Hollywood Drawing

~: Six hundred and ninety-five - Dirty underlying logic of capitalists.

If Warner Bros., a company, does not interfere in the creation of its films, then the film will definitely have a double harvest at the box office. And once executives and producers start playing a moth, they are destined to play the sequels of the blockbuster series until they are frozen indefinitely.

Since entering Hollywood for so many years, Wayne has been trying his best to avoid similar things happening to himself and to his project crew.

Even for projects co-produced with Warner Bros., such as "The Matrix" and "The Departed", he only allows Warner Bros. to send one producer to the crew, and will never allow too many talents to appear in the crew. The voice of the master.

That\'s right, Jeff Robinoff personally took the lead and controlled the beginning of "Superman" with himself as the production center. No one can pick too many faults, but once Bruce Rosenblum is added, then Things changed immediately.

Can\'t blame Wayne for thinking too much. Over the years, he has tried his best to increase the influence of his Warner Bros., so that there must be no second voice on his own projects.

In his previous life, as a practitioner at the end of the film industry, he might not understand other things, but he knew too much about the traditional urination of Warner Bros. executives. This group of self-righteous "professionals" who interfered with Zach Snyder\'s "Justice League" can be said to have their own ideas.

Although Zha Dao\'s status in the circle was not low at the time, he still couldn\'t get the treatment of Christopher Nolan, so he had been working with shackles all the time.

The result of "Justice League" is not unexpected at all. Even in the eyes of many fans, it is possible to put a team with Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Diana Price, Barry Allen, etc. When the world-famous superhero movie is played, it is far more difficult than making the movie successful!

I can only sigh about the ability of Warner Bros. executives to stir up shit. They can always choose the most wrong one from countless correct choices.

Because even fans who don’t know the film industry know very well that with these superheroes who are famous all over the world, as long as the filming can be understood by people, even if there is no new idea, they will most likely not be able to accompany the money. You know, sometimes fans don\'t really want much.

For now, Wayne has serious doubts that he is too early to get involved in the DC series. But there is no if, and the current result is obviously more acceptable than a mess that is too bad to be cleaned up.

It\'s obvious that if he hadn\'t laid the foundation for DC prematurely, overturned everything, and led DC movies on the most correct path, the executives of Warner Bros. would have made some weird decisions.

Just like in the late 1980s, Warner Bros. executives, after several meetings, decided not to play the dead "Superman" idea and turned their attention to another popular hero, um, Batman Bruce Wayne.

So they kindly invited the genius director Tim Burton to give the director with a strong personal style full power.

It is precisely Tim Burton who did not let them down. With his unique dark gothic style, he produced the first "Batman". After its release, it was a double harvest of word-of-mouth box office.

The following "Batman Returns", the box office can still be seen, still less than 80 million US dollars in production costs, in exchange for 270 million US dollars at the box office, but the audience\'s reputation has declined.

It was also at this point in time that the ancestral "passive skills" of Warner Bros. executives were activated again. Most executives and shareholders believe that the audience is tired of Tim Burton\'s personal style. After all, both the box office and the audience\'s reputation are lower than the first one, right?

Then the interesting thing came, and decided to kick Tim Burton\'s Warner Bros., the original idea was to take advantage of the good situation created by the first two "Batman", replace all the core creators, find one The director who can make "Batman" into a family-friendly style.

The turning point of the matter is here. Wayne successfully persuaded the previous CEO Kevin Tesuhara with a complete, logical and highly feasible outline of the DC universe plan.

Without his presence, Warner Bros. would have recruited Joe Schumacher to produce the joyous "Batman Forever". Although it received $336 million at the box office, the reputation among fans fell rapidly.

But Warner Bros. doesn\'t think word-of-mouth effect, they have no doubt about the good box office, because of the foundation laid by the first two Tim Burton, paranoid that their decision is right, fans should like this kind of happy bat Xia "Dress Show".

Then continue to fiddle with "Batman and Robin", which completely killed "Batman". After "Batman and Robin" was released, the word-of-mouth box office collapsed again, just like the previous story on the "Superman" series repeats itself generally.

And Warner Bros. can only seal the "Batman" series again, just like the previous "Superman" series, after waiting for enough time to pass and fans to forget the bad movie-watching memories, and then look for a chance to restart.

