Hollywood Drawing

~: Seventy-four - opponent?

Just when Wayne and Kenneth Turan were having a good time, he had become a child who could not be dogged in Roger Albert\'s eyes.

For such a young man who doesn\'t know how to respect authority, Roger Albert doesn\'t want to care about him anymore. After he has suffered, he will regret not listening to his own guidance!

Here Kenneth Turan and Wayne had a very good chat. The Los Angeles film critic is one of the few who can stand on the crowd of fans and observe the film.

As they exchanged contact information and were about to end this pleasant conversation, another well-known film critic in Los Angeles, Todd McCarthy, sat beside them.

"Hi, Kenneth, hello, Director Greenberg!"

"Hey, Todd. Wayne, this is Todd McCarthy, a special film critic for The Hollywood Reporter." Kenneth Turan warmly helped him introduce them. Judging by the degree of familiarity, they have a good relationship, at least there is no conflict. .

"Hello, Mr. McCarthy." Wayne suddenly wanted to understand something, these two film critics are still young, at least compared to Roger Albert, they are both young film critics.

Todd McCarthy touched him with champagne, took a sip and said, "I\'ve seen your last movie, and more than once, and I have to say, you\'re a genius in some ways!"

"Thank you, I still need to learn more." Although he said humble and polite words, Wayne kept a confident smile on his face.

"Maybe you won\'t like to hear what I\'m saying below, and I hope you don\'t be blinded by pride." Todd McCarthy leaned back on the chair and folded his hands on the table.

"Compared to your first film, this time, "Escape from the Dead" is obviously a huge improvement, and you can hardly see the childish camera language. But those **** funny scenes, can\'t you avoid them?

I heard that you wrote the script yourself, so don\'t write something that you are not good at. From the dark and twisted human nature, developing an attractive story is what you should do! "

The other party is right, and this is what he plans to avoid in the future. Wayne has long discovered that his jokes are out of tune with this era, and there are a lot of American jokes. In his opinion, he can\'t find a joke at all.

Looking at this serious-faced film critic, at least he didn\'t use a preaching tone, didn\'t he? "You\'re right, Mr. McCarthy, my future plan is to get rid of the humor element entirely. About these two films, it\'s because I\'m not sure what I have and the audience will accept it."

"Nice idea." Todd McCarthy smiled, in his opinion the young man was sober. "Whether fans can accept it or not will know when the film is released. From my experience, with such a small investment cost, you will create a large amount of revenue for Warner Bros."

"Thank you!" Jeff Robinoff came over and looked at the two film critics. "Todd, I hope your words will come true as soon as possible. But I am looking for Wayne for a temporary business, and I will borrow him temporarily for a while, you can do whatever you want!"

After greeting them, Jeff took him to a lounge where not only John but Warner\'s CEO Kevin Tesuhara was sitting in it.

"How is it, Wayne, I heard you had a good chat with those film critics?" Kevin Tesuhara greeted him with a smile. "Okay, the questionnaire for the test screening just now has been counted. More than 95% of the audience chose a rating of A or above.

Of course, the target group has certain limitations. After all, the fans we invite are all young people between the ages of 18 and 30. "

Wayne looked at the table on the table. Warner\'s staff was very efficient and had already prepared statistics in a short period of time.

"Our target group is these young people. At least it seems that we are doing a good job!" Wayne smiled. This step has basically been successful, and we only need to watch Warner\'s announcement.

Jeff said with a smile:

"That\'s right, our distribution department is already negotiating with theater chains, and they basically agreed with our plan to pay more attention to theaters near African-American communities.

Starting tomorrow, the film will gradually enter a period of intensive publicity. We initially set the release date in May, May 15th. You should pay attention that the film will appear in front of the media with Harry Beredo. "

"Don\'t worry, I won\'t have any problems here."

After a short meeting, Wayne returned to the banquet hall. He was going to call Halle Berry and go back as soon as possible. Everyone who can communicate has already met, and he is still not quite used to this aspect.

"Harry, how are you playing? It\'s time for us to go back." Seeing Halle Berry holding champagne and hiding on the balcony with Nina, Wayne went directly to call them both and went out together.

Halle Berry took Wayne\'s arm, didn\'t know what he was thinking, and said suddenly: "I just saw Harvey Weinstein, passed by him, and heard him chatting with others, he seemed to be right You have some opinions."

