Hollywood Drawing

~: Six hundred and ninety-four - "No, Bruce, I disagree!"

After the release of "Saving Private Ryan", it received a box office of more than 6 million US dollars in advance, which is already very good for an R-rated film.

The extremely good audience reputation, the superstar attraction of Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks, and the tireless promotion and marketing of Warner Bros., let "Saving Private Ryan" premiere weekend, from one day to the next. From the beginning, it showed a trend of hard to get a vote.

Although this is an R-rated film known as "Eighteen Bans", after only one day of large-scale screening on Friday, the **** and real war scenes in the film are extremely consistent with the theme of mainstream values ​​in North America, which not only won it a great High professional ratings, fans\' word of mouth is also spreading rapidly.

"War movies aren\'t always **** and brutal, and before Steven Spielberg\'s latest hit, Saving Private Ryan, Hollywood war movies generally had reservations about brutal war scenes." The appearance of "Saving Private Ryan" is to clearly tell the audience that when we watch these war movies, we really don\'t just use your eyes!"

After the three-day screening on the first weekend, the media was optimistic about the performance of "Saving Private Ryan". This is the evaluation of the film by Todd McKinsey, a special columnist of "The Hollywood Reporter".

Not just "The Hollywood Reporter", "Saving Private Ryan" three days after its release in North America, almost all media coverage of the film.

"Los Angeles Times" columnist film critic Kenneth Turan said in his column. "Some movies can only be used as a pastime before and after a meal, while some movies are destined to become milestones of the times."

If most of the reports of authoritative entertainment media are not too innovative, then an exclusive interview with Steven Spielberg in "Hollywood Daily Entertainment" attracted countless people as soon as it appeared. The eyes of fans and the media.

"Everyone knows that I\'m not really good at such cruel, realistic and **** scenes, so at the beginning of the preparation of this World War II epic, I didn\'t plan to direct it myself. Back when I made this film When the plan came out, the first thing that came to mind was Wayne, yes, Wayne Greenberg.

Of the film directors I have known throughout Hollywood, Wayne is undoubtedly the one who is best at presenting such films. Unfortunately, I have invited him no less than ten times, and he has ruthlessly rejected them all. I did think about it at the time, dammit, I should break up with Wayne..."

This Steven Spielberg seemingly self-joking interview appeared, and immediately attracted the attention of countless ordinary people. Many people have only now learned that the original director for "Saving Private Ryan" was originally set. Wayne Greenberg.

But looking back and thinking about it, most of the people nodded secretly, thinking that Steven Spielberg\'s invitation was not wrong. Because only watching the opening scene of "Saving Private Ryan", Wayne is indeed the most suitable director, if not even one.

Although Steven Spielberg has done a great job and the film has been widely recognized, many fans and film critics have said that if this film is really directed by Wayne, it will be a war on the scale of war. In the depiction, it must be more bold and cruel.

And when this interview had just appeared for less than half a day, a large number of people rushed to Beverly Hills and blocked the gate of Greenberg Manor, and they all wanted to know Wayne\'s opinion on this matter. The heat of things is very high.

Very rare, this time Wayne did not disappoint the reporters. Before lunch time, he took the initiative to walk out of the gate of the manor and simply accepted an interview with reporters.

And his answer was quickly seen on the pages of various entertainment media. "Life is so fragile, fragile to the point of frightening, when the bullet goes into the head, the blood has not yet splashed on the ground. When the blade is inserted into the chest, the heart throbs in diastole.

Life has passed away, and the traces left behind are like the water stains left on the hands after the rain runs through the fingers, and evaporates easily. Steven only used a short twenty-five minute opening scene, which made those of us living in peaceful times feel deeply shocked.

