Hollywood Drawing

~: 165 - Do you want to be a Warner shareholder?

After two days of hustle and bustle, the beauty reporter\'s sunbathing, after all, was sunbathing by the pool.

This woman is different from what Wayne has met before. She loves movies and her job, and she doesn\'t refuse to spend the night at the manor after get off work.

After driving to the manor by herself again, Nina, at the boss\'s suggestion, proposed to go shopping and buy swimsuits together, but the results reported by the assistant after returning made Wayne more interested in her.

It turned out that in the face of the black Wells Fargo bank card that Nina took out, Bella Grant did not pretend to be a color, but bought a bikini at the checkout, and didn\'t take a second look at the new season\'s new luxury goods such as other bags. .

It can be seen that this girl should not be short of money to spend, but all the money is earned by her own work.

"Although \'Joker\' dropped to No. 2 at the box office this week, it has already won No. 1 at the North American box office for Wayne Greenberg. This film is still struggling, and now the total box office has exceeded 3.1 100 million…"

"In Hollywood, where the assembly line is serious, Wayne Greenberg is like a dark hurricane, easily shattering all the laws of the summer market!"

In the bright afternoon sun, Wayne was lying by the pool in beach shorts and a magazine over his head, his two golden retrievers sticking their tongues out and resting their head on his lounger.

Covered in sunscreen, Bella Grant, in a black bikini, held a copy of their own newspaper, the Los Angeles Times, and whispered to the entertainment section.

"Would you like to see for yourself?" She suddenly turned her head and looked at Wayne who was motionless. "It\'s full of compliments on you for changing things up! The Los Angeles Times is definitely your friend."

"Bella!" The man\'s lazy voice sounded as he took off the magazine covering his face. "You didn\'t write these things, did you? There are a lot of compliments, are there any other voices?"

Wayne basically doesn\'t read media news these days, and he hasn\'t even opened the "Time" magazine that he was on the cover. However, there are some controversies that have always existed. Although there are not many, there have always been criticisms such as "maniacs playing with human nature" and "perverts in directors".

"Of course!" After changing a newspaper, Bella Grant let out a laugh. "There\'s a gossip about me and you on it, titled \'Hollywood Film Reporter, stripped naked in front of money\', ohmygod! They even wrote about our **** process!"

"Hey, hey! You can tell the paparazzi at the gate of the manor that you didn\'t take me a dollar!"

Putting the magazine over his face again, Wayne continued in a gruff voice through the magazine, "Want to go to the party? Warner Bros. has booked the Four Seasons Hotel Ballroom."

"Joker\'s celebration party?" Bella Grant twitched the corners of her mouth, threw the gossip tabloid aside, and lay down. "I heard Warner Bros. made you a big cake! But are you sure you\'re bringing a reporter to the inside party?"

"As long as you don\'t report on it!" Wayne said.

"Forget it, I\'m afraid I can\'t bear to go back and write it down, it\'s better not to know!"

This woman considers herself a buddy, Wayne is very sure of that. She never inquired about things she shouldn\'t have asked these days, and she hardly took advantage of herself. There is only one possibility, she regards herself as a pure bubble friend!

However, this relationship is very comfortable. There is a feeling of being in love at home. The two sides communicate on an equal position. Wayne has not experienced it for a long time.

"Joker" has been in theaters for four weeks, and it finally made more than $310 million at the box office after four working days. The scale of overseas screenings is still expanding, and more remote areas have also started screenings.

To date, the film has grossed over $450 million in more than 60 countries.

However, Wayne understands very well that this is the film\'s last high-grossing week in North America, and the rest can only be slowly honed by the show time.

"Sleepless in Seattle," which has been in theaters for more than a week, also earned about $70 million at the box office. But like "Joker," the film\'s journey will come to an end.

This week, Steven Spielberg and "Jurassic Park" are about to hit. This terrifying family fun will once again break everyone\'s attention and muddy the waters of the North American and even the global theater market again. The same rule does not apply to this big dinosaur!

Almost all of the big-budget big-budget productions have avoided the three-week schedule for the next three weeks of this film, and no one wants to try to hard-cap Spielberg.

Yes, Hollywood movies are never afraid of competition, but it doesn\'t mean that the production company is willing to take money and throw it into the sea.

A day later, Wayne joined the cast and crew who had returned from overseas promotions and walked into the Four Seasons for a celebration party hosted by Warner Bros. If it weren\'t for the party and things to talk about, he might have gone on vacation.

