Hollywood Drawing

~: One hundred and ninety-two - the name Wayne means success

Now Nikki Marvin can only think this way. The quality of the film "The Shawshank Redemption" is absolutely fine. If it can explode with professional reputation and public reputation after its release, it may not be possible to ignore the influence of the film\'s black material.

In the Sony Columbia conference room, Paul Turner, head of distribution, shook his head. No one knew the opponent better than himself. "Frank, you\'re only thinking of the best possible outcome, and while Warner Bros. hasn\'t released a trailer for Joker, I can guess it\'s going to be a Wayne Greenberg horror-thriller. .

This young man, if he does not discuss other aspects, has already reached the stage of a master in his grasp of his own style. And once his films break out, they cannot be regarded as genre films, and they usually take all the box office. but……"

As soon as the Columbia distribution director\'s words came out, several people in the room frowned. Now everyone doubts in their hearts that this person will not be scared by a film by Wayne Greenberg, right?

"However, it\'s not that we have no chance..."

Paul Turner showed a smile and continued: "I have news that Wayne Greenberg has been promoting "Batman" and will officially sign with Warner Bros. in the near future. An excessive work of the other party.

As long as they sign the contract, Wayne Greenberg\'s focus will definitely turn to the preparations for "Batman". The investment in this DC comic film should not be less than 100 million. "

People\'s energy is limited, and they are the director of a film. Compared with such a project with an investment of hundreds of millions, the other party\'s center of gravity is inevitably tilted.

How much is the investment in "Joker\'s Soul"? If this is a transitional work, it is definitely not as difficult as "Joker".

"One hundred million..."

The scale of investment of hundreds of millions immediately attracted everyone\'s attention. Frank Darabont in particular, as a director, dreams of directing such a big production.

"Why do we have to show it a week after \'The Clown\'? Can\'t we just move it back?"

At this time, sitting in the corner, another executive of Columbia\'s distribution department, Peter Simpson, said. "Since we all know the director\'s appeal, why not avoid his films, but pin our hopes on these unexpected situations?"

"It\'s too late!"

Nikki Marvin said helplessly: "Castle Stone Pictures will never agree to change the schedule. It\'s not that I haven\'t communicated. And now that it\'s changed, where can it be changed? I\'ve carefully read this year\'s summer schedule.

Starting from the first weekend of the summer season in May, big productions will be released every weekend. Movies like The Shawshank Redemption don\'t have any advantage at all in those big popcorn productions. There were no strong competitors in September, and it was the most suitable time for us, but..."

The woman pointed to the newspaper on the table, the meaning was very obvious, and she continued:

"Right now, what we can say for sure is that The Shawshank Redemption has a completely different audience, and Wayne Greenberg will definitely be diverted from Batman.

Even if the box office of that horror film breaks out again, our film should be able to occupy a certain audience base. Don’t forget, although it is all Stephen King’s works, our film fan base is much stronger. "

These are facts, and they exist objectively, and there is no element of Nikki-Marvin\'s intentional comfort to everyone.

But Paul Turner always has an uncomfortable feeling. He feels that the best result of "The Shawshank Redemption" is nothing more than "The Heroes of the Mountain", relying on a good reputation, it has always been able to attract some fans to watch. .

He thought about it and said, "Hold another media preview as soon as possible, and invite more film critics. We need the film to be blessed by word of mouth before its release to attract more fans into the theater."

Paul Turner has already seen this film. As the producer and director said, there is absolutely no problem with the quality, and the professional reputation of the film is absolutely impossible.

If you put aside some concerns and prejudices, "The Shawshank Redemption" can be said to be the most heartwarming and favorite movie he has seen in more than ten years.

"Invite famous film critics such as Roger Albert, David Demby, Todd McCarthy, Kenneth Turan, and Columbia will offer a PR fee." Paul Turner sighed. .

"I want them to recommend this film in their newspaper column before and after its release!"

Several people in the conference room nodded, Paul Turner\'s plan was absolutely fine. Everyone knows that these famous film critics have a very deep influence on some veteran fans.

Behind every well-known film critic, there is a group of fans who can really influence a part of the market. If these people can recommend movies together, the market prospect will definitely be much better than it is now.

