Hollywood Drawing

~: Sixty-three - what did you smoke?

In Los Angeles in September, it was a little chilly in the early morning. Sergey closed the car door with a bang, and he waited downstairs all night.

After getting out of the car, he stomped his feet. Seeing that the sun was about to rise, he hesitated, wondering if he should go upstairs to wake his boss. It was the first time he had encountered such a thing.

"Maybe I should go back last night?"

Just as he stretched his long arms and twisted his waist left and right to move his body, he heard the sound of \'bang bang bang\' coming down the stairs.

"Damn it! I forgot about you!" Looking at Sergey\'s wrinkled clothes, Wayne knew he had made do with the car for the night. "My fault, I thought you went back last night, I should have come down and let you know."

"It\'s okay, boss." Sergey shook his long arms and helped Wayne open the back door. After he got into the car, he sat in the driver\'s seat and turned to ask him.

"Let\'s go back to the manor? Or go directly to the studio?"

Wayne raised his wrist, looked at the watch and shook his head. "Go directly to the studio, it\'s too late to go back now."

This black pearl brought him another kind of enjoyment last night. That satin-like skin is something that a white girl can never have.

Coupled with her open play, the flexible body of the professional model, and the unique African-American bulge and back, he was fascinated for a while, and he forgot that Sergey was still waiting downstairs.

Sergey drove the car smoothly. He sat in the back and thought about this woman. This was the second woman he had been in a relationship with in more than a year. Unlike Naomi, although he admired her appearance, he did not like her. She didn\'t feel anything.

Whether it was the absurd farce caused by her during this period of time, or her willingness to participate in this plan because of Warner, Wayne had no feelings for African Americans from the very beginning.

But now he just wants to say: Oh, Mom, it\'s really fragrant!

"Boss, it\'s here." Sergey\'s reminder interrupted his aftertaste. "Do you want me to come in with you? Or do you drive the tram yourself?"

"No, you can find a place to rest, I won\'t go to Warner Studios during the day, just come pick me up after get off work." Looking at Sergey\'s wrinkled suit, Wayne knew that he must have had a good rest last night. That big guy is a little too big for the space inside the car.

After finishing speaking, Wayne waved to him and didn\'t let him get off the car. He went to find a tram by himself and drove into the studio.

After taking out today\'s shooting plan first, after confirming the shooting scene, he took a long sigh.

The current shooting progress is about three days faster than planned, leaving plenty of room for trial and error for him and the crew. Originally, he thought that this film would be much more difficult than the previous one.

But I didn\'t expect that relying on the giants, the benefits would be so great. All kinds of props and sets, plus a huge studio, gave Wayne infinite ways to use tricks.

This kind of shooting method, in Hollywood in the 1990s, was definitely a bit deviant. Unlike later generations, almost all commercial films can be used indoors, and try not to use outdoor scenes.

Now the director and production company are not so good. The general idea of ​​this era is that if a film is not shot on location, it really has no artistic element. And from film critics to academy committee members, none of them would agree with such a film, let alone the Oscars.

It was only after the success of "Three Hundred Spartans", the first film that was filmed entirely indoors, that the industry suddenly realized that it turned out that all the filming indoors could save so much money and effort.

Director Zach Snyder, who was born as an advertising director, has been shooting music videos and various commercials for many years, so he knows all kinds of low-cost ways to play, and the films he shoots are particularly gorgeous.

Wayne is not crazy enough, but this film is special and the cost is low, so he can put most of the shots here.

"Hi, good morning, Director Greenberg!" Mays was the first to walk into the studio with a stack of newspapers. After saying hello, she shook the newspaper in her hand and pointed to one of the huge photos.

"These media don\'t seem to be nonsense. Did you really date Halle Berry last night?" As a woman, or an African-American woman, Mace\'s heart of gossip was burning at the moment.

Taking over the newspaper, Wayne has to say that Warner\'s reporters are really professional. The picture above is like a candid shot, showing two people having an intimate conversation while eating in a restaurant.

There is also the following report, which is also inseparable from "Escape from the Dead Town". In the words of the newspaper, it is this movie that has made a pair of enemies and lovers. It also briefly described the outline of the story of "Escape from the Dead" and the African-American actors in it.

"Did you guys really date? Oh, I see, you didn\'t go home last night!" Mace didn\'t say anything, just stared at the newspaper and asked him again.

"How do you know?" Wayne was a little surprised. "Isn\'t it written in the newspapers?"

"Clothes!" Mace pointed to his shirt. "You usually change your clothes every day. Although the styles are similar, this one is obviously from yesterday, and the shirt was not ironed."

