Hollywood Drawing

~: Six hundred and fifty-two - requires a certain age and experience

Popular recommendation:

On May 8, 1998, "The Clash of Heaven and Earth", which had undergone intensive publicity in a short period of time, was officially premiered at the Hollywood Shrine Theater.

At the invitation of Paramount Pictures, starting from seven o\'clock that night, a group of celebrities in the circle headed by Tom Cruise and others stepped onto the long red carpet at the entrance of the theater. For the influence of this film, Paramount spent a lot of money for this premiere, and more than 100 media were invited to the scene.

The fans present were happy. They frequently got in close contact with the stars who walked on the red carpet, and there were not a few lucky ones who got autographs.

From the moment the star walks onto the red carpet, the premiere seems to have officially ignited the flame of the summer season. The enthusiastic fans and media all symbolize this year\'s movie viewing carnival, which will start at the Shrine Theater in Los Angeles.

At eight o\'clock in the evening, the highly anticipated summer sci-fi masterpiece "The Clash of Heaven and Earth" officially began its screening. At the same time, commercial theater chains in major mainstream cities in North America have simultaneously opened 2,300 advance theaters.

"The director is a woman after all, and some things are..."

In the screening hall of the Shrine Grand Theater, the main venue for the premiere, Tom Cruise, as a close collaborator of Paramount Pictures, was also invited to participate in the platform. The movie was already halfway through, and his brows were slightly wrinkled on his sunny and handsome face, and he shook his head gently.

"Honey, do you think there is something wrong with this film?"

Nicole Kidman, who was sitting on the side, felt a sudden discomfort when she heard her husband muttering contempt for women. But her expression didn\'t change, she turned to look at the man beside her, and asked in a low voice, "In every major newspaper column, film critics gave this film a good rating..."

"Critics, hum."

Brother A Tang pouted in disdain, glanced at the woman staring at him with big eyes, turned his head and continued to look at the big screen, and said in a low voice, "That\'s just a bunch of leeches lying on the film company and sucking blood crazily. , this is not an awards season where they have a huge impact."

In the beginning, Hollywood studios discovered that once they entered the annual summer vacation in North America, the influence of film critics would decline rapidly. In the past two years, many celebrities in the circle have also discovered this. Not only in the summer season, but even in the Christmas season, the influence of those film critics will drop sharply.

But Hollywood\'s inherent film promotion channels include the columns of major film critics in newspapers, and this inertia is unlikely to disappear for a while. Compared with the production cost and huge publicity investment of a film, the "directing funds" given to film critics are less conspicuous, so so far, there has not been a big company with good money that is willing to take this risk. The group "Leech" was stripped outside of the film\'s release.

Everyone knows that the effect of this group of "leeches" in helping to publicize it together is hard to say whether it is big or small. But once this group of "leeches" are excluded from the distribution channels of the movie, so that they can\'t make any money, the effect of pouring dirty water on the movie will definitely be top-notch. This is human nature, and there is no way to properly solve it.

"The director\'s idea is very good. In the first half of the film, almost all of them are from different angles to show the reaction of human nature in the face of disaster."

Looking at the film on the big screen, Tom Cruise continued talking to his wife in a low voice. "Unfortunately, the effect is not perfect at all, and it also caused the film to be very slow from the beginning, which is not friendly to ordinary audiences at all!"

There are other things that he didn\'t say. In his opinion, only the delayed rhythm in the early stage of the film has become a destabilizing factor for the film in the theater market. After all, this is a sci-fi movie with a commercial masterpiece. Business, in front of sci-fi, is very important.

Others such as movies are nothing new, similar stories are familiar, and movie routines are common in Hollywood, etc. Compared to the above, it seems that it is no longer important.

In fact, many people at the scene are very clear that it is basically impossible to pick a wrong production method, or a production method that is not new. It is the first choice of a large company like Paramount, because at least the things that appear in the film are all Elements that have been proven successful by Hollywood countless times.

For big projects invested by large film companies, stability is the overriding theme. They don’t need directors to make new ideas. With such a large investment, it is impossible for directors to take risks and play with new ideas. As long as the film can meet the mainstream market aesthetics, enough.

Nicole Kidman took a deep look at her husband. No one knew better than her. The outside world\'s views of Tom Tom\'s arrogance, conceit, and eccentricities actually covered up the man\'s smart brain and sharp market insight. A superstar who can go to the front line of Hollywood can\'t be a real fool.

Especially his sentence "The director is a woman after all", although this sentence made her very uncomfortable, she had to admit that she wanted to express too much in the film, causing the overall story rhythm to be dragged, which is the easiest for female directors. mistake.

These are rare advantages in independent literary films, but once they are put into commercial popcorn films, the effect is difficult to say.

"Can\'t the top management of Paramount see these problems?"

