Hollywood Drawing

~: One hundred and sixty-six - if you prepare 2 at the same time?

The theater company generally pays the first box office share to the distribution company 28 days after the film is shown, and the distribution company will pay the remaining box office share to the production company after deducting the messy publicity costs.

The level of complexity here, if it is an outsider, even if it is a super accountant hired by PricewaterhouseCoopers, it can still be kept by the underpants of the pit.

Just the production company and the distribution company\'s left hand and right hand, back and forth like this twice, the Delaware Balance Court can\'t find any fault. In particular, there is no way to calculate the issuance cost of the issuing company. Various channels are owned by their own companies. The exact cost is a mystery.

Therefore, Hollywood generally likes the investment of outsiders. They all know that investing in movies makes money, and there are almost no outsiders who may make money. These production companies, but even the vampires on Wall Street, are going to sue them.

That\'s why Wayne never takes a share of the profits, just the box office numbers. Those who dare to share the profits, in his opinion, are a group of warriors. Even if an accountant follows the whole process of accounting, a big-selling film will often lose money in terms of profits to the end.

There are not too many examples in this regard. Now Warner Bros. is willing to let his accountants go to the financial department to do preliminary accounting work, explaining that the money will be paid within half a year after the release of "Joker" in North America. This is already very efficient. .

Therefore, the film industry has always been an industry with a particularly slow return on investment. The investment time of a year or a few years is also the reason why Wayne chooses to never invest money to make a film.

"About my new project..."

Speaking of this, Wayne deliberately pondered, observing the faces of the two executives. "You should all know how loud this shooting is."

The two executives looked at each other, and Jeff Robinoff couldn\'t help but say, "If you have an idea, you can say it directly."

Not only the two of them were curious about Wayne\'s thoughts, but even John, who was not involved in the front-line work, and Nina, the little assistant behind him, were also curious about what kind of film he would make next.

The brilliance of "Joker" is still going on. Every fool knows that if he wants to surpass this masterpiece, even Wayne has a low chance of being able to do it. stand up!

After the appetite of the crowd was dazzled, Wayne said, "Jeff, if I prepare two films at the same time, with the current funding situation of Warner Bros., can I hold on to it?"

This is the main problem. The movie company looks very high, but in fact, the cash flow is scary. Most of the non-sequel films with large investment and large production rely on financing to solve the problem.

Some mid-sized film companies, perhaps even a big investment, are in danger of going bankrupt and being acquired at any time. Warner Bros. has developed very well in the past two years, but it cannot escape this rule.

There are three major productions that Wayne knows this year. The investment of "Joker" is still the lowest, and the investment of "The Goose Pond Assassination Order" is the highest. With Julia Roberts, who has 20+20, the initial investment is not small. .

"Tell me about it, Wayne!" In the end, Kevin Tesuhara took over. Jeff can\'t be in charge of this matter, and there are still some possibilities for the CEO to promote the review.

"I\'m just going to mention to you that the specific project plan will be handed over to Warner Bros. when I return from vacation, probably before October." Lighting a cigarette, Wayne took a deep breath, ready to say that he was crazy s plan.

"Mr. Keller of DC called me, and we had a brief exchange. One of the projects is DC\'s superheroes. The estimated preparation time for this project may exceed ten months. I need to make props, special effects, etc. in advance. There are also actors training in advance!"

really! Hearing his first mention of DC Comics, Jeff Robinoff remembered Jonathan\'s confident face at the meeting. It seems that the one who knows this director the most is the manager of his subordinate DC Comics company.

Wayne was also thinking about it and continued: "This project can use the shooting case to maintain its popularity, but the preparation time is too long, and funds need to be invested to maintain it during the period, and I am not sure about the specific production costs required. I just decided it in the past few days, and it takes time to investigate!"

A project with no certainty, let alone a plan, and not even a script, is not in line with Hollywood\'s investment rules, but Wayne Greenberg came up with the idea.

Now the record holder of the highest box office in North America, is also synonymous with success that has never failed! Everyone in the room knows that he is now qualified to play like this in the early stage, but Warner Bros. is not willing, and some production companies are willing to play with him!

"Okay, Wayne!" Jeff Robinoff frowned and nodded. "This matter can wait for your plan to come out. It\'s better to call Jonathan together. We can talk about it in time, and talk about your plans for another film."

