Hollywood Drawing

~: Seven hundred and twenty-six - a rare "good person" in the circle

"I wouldn\'t hesitate to invest in any of Wayne Greenberg\'s projects if given the right opportunity."

In the reception room of a villa in Santa Monica, Los Angeles, Mickey Rourke leaned on a large sofa and sipped a thick cigar.

Holding a glass of bright red red wine in his hand, he gestured to Christopher Rockencourt, who was sitting opposite, and raised his head to take a sip.

"That\'s right."

Shangri-La on the side looked at a project document and nodded involuntarily when he heard his sigh. "These things, if someone else took them out, I would never give them a second look and throw them in the trash, but if the producer was replaced by Wayne Greenberg..."

Speaking of this, he deliberately paused, dropped the simple project plan in his hand, raised his head to look at the others present, and finally settled on Christopher Rockencourt.

It was precisely his subtext that everyone present understood.

That\'s right, a warm drama about animals and two game adaptations that have never been successful in Hollywood, the protagonists are definitely women. If it is replaced by another producer, it will definitely be thrown into the trash by most investors in the circle.

But it was Wayne Greenberg who came up with these things. To put it bluntly, even if these projects only have this name symbolizing success hanging on them, countless fans will buy them mindlessly. This is what makes everyone excited. The place.

"The media has done statistics, and the income of Wayne Greenberg over the years is basically all in bulk cash." Glancing at the project information on the table, Russell Crowe, who was sitting at the end of the sofa, looked puzzled and looked around. The people said:

"He is the director with the strongest ability to attract money in recent years. Guys, don\'t ignore it. He is also one of the producers with the strongest ability to attract money in the industry. The Greenberg Studio in his hands is completely a Horrible gold-making machine.

To put it bluntly, Wayne Greenberg\'s money-making speed is not much slower than the Fed\'s money printing machine! I just calculated that if he and Warner Bros. co-produced these three projects, the funding required would probably be in the early 60s.

Of course, this amount of money is a lot of money for everyone, but for him, it shouldn\'t be difficult at all, right? I remember a few months ago, I stumbled across an entertainment news report that Warner Bros. paid him hundreds of millions of dollars in cash at one time. "

In the eyes of countless self-proclaimed elites in the circle, Wayne is undoubtedly traditional and conservative. Everyone knows that he is rich, and he especially likes to hold a large amount of cash in his hand, but he does not like to invest to preserve value.

If such a top "rich man" in the circle says that he is short of money to invest in a movie with a low cost, everyone will be confused and wonder if the project in front of him will hide any problems or potential crises. , which made Wayne reluctant to risk his own money.

When a large amount of money is involved, no one is careless, let alone tens of millions of dollars. No matter where and when this money is, it is a sum that is enough to kill people.

"I\'ve known about this since Wayne approached me."

Seeing the question raised by Russell Crowe aroused everyone\'s doubts, Christopher Rockencourt smiled confidently. "There is also an animation studio under the name of Wayne Greenberg. According to the information I have learned, this animation studio is a money-burning machine, and almost all hardware and software are purchased from Pixar."

Hearing the animation studio, everyone present showed the same look. Everyone is not the bottom of the circle, who doesn\'t understand the level of money burning in animation studios?

Computer animation, in particular, burns much more money than hand-drawn animation. The latter needs a large number of excellent painters, or what is needed is the heritage accumulated over the years.

The former is completely different. If you want to enter this industry, the first thing you have to do is to pay tuition to Pixar. There is no way, the studio in the hands of Qiao Gang master is like a hanging, holding more than 90% of various software patents and copyrights. People are developing and selling related software and hardware while making their own animated feature films.

"Also, it\'s not that Wayne Greenberg doesn\'t have a lot of consumption, it\'s just that what he pursues is completely different from other successful people in the circle." He turned his head confidently, and his eyes turned around on the faces of everyone in the room. Christopher Rockencourt went on to explain:

"I also learned that in the past few years, Wayne Greenberg has frequently bought the copyrights of best-selling books, games and other film and television adaptations. By the way, he also has the copyrights of many amazing superhero characters in his hands!"

