Hollywood Drawing

~: Sixty-five - filming completed

Since Wayne and Halle Berry started dating, the media under Warner Bros. began to hype it from various angles, and various gossip tabloids followed up and compiled some unreliable stories. public mentions.

Coupled with the influence of Wayne\'s last film "Happy Memorial Day" among young people, this "Escape from the Dead Town" is like triggering a chain reaction, leaving a deep impression on young fans. deep anticipation.

Halle Berry is also planning to participate in a TV talk show under the arrangement of Warner. She\'s a very smart woman who knows what she\'s on the show for.

In the show, she talked a lot about her relationship with Wayne, and almost every answer involving their relationship will bring the name of Warner\'s new movie.

As an old-fashioned film and television giant, Warner Bros. is definitely one of the best in its publicity and distribution capabilities. Their way of publicizing and distributing deep rhyme films always uses this kind of news that is neither plague nor popular, to appear in the ears of the public.

These are all preparations for the pre-release announcement of the film. Only when the film premieres, they will use more vigorous publicity to detonate the audience\'s sense of expectation in the past few months and drive them into the theater.

In Los Angeles in November, the average temperature is about 12-16 degrees, while the suburbs are significantly cooler. But when you go out in the morning, you need to add a coat, and at noon it will become long-sleeved and short-sleeved, so Wayne once felt that the suburbs and urban areas are two different temperatures.

After more than two months of intense filming, the filming of "Escape from the Dead" has also come to an end.

In Ventura County, Greater Los Angeles, Wayne stood in front of the country house rented by the crew, watching the crew busy and orderly set up the scene. He didn\'t walk behind the monitor until Luke confirmed that the layout was complete.

"Luke, let\'s get started!" he said to Luke who was looking at him.

Luke shouted immediately. "The one hundred and forty-seventh scene, the twelfth act, start!"

Will Smith walked into the camera and saw the thinner black compatriots talking to the white man next to him. He took out his portable camera to take a picture of the scene, but ignored the shutter sound and flash.

The scene immediately fell into an embarrassing situation. I saw the expression of the black compatriots solidified, and blood slowly flowed from the nose. He rushed to Will Smith, grabbed him by the collar, and yelled frantically to get him out of here, and the people next to him hurriedly pulled his fellow black people away.

"cut! It\'s great, it\'s okay to pass this one. Hurry up and arrange the next scene, Jason, get a little more ketchup, this is an R-rated film."

As this long shot went through in one go, Wayne also breathed a sigh of relief. This is the only place where his changes are more obvious, and it is best not to have any problems.

In the original film, the male protagonist did not take a camera, but secretly filmed it with a mobile phone. But these days, mobile phones are not so high-tech, so there is no camera function.

So he made a big change in the whole film, that is, he gave the male protagonist a habit of carrying a camera, otherwise he would not be able to set the final murder scene.

"Ready, boss!" Nina patted him lightly, seeing that he was still staring at the replay just shot.

When he came back to his senses, Wayne saw that the whole crew was waiting for him. "Luke, let\'s get started, it looks like everyone can\'t wait to get off work."

Luke nodded with a smile, looked at the arranged crash scene, and shouted:

"The one hundred and forty-eighth scene, the first act, start!"

Wayne stared at the monitor screen, the end was about to end, and he hoped everything went well.

On the screen, Will Smith opened the car door and ran away, and the gardener (grandfather) of his girlfriend\'s house fell on him and pressed him on top of him. Just when he was about to be killed, he suddenly remembered the flash.

So Will Smith took out the camera in his pocket, pointed it at the black gardener who was holding him down, and pressed the button.

The intense flash of light at close range briefly brought the gardener back to consciousness, he let go of Will Smith, turned back and passed the gun with the female lead. The moment he ended up shooting, he killed the heroine with one shot.

A lot of ketchup appeared in the close-up of the camera, and then the black gardener aimed the gun at his chin again and killed himself neatly.

"cut! No problem!"

After shouting stop, Wayne pressed the playback button and carefully observed it again.

Making sure there was no flaw, he picked up the loudspeaker Luke handed him and stood on the director\'s chair.

"Nearly three months of hard work, we encountered a lot of difficulties, and even at one point I thought I would be replaced!"

Everyone laughed out loud until this was the racist farce he encountered while making fun of himself.

"Everyone was tortured by ketchup in the later stages of filming. Oh, don\'t admit it, I know you\'ve been calling me a blood maker in private."

There was another burst of laughter.

Wayne\'s expression returned to seriousness, and he shouted into the loudspeaker.

"Thank you for your dedication to the work!"