Many people are curious about the director of "Saving Private Ryan". What I want to tell the fans is that Steven has done a better job than me in terms of expressing his reflection on the war. This film is good enough. Even if I were to shoot it, it would not be as good as it is now. Everyone should go into the theater to watch this film. I believe that you will be as deeply shocked as I am and cherish life even more. precious. "

The media coverage, fans\' discussion, and even interviewing Wayne\'s evaluation of the film, the reason for the current situation is actually the first weekend box office performance of "Saving Private Ryan".

"Saving Private Ryan" was officially released in 2,463 mainstream commercial theaters in North America on July 24. Due to Warner Bros. and its intensive publicity, the first three days of the first weekend reported a box office of 56.53 million US dollars!

You know, this is an R-rated movie. Due to the movie rating, it naturally rejected the mainstream audience of summer movies: family movie fans.

In fact, no matter whether the film\'s intention is to reflect on the war or not, those cruel and **** scenes have virtually rejected most parents of children.

But even so, "Saving Private Ryan" also collected more than $56 million at the box office in its first weekend, not only a huge surprise to Warner Bros. and DreamWorks, but also to the media. There are countless topics that can be hyped.

Since Monday, the hottest topic of discussion has undoubtedly been whether to save Ryan. Basically, every movie fan who has the habit of watching movies has participated in this big discussion.

There is no doubt that in terms of North American values, the values ​​shown in the film are the most correct. But there are still a lot of media and movie fans who say, is it really worth it to replace Private Ryan with so many lives?

There is a lot of discussion before the box office. This is a marketing tool that has been proven countless times by Hollywood film companies. For a time, talk shows, debate shows and talk shows on TV are all discussing this topic. Warner Bros. Whether it contributed to the flames or not, it is unknown.

With the passage of time, the box office of "Saving Private Ryan" is also rising. After a full week has passed, the box office of the film has reached 89.07 million US dollars. After the next weekend, the film successfully exceeded 100 million at the North American box office. The pace of the theater market has gradually converged.

And just when "Saving Private Ryan" came to the next weekend, Warner Bros. simultaneously released "Charlie\'s Angels" in the theater market in more than 50 countries and regions overseas. The main creative team of the crew, who have been promoting in major cities in North America, also boarded a plane and set off for Europe.

"Charlie\'s Angels" has surpassed 120 million U.S. dollars at the North American box office since late June. This achievement is a complete success for a commercial film with an investment of 60 million U.S. dollars. Released, Wayne can not only recover all the investment from the theater market, but also make a lot of money.

You must know that the real profit of such films has always been the operation of offline copyright. The production of movie characters, the authorization of various commodities, the buyout of TV premiere rights, the sale and lease of video tapes, DVDs, etc., etc., it can be said that the film has not yet been released, and the foreseeable production company Greenberg Studio, just It will definitely make a lot of money.

Throughout the second half of July, there was only one voice in North American theaters, and that was "Saving Private Ryan". However, this period is after all the hottest time period for North American movies, which is the summer period.

On July 31st, 20th Century Fox, which has a production volume comparable to that of Warner Bros., released the film "Cinderella" this year. Disney\'s distribution label Pubweis International released "Born to Be", and even Warner Bros. Brother, also released his own "Ace vs Ace" on the same day.

Obviously, the melee in the summer season continues, and even if "Saving Private Ryan" has a good audience reputation, it is difficult to face at least two blockbusters that will be released every week at the same time.

Just less than a week later, on the first weekend of August, Paramount Pictures released "Snake Eyes" and Miramax released the film "Ghost Hunting Festival". I can\'t wait to make my debut. Every weekend, projects with medium-sized and above productions are released, which is an uncompromising movie-watching carnival for every movie fan.

It\'s just that in the summer season, if there is a big winner, there will be a loss of pants. So far this summer, 20th Century Fox and Warner Bros. are undoubtedly the big winners.

Sony Columbia simply replaced the CEO because it invested more than 200 million US dollars in "Godzilla" before and after. Paramount Pictures did not meet expectations because of the head project "Clash of Heaven and Earth", and the subsequent films were basically small. Play a little trouble.