Therefore, it is not uncommon for Zach Snyder to be wronged on the DC series. No matter how many batches of executives Warner Bros. executives have changed, the style of pointing fingers on its big productions has always been well preserved.

More importantly, it is not one executive who likes to do this, but n, which results in too many people giving orders, and various voices are affecting the ending of the direction of the film.

From a comprehensive perspective, a director who wants to start a long-term cooperation with Warner Bros. is the only way to do it if he is already at the top of the circle, has a huge status and prestige, and can fully control the crew.

Otherwise, even if the conditions are signed into the contract, Warner Bros. executives still have a way to intervene in the creation of the crew. It is extremely simple to send a few more production managers to the crew, and the director can be "nonsense".


Nina saw Wayne from closing his eyes and resting, to gradually sinking into contemplative memories, hesitating for a while, or called in a low voice.

"The Guard is Here"

"What\'s wrong?"

When he opened his eyes, he found that the sun had already set in the west, the clouds on the horizon seemed to have been scorched by fire, and the blood-red color filled his eyes.

Raising his hand and rubbing his eyes, he moved his body and rubbed the top of the reclining chair. Wayne turned to look at the assistant and muttered, "What\'s the matter?"

Nina shook her mobile phone back and forth at her boss, shrugged and reported, "That Reed Hastings called again."

Wayne definitely doesn\'t want to miss out on the Netflix cake, and now he\'s just suspending investment for some reason.

Since chatting with the Netflix founder at the party, he has not seen each other again. Basically, Nina is in contact. In fact, it is a perfunctory drag. It can neither make the founder feel hopeless, nor really give the sweetness.

"Reed Hastings is having a hard time right now. The Internet is developing at an amazing speed, and the number of private computers is also growing rapidly. However, the registered members of his website have never been slow.

There are reasons for the lack of funds for development, but the bigger reason is that his Internet DVD rental company has too little content..."

Nodding secretly, Wayne certainly knew what was going on. In his memory, even Netflix, which has since become the world\'s No. 1 streaming media group, is still the biggest flaw in content production.

Don\'t look at the endless Netflix dramas and movies, "House of Cards", "Darkness", "Super Sense Hunting", "Love, Death, Robot", etc., and so on, it will hardly disappoint users.

But it is because of the lack of content output that they did not hesitate to shoot homemade dramas. It is precisely these self-made dramas that have greatly increased Netflix\'s profit cost. After all, people have seen successful dramas, and no one cares about them. The episodes were ignored by everyone.

The cost of self-produced dramas is too high, so high that even if the world\'s top streaming media group spends money, the content output will not be enough.

"His ambition is really not small..."

Halfway through the assistant\'s speech, Wayne already understood what Reed Hastings wanted. It can be said that the founder of Netflix is ​​not only interested in the money in his hand, but also Warner Bros. and its affiliates. The lifeblood of dozens of small and medium-sized film companies: film library resources.

"Continue to drag him and tell him that of course Warner Bros. can authorize Netflix, and I have the ability to get the authorization of Warner Bros.\' huge film library."

With a slight smile, Wayne stretched out his hand and kept scratching on his chin stubble, and commanded in a strangely incomparable tone:

"But if he wants to get my investment and license Warner Bros.\'s huge library, his achievements are not enough. I want to see more achievements, whether it is the number of Internet members or the growth of the company\'s revenue. You You can tell him clearly that his current small workshop-style company is not enough."

Nina nodded. "Plan to continue?"

"Go ahead, just stare at him."

The reason is actually very simple. In the plan to invest in Netflix, Wayne completely adopted the plan of Miss Assistant, a low-risk plan most commonly used by capitalists.

Just like when Reed Hastings first approached him, he explained to him the idea of ​​Netflix in full, and the answer he got was a genius idea, although he dared to let it go.

A few months have passed, and Reed Hastings has invested tens of millions of dollars himself. It can be said that the company has been doing well at the beginning, but it is definitely far from being profitable and going public.

At this time, when he turned his head to contact Nina again, the assistant lady immediately told him, "You have done a very good job of this future website, my boss plans to invest 50 million US dollars in you, but, you There must be some necessary conditions. What conditions? Probably you want to increase the number of website members to the millions, and the membership scope spreads to the entire North America.”

