Hollywood Drawing

~: Seven hundred and twenty-five - Dragon Slayer boy eventually becomes a dragon

\'Hollywood has lost the aesthetic of blooming flowers and gradually abandoned the proud art...\'

Sitting in the dressing room of the Warners Studios studio, Matt Damon spread a newspaper on his lap, lowered his head and leisurely spent the waiting time, calming his relatively complicated mood.

Originally, he was just flipping through the newspaper for boredom, but he did not expect that the report from the "Chicago Sun" aroused great interest in him.

\'Looking back at 1998, which is about to pass, people will find that the current North American annual box office chart is weird. From the first place "The Flash", to "The Matrix 3: Matrix Revolution", "Peerless Catastrophe", and even "X-Men", "Crash of Heaven and Earth" and other films, all these represent Works of Hollywood\'s advanced film industry system.

Large scenes, realistic special effects, simple and mindless stories with logical flaws, it seems that if you don\'t do this, you won\'t be able to attract more fans into the theater. In recent years, most of the Hollywood blockbusters have been in this category. Is this really a good thing?

Especially this year, Warner Bros.\' big-investment sequel series has exploded since it entered the summer season, leading the weekend box office trend in turn. Starting from the film "The Flash" in early May, it seems that the tone has been set for the entire summer season. There is no super big scene, no exquisite and beautiful special effects, so simply don\'t come to this time to survive.

As for the movie story? It is increasingly ignored by the entire Hollywood, and its representative film is "The Flash". The story of this film is simple and mindless, and even Wayne Greenberg is reluctant to spend a little more thought to design a brilliant villain. However, such a film with special effects as its selling point has become the king of the North American box office this year!

From the brilliant 1980s to the early 1990s, North American movie fans were the happiest. The golden decade is the golden age of literature and art that Hollywood has lost. It is also in this short golden age that Hollywood film masters frequently appear.

Until 1993, the golden age of Hollywood literature and art, finally had to usher in the last dawn before dark. That year, a hundred flowers bloomed in Hollywood movies, so that the 66th Academy Awards ceremony became the most difficult one in history, because there were too many good movies.

There were three miracles back then, and they are still talked about by countless filmmakers. The first is two films directed by Steven Spielberg, which won ten awards. One of them is the great "Schindler\'s List", which is a great film dedicated to all mankind that will be ranked at the forefront in the history of world cinema no matter how it is ranked.

The second miracle is Tom Hanks. He also had two films that entered the Oscars that year, and both films are very worthy of people\'s aftertaste. One is The Philadelphia Story and the other is Sleepless in Seattle. And the third miracle is that a young man named Wayne Greenberg used a DC comic adaptation film "Joker" to ruthlessly teach the arrogant Hollywood film circle.

This year is the end of the golden age of Hollywood movies, "Schindler\'s List", "Jurassic Park", "Desperados", "Sugar-coated Trap", "Philadelphia Story", "Sleepless in Seattle", "The Wire" "Sniper", "Assassination Order of Goose Pond", "Peachy Deal", "Heroes of the Mountain", etc., and so on, different types of good movies are gathered together to shine.

It was also this year that Wayne Greenberg personally used the DC comic adaptation film "Joker", which shattered the golden decade of Hollywood. Starting from "Joker" in 1993, he basically started the trend of DC comics and superheroes at a frequency of one a year.

Critics have been captivated by his unique and distinctive style, while fans have been immersed in visual stimulation like never before. But looking back, no one can deny that Hollywood\'s current trend of only "sensory stimulation" is deeply influenced by him.

Until recently, Wayne Greenberg simply abandoned the artistry and the most important story attribute of the film, and started to abuse visual effects in "The Flash". It was such a film with fragile logic and simple story that became this year\'s film. North American box office champion, is this really a good thing?

Countless media and film practitioners, who swore to be Wayne Greenberg, opened another brilliant diamond age in Hollywood in 1993, but the price was that movie fans lost all kinds of good movies in front of their eyes, all movies The company is all desperate to accumulate special effects and shoot big scenes!

Once, people regarded the works of Wayne Greenberg as a "black pearl" in the Hollywood film system. He is so different and deeply fascinating. Now it seems that he is just promoting the development of another assembly line industry. At least in the current situation, this is completely a story of a dragon slayer who turns into a dragon...\'

"Stop watching that old bunny nonsense from Roger Albert, Matt."