So far, Universal Pictures has not had a single film that has won a weekly box office championship since it entered the summer season. The most unexpected thing is Disney, a fairy tale giant in the midst of civil strife, and its distribution label, Pwell International, has frequently appeared as a dark horse.

However, with the passage of time, a masterpiece that has been expected by countless fans has started a vigorous pre-screening promotion.

"X-Men", as a superhero outside the DC movie series, not only fans are looking forward to it, but many industry insiders in the Hollywood circle are also closely watching the performance of this film.

And just as the publicity of "X-Men" became more and more intensive, the afternoon before the premiere, a dark black Buick commercial vehicle drove into the Greenberg Manor at the end of Mulholland Drive in a low-key manner.

"Mr. Greenberg is waiting for you in the garden."

The large Buick commercial vehicle was parked beside the small fountain in front of the main building. The housekeeper Hella helped open the door and said to Bruce Rosenblum who lifted his legs to get out of the car, "Please come with me."

"Thank you."

The director of distribution at Warner Bros. had a serious face. He lowered his head and checked his attire to make sure that there was nothing wrong. Then he silently followed the housekeeper\'s footsteps and walked to the pergola in front of the garden.

He knew that Wayne basically didn\'t have any particularly long vacations, and the work plans one after another made the young director unable to squeeze any time at all, like most practitioners in the circle going out on vacation. Therefore, the awning on the front lawn of the manor has become the opponent\'s favorite resting place.

In fact, the reason why he rushed to Greenberg Manor this time was not Bruce Rosenblum\'s original intention. This morning, he just wanted to test Wayne\'s own thoughts on the opening of Superman in the DC series through Nina.

An unexpected thing happened. He just finished talking about it less than an hour before he received a call from the lady Nina Klein, clearly stating that Wayne hoped that he could come to the manor to talk about it in person. Discuss related matters.

In the eyes of Bruce Rosenblum and Jeff Robinoff, this invitation is a mixed bag, and according to the default rules, no matter what Wayne himself thinks, it should first go through his own. Personal assistant, just communicate with him first.

All these two Warner Bros. executives thought about it, somewhere, or which sentence, that condition, touched the red line of the young man.

"Hi Wayne."

After arriving under the awning in front of the garden, the housekeeper Hela nodded politely, turned and left silently, Bruce Rosenblum glanced at Nina who was looking through the fashion magazines, the attention of his eyes, and finally He landed on the young Hollywood old man who was lying in the reclining chair with his eyes closed.

"Well, sorry, Bruce, I\'m asleep."

Hearing the greeting, Wayne opened his eyes, and turned his head to see Bruce Rosenblum, who was meticulously dressed. "You know, I\'m a little tired of attending Twentieth Century Fox\'s promotion for X-Men these days."

"Hmm, happy troubles, isn\'t it?"

Bruce Rosenblum waved his hand, sat down to himself, and pulled a bottle of beer from the ice bucket beside him. "Who doesn\'t know, Townsend-Rothman offered you an unparalleled producer salary in Hollywood."

From a money-making standpoint alone, this is truly a blissful annoyance. A week ago, under the arrangement of the distribution department of 20th Century Fox, Wayne began to appear on major TV shows and accept interviews with various media.

The announcement and distribution plan to cooperate with the "X-Men" project was clearly written into the filmmaker\'s contract from the very beginning. Since the contract was signed and the 20th Century Fox\'s sky-high price was taken, then these are all his obligations.

In fact, most of the publicity plans formulated by 20th Century Fox revolved around him. There is no way. In this "X-Men", he is the biggest card and the biggest explosion point. Only Wayne - Greenberg\'s name as a screenwriter and producer himself can bring countless fans\' attention to the film.

"Where\'s Fendi?"

Seeing Wayne covering his mouth and yawning, Bruce Rosenblum looked around and asked curiously, "Where is our little Princess Greenberg?"

"On my father\'s farm."

