Hollywood Drawing

~: seventy-five - opening

Pat Kingsley didn\'t think so. He always felt that the director was a threat.

"Tom, the films you mentioned are all separated by more than two weeks from our "Ambition", only "Escape from the Dead" is the closest to us.

I got the news that Warner Bros. is going to release the film in mid-May, and it is basically certain that it will definitely crash with our film. "

Tom Cruise always felt that his agent was a little surprised. Why did he have to focus on the thriller with only a few million dollars in investment.

"Pat, Tom\'s name is the guarantee of the box office." Nicole Kidman put down the magazine in her hand and looked at Tom Cruise proudly. "That movie had better be released together with "Ambition", it\'s better than "Home Alone" or "Skynet Pursuit"!"

Pat Kingsley didn\'t say much, yes, in this era of box office superstars, the name Tom Cruise represents the box office.

Universal Pictures\' investment in "Ambition" is much more generous than Warner Bros. In addition to Tom Cruise, this film also has Nicole Kidman, and the director is also a veteran like Ron Howard. Universal Pictures The industry is very optimistic about the prospects of this film.

Since "Top Gun", Tom Cruise has always been a guarantee of movie hits, and so far, he has almost never missed a movie.

The box-office appeal and influence of Hollywood\'s first-tier superstars are definitely beyond the comprehension of movie fans after more than ten or twenty years.

The city of angels, which had been baked by the sun all day, was finally dispelled by the cool breeze at night. In front of the Hollywood Chinese Theater, a group of media reporters appeared, holding long guns and short cannons.

On Friday, May 14, 1992, the second weekend of May, starting this morning, "Get Out" opened in 2,088 theaters across the United States.

Warner Bros. also gave the film a small premiere.

The premiere of this film did not invite other stars, only some media reporters, and there were no crowds of fans around, only a simple red carpet.

From the end of the production of the film to the present, Warner Bros. has invested a publicity fund similar to its production cost in "Escape from the Dead". The follow-up publicity plan will all depend on the results of the film before deciding. whether to execute.

What makes Warner Bros. troublesome is that Universal Pictures\' "Ambition" held a grand premiere on Thursday, that is, yesterday. In addition to Tom Cruise and his wife, there are many first-line big-name stars. Help out.

They can\'t change the schedule. The summer schedule is coming soon, and the young people in the school will have vacations. They have always been the main force of watching movies in North America.

Starting from this weekend, a self-produced film will be released every other week. There is absolutely no room for adjustment to the announcement plan made a few months ago.

The silver Rolls-Royce slowly drove to the red carpet, and Wayne led Harry-Berry on the red carpet.

The reporters who were waiting at the entrance of the theater picked up various cameras and aimed them at the two people who were walking quickly. The flash light instantly illuminated the surroundings as bright as daylight.

"I just received a call from the company, and it seems that there are not many fans of "Ambition in the Land". James came back after seeing the premiere and said that the film was not as exciting as he imagined. It is not like a Tom Cruise-style film. "

Bella took a voice recorder and spoke to the photographer who was taking pictures on the red carpet.

"In this way, there is still hope for this small-budget film. As long as Tom Cruise is not squeezed to death in the first weekend, the two films have different audiences. "Get Out" may reach Warners bookings at the box office.”

The photographer is also a veteran in the industry, and he can still understand the situation relatively well. "Quick, Bella, that young director is going in soon, let\'s go interview first."

Bella took a few quick steps and stopped Wayne in the interview area at the entrance of the theater.

"Hello, Director Greenberg, I\'m Bella Grant, a reporter from the Los Angeles Times, and I interviewed you once."

Looking at the recorder that was stretched out in front of him, Wayne couldn\'t help but glance at the reporter.

She has blond hair, long legs and a slender waist, but her white shirt in professional attire is held high. This beautiful reporter chose the wrong profession. He should be a model or an actor.

"Hello, Bella!"

He did not resist being interviewed, and Nina followed him all the time. If there were any sensitive questions, Nina would immediately remind him.

"Director Greenberg, Tom Cruise\'s "Ambition" is also released today. With this strong competitor, do you think the box office of "Get Out" in the first weekend can meet expectations!"

After Nina heard the question, she lightly stabbed Wayne with her hand. She reminded Wayne to answer this question carefully and try not to let reporters provoke competition with the film.

"Of course, I have confidence in my film!" Wayne said with a smile.

