Hollywood Drawing

~: One hundred and twenty-eight - to tell who is a pet!

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Hollywood Drawing!

"Stop! This won\'t work!"

In the face of the performance that was loudly stopped at the beginning, the three actors in the middle all looked at the director.

Gently rubbing the stubble on his chin, Wayne thought about the solution. Nicolas Cage was obviously alive as Arthur, and the performance of the other two actors was separated.

"Ok, let\'s do it again!"

After the screeding started, he left the director\'s chair and walked behind the camera. He decided to observe again.

This time, not only did the surrounding employees feel weird, but even the three people who were performing felt abnormal, but Wayne never stopped, and the three of them continued to perform.

It wasn\'t until a colleague handed Arthur a bag with a pistol in it that they heard the director yell "cut!"

"Five minutes of rest, we\'ll continue in a while!"

Wayne walked back to the director\'s chair, sat down and started to quickly filter all the knowledge he had learned in his mind, trying to find a proper solution!

In this situation, he has the original painting in his mind for comparison, and it is not difficult to find a solution. He began to combine what he had learned and the impression of the previous film, and began to try it in his mind.

"Come over here, the three of you, and see for yourself what the problem is!" Five minutes later, Wayne called the three actors stiffly, pointing to the playback on the screen. "Nikola, hold back your emotions a little bit. Too much force will only put more pressure on your partner."

After finishing speaking, he said to the actors of the two colleagues: "A little trick, try not to look into Nikolai\'s eyes, I will cover this through the camera angle, and show the state during rehearsal!"

The progress of this kind of drama is good, Nicolas Cage is in good shape, and even the superstar is not a novice, at least Wayne can meet their basic requirements.

The purpose of this film, Wayne is not as simple as Todd Phillips, and the situation is different.

Before Todd Phillips made this film, the market had been bombarded with superheroes and comic blockbusters for two decades, so this anti-hero film is so different and different.

Facing the social environment of the early 1990s, Wayne faced a different situation. There are both similarities and differences with Todd Phillips.

It is rare to see such an anti-hero protagonist now, and the villain has hardly appeared as a major core explosion. What Wayne has to face is the alternative gaze of the fans, and let them try to accept this kind of protagonist setting .

In the days when manga movies are still rare, all the characters who can achieve success are familiar characters. These characters have a common feature, that is, the high-level character design, they don\'t want to be individuals, they are gods.

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, is the mainstream view of commercial films now.

That\'s why the earliest DC Comics characters performed better in the market than Marvel. The name of the Big Three of Justice is too loud. All the children born and raised in North America have read comics many times since childhood.

There are not many places where Wayne can do things in this film, and he just buried a few hidden lines, but there is one thing he has been working hard to do, that is, combining the comic quality of the film, turning the comic characters into a person, for the future. Get ready to pull those gods off the altar!

This way of combining comic colors is not as extreme as the later Zha Dao. After all, the audience of this film is not only fans. Playing a fan-oriented movie in the 1990s will not return the huge investment in the movie.

In front of the elevator, the scenes of Harry-Berry are being filmed. These simple scenes Wayne has not moved. All rely on the performance of the assistant director and actors. Only when he encounters unsatisfactory performances, he will come out from the back.

The camera kept following Harry Berry on the monitor screen, the kind girl was deeply attracted to Arthur, until he returned to his room.

"cut! This one is over, pack up and go back to rest early!"

Seeing that it was getting late, Wayne glanced at the time and announced the end of work. There is no doubt about the professional ability of this group of employees in the crew. Even at this time, everyone cooperated very well.

Thinking of this, he picked up the megaphone again. "Don\'t take any reporter\'s interview, I don\'t want to repeat it a second time!"

The people around were doing the finishing touches, as if they hadn\'t heard his words, but everyone knew what it meant. People who talked a lot would not end well.

There are so many people in the crew, and the news is also circulating very quickly. Karen Worster is held accountable by Warner. Basically, he will become a pauper and face prison. I heard that this sinister idea is this one. From a young director!

Everyone around was quickly packing up, and Wayne took the coffee that Harry-Berry handed him and took a slow sip.

Everyone knows the director\'s habit. He will be the last person to leave the shooting scene. It has always been like this. This is a habit that has been cultivated since the filming of "Happy Death Day". Watching all the work is completed and leaving will give him extra peace of mind.

This film started shooting in early October, and it has been more than three weeks in the middle. The filming progress of the crew has exceeded its own plan by a lot. Although he encountered various accidents, this time he has a large number of professional behind-the-scenes personnel, and top-notch personnel. actor.

Counting the three films Wayne has shot, even he himself thinks that the speed is unbelievable. A professional team is simply too important. This is the first time he has fought such a wealthy battle!

Wayne never thinks he is omnipotent and omnipotent. The chaotic and orderly work scene on the set requires not only the coordination and scheduling of his director, but also this group of highly specialized practitioners.

"What are you thinking? We\'re the only ones left, let\'s go now?" Harry-Berry stretched out his hand and shook it in front of him. After removing her makeup and changing her clothes, she turned into that delicate black pearl again.

Wayne turned around again, making sure everything was in order, before taking the two women downstairs to the car.

"Wayne, your crew has started filming again, does that mean you have found another supplier for smoking..."

"Director Greenberg, the two women around you will also be with you..."

He walked into the car without raising his head. Two tabloid reporters frantically started provoking him under the camera behind him. They wished Wayne could stop, whether it was to refute their remarks or to curse in rage. They are all means to their ends.

"Ignore them and go back to the hotel!"

After getting in the car, he stopped Sergey, who was blushing with anger. This was meaningless. It only made a gossip headline on the next day\'s news that Director Greenberg instigated the bodyguard to beat someone.

Don\'t think that there is no hatred of the rich in this free capitalist country. In fact, this kind of thing is more common here, where the social class itself has been solidified, and the people are most likely to be sympathetic to the same hatred by this kind of news.

"God, are they annoying?" Halle-Berry turned to look at the persevering paparazzi outside the window. "Is this going to go on forever? Won\'t they get tired?"

After speaking, he turned to look at Wayne, hoping to get an answer from him.

"They\'ll be gone in a few days, Harry," Wayne said when she couldn\'t take it anymore. "Paparazzi and reporters do this for news, or it can be said to be for profit and US dollars. When the heat is over, they will disappear automatically."

There is always no response to one thing~www.novelhall.com~ The popularity will naturally decline slowly. As long as there are no new explosions about this matter, these media reporters will naturally not come back to waste their efforts.

"How about we go to eat steak? The working meal of the crew and the Chinese food you eat almost every day are two kinds of torture. Let\'s change the taste, Honey!" Harry-Berry looked at him pitifully, his delicate face Prayers flickered.

Raised his head and glanced at the woman, Wayne looked at the assistant Nina again, and when she saw that she nodded slightly, he said, "No problem, but you can\'t go out of the hotel door, go directly to the hotel\'s revolving restaurant. , you go to the seat! I\'ll go back to my room and change my clothes."

After speaking, he lowered his head and continued to look at the book in his hand, and began to write and draw on it.

A very sad thing is that Harry Berry worked hard to please this man, but her status in the eyes of the other party never changed. She thought that she could become the second Naomi Watts with hard work, but her status was not. Even the little assistant Nina is far behind.

She didn\'t understand that Wayne wouldn\'t have another special woman like Naomi Watts next to Wayne, and her suggestion was definitely not worth the little assistant\'s nod from Wayne\'s side, who was his own and who was Pets for himself to play with, Wayne has always been able to tell the difference!