"Don\'t worry about him." Wayne didn\'t take it to heart at all. He knew the reason. He had cooperated with him twice. Maybe in the eyes of the fat pig, he didn\'t know how to praise him.

As soon as he left the hotel entrance, Wayne was immediately surrounded by media reporters, and Harry Berry also showed a sweet smile.

"Director Greenberg, I\'m Bella from the Los Angeles Times. The audience for your new film has responded enthusiastically. Do you predict whether the box office will surpass "Happy Death Day"."

"Hello, Bella, I have confidence in my film. The box office of "Get Out" will definitely surpass my first film." Wayne smiled at the camera. These are helpful to the box office of the film. He was happy to do it all.

"Hello, Ms. Halle-Berry, is your relationship with Director Greenberg still stable? When are you going to get engaged?"

Harry-Berry immediately showed a sweeter smile, looked up at Wayne, and his eyes were full of admiration. "We\'re in a good relationship right now, you know, Wayne has a busy job, so we haven\'t communicated about the engagement yet."

"Director Greenberg..."

The night in Los Angeles is always full of feasting and feasting, but at this time in a suburban villa, only one desk lamp was lit, illuminating only a small part of the house.

"I heard about Wayne\'s new film, there will be a media preview tonight?" Adam Goodman has no high spirits like a year ago. He has a long beard and looks very decadent.

His agent Gaia looked at his state and had to tell the truth. "Yes, Warner Bros. invited a large number of media and film critics to promote his new film in advance."

Adam Goodman didn\'t have any surprises, he just listened silently, taking a sip from the wine glass in his hand from time to time.

"Don\'t think too much, Adam." The agent was worried that he would do irrational things again, and looked at his client worriedly.

"I didn\'t think too much about it, this time Wayne Greenberg lost." Adam said and laughed. "My father used his last favor to let me stay on the crew of "Ambition in the Land", and I will not let him down.

This time his opponent is not me, but Tom Cruise and Universal Pictures, I heard that their film, but there is no A-list star, and we have Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman! "

He has absolute confidence in the film he participated in. Although the director of "Ambition in the Land" is Ron Howard, it is not a film directed by him at all, but it is enough to win Wayne once, isn\'t it?

And he is very convinced that Universal Pictures will never let his films easily threaten his own "Ambition in the Land". There are some things that he doesn\'t need to use his mind at all, but it\'s a pity that he understands it too late.

At the same time, in another mansion not far from Greenberg Manor, which also belongs to Mulholland Drive, several people are also talking about Wayne\'s new film.

I saw a middle-aged woman holding a fax, walked to Tom Cruise, and put the fax in her hand on the coffee table.

"Tom, the fan survey data of "Get Out"." Pat Kings tapped the fax on the coffee table with his hand.

Among the Big Six in Hollywood, there are basically no secrets to talk about, and Warner Bros. did not deliberately hide it. They wished that someone would help them promote it for free~www.novelhall.com~Pat Kingsley knew the habits of his customers, Although his dyslexia has been cured, he still does not like looking at the data.

"Warner Bros. has withdrawn a total of 407 feedbacks, and more than 95% of the audience have chosen a rating of A or above, which at least shows that fans have a very good reputation."

Tom Cruise stroked the teacup with his hand. He understood what the agent meant. Fans\' word-of-mouth can be converted into box-office figures, and professional word-of-mouth is two different things.

"Nicole, I remember that the heroine of this film is your fellow Australian, right?" Pat suddenly asked Mrs Cruise who was sitting again.

In fact, neither Nicole Kidman nor her husband regard this film as a competitor, only Pat Kingsley has always paid attention to this matter.

"Yes, Naomi Watts, we have a good relationship. I remember when she first came to Los Angeles, she attended our hometown party." Of course she remembered her hometown, but she didn\'t see her much later.

"Can you open a breakthrough from her..."


Tom Cruise interrupted her. "No need, Pat, it\'s just a low-budget thriller! Try not to use out-of-the-rule means. Behind that little director are Warner Bros. and Time Warner. Universal Pictures is involved in these matters, and we don\'t need to consider them."

Among the Hollywood giants, although there is usually competition and cooperation, there is still a basic tacit understanding, and it is impossible to compete without a bottom line.

"Pat, we should be looking at Paramount\'s Skynet and Disney\'s Home Alone, especially Disney\'s films, where director Chris Columbus is not well known, but he\'s very good at directing them. types of films.”