Nicole Kidman was stunned for a while, and asked in a low voice to the man beside him.

"Of course, it can be seen that there is never a shortage of senior film experts in large film companies."

He let out a long sigh of relief, and there was a smile on the corner of Tom\'s mouth, but in the tone of his speech, it was difficult to make sense of ridicule. "Actually, if this film is placed in the whole of Hollywood, the rhythm is slightly procrastinated. It is not conspicuous. There are many similar films. The reason why I say this is to compare with whose film!"

Hearing her husband\'s words, Nicole Kidman blurted out, "Wayne Greenberg!"

"That\'s right."

Tom Cruise moved his **** slightly, readjusted his sitting position, nodded slightly, and said, "If this film is put together with Wayne\'s film, the slow rhythm will become a fatal flaw. Do you want to fight? A bet, Nicole?"

Others may not be aware of this, but Tom, a business superstar, understands it very well. Especially after the personal relationship with Wayne got better and better, the two exchanged views on the movie many times.


Nicole Kidman shook her head directly. She had witnessed how the King of Darkness rose. It can be said that all normal market laws are useless when they are placed on the other side. Don\'t believe in winning bets.

After recalling it for a while, she suddenly looked at the man beside her and said in a low voice, "I remember that Wayne\'s films have slow-paced stories, right? Just like that "Joker"..."

"He\'s actually more sober than anyone, and he has to understand what the audience wants to see."

With sympathetic eyes, Tommy glanced at the center of the front row, where the main creative team of "The Clash of Heaven and Earth" sat, especially the female director Mimi Ryder. Then he leaned towards the woman beside him and explained in a low voice:

"The two of us have talked about this more than once before, and when Wayne is making slow-paced stories that he needs to tell the audience, usually at the beginning of the film, he pulls all the audience into his story rhythm. , just follow the lead of the movie going through everything, he\'s good at this!

Nicole, think about it carefully. In recent decades in Hollywood, Wayne can be said to be the best director to use "empathy". It is precisely this that no one else can learn, it is entirely dependent on talent! And when he started with the Batman series, he combined this unique talent with modern commercial elements.

In fact, if you are careful enough, you can see the effect from the "Frightening Clown" that year. It is because of his natural storytelling ability, coupled with the increasingly fast pace of modern commercial films, that the great "Batman: The Dark Knight" appeared. "

Listening to the man\'s narration, Nicole Kidman nodded silently. Some things were not mentioned clearly, and may have been ignored all the time. She laughed at herself. People only saw that man in the movie. He has an astonishingly dark style, but he always ignores it. He is a serious traditional academy director, the kind of traditional academy director who is best at telling stories!

Perhaps only when they reach the same level can they understand the thoughts of the king of darkness. For example, the top superstar in the circle around her, to a certain extent, they are the same type of successful people, and they can also look at affairs from a perspective. understand each other.

It seems that when people mention Wayne Greenberg, they can\'t wait to blurt out the terms such as dark film master and art master. The vulgar element in the human eye.

Thinking of this, Nicole Kidman immediately widened her eyes, turned her head to look at her husband beside her, stared at the man\'s handsome face in surprise and asked, "If Wayne abandons the so-called artistic element and lets go of the business element To use it to the extreme, wouldn\'t it be..."

"Don\'t doubt it, it\'s The Flash!"

In the eyes of Brother Tom looking at his wife, UU reading www.uukanshu.com showed deep admiration. There are not many people in the entire circle who can understand this.

It seems that everyone is misled by the "grass news" in the circle. A king of darkness who suddenly changes his dark style will inevitably encounter the first waterloo in his life, but Tom Cruise never thinks that way, he always feels that , Warner Bros. is setting off smoke bombs.

With a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth, he continued to look at the big screen, never caring about his suddenly realized wife. Some things are actually very simple to understand, but the few people who can understand this are waiting to watch the fun, and no one is stupid enough to say it, right?

After the screening of "The Clash of Heaven and Earth" ended, Nicole Kidman saw the two sides of men again. When Tommy held her and came to the creators to send blessings together, the man was full of smiles and warmhearted. Director Mimi Ryder shook hands and said loudly:

"A great sci-fi film that brings tears to the eyes! Director Ryder, you have used delicate techniques to describe how different family, friendship, love, etc., when people face the end of the world from the past! I wish you a great box office Sell."

The man\'s completely different tone did not surprise Nicole Kidman. She just concealed her eyes with pity and looked at the rare female director in the circle in front of her.

Under the guidance of the staff, when he left the theater and walked towards the hotel, Tom did not pay attention to the inseparable Pat Kingsley, turned his head and glanced at his wife, shrugged and said:

"Don\'t look at me like that, Nicole, I\'m telling the truth to Mimi Ryder. Just one thing, it takes a certain age and experience to be patient with what I\'m saying... .."