With a sound of Katcha, Wayne tilted his head and lit a cigarette, and said casually: "You know, there are almost no reporters there to take pictures, the farm is very big, and the cowboys love Little Fendi. I think, there must be no paparazzi, Willing to risk being shot down by a cowboy for a little money and stepping into my father\'s private property."

In fact, since the birth of Fendi, countless paparazzi have tried their best to photograph the face of the little princess of the Greenberg family. The reason that motivates them to do so is simple, as long as they can take a photo of the face, countless entertainment media will pay a lot of money to buy the photo.

It\'s no secret that in North America, children of celebrities don\'t want too much privacy. What\'s more, for a celebrity like Wayne, too many people are interested in his privacy. After all, his daughter, who was born, stood in "Rome" that no one else has been able to reach for a lifetime.

"In the end, she has to face the flash of the media. Since she was born in a family like yours, it means that little Fendi has lost her normal childhood." Bruce Rosenblum shook his head slightly, pouting at the beer bottle. Gu Dong took a few gulps.

"It\'s still early, I believe she can face it well."

Wayne, of course, knew that in the past few years at most, when little Fendi began to receive education, it was when he needed to be exposed to the flash of the media all the time. As Warner Bros. distribution executive said, being born into such a family is basically the same as losing a carefree childhood.

Born into a billionaire family, or a world-renowned billionaire family, it can be said that you have everything at birth. But it also means that every step of the child\'s growth will be carried out under the watchful eyes of countless people around the world. What he can do now is to protect his daughter for a few more years and let Little Fendi spend a few more years of carefree childhood.

"Come on, Bruce."

Wayne also pulled out a bottle of beer, raised his head and drank a few gulps, the cold wine flowed down his throat, instantly awakening his sleepy brain. Then he turned to look at the man beside the table and said solemnly, "I don\'t agree with your plan!"

Seeing Bruce Rosenblum stunned for a moment, he continued: "Listen, I don\'t agree with you and Jeff\'s plan, that\'s my attitude."

This result was completely unexpected by Warner Bros. He didn\'t expect Wayne to reject it so cheerfully and mercilessly.

"Listen to me, man."

Bruce Rosenblum hurriedly said: "What Jeff and I mean is to let "Wonder Woman" and "Superman" be filmed together. I believe you are aware of the benefits of doing this, and it can greatly advance the foreshadowing of the DC series. Progress! hey, let me finish..."

Halfway through speaking, he found that Wayne had frowned slightly, and hurriedly put down the beer bottle in his hand, and his upper body sitting on the plastic reclining chair also straightened instantly.

"Zach came out of your team, and he has fully proved his ability on "The Matrix". And Jeff will personally serve as the producer of the opening of "Superman", and I will also join the main creative team, As one of the producers, you should believe in the ability of Jeff and I. With our control, the opening work of "Superman" will never go wrong!

As long as Wonder Woman and Superman finish production next year, you can start Justice League a year early. You can rest assured that the project center of "Justice League" can only be you, and only you can control this great project..."

Let Bruce Rosenblum dry his mouth, only Wayne keeps shaking his head. This is obviously not in line with his usual character, and the director of Warner Bros. distribution is also puzzled. It stands to reason that he should give himself and Jeff face. The two of them came forward together, but they didn\'t expect to get a firmer rejection.

\'Just because you and Jeff are joining the creative team, I can\'t nod. ’

This sentence kept brewing in Wayne\'s heart, but unfortunately he was too embarrassed to say it in the end. No way, the executives of Warner Bros., he knows too much what it is.

If only one person is in charge of a big project, no doubt they are all experts in the business field, and the film\'s performance is certainly not bad. But looking at the current trend, maybe someone will join the main creative team in the future to dictate the production of the film, how could he not be afraid, after all, the executives of Warner Bros. have a criminal record.

Even beyond the scope of fear, when Nina reported to him the plans of the two executives, Wayne almost suspected that his years of work had been wasted, and Warner Bros. still had to go the old way.