Producer Nikki Marvin nodded and said: "I will arrange a test screening as soon as possible, and I hope that the film will be popular before it is released."

Aside from the big production of The Shawshank Redemption, there wasn\'t anything that worried Wayne throughout September. The most worrying thing is "Forrest Gump", but this film was put in July by Paramount.

With a gap of two months in between, no matter how influential "Gan" is, it should not be possible to last until September.

This white moonlight in the hearts of most white people in North America has indeed caused a great social impact. This film also left countless scenes that moved fans, even if it is more than 20 years later, people will still talk about it.

People in other places may not understand it, but Wayne, who has lived here for more than 20 years, can figure out a lot of doubts about watching this film before. If you ask him to summarize the core of this film, it is :

\'Conservatism always represents the development needs of North American productivity, the direction of advanced culture in North America, and the fundamental interests of most people in North America! ’

That\'s why Wayne deliberately avoided this, the white moonlight in the hearts of most people in North America.

As for The Shawshank Redemption, he really didn\'t care. Perhaps through the gradual evolution of time, this film will gain a higher national reputation, but it can be re-screened 10,000 times in the theater market, and it is unlikely to have very good results.

After the Oscars, it\'s not that Sony Columbia didn\'t do it through people\'s sympathy, but just like when it was just released, the results were still very unsatisfactory.

This is the kind of film that is destined to rely on video tapes and peripherals, and use time to make money slowly.

"Wayne, when will the first trailer for \'The Clown\' will be available," asked Thomas Mendes, director of distribution at Warner Bros. "We have released a release date, and the follow-up promotion plan will start soon. ."

Several people were sitting in the conference room of Warner Tower, waiting for the "Batman" signing conference to start, Wayne said without any hesitation: "I will cut it out with Zach as soon as possible, and it will be handed over to the distribution department within three days. ."

Seeing reporters lined up into the conference room, Thomas Mendes nodded and didn\'t continue the topic.

As the conference room slowly filled, Wayne stood up and signed the contract on the spot with new Warner Bros. CEO Jeff Robinoff, while also holding it up for reporters to take photos.

He has gone through this process many times, and it is basically the same every time. After the reporters have taken photos, the new project conference will officially start.

"Mr. Tim Burton!" No one expected that the first question of a female reporter did not ask Wayne, but instead aimed the gun at the producer.

"We all know that you are the director of the earliest filmed Batman, can you talk about why you are a producer this time?"

The gothic director smiled and said into the microphone: "Wayne brought me here! I originally intended to make another "Batman", but Wayne also wanted to direct Bruce Wayne himself, maybe You can tell their fate from their names!"

Speaking of this, he deliberately turned his head to look at Wayne, and there was a burst of good-natured laughter in the conference room. After seeing the young director showing his hands to him, he continued:

"Since both Bruce-Wayne and Wayne-Greenburg are named Wayne, it means that Director Greenberg is ready to put himself on the screen. I believe he will do better than me! His production style is naturally suitable for "The Bat" Xia", and I had more experience with this role, so he pulled me over."

Everyone gave Tim Burton a round of applause, and then a reporter continued to ask: "Tim, you still have "Edwood" to make, and Wayne is still making "The Clown". Will it affect the progress of the "Batman" project? When will this project start shooting?"

This is also the question that everyone is most concerned about~www.novelhall.com~ The two alternative directors who have proven themselves in Hollywood, no matter their shooting style or market performance, will not become an obstacle to new projects.

But after all, both of them still have jobs in their hands. When will "Batman" start, and will it be affected by the current work?

"The film will start preparations soon. The production of "Edwood" in my hand has basically been completed, and Wayne will also complete the work in his hand as soon as possible, and then prepare for this superhero together!" Tim Burton said happily.

"Director Greenberg, it is reported that the production cost of the new version of "Batman" is as high as hundreds of millions of dollars. For the first time to take over such a huge production, are you worried about the film\'s box office performance?"

This time, the reporter led the topic to Wayne. After all, he had never filmed such an investment project.

"I can answer this question for Director Greenberg." Tim Burton didn\'t wait for Wayne to think about how to answer, and said directly to the microphone: "I think for the box office and profitability of the movie, this is the most important thing for everyone. No worries! The name Wayne Greenberg stands for success."