Hollywood Drawing

~: One hundred and twenty seven - twisted body

\'The "Joker" crew broke the contraband scandal again!

According to the latest news learned by this reporter, Warner Bros.\' 93 summer key project, the filming crew of the DC comic film "Joker" in New York, assistant director Karen Wooster was suspected of smoking, collecting, and transporting contraband. Has been arrested by the New York police, it is reported that DEA has taken over the case! This project is...\'

"Boss, are you okay?" Nina looked worriedly at the boss who flipped through the newspaper. After he answered the phone, he suddenly stopped being tense and sat on the sofa reading the newspaper, as if he had recovered to the expression before the filming started. Holiday.

Nina was worried that her boss had been stimulated too much. After the filming started, it was a farce. After the filming became very smooth, it was interrupted by the farce, and there was an even bigger crisis.

"No, Nina, I just figured it out!" Looking up at the assistant\'s worried expression, Wayne gave her a reassuring smile.

"I\'m just a director, and my job is to make this film. For these things." He reached out and threw the newspaper in his hand twice, and Wayne casually threw it aside. "In the face of these bad things, if you can\'t avoid them, then hand them over to John and Warner to deal with, go back to what I do best, and put all my energy into shooting."

In fact, the reports in the newspapers are still within his expectations. National authoritative media such as "The New York Times", "Chicago Sun" and "Washington Post" only do documentary reports in the entertainment section, and their attitude is relatively positive. Stand at a neutral angle.

This "drug nest" feast is the carnival of those small and medium-sized media. Nicolas Cage was pulled out again, and crazy associations were made about the disappearance of him on the first day of booting.

Even the director, Wayne, was written by the gossip tabloids as the person who took the lead in smoking. For the story that Wayne Greenberg would not be filming if he did not smoke contraband before filming, there seems to be a very good market.

His shooting style is destined to attract criticism. Anyone who has watched Wayne\'s first two films, film critics, media reporters, and even public fans will feel that such a **** film, the stories in the film are all dark and distorted by the human director. Perfect for addicts hiding in the dark.

This is not a few years later, the director\'s image has not been flooded everywhere, and the only place where we can find clear pictures of Wayne is high-end magazines like Hollywood\'s "Vanity Fair", which are obviously far away from the public. Relatively far.

"Boss, Zach and John are here!" Nina heard a knock on the door and followed them in. "Do you want me to help you prepare something to drink? Coffee, black tea?"

"Coffee, thank you!"


Seeing that her boss was not affected by these news, Nina felt more relaxed. After bringing them coffee, she took the initiative to retreat to a corner of the living room and read the magazine by the window.

"Joaquin has left the police station and gave up everything about Karen Wooster." John\'s face revealed a sense of exhaustion, and the film also felt an unprecedented heart for this talented production manager with strong coordination skills. tired.

"The statement has been sent through the media under Warner Bros., and all of them have been sent out. Don\'t expect too much effect. It\'s basically impossible to get rid of everything by this."

The crew will encounter all kinds of accidents, especially the large crew with a large number of people. It wasn\'t the first time that John had worked on a project, but it was the one that made him feel the most exhausted.

However, it was obviously not the time to rest. Wayne didn\'t care about the hoarseness of the other party\'s voice at all, and he was quickly mulling over the shooting problem in his mind. "John, as you should already know, we\'re going to be in New York for a while.

All of the changes in expenses caused by the change of the shooting plan are listed separately. You have to communicate with the employees of the US dollar insurance as soon as possible. Don\'t have a third-party guarantee company or the crew\'s funding neck! "

This depends on John\'s accounting and coordination ability. Planning various expenditure funds for a project is one of the basic skills of a producer.

Why did the crew always follow the insurance company employees? It is to let them observe at any time, and to prevent unexpected situations in the filming. Anything that could lead to overruns on filming, these third-party guarantors will come forward to stop it.

What they do is the business of film completion insurance, no matter what the reason is, the film is not completed due to insufficient funds. The consequence is that the insurance company will go out in person and invest money and personnel to complete the production of the film.

This is the main reason why every big company has to introduce a third-party guarantee company before preparations. At least it can guarantee that the money is invested and a complete movie can be produced.

Although this will cause some obstacles to the use of the crew\'s funds, no matter what they do, as long as the shooting funds are spent, they must go through the account of a third-party insurance company. But it will protect the basic interests of the production company, and will not die because of problems with the crew.

In the eyes of the production company, compared with the inconvenience of shooting brought by insurance companies, the guarantee of completion of the film brought by them is much more cost-effective.

"Zach, take the film crew to various locations in New York as soon as possible. Except for these background shots, all other plans can be cancelled or postponed." Wayne quickly entered the director\'s work state and began to arrange the shooting work.

"In the past two days, I will shoot a simple indoor scene. The props team and the scenery team are required to arrange the street as soon as possible. If there are not enough staff, more temporary workers will be hired to arrange the small street in Brooklyn as the scene at the end of the film. One principle is speed. First, we\'ll go back to Los Angeles after filming the finale!"

Since many plans in New York are going to undergo major changes, there is no need for Wayne and his party to continue here. The simple indoor scene in the Big Apple can be moved back to Los Angeles for filming.

The plan will always change with the environment. Wayne admits that the consideration this time is a bit simple. Knowing that it will be so troublesome, he would rather spend money to set up a scene from the beginning.

He is not a stubborn old man director. He is a young man who is always in a flexible state. Since he has reached this point, he will overturn his overall plan and set up a new shooting plan.

John reported the shooting plan to Warner Bros. that day, and got their reply. As long as the project can be completed within the production cost, Warner Bros. will not interfere in the operation of the crew.

Ignoring the disturbance from the outside world, Wayne led the team from the next day and returned to the shooting apartment under the onlookers of paparazzi reporters. Under the preparation of actors, sets, lighting, and props, the filming work began again!

"Nicolas, do you remember the shock you gave us on the day of the audition? Come on!" Wayne sat next to the **** Nicolas Cage, pointing to the prop shoes under his feet. "This game is very important, and I have great confidence in your state."

After speaking, I stood up, stepped back and walked out of the center of the camera. After returning to the monitor, I watched Nicolas Cage\'s thin and twisted body through the screen. Every pore of him was clearly visible on the monitor. Creepy feeling.

"Let\'s get started!" After seeing the male protagonist getting ready, he said and waved his hand.

""Joker", Scene 76, Act 1, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com begins!"

After the sound of "pop" hitting the board, everyone saw that Nicolas Cage was in a state. With his back to the camera, his figure was arranging his shoes in a twisted manner. Every movement seemed to hit everyone. The delivery is simply overwhelming.

Staring at the picture on the monitor, Wayne automatically compared him with the original picture in his mind. Nicolas Cage\'s performance is relatively immature compared to another clown, but it does not affect the quality of the picture, it can only be said that each has its own merits.

In terms of acting skills, body language, and emotional transmission, this future businessman is definitely more than enough to act in that kind of special effects blockbuster. It is estimated that he will soon wake up. Art films are such a thankless form, where can there be? Is the fame and fortune brought by commercial films real?


This scene is not long, but it is one of the most impressive scenes.

"Good! Nikolai, behaving very well, keep your form!"

After watching a replay, Wayne nodded with his hands on his shoulders. If there is no comparison, the performance of this scene is perfect.

After the film starts shooting again, you can immediately see the difference between Nicolas Cage and the others. As soon as the two colleagues entered the camera, they were completely crushed by him in the performance. This kind of unbalanced state sense very obvious.


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