When everyone raised their glasses for the first time, Jeff and Kevin pushed up a big cake with the number 314 million written on it, which is the North American box office number achieved by "Joker" so far.

"Jeff, Kevin." After cutting the cake, Wayne turned down Nicolas Cage\'s invitation and found two Warner executives. "Let\'s find a place to talk, some plans to tell you in advance, I hope Warner can be prepared!"

CEO Kevin-Tsuhara was full of spring breeze. "Of course, I came here today and have good news to tell you."

Under the leadership of John, several people walked into a lounge of the hotel together. After everyone sat down, Kevin Tesuhara glanced at Nina behind Wayne and said:

"What do you think about the collaboration with Warner Bros., Wayne?"

"Kevin, we are one!" Wayne shrugged and opened his hands to show his sincerity. "I\'ve had a great time working with Warner Bros. and I haven\'t thought about changing producers."

Hearing this, the smile on Kevin Tesuhara\'s face deepened, and he tapped the table lightly. "Remember what I told you a year ago? Warner Bros. will be raising shares in the near future, Wayne, I hope you can seriously think about it, so that we will become real people."

Suddenly Wayne remembered that the other party did mention it to him once when the "Joker" project had just been approved, but he didn\'t pay attention at that time.

This is indeed an opportunity. From the golden age of Hollywood from 1930 to 1948, there are five major film companies plus three small films, a total of eight film companies. The difference between the five big and three small films is that the five major film companies have their own cinema lines.

After the Paramount Act of 1948, due to factors such as market monopoly, the five major film companies were forced to split their cinema chains and sell them to third parties.

Coupled with the rapid popularity of TV sets, MGM and United Arts merged, and Raidenhua withdrew from the market. Since then, Hollywood has ushered in an era of six major divisions and competition.

The shares of the six major Hollywood companies have always been valuable and unmarketable, and the relationship between each company and the parent company is also different. Up to now, the only one that has not been acquired and has no parent company is Walt Disney.

But Disney\'s situation is rather special. It was forcibly brought to the level of an entertainment media group by the legendary manager Michael Eisner. When Robert Iger\'s smiling Mickey Mouse takes office, it will gradually evolve into the world\'s No. 1 media group.

From the perspective of investment, Warner Bros. is undoubtedly the first of the remaining five. Unlike several other companies, Warner Bros. is the most important asset that makes up the Time Warner Media Group.

If you have enough Warner Bros. shares, you can completely influence Time Warner\'s various policies. In addition to Warner Bros., Twentieth Century Fox was acquired by Murdoch\'s News Corp.

Columbia Pictures was acquired by Sony of the book, but it has been in a state of pain relief, and it is still in labor pain after more than ten years.

Paramount was just hit by Viacom this year, smashing the head of its shareholders with a money offensive, and the legendary woman Shirley Lansing who took over as Barry Diller\'s president is slowly recovering.

Universal Pictures returned to the ranks of Hollywood\'s top companies from the 1970s, but it was also acquired by Cascart and became part of the media conglomerate.

In this way, except for Walt Disney, which is in the early stage of chaos, Warner Bros. is the most worthy of investment in both its prospects after more than two decades and its current development momentum.

After thinking about it, Wayne showed a serious face, looked at the head of Warner Bros. and said: "Of course I hope to invest in Warner Bros., this will make our relationship more unbreakable. But I don\'t have much cash on hand, It takes time to raise money! Also, about the Joker box office split…”

This is the purpose of Kevin - Tesuhara and Jeff - Robinoff, UU read www. uukanshu. As long as the other party is willing to invest in Warner Bros., that is to tie itself to Warner Bros. completely.

And Kevin Tesuhara has his own goals. In at most another year, he will step down as the CEO of Warner Bros., move to the parent company Time Warner, and assume the position of president.

At that time, if there is a natural person\'s major shareholder, if he has a good relationship with his new president, his work will be much easier to carry out.

"No problem!" Kevin Tesuhara and Jeff looked at each other, then said: "This is not a small matter, you can let the lawyer and the board of directors talk first, and then determine the specific shares after the funds are almost raised. Share, this is also what the board of directors means!"

Speaking of which, he thought about it and said: "As for the box office share of "Joker", now the theater company has just paid Warner Bros. the first share, you can ask your accountant to come to the company\'s financial department to do preliminary accounting at any time. "

Wayne understands, this is already good! Normally. It is very good for the film company to be able to pay the director and actors a share of the box office in the second half of the film.