Wayne didn\'t expect them to take over the whole thing with a pat on the head. He didn\'t have a mentally retarded halo since he was young. Just let them know in advance and give them a psychological preparation.

"Kevin." Turning to look at the head of Warner Bros., he asked with some doubts: "I remember Stephen King\'s horror novel, the film and television adaptation rights are in the hands of Warner Bros.? It\'s 90 years. It\'s been filmed once."

This span is obviously a bit large. Kevin Tesuhara thought about it for a while, and asked with some uncertainty: ""The Clown\'s Soul"?"


Frowning, he carefully determined in his mind for a while. "I have to go back and check to find out. I remember that after the film was released for two episodes, the market performance was very average, and Warner Bros. put the production of the sequel on hold."

That\'s right, it\'s this horror movie. Wayne is going to make this remake quickly during the preparatory period of another DC blockbuster, not for anything else, but for the low production cost and high return on investment ratio.

Compared to the difficulty of shooting and the speed of shooting, this movie is the most suitable choice for him to think about. This is just an excessive work that he went for the box office in order to consolidate his position in the circle, without considering other factors at all.

Compared to Wayne\'s other alternatives, filming this is too easy for him. Anyway, in recent years, he is not ready to get involved in that little golden man. It is better to consolidate himself in the circle while he is young. status.

"Well, that\'s it for today, I will notify the agent to communicate with you about the specifics." Wayne stood up and shook hands with the two executives, preparing to end the conversation. "By the way. During this time, I will go on vacation. You know, I have been working under tremendous pressure for the past three years. If I don\'t relax, I think I will need a psychiatrist soon!"

When it comes to these few people laugh, everyone knows he is a workaholic. As long as you enter the working state, you will need assistants to take care of your daily life.

After leaving the lounge and returning to the hall, it was exactly as Wayne thought. These people in the circle gathered together were nothing more than women, spirits, and a couple of sips. He reached out and rubbed his temples, ready to leave.

Another point is that if he wants to join in, those people will not have a good time. Even John silently followed the two executives out of the hotel.


He called out to Black Pearl, who was not far from him, and watched her turn around and waved to her. "I\'m going to go back first, do you want to be with me?"

The **** and charming dress of this black pearl tonight made Wayne amazed in his heart. He was also madly comforting himself in his heart, but he drank too much white foreign milk during this time, and wanted to reminisce about the taste of chocolate.

However, the little assistant behind him obviously didn\'t think so. When his boss greeted the black beauty, he silently spat at his back. "Spit, scumbag!"

"Okay, it\'s boring here anyway!" Halle-Berry agreed very happily, and took his arm naturally. "I just want to talk to you about something, let\'s go!"

"Baby, you\'re so hot tonight!"

Feeling the hand wandering behind him, Harry-Berry resisted the urge to roll his eyes, got into the car with him and drove back to the manor. The more this man talks sweetly, the more he suffers. This is the rule she has concluded by herself...

But after getting in the car, Wayne did not continue to act excessively, but looked at the assistant with clear eyes. "Contact Howard tomorrow and ask him to bring the accounting team of PricewaterhouseCoopers to calculate my box office share. You have to be more careful about this."

"No problem, boss!" Nina knows her boss too well, a woman is definitely not tempted by tens of millions of dollars, and he also likes to be a shopkeeper.

After thinking about it, she reminded helplessly. "Use me to contact Ryan and let him come over from New York? He can\'t handle such a big deal by himself."

"You can discuss with him~www.novelhall.com~ to form a team of lawyers, don\'t be afraid to spend money, this matter is more important than you think! Let\'s talk slowly, don\'t worry, we have time. Now Warner Brothers, in order to tie me up, those shareholders will slowly give more benefits!"

If Nina is not his assistant, Wayne will tell everyone, don\'t be deceived by this woman\'s ordinary figure and appearance!

This is a woman who has grown all of God\'s gifts into her mind. She is the kind of woman who is typically ordinary in appearance but capable. This is Wayne\'s evaluation of her in his heart!

This shrewd and ordinary woman can take care of everything around Wayne quietly, whether it is regular communication with the accountant about investment plans, or regular consultation with Ryan on legal issues, even with the staff in the manor Everyone gets along very well, every employee, including the lawn mower gardener!

Even the women who came and went around Wayne were all fond of her.

"Make arrangements as soon as possible, you and Sergey will go on vacation with me in two days!"

"no problem!"