"Use your own money to invest in large-scale movie projects, frequently buy film and television copyrights, and keep an animation studio that burns money. Shit..." Looking at it, he opened his fingers and counted them one by one.

"Shit, his next step, wouldn\'t he want to get involved in the publishing industry? This is really crazy!"

As we all know, even a medium-sized Hollywood film company, it is basically difficult to support an animation studio. There is no way. During this period, animation studios are burning money too fast. Film companies with exclusive animation studios, if you think about it, there are only six giants.

In addition, like a media group, like a film and television copyright monster, it is difficult for people to be confused by his actions. If you want to make money, at least for Wayne, you don\'t need to disturb so many circles.

"Cough, what he wants to do has nothing to do with us."

After deliberately coughing twice and attracting everyone\'s attention to himself, Christopher Rockencourt\'s face showed obvious hesitation and struggle. "The reason why I invited you here is to ask you if you have any intention to invest together."

Speaking of this, he seemed to suddenly breathe a sigh of relief, his eyes were full of tenderness, and he looked at his girlfriend who had been silent beside him. "Most of my money is still in the stock market. You know, Internet stocks have gone crazy since the beginning of this year, and it\'s a pity to take it out now.

Helen raised ten million dollars and I have almost ten million on hand, and my money in the stock market won\'t move if you guys are interested. Of course, if you\'re not interested, $50 million isn\'t a problem for me. "

coming! This is what everyone in the house has been waiting for and why they are willing to come over to the party.

The party downstairs is still going on, and several people present fully understand that the reason why the other party is holding this party is to select powerful collaborators.

"No way, Wayne Greenberg will soon take the crew and rush to Italy to start filming "Wonder Woman, so the time left for me is too tight."

The eyes of several people intertwined, and the first to speak was Jean-Pierre. As the other\'s best friend in Hollywood, he naturally smiled. "Of course, Chris, I mean of course interested, no one can turn down Wayne Greenberg\'s project."

"Fifty million dollars in financing is needed. It seems that the funds in Wayne Greenberg\'s hands are indeed very tight." Russell Crowe nodded, looked at Christopher Rockencourt, and said, "I have the funds in my hands. There is not much cash, and I can only take out five million in a short period of time."

"Chris was the first to notify you."

Helen Hunt, the newly-appointed Oscar winner, raised her head and said proudly, "We\'re going to hold another party tonight."

What she meant was obvious. In the eyes of everyone, it was a sure-fire business. If they didn\'t have enough funds, the door to making money while lying down would be open to others.

That\'s right, in her eyes, investing in these projects is to make money while lying down. Otherwise, she wouldn\'t simply mortgage the house and take out the wealth she accumulated over the years to make up 10 million US dollars. In fact, if there was a longer time frame, she would rather raise more money herself.

Even this morning\'s party, and even the party to be held tonight, are invitations to many potential investors using her years of hard work in the circle.

"Chris, fifty million dollars is indeed a lot." Mickey Rourke shook his head with a smile and glanced at the woman opposite. "But it shouldn\'t be a problem for us to get this money together."

"That\'s right." Curtis Hansen, the taciturn director, looked at his friend Russell Crowe and nodded.

"Okay, I set up a studio temporarily." Christopher Rockencourt was very satisfied with the current scene and raised his glass to the crowd. "We will discuss an investment ratio as soon as possible. Before tomorrow at the latest, everyone will notify their lawyers together. As long as the money is ready, I will immediately contact Wayne to sign a financing contract."


"That\'s it."

"Cheers and wish us a happy cooperation in advance."

Things went smoother than expected. Christopher Rockencourt listened to the dynamic music that faintly spread to his ears from downstairs, raised his head with a smile, and drank the red wine in his glass in one gulp.

At this time, no one knew exactly what he was thinking. In the eyes of several people present, he had always been that generous businessman. This time, too, in the face of a good opportunity to make money, he is still willing to share the benefits that are about to come. Good people like this have never been seen in the circle.

"I\'d like to remind you to keep your investment in the Wayne Greenberg project confidential."

