Hollywood Drawing

~: Six hundred and fifty-three - 1 black president?

Popular recommendation:

Age and experience, when you need these things to watch a movie, don\'t bode well in commercials. That means that if you want to understand this film, there is a threshold for watching it!

Who are the mainstream audiences in the summer season? Young people, and then the specific stratification, is the group dominated by teenagers and young people in their twenties. They are the main force who buy movie tickets and go to the cinema to watch movies, and they are also the ones who are willing to empty their wallets for movies.

As for the older audience, the proportion of the audience for summer movies has always been small. This rule applies not only to the 1980s, 1990s, or the beginning of the millennium, but also to the second decade of the 21st century.

However, Tom seems to be sure what he said, but in fact, the specific situation still depends on the box office results. Even the most senior distribution masters in Hollywood have no way of predicting success or failure before a movie is released on a large scale. The unpredictability of audience tastes is always a headache for Hollywood studios.

Sometimes, a movie suddenly explodes. As for the specific reasons for the popularity, it is only an after-the-fact analysis by the so-called "experts". Otherwise, there would not have been so many small-cost box office dark horses, nor would such A lot of big investment overturned.

This is the case with "Clash of Earth", when the clock struck one o\'clock in the middle of the night, the whole of Los Angeles had fallen into a deep sleep. In an office of Paramount Pictures, several film creators laughed very happily.

At the same time as the premiere of "The Great Clash of Heaven and Earth" started, 2,300 advance shows were opened simultaneously across North America. Just now, the people who have been waiting for it finally got the data returned by the theater company.

"$7.6 million!"

Director Mimi Ryder, holding a glass of champagne, did not hide the confidence on his face, and said to the crowd: "This result has completely exceeded our previous expectation of about 5 million US dollars! To be able to get such a high box office in advance, The box office on the first day, and even the first weekend, is definitely guaranteed.”

Different from those popular movies that often exceed 10 million at the box office in advance, "The Clash of Heaven and Earth" is an original movie, and it is basically considered to be very good to be able to achieve this result.

The initial expectation of Paramount Pictures was to try to get about 5 million US dollars in advance, and about 45 million US dollars at the box office in the first week. Collision will never drop below $100 million at the North American box office.

As long as the North American box office can be guaranteed to pass the 100 million US dollar threshold, the overseas distribution scale of this film is not a problem. This is just the most conservative estimate made by Paramount\'s marketing department, and judging from tonight\'s early-stage box office, it\'s a no-brainer to hit that number.

"I will notify the distribution department and continue to increase the promotion of the film this weekend."

Shirley Lansing also had a smile on her face. She raised champagne to the crowd and continued: "You can go to major cities to promote, Paramount will not miss such a good promotion opportunity."

Several creators smiled and glanced at each other, all nodded in relief, drank the celebratory champagne in their hands, and then each left the office.

When only the CEO, Shirley Lansing, was left in the entire office, her face faded, she shook the champagne in her hand, and sat back on the chair behind the desk.

Then she picked up the phone on the table, and her voice returned to its usual seriousness.

"Send in the investigation report."

"Okay, boss." The secretary who had been waiting on the other end of the phone responded dully.

In less than two minutes, the door of the office was knocked on by the secretary, and a detailed investigation and statistical report was placed in front of this powerful female executive.

"Even with Elijah Wood and Morgan Freeman, it can\'t save the boring plot of this movie..."

"I\'m not sure if I\'ve seen this film, but I just feel familiarity everywhere, maybe I\'ve watched too many similar films..."

"The narrative is too long-winded to be precise..."

"There are not enough disasters, there are many human natures, and there is no surprise in "The Clash of Heaven and Earth". As an ordinary movie fan, I don\'t understand why the director arranged this way. We are here for science fiction and disasters, without indiscriminate bombing and bullets. Fei, it\'s so disappointing..."

"Damn, why is the president black? I admit that Morgan Freeman\'s charm is great, but I still can\'t accept a black president. As long as I see this setting, my mind keeps reminding me that in this movie It\'s absolutely impossible for that to happen!"

"This is the worst disaster movie I\'ve ever seen! I didn\'t see many disaster scenes at all, but it seemed to keep telling the audience that this was a biographical film..."

"Shit, I don\'t know what the director is thinking at all, why make a disaster film like this, it\'s a scam! Chi Luoluo\'s scam..."

Looking at the whole page of negative reviews from fans, Shirley Lansing\'s expression became more and more gloomy. Of course, these bad reviews are only a part of it, and there are also many positive reviews. It\'s just the early stage of a movie, which has made so many audiences mad, and it\'s hard not to cast a deep shadow on the later screening.