"Do you think it is possible for "Get Out" to surpass the box office of "Ambition" and win the weekend championship? We all know that your last film has created a miracle and won the weekly box office championship!"

Before Wayne could think of a suitable answer, Nina poked him in the waist again. However, he is really not afraid of offending people by talking nonsense. Hollywood is competing all the time, from big film companies to small actors. If you are afraid of competition, you will never succeed.

"This weekend\'s box office champion is "Get Out", and other films have no chance."

After Wayne finished speaking, without giving her a chance to ask questions again, he pulled up Halle Berry, who was laughing under the camera, and walked directly into the theater.

In this simple premiere, apart from the invited media reporters, the remaining seats were filled with fans. There was no star platform, and no major companies to join in. Wayne saved the trouble of communication and sat directly in the middle of the first row of the theater.

It didn\'t take long, and the rest of the main creators also came in one after another. The leading actors such as Will Smith and Naomi Watts also sat in the first row and waited to start.

"Wayne!" Will Smith called him through Naomi in the middle. "To be honest, this premiere was not as lively as I imagined."

Wayne shrugged helplessly, what can he say? Do you tell Will Smith that, except Warner Bros., no one likes their little production, and no one is willing to help organize the show?

"Will, be patient, the final success or failure of the movie is determined by the box office, not the liveliness of the premiere!"

Will-Smith leaned back on the chair and organized his clothes. He thought the premiere would be a lively scene with fans, media, and stars from all walks of life coming, and he even wore a formal suit.

Naomi tilted her head and stared at Harry Berry since she came in. This black girl has been sitting quietly without greeting anyone.

It wasn\'t until Wayne looked over and met Naomi\'s eyes that she leaned to her right and whispered close to him, "I heard some news, maybe you\'ll be interested!

The attendance rate of "Ambition in the Land" is very low today, and the combination of Tom Cruise, Garang and Howard may not meet the expected box office of Universal Pictures. "

"How did you know?" Wayne glanced at her suspiciously, and then whispered, "Don\'t pay attention to others, do what we should do, you have to believe in my ability."

"But I still heard." Naomi Watts got closer and whispered in his ear. "Tom Cruise\'s agent, Pat Kingsley, wants to use some means to ensure that the film starring his client can win the box office."

Wayne pushed her head away and used his eyes to stop her from continuing to approach. "This is not something you should worry about. There will be Warner Bros. to solve the trouble. Do you think that being one of the big six, Warner will make it easier for them? What you have to worry about is the publicity roadshow that will start soon!"

Naomi rolled her eyes and nestled in the chair.

Sitting on Wayne\'s left, Harry-Berry never said a word. He glanced at the blond beauty with the corner of his eyes, and uttered a word silently.


Before the lights in the theater went out, Wayne looked back again, until he was sure that the huge theater ~www.novelhall.com~ was indeed full of ordinary moviegoers, and then he was relieved to focus on what was about to start. on the video.

After the lights in the theater were turned off, Bella, who was interviewing at the door just now, quietly sat down in the back seat with her head down. She is a veteran movie fan, and her job as a media reporter provides her with rare movie viewing convenience, so she has to watch a new movie every time she finishes work.

Bella just sat down, when the huge curtain lit up, and the opening animation of Warner Bros. appeared. There was no subtitle introduction, and after the director\'s name appeared, he immediately entered the film\'s plot.

The sunny opening, the black guy with a warm smile and the beautiful appearance of the white girl immediately attracted the audience\'s attention to the screen.

Bella knew that this kind of combination was very uncommon. The history of this country is a history of confrontation between blacks and whites. Black people have a black way of life, and white people have their own, usually without disturbing each other.

The story continues. Chris, a 26-year-old black boy, is a professional photographer with a small career. He lost his parents since childhood. He is very motivated and hardworking. He has a beautiful and gentle white girlfriend Ruth. After four months of sweet dating, Ruth invites Chris to her home.

As Ruth\'s first black boyfriend, Chris was a little nervous, but his girlfriend Rose told him that her parents did not discriminate against African-Americans, and the town where she lived did not discriminate against African-Americans.

So Chris, a black guy, set out on the way home with his girlfriend. On the way, his girlfriend bumped into a deer because he was nervous.


Bella felt as if she understood the director\'s meaning. Although she ignored the previous details, she could confirm that this is definitely a film from the perspective of racial issues.