"Bruce, the reason why I invited you to come to the manor in person is to tell you solemnly to put this thought away!"

Looking into Bruce Rosenblum\'s eyes, Wayne said very seriously: "Give me two to three weeks, when I finish the work related to "X-Men", we will call Zach, Sit down and have a good chat about it, but for now, take all your thoughts away from Jeff, ok?"

It was early August, Bruce Rosenblum secretly calculated the time and nodded helplessly. He thinks that the plan he and Jeff negotiated is the safest and most convincing way.

This trip to Greenberg Manor was destined to leave with disappointment. Not to mention how the two Warner Bros. executives discussed afterwards, Wayne fell into contemplation after he left.

In his memory, Warner Bros. can be called the most capitalized giant among the six major Hollywood companies. Whether it is a series of movie IPs or a series of tens of billions of scale such as the discovery of Little Wizard, it can be said that there are countless content output assets.

What\'s more, Warner Bros owns DC Comics! That\'s a whole DC Comics company that owns all the superhero rights!

The results of it? In the end, it was Walt Disney who emerged from the chaos to become the Hollywood leader. Under the leadership of Smiling Mickey Mouse Robert Iger, Disney has become the world\'s No. 1 media conglomerate, aggressively acquiring companies that produce important Hollywood content, from Pixar to integrating the rights to Marvel comics, every step is a textbook.

However, there is one thing that cannot be ignored, that is, the brain-dead executives of Warner Bros. are making the worst choice at almost every step, whether it is in terms of content output or the general direction of the company after the millennium. A fighter in the brain.

What is particularly impressive is the excessive intervention of Warner Bros. executives in its major projects. It can be said that this fault runs through the entire history of Warner Bros.

Counting down the DC superhero movies, apart from Christopher Nolan\'s Batman series, which one has a bad reputation, not because there are too many executives to direct it? It is enough to have one production center in a crew. If there are too many voices who can make decisions, then the film is doomed to fail.

Wayne knew that Superman, the project, meant something completely different to Warner Bros., because the series had exploded in the late 1970s.

As early as 1978, Warner Bros. produced the first "Superman", and once it was released, it achieved unexpectedly good results, which can be said to be popular in North America.

What happened after that was more painful. Warner Bros. executives began to play on the old tradition of brain-damage and began to interfere in the sequel of "Superman" which was a big investment. First, the director Richard Downer was replaced, you know, UU reading www.uukanshu. When com changed the director, the second part of "Superman" had already shot most of the content...

The result of pushing to the remake is inevitable. Although the second part of "Superman" has no blood, it also makes the fans\' reputation plummet! What\'s even more disgusting is that although the director of "Superman 2" was replaced, because of contract issues, the director\'s name was still written as Richard Donner.

That\'s why, so far, Richard Donner has never admitted that he made "Superman 2".

The word of mouth of "Superman 2" finally let the executives of Warner Bros. know that they had done something wrong. When they turned around, they wanted to invite Richard Downer back to urgently produce "Superman 3" to restore the word of mouth.

It is a pity that Richard Donner is not the master who can be wronged. He is a famous director and directly rejected the invitation of Warner Bros.

As a result, "Superman 3" changed a group of main creative teams, and the result was even more appalling. The box office and word of mouth were both bloody. This time, the "Superman" series was directly killed. Until now, no one at Warner Bros. is willing to mention "Superman" "Why the series died.

If it wasn\'t for Wayne, the bumpy "Superman" series of films, which had been sealed until the millennium before being restarted, of course, the results seem to be equally unsatisfactory.

It is worth mentioning here that director Richard Donner, although this old man rejected the "Superman" series, helped Warner Bros. opened the "Bombardment" (Lethal Weapon) series. And because of the lessons learned, Warner Bros. executives did not dare to interfere with his creation, which indirectly achieved the good results of the "Bombshell" series from the first film to the fourth film now.

Especially this year\'s fourth film, jet-li only used five minutes of kongfu to make himself a firm foothold in Hollywood...

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