jimmy knew that he would open his mouth, he was taken aback. Not only Jimmy, but Townsend Rothman and Terry who brought in coffee were all shocked by his price.

"Impossible, your price is too high! This is a horror movie, how much did you spend to make it? $30 million, no, no, that\'s outrageous."

Townsend Rothman thought that the other party would ask for a high price, but he did not expect such a high price.