Seeing everyone\'s eyes turn around, Christopher Rockencourt suddenly remembered something, and slapped his thigh sharply. "No way, when I was talking to Wayne about it, I promised him that the money wouldn\'t be a problem for me.

As we all know, the investors staring at his project are not only us. As far as I know, if I can\'t fix the financing, he\'ll talk to Steven Spielberg about it next. You know how good the relationship between the two of them is, so..."

Several people at the scene were stunned for a moment, and then they all nodded lightly to show their understanding.

As we all know, Wayne Greenberg has always been old-fashioned. He doesn\'t care about the eyes of the outside world at work, and likes to take care of his own people.

Not to mention his good friend Steven Spielberg, look at the actresses who threw their lives at him. Which one didn\'t become famous because of his care and support?

These people present still have self-knowledge, and they all thought that once Wayne understood that the funds came from crowd financing, he would most likely choose Steven Spielberg directly.

Seeing the embarrassment and apology on Christopher Rockencourt\'s face, they all expressed their understanding and promised to keep it secret until the investment was completely recovered, which would never make it difficult for him.

The party lasted until the afternoon. When the villa was quiet again, Helen Hunter stood by the window on the second floor, watching the employees of the party company clean the venue, and asked her boyfriend curiously, "Why didn\'t you mention superheroes?"

"It\'s too early."

Shaking his head gently, Christopher Rockencourt stood beside his girlfriend and explained with a smile: "All three projects have a production time and a completion time, but for the superhero project, Wayne did not disclose the specific details. Production time, I need to find an opportunity to chat with him again."

"Darling, do you think Wayne Greenberg would agree to let me join?"

In fact, this is the main purpose of Helen Hunt. Don\'t look at her as an Oscar-winning actress, but when she learned that the two game adaptation projects were pure heroines, she instantly moved her mind.

And Christopher Rockencourt also promised her that he would talk to Wayne in person after the preparation of these two projects and help her join one of them.

Oscar-winning actresses are still valuable in Hollywood, but not necessarily in the eyes of studios. Helen Hunter knows better than anyone else that only by being able to prove himself in commercial projects and proving that he has enough box office appeal is the quickest way to improve his status and worth.

"Don\'t worry, I\'ll talk to him about this, trust me, who would be so stupid to reject an Oscar winner?" Christopher Rockencourt squinted and said confidently to his girlfriend.

Now that the investment matters have been negotiated, everyone\'s fundraising is very efficient. On the morning after the meeting, the participating investors signed the agreement accompanied by their respective lawyers, waiting for Wayne\'s side. After negotiating the financing contract, everyone will put the money into the studio account.

And Christopher Rockencourt did not hesitate. In the afternoon, he rushed to Warner Studios with his girlfriend. Unfortunately, he did not meet Wayne, the leader who received and negotiated financing with him this time. , became Nina and Jimmy.

Although it involves a large amount of money, it is still impossible for Wayne to appear in person every time. He is too busy with his work. After determining the direction of film financing, he will naturally hand over the specific matters to the following people to discuss.

Obviously, Christopher Rockencourt also understood this, so he didn\'t care, but seriously communicated with Jimmy and Nina. In the end, the two sides basically reached an agreement in a harmonious atmosphere.

There are generally only two ways of external financing for Hollywood film projects.

The first is more like a loan with a bank or a film foundation. The film company and the investment institution agree on an interest rate acceptable to both parties. As long as the film is officially downgraded and the principal and interest are repaid after the investment is recovered, both parties will be considered completed a collaboration.

Generally speaking, the interest of such loan-like financing methods is much higher than that of bank loans, which is why many foundations choose to lend.

As for the second type, it is much simpler. Investors invest in proportion to the production cost of the film project. In the absence of copyright ownership, the investor\'s gains and losses depend entirely on the market performance of the project after its release.

For film investors, the first advantage is that they can make a steady profit without losing money. Although the profit is relatively much less, basically as long as this financing method is chosen, it means that the profit and loss of the film project has nothing to do with the investor. Repay at the agreed time as normal.

Generally, those who choose this investment method are all larger foundations. The main purpose of the money they invest is not to make money, but to preserve value.

