Hollywood Drawing

~: sixty-two - start

As for Warner\'s actions, Wayne doesn\'t care at all. Now that the play has not yet come to him, what he needs to be most concerned about is still the filming of the crew.

As for the question of using his own relationship to hype the film in the future, he was very open to watching it himself.

Since George Lucas tinkered with Star Wars, Hollywood movies have rapidly developed into the market, and then with the help of George Lucas, Steven Spielberg\'s birth, even more The commercialization of the film has been done to the extreme.

Now, in the early 1990s, commercial film directors such as truck drivers emerged. Therefore, it is a fact that no one can deny that movies have long since become a commodity.

Since it is a commodity, it is the most normal thing for the director, Wayne, to come out to do promotional activities and let the public pay for the commodity.

Before making the movie, he had identified the movie\'s positioning in the project plan and aimed at the potential consumers of the movie. Those ethnic minorities naturally became the potential audience of the movie.

This is the only film he can come up with that will not disgust most white people, but also drive more people of color into theaters.

The two films Wayne chose from the very beginning were neither for awards nor professional reputation. The first consideration was business.

Since the media and newspapers arranged by Warner reported on Halle Berry, many gossip tabloids have followed suit. Their storytelling ability, combined with the ultra-low bottom line, quickly made this matter a buzz.

Time came to September 1991, and the work in the studio of Warner Bros. studio was orderly, and another film directed by Warner, also like a linear film, was performed smoothly.

Today, Halle Berry came to the studio again. With a complicated expression, she walked into the studio of "Get Out" under the gaze of reporters.

After explaining her intention to the security guard, Nina took her in. "Miss Berry, don\'t speak loudly when you go in, the crew is working."

"I understand." She replied softly when she heard the reminder.

Pushing open the small door of the studio, Halle Berry stood at the door, watching a large group of workers surrounded by the filming of Will Smith\'s scene.

This is a scene where the male protagonist comes to his girlfriend\'s house for the first time. Naomi sat in the living room with Will Smith, while her parents warmly entertained her daughter\'s black boyfriend.

He was even a little too enthusiastic. His girlfriend\'s white father took him to visit his home in person. The camera followed them all the way to the kitchen, where they saw the black nanny with a weird smile.

"cut, this one is over, Mace, very good performance!"

After hearing the director\'s call, the staff seemed to suddenly come to life, and immediately started preparations for the next scene.

After the filming was completed, Wayne habitually watched the playback again, until he was sure that it was all right, then turned around and noticed Halle Berry.

Not only did he notice it, everyone in the crew was watching this woman. The remarks in the gossip tabloids these days have made many people think that this woman is incredible.

"Hey, Harry, you\'ll have to wait for me for a while, and there\'s one more scene to end today\'s work."

Wayne smiled proactively and greeted her. According to the plan, he will have dinner with this black pearl today.

"I\'m not in a hurry, you do it first." Halle Berry hurriedly walked aside. "I\'m waiting for you here. I just happened to have a visit. As you know, I\'ve only run a few tricks, and I haven\'t seen a formal film production yet."

Seeing that Nina moved her a chair, she ignored her. Luke was the most courageous and had the closest relationship with him, so Luke was the first to walk to Wayne\'s side.

"mygod! Those gossip tabloids are on point? You won\'t really get along with her, will you?"

"What? Is it fresh?" Wayne stared at the monitor without raising his head. "Hollywood is not like this. When you see the right eye, you will be passionate, and if you don\'t feel it, you will separate."

"Let me remind you, it\'s this woman who almost ruined your career." Luke felt that his apprentice might have lost his head.

"It\'s not what you think. You\'ll understand later. Okay, start the next one when you\'re ready."

Luke shook his head and walked over to the actor to coordinate the filming and take a place.

At five o\'clock in the afternoon, the crew ended their day\'s work on time, but everyone was absent today, watching the director and the black pearl get on the same tram together.

"Harry, what conditions did Warner give you?" Wayne asked her curiously in the car. "you know what I mean."

"$200,000, and after the matter was over, they promised to give me a role, a role in Warner\'s first-line projects."

She looked at the crowd of people who were leaving one after another, and she didn\'t hide it at all, and told her the conditions Warner gave her. These things are in the non-disclosure agreement, but there is no need to keep them secret from Wayne.

"Very good deal!"

Warners not only gave her dollars and roles, but also gave her a chance to survive in Hollywood, so this is a very good deal.

"Are you mocking me?"

Halle Berry suddenly withdrew his gaze and looked back at Wayne.

