Hollywood Drawing

~: Sixty-six - your goal is the 1st largest vase in the universe

The large team of crew members finally rushed back to Los Angeles before dark. Except for Luke and John who escorted the film to the Warner Bros. vault, the rest of them went home after entering Los Angeles.

Just as Wayne was about to go home, Naomi Watts came to his car and tapped on the window.

"What\'s the matter? Nami, what\'s the matter?"

Asking Sergey to put down the car glass, Wayne stuck his head out and asked her suspiciously.

Naomi looked at the man she was intimate with a few months ago, but now she became more and more unfamiliar, and felt uncomfortable for a while. During this period of time, even if he was filming in the suburbs, he never found himself.

"Well, the filming is over, do you want to go to my place for a drink?" Seeing that he was about to come up with a set of arguments for fear of being secretly filmed, Naomi immediately said: "Don\'t you want to go back to the original apartment? The custom \'costumes\' were brought home as well."

Wayne looked at the blond beauty, and after thinking for a while, opened the car door and let her come up.

"Nina, show Sergey the way and take me to the original apartment."

After getting in the car, Naomi smiled proudly. He knew that this man was a ruthless bastard. No woman could enter his heart, but he always had a nostalgic side.

The car was parked downstairs in the old apartment. After getting out of the car, Wayne waved his car away and looked at the old building in front of him.

Everything is so familiar, as if it was yesterday when he left. In this old apartment building, he could find a home even with his eyes closed.

Naomi opened the door, and when he entered, he suddenly realized that the living environment here was so cramped, even sitting on the sofa made him feel as if he couldn\'t move.

"Are you not used to it?" Naomi brought his favorite espresso coffee and sat beside him and asked him. "The two days I just came back, I always felt that everything I saw was very small, ironic, right?"

"No, I think you\'ll change places soon too."

Wayne took a sip of coffee, stared at her pale blue eyes, and habitually reached out to hook her chin.

"Sweetheart, you are so beautiful today!"

Said and kissed it hard.

Wayne grew up. Although he never had a serious girlfriend, he still experienced a lot of American "good friends". Naomi Watts, in some ways, has always felt so in tune with him.

This is the woman who makes him feel the closest to his girlfriend, whether it is character or something else.

And Halle Berry is different, she is a woman who dares to sacrifice everything for what she can see in front of her eyes. She changes her face very fast, as long as it is beneficial to herself, even if it makes people feel incomprehensible, she will be reckless.

Just like her publicity plan this time, even if she knew that Wayne had promised her, it might be to stabilize her, and there was a high probability that she would turn her face and not recognize anyone.

She will do her best! Can\'t blame her for thinking too much, all the women who can finally get to the Oscar queen are all ruthless characters.

In this old apartment building, Wayne seems to have returned to a few months ago. In this familiar and distorted illusion, he hugged the blonde beauty from the bathroom and returned to the bedroom.

"Come on, Nami." After pulling the quilt, he habitually lit a cigarette. "Come to me today to talk about something. You can\'t just vent your desires. I don\'t have the aura of mental retardation."

Just as this woman knew him, he could also guess Naomi\'s character closely.

"Remember when you finished shooting your first film?" Naomi got up from his arms and leaned against the head of the bed next to him. "At that time I remember you gave me a lot of advice. The film was finished, and you\'ll be busy with post-production soon. I wanted to give me some advice while you still have time."

"Nami, you are on the right path now, believe me, after this film, you will not face the current environment. There will be many scripts in front of you waiting for you to choose, and there will also be many crews. I invite you to audition."

He didn\'t understand what the woman was thinking. As long as the film was successful again, as the heroine, she would definitely attract attention.

"It\'s the direction, Wayne!" Naomi took the cigarette out of his mouth, took a strong puff, and put it back in his mouth.

"I hope you can give me some advice, which is advice on direction choice, which is very important to me!"

"Direction?" Wayne thought for a while, and held out a hand. "Nami, if you want to follow my advice, first, choose a commercial film that will give you the main character in the next film, and definitely don\'t consider literary films.

Second, as for the direction of your filming, for the time being, it is best to only choose the role of vase in commercial films. You must understand that not everyone can be a vase. This is a major selling point of the film to stimulate the consumption of fans.

Third, and most importantly, continue to improve your own core competitiveness, whether it is the improvement of your acting skills in the acting school, or something else, even if you invest in your own body and face, you must keep improving yourself. "

"I understand choosing commercial films. After all, commercial films will give you a lot of remuneration and won\'t be like you, a miser." Naomi rolled her eyes at him. In "Get Out", as the heroine, she only took $150,000.