Hearing Nina\'s offer, Reed Hastings turned around and threw himself into the promotion of the website again. What if there is no money to expand? Whether you mortgage the property or borrow it, it doesn\'t matter to the potential big investor, doesn\'t it?

Because of the current Internet environment, large-scale user growth is extremely normal, and there is no interference from competitors. With the rapid expansion and expansion of the number of users, some difficulties will inevitably surface on their own, such as the shortage of content that has to be ranked in front of funds!

At this time, Wayne\'s side has not only become a potential development fund solution for Netflix, but also a life-saving straw to solve the company\'s biggest problem "insufficient content".

When Reed Hastings turned around and contacted Nina again, that was the call. The reply given by the assistant lady is also quite simple. "Your current scale is still too small, and your achievements are not enough. Mr. Greenberg wants to see more, otherwise, there is no way to convince Warner Bros. executives to authorize Netflix\'s film and television content.

All you have to do is continue to promote your website, increase the number of users, and attract more users who are willing to spend on the web. When Netflix is ​​able to generate its first profit, Mr. Greenberg will not only invest $100 million, but also give you the coveted Warner Bros. library license. "

As a normal person, one would doubt the validity of these promises, but at this point, Reed Hastings had no choice because he couldn\'t find a better potential investor than Wayne. There are many people who have money to invest in him, but the only one who can provide a platform for Netflix\'s development is Wayne.

Therefore, in desperation, he had to carry the company forward and strive for the indicators given by Nina.

You know, in the process, Nina\'s plan greatly reduced Wayne\'s investment risk. In the process, it greatly increased Reed Hastings\' personal risk.

The other party is raising money on mortgaged properties, expanding the market with unhealthy capital flows, etc. If any of these expansion companies make mistakes, Wayne will not lose a penny.

More importantly, the conditions and suggestions given by Nina every time she talks to Reed Hastings are all in line with the development of the market, without the slightest mistake. I support your entrepreneurship and help you understand the follow-up path. Not only can you not complain, but you have to thank me secretly...

Now Nina\'s plan is actually only the second part. Once Reed Hastings really achieves those conditions, whether it is the number of user groups or profitability indicators, Wayne will definitely be the first to invest in him. .

Because of all potential investors, Wayne knows him best. Not to mention the possibility of finding someone else, even if there are other potential investors, they have to understand Netflix from the beginning, and the setbacks and time wasted in it, there is no way to omit this process. You can\'t always want to invest without giving people time to analyze your company, right?

In the end, you will only find that you can\'t wait for that time at all, and it takes more time to build trust with other investors. However, Nina has been involved in every process of your startup and followed all your startup time.

That means that Nina is the one who knows all about your situation, and Wayne, who is behind it, must be the first to invest in you, and will give you everything you want.

What are the benefits? The good thing is that even if Wayne eventually invests in him, the valuation given to Netflix will not be too high. You know, Wayne is not afraid of someone cutting his beard. The assistant has participated in the whole process of development, and every promise given is what Netflix needs most.

And this is the most basic investment behavior of capitalists, not only in North America, but also in the world. There are countless entrepreneurs and start-up companies, all of which are rubbed on the ground by capitalists.

Don\'t think that "angel investors" are really the nature of angels. The social system in North America is determined. Power is infinitely subdivided. After a few years, a group of people will be replaced, which is time-effective at that time. And billionaires like Wayne and the others who hold large sums of money are the vested interests who really stand behind the scenes and those who really hold power for a long time.

From a global perspective, politics is undoubtedly the first **** knife, but when it comes to capitalist land like North America, it is completely reversed. Money, or financial means, is the filthier sword of Damolix that treads on politics.

Then again, is Reed Hastings stupid? After all, he is also a multi-millionaire who has successfully started a business in Silicon Valley once. In fact, he is not stupid, because this is the most common method used by big capitalists, big investors, and investment institutions, and it cannot be avoided.

And on the way to start a business in the past few months, he must have thought about giving up countless times, but on the one hand, he invested his own money with real money, and on the other hand, it was Nina\'s constant encouragement.