Looking down at himself, Wayne smiled and drove away Mays. Since he moved into the manor, he didn\'t care about clothes or anything, but he would change every day, and Hela would always be ready for everything.

At nine o\'clock in the morning, all the crew members arrived one after another, and Wayne started busy work again.

Perhaps the filming a few days ago went too smoothly. Even God was fighting against the crew. In a scene between Will Smith and Rebecca (the heroine\'s mother), Will couldn\'t get into the state of life or death.

He had no choice but to stop filming and patiently tell Will Smith the scene.

"Will, hey, think about your performance today, it\'s just **** compared to before. Bring yourself in, you\'re talking to your girlfriend\'s mom, and you\'re in great shape before she knocks on the spoon.

However, after she knocked on the spoon, you have to cry. It\'s not a formatted cry, you can\'t control yourself, understand? While telling the story of my mother when I was a child, I couldn\'t control the tears, and let the audience understand your performance! "

Wayne said, walking around him, which is one of the few difficulties in the whole film. The male protagonist has to use his facial expressions, eyes and words to convey to the audience that he has been forced to hypnotize.

"Let me rest for a while, give me some time to adjust, I promise I\'ll be fine." Will Smith did not look very good, although he couldn\'t tell from his face, but he was mentally sluggish. sluggish.

"Ok, adjust it yourself." Just as Wayne passed by him and walked to the director\'s monitor, he suddenly felt as if he had smelled something.

"Hoo, hoo!"

That\'s right, he turned his head and took two deep breaths. The smell was light but obvious.

"Damn it, Will, call your agent here." Wayne was a little angry. He knew that 80% or more of the people in this studio had the habit of smoking leaf cigarettes. No one **** that **** at work.

Yes, Wayne often smelled this smell when he was in middle school, a faint fishy smell. Although he had never tried it, he was very sensitive to it.

"Hey, Wayne, listen to me!" Will Smith clearly saw the serious look on the director\'s face, and tried to explain: "My agent hasn\'t come yet, listen, this time it\'s my fault, there was something wrong last night. A party in the rap circle, so I played until the morning, sorry!"

That\'s right, he is usually dedicated to his work, and this has never happened before.

"Okay, I accept your apology. I will shoot other scenes in the morning, and this scene will be filmed in the afternoon." Wayne didn\'t say any more. Of course, Ye Ziyan was indispensable for the party. Maybe he also ate something else. thing.

Since he has already apologized, there is no need to chase after him. "Will, you have to promise that there will be no next time, at least don\'t touch those things at work!"

"OK, thanks!"

After Wayne returned to the monitor, he took out the director\'s notebook and began to change the shooting sequence. With Will Smith\'s current state, it was impossible to shoot complicated scenes.

"What\'s wrong with him? Coffee, boss!"

Nina handed him a cup of hot coffee and asked curiously.

"It\'s nothing, you know what happened at the singer\'s party." Wayne explained to the little assistant casually. UU reading www. uukanshu.com "Especially those rap stars, except for women at parties, it\'s big, coca, alkaloid, cocaine, these things, and some other addictive drugs, I really don\'t understand, those What\'s so cool about it."

Listening to his complaints, Nina looked at her boss with a look of understanding, and suddenly said, "Nami said you never touched these things, wouldn\'t it be true?"

Wayne gave her a sidelong glance. "Yes, I know those things are harmful, why do you still smoke?"

"It\'s so pitiful, Boss, you\'ve lost a big chunk of your youth. When I was in school, when I encountered a very stressful event, I would occasionally smoke two puffs. As far as relaxing my nerves, leaf cigarettes are more comfortable than cigarettes."

Listening to Nina\'s complaints, Wayne didn\'t find it strange. Young people in this country, from middle school to university, are rarely like him, not to touch those inducement drugs.

"Cigarettes are different." He was doing his last struggle. "! Well, I know cigarettes are bad too!"

The filming went on in an orderly manner. Every three or five days, he would have a meal with Halle Berry or something. Every time a reporter "just happened" to film them secretly.

In various reports, the relationship between Wayne and Halle Berry has become more and more clear, and now it is only the announcement of this relationship.

You know, in the 1990s, black and white matching is really rare.

For a white man like Wayne to find a girlfriend of color, most of them are Latinos, and there are very few African Americans, which is an eye-catching thing in itself.

He and Halle Berry are pretty good. The opening scene in "Get Out" is about an African-American boy and a white girl. This was unconventional in the 1990s. Of course, the core conflict of the film is based on this above.