Turning over the homepage of the survey report, detailed statistics are given behind. "The Great Clash of Heaven and Earth" distributed 4,000 questionnaires and recovered 4,000 questionnaires. Fans who rated A and above for the movie only accounted for less than 500 of them. The only good news is that there is no large-scale score below B.

According to the questionnaire, the overall rating of the film is about A-, and about 76% of fans gave the film a rating of B or above. The overall reputation is still good, at least there is no large-scale collapse.

But Shirley Lansing is very clear that tonight\'s survey can only represent the opinions of some fans. More importantly, it depends on the word-of-mouth on the first day and even the first week, which means that the film can remain large in the theater. The size of the show goes down.

Just looking at the comments and comments of representative fans, it is hard not to worry about the lack of stamina of the film, especially their time. In fact, it is only less than two weeks. On the 19th, they will immediately usher in strong competitors.

What worries her more is actually some tacit understanding with Sony Columbia. "Clash of Heaven" is called a sci-fi film, and "Godzilla" is called a monster film. In fact, the two companies The person in charge knows better than anyone else that they are actually the same type of audience, big-scene disaster movie lovers.

Once the results of "Clash of the Earth" fail to meet expectations, the tacit understanding with Sony Columbia will become a joke, and Shirley Lansing will not work in vain. In the end, all the benefits will be taken away by "Godzilla".

That night, the lights in the Paramount CEO\'s office stayed on until it was almost dawn. However, the development of things did not appear to her fears.

On Friday, when "Clash of Heaven and Earth" was officially released on a large scale, it won a strong North American box office of 19.6 million US dollars. If the unexpected explosion of 7.6 million US dollars in the early stage is added, the box office on the first day will be as high as 27.2 million US dollars!

Although the reputation of the fans does not seem to be very good, and there are various arguments about the film, the box office figures are there, covering up all discordant voices.

The outstanding performance of the box office on the first day seems to have also driven the follow-up results. When the complete first weekend passed, the sci-fi disaster film "Clash of Heaven and Earth" won the box office champion on the first weekend of the summer season without any suspense. .

"The annual hot summer season is here again, and the Hollywood film giant Paramount Pictures is the first to exert its efforts. Last weekend\'s large-scale release of "Clash of Heaven and Earth" in North America, the North American box office reported a strong harvest of $52.35 million in the first weekend. the weekend box office winner..."

A new week has arrived. In the office of Warner Bros. distribution chief, Bruce Rosenblum frowned and threw half of the Los Angeles Times in his hand onto his desk. Then he looked up at Wayne who was sitting across from him, and said in a low voice, "Dude, it seems that Shirley Lansing is going to win the bet."

"Don\'t worry, Paramount has a week left, hopefully they can keep it up."

Box office flashes like the Los Angeles Times filled all the papers this morning, and Wayne read it early in the morning. However, his performance was not in a hurry, and he still came to Warner Bros. very calmly to discuss the premiere of "The Flash". UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Thinking of the fans\' complaints that accompanied the box office of more than 50 million US dollars, Bruce Rosenblum nodded slightly. Even so, he still said with some emotion: "Even if the reputation of movie fans collapses on a large scale from now on, it should not be a problem for this film to exceed 100 million at the North American box office."

"Then they have to hurry up."

Tilting his head and lighting a cigarette, Wayne lowered his voice and reminded. "I don\'t know if you have noticed, Bruce, a large number of fans have expressed strong dissatisfaction with the appearance of a black president in "The Clash of Heavens"."


After working on film distribution for half his life, Bruce Rosenblum\'s eyes lit up when he heard the prompt. Looking at Wayne\'s eyes, it is like seeing the soulmate of life. "I understand, you can wait and see the effect in this regard."

The two men had a tacit understanding, and showed a fox-like smile at the same time. Some words did not need to be explained at all. This is the summer vacation of your life and death.

In this day and age, it is not wrong to have a black actor as the president, but more mainstream audiences are still white people with old-fashioned ideas. As long as someone tries to emphasize a point, it will easily arouse the disgust of many audiences. Unexplainable disgust.

Precisely this method, for a media group such as Warner Bros., which owns the media, has extremely low cost, but can often achieve very gratifying results.

Not to mention that there is a certain competitive relationship between the two parties. Normally, even if there is no competitive relationship between the two parties, it can add obstacles to the other six majors. Warner Bros. doesn’t mind making any moves. Anyway, everyone is playing like this. Who will do it.