Compared to the horrific incident that he almost lost when he started the film, this filming was much more relaxed than his first independent production. There were all kinds of professional staff in the crew. And plural of their workers, taking on too much work.

In particular, the cast members, whether African-American or Caucasian, at least never had any open conflict, which was extremely rare in the 1990s. These things show that the actors are all working together towards success.

"Each of you is the maker of this film." He stood on the director\'s chair, raised the megaphone and looked at the crowd again, suddenly laughing again.

"The most important point is that because of everyone\'s hard work, we still have some money for filming. Then, we will go back to Los Angeles tomorrow, set up a bar in Burbank, and have a big party!"


All of them were screaming. Although the filming went well for more than two months, everyone was closely filmed by Wayne, and they were exhausted physically and mentally. Finally, this kind of life was over.

Everyone relaxed, and even the dragon actors were helping to pack up the props. They didn\'t want to stay in this suburb for a long time, and quickly packed up and lined up in a convoy to Los Angeles.

Sitting in the car bound for Los Angeles, Wayne patiently told Luke and John.

"The finished film will be sent to Warner\'s vault as soon as possible, and there must be no problems."

The other two people squeezed in the back seat looked at the director\'s serious expression and nodded at the same time, they knew the importance of film.

"Wayne, I think you can consider changing to a car. This car doesn\'t have enough space. Don\'t be too frugal. I know the agent of the car dealership. Do I want to give you a business card?"

After the shooting, the pressure on John was also lightened by half. He twisted his body and made fun of Wayne\'s miserliness.

This project started when Warner put funds into the account. The two people who were most stressed on the entire crew were the production manager and the director. Wayne is better, after all, he has confidence in his heart. But John has been working under pressure.

He never competes with anyone for power in the crew, but silently controls the flow of funds and helps Wayne manage and coordinate the work. It can be said that he has a low sense of presence.

"This car is also new." Wayne slapped himself on the forehead. "When I bought it, I didn\'t expect that it would not be applicable so soon, and I didn\'t expect my security guard to be such a big guy. This big Russian bear is like being caught by the wall of my car every day!"

When Sergey heard his rant, he stretched his long arm to the back seat and pointed his middle finger, while Nina was lying in front of him with a smile.

"Wayne, I bet, if you had the sense of humor you have now when you were shooting funny scenes, it would never have been so difficult."

Luke was a little emotional. He never understood why he couldn\'t make those funny scenes because Wayne and his acquaintances had a good sense of humor in chatting.

"Isn\'t it with you, Luke. Just like this film, you did a great job in funny scenes." Wayne is a sincere compliment, and Luke has grown up very quickly. There are many scenes in this film. mirror.

Although Luke temporarily put out his mind as a director, his habit has always been to learn everything he sees. He is also willing to fulfill this diligent senior brother, and if there is a chance, he will let Luke try to take the photo.

"Okay, John, give Nina a business card of that car dealership, it seems I have to change the car~www.novelhall.com~ When they said, Wayne also felt that there was not much space in the car, he Time at work is precious, maybe getting a car with more space will allow him to keep working on the road.

"I want to remind you, Director Greenberg!" Luke was a little angry when he heard this. "The first film you made made you a profit of nearly 30 million US dollars, don\'t be so stingy, **** look at the big manor you live in now, it definitely doesn\'t match your car!"

After he finished speaking, Luke was taken aback for a moment. "Damn, you won\'t buy the house with full money, will you? Spent all the money?"

"Hey, hey! Luke." Wayne shook his head. "I\'m not that stupid. I bought the house with a loan, and I only paid a down payment of more than 11 million yuan. I still have this financial management concept.

The filming is done, I\'m going back to the farm to rest for a few days, and ask my mother to introduce me to an accountant. The rest of the money will be invested in the stock market. I\'ve been holding this cash for too long. "

He also knows that putting money in the bank is the stupidest act, and the dollar is depreciating every moment. It\'s not that Wayne doesn\'t want to invest the money sooner, but that he must first find an accountant or agent who can be a newcomer.

In his previous life, he was a diaosi who had no worries about food and clothing, but he also heard too much news about accountants partnering up to defraud agents. Nicholas Cage in this circle was tricked into filming countless bad movies that he could not count. , just to pay back the money.

There is also the well-known Tim Duncan. He is also a fan. Tim Duncan\'s agent is a joint accountant, but he has cost him tens of millions of dollars, plus a wife.

So he was in no hurry, he wanted to find a reliable accountant, and then invest the money. Without an accountant whom he trusts, he would rather put money in the bank to depreciate than block himself.