"You\'re too sensitive, Harry." Looking at the delicate face of this black pearl, Wayne could clearly feel her inner struggle.

After getting off the tram at the door, two reporters immediately greeted them, one with a camera and the other with a voice recorder to block the two of them.

"Director Greenberg, are you dating Miss Halle Berry?" After the reporter asked, he put the recorder in front of Wayne\'s face.

"No, it\'s not a date, it\'s just a normal exchange of friends."

"Miss Halle Berry, is it true that you admire Director Greenberg?" The reporter immediately changed the interview target.

When Halle Berry got out of the car, her face was full of smiles, and her expression changed as fast as turning a book. When she heard the reporter\'s question, she immediately gave what she wanted.

"Yes, I admire Director Greenberg very much." She tilted her head to look at Wayne, her eyes full of emotion. "I came to invite him to dinner, thank him for graciously forgiving me, of course, if he doesn\'t refuse, I really want to have a romantic date with him."

"Okay, let\'s go here, it\'s time for us to go." Wayne interrupted the interview. Sergey had already pulled out of the parking lot and was waiting for them. Anyway, what should be said has been said.

Harry waved goodbye to the reporter and got into the Cadillac together.

"Boss, are you going home?" Sergey glanced at Harry through the rearview mirror and asked the boss aloud the destination.

"Go to West Hollywood, Rose Western Restaurant." After speaking, he looked at Harry and said, "You did a good job just now, it was perfect."

"Thank you!" Halle Berry\'s tone was self-deprecating. "I\'ve practiced it many times."

Actually, Wayne really wants to complain, you have such acting skills, why did you go earlier? The way she looked at herself just now, from her director\'s point of view, was a natural movie actor.

The difference between film actors and TV actors is here, because there are several cameras in filming, all of which are directed at the actors. Actors especially need to express their emotions through their eyes.

And TV drama actors do not have this requirement. For a TV series with more than ten episodes in one season, the production cost is usually not high, and it is not necessary to always feature actors.

When they arrived at the door of the predetermined restaurant, Sergey helped them open the car door, parked the car in the parking lot, and waited in the car alone.

This is a French-style restaurant. The table has been reserved. In fact, it doesn\'t matter what you eat. What matters is the reporter sitting next to them.

After a pleasant dinner, Halle Berry took Wayne\'s arm and walked out of the restaurant.

"Where are you going? I\'ll take you." After getting in the car, Wayne asked her politely.

"My apartment is not too far from here, just two blocks away." Halle Berry instinctively refused, but looked at him and then said after a pause. "Okay, go straight ahead, it\'s not far ahead."

Under her command, Sergey successfully arrived at the apartment two blocks away.

"Want to come up for a cup of coffee?"

Originally, when she got out of the car, Wayne wanted to go back, but when he heard Halle Berry\'s words suddenly, he was stunned for a moment. Their relationship could not be considered harmonious.

"I mean, it\'s still early." Halle Berry seemed to have made up his mind, licked his lips and stretched out his fingernails~www.novelhall.com~ to gently scratch the back of his hand. "Would you like to come up for a cup of coffee?"

"Well, although this scene is a bit early." Wayne nodded to Sergey, opened the door and got out of the car. "But I don\'t mind going up and sitting."

The apartment where Halle Berry lived was similar to the one he used to live in. The room was not big, only about 60 square meters. After opening the door, he found that the house was fairly clean.

"Sit whatever you want, I\'ll go and turn on the coffee machine."

He was sitting on the sofa in front of the TV, watching this woman get busy after entering the door, grinding coffee, making coffee.

Neither of them spoke until she brought two cups of coffee before Wayne said "Thank you."

"I want to talk to you about that tape."

"Harry!" Wayne interrupted her with a wave. "As I said, that tape will only be in my vault."

"You promise." Halle Berry stared into his eyes.

"I promise!"

Hearing Wayne\'s words, Halle Berry laughed inexplicably, took a sip of coffee, and said with emotion in his voice: "You know, this time is like a dream, if I don\'t think greedily Take a shortcut and things won\'t be the way they are now."

"It\'s over, Harry." The woman\'s state fluctuated so much, and her face-changing speed was top-notch, so that Wayne didn\'t know what to say. "This is your chance too, you know what I mean."

"Yes, of course I understand." She put down the cup in her hand and slowly knelt down to the floor. "Want to try something that was unfinished in your office that day?"

Looking at the hands reaching for his belt, Wayne had a playful smile on his face.


"ohmygod! Wayne! Are you an animal?"