The door of the dressing room was gently pushed open, and Ben Affleck, who was extremely strong, pouted with disdain after seeing the newspaper in his friend\'s hand.

"This old rabbit has become more and more like to speak big truths after suffering from cancer. Such film critics, who only talk about it, always hold on to the fantasy of saving the film industry, and only fools believe their words."

Matt Damon shook his head with a smile, and threw the newspaper on the dressing table. Facing his friend\'s complaints, he didn\'t say anything.

"Listen, Matt."

After sitting down, Ben Affleck straightened his face slightly and looked at his friend very formally. "I\'ve said hello to Schwartz before, and I just made another trip to Wayne\'s office, you should know what I mean..."

"Hmm, I understand."

Nodding lightly, this is the third time Matt Damon has gone to Wayne\'s crew for a role audition. At this time, he himself feels that he is a little hopeless. After all, now he has It\'s not the market situation a few years ago. In fact, there is no shortage of movie invitations.

And the meaning of the friend is very obvious. The other party went to say hello to Schwartz before, and now he ran around Wayne\'s office again, which does not actually affect the attribution of this role.

However, once the performances of several auditioners are not too different, and there is a scene where no one is very different, Ben Affleck\'s movement will have a huge effect. The Hollywood crew never lacks human relationships, otherwise the casting director will not become a sweet pastry.

"Do you know anyone interested in this role?" Matt Damon asked, looking at his friend.

"This role is actually quite embarrassing."

After recalling a little, Ben Affleck whispered: "Matt, this movie is called "Wonder Woman", even with your toes, you can guess that the actor\'s role is not much, and there is even a high probability that the male The protagonist will become a foil for Diana Prince\'s existence.

But according to what I\'ve heard, there are not many actors who are interested in this role. I mean those actors who have already become famous. Just after I got out of Wayne\'s office, Nina Klein revealed to me that even Brad Pitt\'s agent is actively pursuing the role..."

"Dude, you wouldn\'t use a masculine trick on Wayne\'s personal assistant just to find out information, would you?"

Hearing that Brad Pitt wanted this role, Matt Damon first teased his friend, then inevitably frowned slightly and asked, "Wayne Greenberg will host the audition himself. ?"

"I don\'t know, it may or may not. If it is inferred from his past work habits, 100% will appear in the audition room to make the final decision.

But Matt, this "Wonder Woman" is a bit different after all. Everyone knows that the most important absolute protagonist has long been appointed by him, and he has even been training for this role for several months.

I believe you have heard that he has a lot of work at hand now, and there is a very high probability that he will let the casting director and producer make their own decisions. Also, if your main competitor is Brad Pitt, I think your odds are pretty good! "

Matt Damon was stunned for a moment by his friend\'s words. He tilted his head in surprise, looked at his friend and said, "Although I\'m glad you said that, Ben, normal people would choose Brad... ."

"No, Matt."

Before he could finish speaking, Ben Affleck stretched out a finger and waved it back and forth between the two. "You know, Wayne Greenberg never liked using big stars, never!"

After recalling it for a while, Matt Damon nodded thoughtfully, and then a smile appeared on his face. If you follow what your friend said, then your chances of winning are really great.

Not far from the dressing room, in the studio director\'s office, in front of Wayne were several actors\' resumes. However, instead of focusing on his resume, he looked at a newspaper with relish. Yes, it was the Chicago Sun that Matt Damon was also reading.

If it weren\'t for Sergey, who kept the habit of buying newspapers every morning, he wouldn\'t necessarily have the time to read such reports.

"This thing is very confusing."

Nina was sitting on the sofa, flipping through the fashion magazines, making clattering noises. She raised her head and glanced at her boss, and seeing the lack of anger on the other\'s face, she said:

"After this report came out, many people were saying that it was you who destroyed the golden age of Hollywood movies with your own hands, and made the films on the market more and more invested, with big scenes and special effects."

"Can I have that much influence?"

Throwing the newspaper aside, Wayne looked at the assistant with a funny look, pointed a finger to his face and asked.

Closing the magazine in her hand, Nina pretended to be serious and said with a serious face, "If I read the deep affection in this report, I feel that there is nothing wrong with this statement. Boss, you destroyed it yourself. Hollywood\'s flourishing film market has promoted the transformation of Hollywood films into blockbusters in just a few years."


He uttered a foul language in a low voice, and Wayne\'s upper body simply nestled into the chair, raised Erlang\'s legs, and grabbed the cigarette on the table.