As for the second, more mainstream way of investing in films, the risk involved increases sharply. If you are an outsider and want to get into Hollywood, this first step can make you pay a lot of tuition.

Although investing in movies is like gambling, under the dazzling halo of Hollywood and the ever-emerging myth of making wealth, there are still countless people who have set foot in this industry.

The most typical is the son of "Madman" Larry Ellison. Although his investment in Hollywood was successful in the end, he still handed over tens of millions of dollars in tuition when he first entered here.

Investing in movies has always been a life full of uncertainties, but at least for insiders, it can reduce the trouble by more than 80%. Therefore, Christopher Rockencourt, the choice is the mainstream investment method.

He will sign a formal financing agreement with Greenberg Studio, and then get paid according to the investment ratio of each project.

"A formal contract should be signed before this week at the latest."

Nina and Jimmy stand beside Wayne on the Warners Studios set, watching the actors training in the center of the arena. The assistant lady looked away from Matt Damon and reported to the man beside her in a low voice.

"The speed is fast, we don\'t have time to play games with him slowly." Wayne nodded, not shy away from Jimmy, and directly ordered: "Give me a stare at him, and don\'t have an unexpected situation of early withdrawal."

"Don\'t worry, boss."

Speaking of this, Nina is full of confidence. "I have already made a request to him, and it will also be reflected in the contract. Money, within three days of signing the contract, must enter the project studio account established as soon as possible. Moreover, this guy either really wants to invest, or has huge ambitions. , but no matter what he wants to do, he won\'t get any chance in the early stage."

Wayne nodded, did not continue to talk about this topic, raised his legs and walked towards the props group, ready to continue to check the preparation progress of the props group.

To put it bluntly, he just wanted to "borrow the chicken to make the egg". In fact, he and Nina both knew that the money the other party took out was not his own. lots of action.

Involving so much money, it is impossible for those investors to have no supervision in the early stage. In this circle, who can really trust who? With so much money, even fathers, sons, and brothers can still turn their heads, let alone cooperation between others.

Therefore, Wayne is not worried at all, what means the other party will play at this time. Christopher Rockencourt has always established the character of the generous and rich in the circle, and it is impossible at this point in time to take a huge risk to lose the character that has been established for a few years.

Obviously, whether the ambition is big enough, or there are other ideas. As long as you want to do something, it must be when you invest the money and transfer it back to the other party\'s account.

But at that time, the money has nothing to do with Wayne, does it?

Now he just wants to know if the superhero bait he threw out ~www.novelhall.com~ can get anything. Even if this huge delicious bait didn\'t catch anything, he was not disappointed at all.

After all, when I was most short of money, I had already found someone who was willing to borrow chickens to lay eggs. As long as I made it to next year, whether it was the producer share of X-Men, the box office share of The Flash, or even Charlie\'s Angels and The Hackers The investment income and movie peripheral income of Empire 3 will all be settled one after another.

At that time, once Wayne has no shortage of money in his hands, he will naturally look down on Christopher Rockencourt\'s investment.

So, he didn\'t even think about playing too many tricks on this investment. It\'s not worth it, and he can\'t commit it. After all, he can\'t guarantee that the money is from whose wallet, and he can\'t offend so many people in the circle all at once.

The preparations for "Wonder Woman" have come to an end, and more and more relevant news has been released little by little under the plan of the distribution department of Warner Bros.

It can be said that this film has not yet officially started filming, and the publicity plan has already started. First of all, of course, Matt Damon joined. Accompanied by his agent, from the moment he signed the actor contract, he became the focus of the chase.

At the gate of Warner Studios, media reporters began to surround more and more, and the hero and heroine were their primary targets. Like the previous dc projects, the film has not yet started filming, and the cast has brought huge attention.

The crew occasionally releases some specious news. Every day or two, one or two posters of Angelina Jolie\'s makeup will be "leaked" to entertainment newspapers, and sometimes it is Wayne\'s "leaked". One or two pages of manuscript.

As the start date of "Wonder Woman" is getting closer and closer, the various promotions of Warner Bros. have gradually accelerated the frequency.