"But why do you want me to act as a vase? Do you think my acting skills are still bad?"

"No, in terms of acting alone, your acting skills are basically qualified." Wayne ignored her complaints and let out a breath of green smoke. "Attention! I\'m referring to the vase for making commercial films, your acting skills are basically sufficient.

Don\'t live up to the innate conditions God gave you, you have the opportunity to become a representative of Hollywood actresses in the 1990s, and such actresses who represent an era have never been an acting school. They are all the best vases in commercial productions. "

"I understand, but..."

"No buts!" Wayne interrupted her wild thoughts directly.

"You remember, you\'re going down this road with a clear goal, look at Julia Roberts, she\'ll be a good beyond goal.

It is true that an acting school like Meryl Streep can win an award, but who would pay her 20 million in a big first-line production? After a few years or more, fans will mention this era again. Will anyone say she is a representative of Hollywood actresses?

No one would think that way, the mass movie fans or even the mass media will only remember Julia Roberts. If you want awards and want to be recognized by the Oscars, you can consider that after you become a coffee, you have room for trial and error and funds. "

After saying what he had to say, Wayne closed his mouth. The path he told Naomi was the shortest shortcut to success. If it weren\'t for the fact that this woman has been paying and his inexplicable affection for her, he would never have said these words.

This is the most reasonable suggestion given by a soul from later generations, with information thirty years later, combined with the actual situation of Hollywood at present.

As long as you follow the direction he said, the lowest achievement will be a second-tier commercial female star. In Wayne\'s previous life, what made her really famous was the "King Kong" that grabbed her to **** off, not The ones she played before.

"Go to sleep, I understand, thank you, Wayne!"

Naomi wrote down everything he said in her heart, kissed him lightly, and turned off the lamp by the bed.

The next morning, Wayne got up early, reminded Naomi not to forget the party at night, and hurried back to the manor.

He has experienced the same thing once, that is, after the shooting, everyone has a rest time, and as the director and second producer of the film, it is definitely not the time to relax.

To be able to plan the later stage slowly at home, for him, it is a very comfortable vacation.

At five o\'clock in the afternoon, Sergey drove downstairs to Halle Berry\'s apartment and picked up a **** and hot black pearl.

"I don\'t understand." Harry-Berry held a small mirror and looked at the makeup on his face. "Why put the party at the bar?."

"Maybe it\'s us little people who can\'t get to the level of a big hotel?" The party can be held anywhere. It doesn\'t matter to him. He has never been a party creature. If you go there, you will have a glass of wine. Basically, you can\'t get in. that environment.

"Is your luggage ready? We won\'t be at the party for too long. The main purpose of today is to move."

Harry-Berry put the makeup and a small mirror into her handbag and was finally satisfied with her makeup. "It\'s all ready~www.novelhall.com~ It\'s just a few clothes, do you want to inform the reporter arranged by Warner?"

"They don\'t have to worry about us, they can just play their own plays."

The car stopped at the entrance of the Hard Rock Bar, and Wayne walked into the bar with the three of them.

Before he went in, he had already heard Duang, Duang\'s music. As long as there are parties of African descent, these explosive music will never be missed.

The wide bar hall was very brightly lit. The previous bar booths had been dismantled, and two huge tables were put together in the middle, which were filled with all kinds of food and drinks.

There were two dance floors arranged around the table, probably because of the high-intensity work over the past two months, which put a lot of pressure on them, and those who arrived early had already started to wiggle to the explosive music.

On the outside is the rest area with chairs, which is Wayne\'s destination.

"Nina, Sergey, you guys go play, don\'t worry about me, let go, maybe you will have a good night."

After sending away the assistant and the security guard, he walked to the middle, greeted people along the way, took two bottles of beer, came to the rest area, and watched the crazy crowd on the dance floor.

"Let\'s just sit here all night?" Halle Berry was a little helpless, she thought she brought her to the party to party together.

After taking a gulp of beer, Wayne burped comfortably. "You can go to play, you don\'t have to follow me, I will call you when you go."

When he was talking, he saw Will Smith wriggling along with the music as if his body had been powered off. Not only himself, but the two black girls who followed him also twisted to the music.

As for music, sports and dancing, Wayne thinks that their race may really have talent, even if they mess around at will, it\'s all on point.