"You are doing very well" "Mr. Greenberg is watching you all the time" "Go ahead, just a little bit, as long as you are a little bit better, you can get everything you want and realize your life dreams! "

From a young age, Wayne\'s father taught him, "Business is business, and business is just business." Don\'t underestimate this sentence, which contains the truth of the continuous success of the Jewish people. Therefore, once business is involved, there will naturally be a set of business rules, and any **** ideals and emotions must be thrown aside.

In fact, this is the case in both the East and the West, in business. Don’t expect someone to help entrepreneurs in the snow. You must be soberly aware that if others don’t get you down, you are already a good person.

Since you want to achieve success, you must endure what ordinary people cannot. In life, everyone will inevitably eat shit. The key is, don\'t chew it carefully.

For the new CEO of Sony Columbia at this time, he can now deeply appreciate this feeling. On August 11th, that is, at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, Paul took the invitation letter he found through his relationship and entered the premiere of "X-Men" through the VIP channel.

As the new CEO of one of the six major Hollywood, he is definitely one of the top leaders in the whole circle, but after being rejected by Wayne, he still tried his best to get together, just to achieve his goal. .

"eon, let me see how superheroes other than DC should be made to be successful..."

Hundreds of moviegoers cheered in front of the Chinese Theatre in Hollywood. Reporters from hundreds of media outlets pressed their camera equipment desperately, and bursts of cheers erupted from time to time in the crowd.

Paul didn\'t even watch it, or even walked into the VIP lounge where the guests generally socialized before the premiere.

He just wants to confirm one thing now, that is, whether the path taken by Townsend-Rothman of 20th Century Fox will work or not. He wants to see what the difference between "X-Men" and DC superheroes is. Whether it can reach the horrible offline revenue like Warner Bros.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, it is basically impossible to meet the conditions set by Wayne. The copyright monsters of the six major Hollywood companies will never easily let go of the copyrights they have already eaten, even if there are accumulated accumulations in the script library. Ash. It has been difficult to find six major cases of selling their own copyrights for nearly 20 years.

Paul has already made plans. As long as this road works, he will initiate all relationships within the company to facilitate cooperation with Wayne.

He is now the CEO of Sony Columbia. To put it bluntly, he is just a senior working man. As long as he can let Sony Columbia have its own successful superhero series under his leadership, he will not care about the company\'s interests in a few years or even more than a decade later. gain and loss.

But all the premise must be based on the success of "X-Men". It doesn\'t take long, the results of the premiere, the first day, and the first weekend can be seen clearly.

At this time, in the media interview area in front of the theater, dozens of reporters were surrounding Wayne. Although he was not the director of "X-Men", it was obvious compared to the director Brian Singer who walked past. He gained more media attention.

Ever since he took Harry-Berry into the media interview area, questions about "X-Men", superheroes, etc. have been constantly thrown out by reporters.

"Mr. Greenberg."

Seeing that the interview time is coming to an end, a UU reading www.uukanshu.com from the "New York Times" then asked aloud: "According to the information we have learned, you are only in the "X-Men" crew this time, Play a role similar to a producer. So, how can you ensure that the direction of the film is what you designed it to be? How can you ensure that the creators of the crew who are doing specific work are working exactly according to the plan you designed?"

"First of all, let me correct one point. My contract with Twentieth Century Fox clearly states that I am the first producer of X-Men."

Facing the reporter\'s question, Wayne smiled and shrugged. After thinking for a while, he replied to the countless microphones and recorders in front of him: "As early as the beginning of the preparation of the "X-Men" project, the core creative The directors, actors and other good players in the circle were carefully selected by me, which can already guarantee their ability to work on "X-Men" to a certain extent.

As for how to ensure that the work direction is carried out according to the plan, there is no need to worry too much, because these main creators are all the top industry geniuses in the circle. "

Speaking of this, he deliberately paused, looked at everyone and spread his hands, and continued: "Excellent people are self-managed, they don\'t need to be managed. It\'s like Brian Singer and the crowd. Excellent actors, they know what they are going to do, they will try their best to do the best work, and they don\'t need to manage it.

My job is to have them share a common vision, and that\'s the secret to keeping the X-Men going. Propose a common vision for everyone, and clearly communicate it to every member, so that they understand that everyone is working hard for the same vision, and what I want to do is to make this vision recognized by everyone. …”

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