While tilting his head to light one, he relaxed back and forth on the chair, turning slightly left and right. "Well, let me tell you, Nina, hiss~"

He took a deep breath of the cigarette, accompanied by the white mist spewing from his nostrils, his voice was mixed with a strong sense of irony. "I\'m not that powerful, and I can\'t change Hollywood, just like the author of this report, can\'t save the so-called \'art\' by talking.

Even without me, Hollywood movies will tend to be blockbusters and tend to stimulate the senses of moviegoers. This is the trend of the times. It will never appear because of a certain talent. I don\'t value myself that much. "

After speaking, he picked up a few copies of the actor on the table, stood up, and prepared to leave the office with a cigarette in his mouth.

Nina shook her head amusingly. In fact, she was the one who knew Wayne the most. She knew better than anyone that her boss was always a success because he never respected himself too much.

Wayne in the eyes of the media, the public, and even those women is actually completely different from the self in his own eyes. Over the years, countless media sang praises for him, but he was never really immersed in it, and he couldn\'t extricate himself from the swelling.

There is no shortage of swearing at him in the media, yin and yang are weird, throwing dirty water around corners to report, he still just laughs and treats it as a fun.

In fact, over the years, Nina has never seen him take his influence too seriously. Like Wayne said, he\'s not that strong and can\'t change the direction of Hollywood movies.

"She seems to be in pain."

An area in the middle of the entire huge studio was isolated and turned into a small practice field. Looking at the woman whose hair was soaked with sweat under the guidance of the staff, Nina stood beside Wayne and sighed: "She really paid a lot for this role."

"This is just an actor\'s basic professional ethics."

Wayne also stared at Angelina Jolie who joined the crew. As long as the crew didn\'t officially start filming for a day, she would have to receive as much training as possible.

At this time, after several consecutive months of continuation, the woman\'s figure became more popular. The muscle lines of the legs, shoulders, back, and even the vest line on the waist are all very obvious.

Don\'t look at Angelina Jolie\'s first impression after a long period of physical exercise, it is by no means strong, but much thinner than before. Wayne needs her to show a "Valkyrie"-like toughness under the camera, but it is impossible to make her train very strong. This is a movie after all.

As an actor, even though she has been trained in various movements for a long time, she can still hear her muffled humming every time she simply stretches her muscles and ligaments. As long as it is a normal person, it is impossible not to feel pain.

"Tsk tsk, this expression..."

As an actress who did not learn dance since childhood, many movements are terrible, especially the lower back and the splits. Wayne smiled and shook his head, turned around and waved to Schwartz, who was also watching the fun.


After the casting director came over, he glanced at the actor\'s resume in his hand, and asked, "There\'s still a while before the audition begins. Do you have anything to explain?"

"I\'m going to Zach\'s side in a bit. You and Luke will host the audition together. I have written the specific opinions on it." Throwing away his resume, Wayne handed it to his casting director.

"You don\'t participate..." Schwartz took the resume unexpectedly. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com "Ah, ok, no problem, I\'ll host the audition with Luke."

It wasn\'t until Wayne took Nina back to the office that he flipped through the things in his hand. The top one was the most famous one among the male lead candidates.

But it was precisely on this resume that a big cross was made by a pencil that is used to draw storyboards.

The preparatory work for "Wonder Woman" is very smooth. As long as the final round of auditions for the main supporting role is completed, Wayne will immediately start filming. At that time, he will lead the crew to shoot overseas for a long time, so he has to hurry up and deal with other things as well as possible.

The "Superman" crew is also making preparations at Warner Bros. Studio. He plans to take the time to take a look. As for the audition work for the main supporting role, he has actually marked the candidates who are interested.

"That guy invited a lot of insiders today."

Walking out of the studio where "Wonder Woman" was located, the two did not take the tram, and walked to another studio not far away on foot. After answering a phone call with her mouth covered, Nina reported to Wayne in a low voice. "The specific information is still unclear. Sergey\'s people and Anthony Pellicano\'s people can\'t get into the party venue."

"It seems that things are moving in the direction you envisioned."

Wayne thought about it for a while, and then ordered, "Nina, tell Sergey to let his men stare at that guy. I don\'t want to end up with a mouthful of hair instead of eating meat."

"Don\'t worry, Boss." Nina lowered her head and said very confidently: "With the greed of this guy, there is absolutely no chance of any accident. He should take the initiative to join him in the afternoon the day after tomorrow at the latest."