Hollywood Drawing

~: One Hundred Ninety Three - Batman's Choice

Tim Burton\'s answer to reporters must be exaggerated, but it was tacitly accepted by everyone on the scene.

Regardless of age, seniority and other issues, and simply based on market performance, Wayne Greenberg does represent the greatest success in recent years.

There is nothing wrong with saying that the last thing he needs to worry about is the box office and profitability of the film.

"Director Greenberg." The New York Times reporter stood up. "Can you talk about your specific creative ideas for this "Batman", will it echo with the previous work?"

"Well, my answer Tim may be sad to hear." Raising his eyebrows at the reporters in the audience, Wayne said: "I can tell you clearly that this film will not have any connection with the previous work. You guys Maybe think of it as a reverse reconstruction, the story I adapted from the comics.

The main core of this film is to tell the origin of Bruce Wayne and how he became Batman. I will try my best to explain everything they want to know about "batman" for the audience in the short film time.

For example, Bruce Wayne\'s mental journey to become Batman, as well as the equipment and accessories on Batman, I think many people will be very interested in how it came about. "

The birth of Batman, almost everyone knows how, who can not know the life experience of this most famous superhero?

Wayne\'s meaning is very clear, he is to tell the public fans directly through the media, this "Batman" is brand new, to overthrow the rebuilt hero to distinguish the difference from the previous two.

After all, the fans\' reputation of the second film has already collapsed. He just wants everyone to know that the previous one has nothing to do with the current one.

"Director Greenberg, will this Batman be related to the Joker story? We all know that in the Joker, there is little Bruce Wayne."

This question happened to be on the topic of today, and even if he didn\'t ask it, Wayne was ready to explain it himself. "Yes, his story will take place in the same city as Joker, which is Gotham City.

I believe many people have already guessed that, yes, it was Arthur the Clown who led the story of "Batman", and they will also live in the same time and space. Since there is already a clown in this metropolis, how can there be no Bruce Wayne to guard it! "

This is one of Wayne\'s purposes. The brilliance created by "Joker" is still in sight. This story has already gained a strong popularity in North America. It is simply a waste of Chi Luoluo to not use it to introduce a new Batman.

This kind of promotion without any cost will be more cost-effective than investing tens of millions of dollars in advertising. Audiences who have seen "Joker" will naturally pay attention to this new film.

He didn\'t even mind letting Arthur show up early if necessary.

The reporter asked excitedly: "You mean that Bruce Wayne will collaborate with Arthur on the big screen?"

"Yes." Wayne adjusted his posture and said affirmatively to the microphone: "Bruce Wayne will definitely be linked with Arthur, but this film will not feature too many Arthur, this film mainly Or the origins of Batman."

"Wait, Wayne, you mean this isn\'t a stand-alone movie?"

Shrugging to reporters, he continued: "Of course, I plan this to be a trilogy series, and when Bruce Wayne grows into a real Batman, there will be Arthur in the second part. Natural opponent. Oh, sorry, too much I can\'t continue to reveal!"

After answering a few non-painful questions afterwards, the new film conference was over with Wayne\'s signal. No matter what the reporters think now, the most important thing is to discuss preparations with Tim Burton.

As far as he knows, the production of "Edwood" is coming to an end soon, and Tim Burton will have more time to devote himself to the project.

Several people came to Jeff Robinoff\'s office together. After sitting down, Wayne couldn\'t wait to say: "Tim, the sooner the preparations start, the better. When will you be able to free up your hands?"

Tim Burton thought for a while with his head down. "Before the Oscars, I will finish my current work before the awards ceremony and start working on Batman\'s preparations."

After hearing this answer, Wayne nodded with satisfaction, so it seemed that time was quite enough.

In this way, after six to eight months of preparation, it is completely guaranteed that the film will start shooting this year.

Looking at Wayne\'s face, Tim Burton asked, "What do you think about the casting of Bruce Wayne?"

Damn, isn\'t this guy trying to recommend Johnny Depp?

This was Wayne\'s first thought when he heard this question. The gothic director and the eccentric were inseparable. For almost any featured role, the first person the opponent thinks of is Johnny Depp.

Fortunately, the words behind the other side broke Wayne\'s worries.

"I recommend Fang Kilmer, he was the Batman I picked early in the morning, or you can meet him in person."

"Is it a little old?"

Before Wayne could speak, Jeff Robinoff expressed his concerns. Fang Kilmer was born in 1959 and is now in his 30s. No matter in terms of appearance or physical strength, he wants to play a young bat Man, it\'s all a challenge.

There is definitely no problem with this person\'s acting skills, the main problem is age.

Wayne recalled Fang-Kimer\'s information, and did not deny his opinion, but said: "Tim, if you want to get this role, the premise is that you have to sign a long-term contract with Warner Bros., and at least participate in the next few movies. , that\'s the premise."

Not to mention anything else, this can also effectively control follow-up costs. Robert Downey Jr. was because of this. Marvel later wanted to invite him to continue to play Iron Man, but the price was too great.

And this can also ensure the smoothness of the film. This is not a single Batman, and it is best not to change people in the middle.

He looked at Tim Burton and continued: "And this role has to go through a long period of training and fitness. In terms of Fang Kilmer\'s age, he may not be able to persist in high-intensity training for several months."

"Have a large audition, just for this role." Tim Burton is not obsessed with his own candidates, Fang Kilmer is unlikely to sign a long-term contract with Warner Bros.

Any actor who already has some fame will not easily sign a long-term contract with any production company, which is equivalent to blocking his way out.

Those who can meet this condition can only be newcomers who are eager to get ahead, or actors who are looking for a transformation, so he directly proposed to choose through audition.

Wayne nodded. "I mean the same thing, but you need to host the audition, and I still need to watch the later work of "The Clown\'s Soul"."

"No problem, I\'ll finish the work at hand as soon as I go back."

After a brief exchange, Wayne and Tim Burton left the Warner Building. The specific things still have to wait for the other party to officially join the group before we can talk about it, and now we can only talk briefly.

In fact, the most suitable Batman candidate in Wayne\'s mind is definitely Christian Bale, but now this British actor has just entered Hollywood, and he is in his early twenties. No one knows that his acting skills cannot support this role.

The audition invitation must be sent to Christian Bale, and it will depend on his performance.

In Wayne\'s memory, the British actor can be regarded as a dedicated representative. His body is like a balloon, and he can gain weight or lose weight in a short period of time. Regardless of whether he is healthy or not, such an actor will surely be liked by every director.

In terms of Wayne\'s current appeal, there must be many actors who want this role. Coupled with the investment of hundreds of millions of dollars in the film, it is estimated that there may be many famous actors who will come to audition.

It shouldn\'t be difficult to find a suitable one.

After the signing, Wayne put his energy back into post-production, and the sooner "Joker" is completed, the more he can shift his energy to "Batman."

The next day, the media also reported the news about the "Batman" project.

"Although director Wayne Greenberg has only made four films, one of his box office scores is higher than one, and the previous year\'s "Joker" completely ignited the world. This "Batman" is Wayne - Another comic film after Greenberg\'s "Joker", the story will also take place in the same time and space, this is a new attempt, facing the pressure of hundreds of millions of dollars of investment, Tim Burton said: Wayne - Probably the last thing Greenberg needs to care about is the box office..."

Putting down the Los Angeles Times in his hand, Hector Henry sat in the park, holding a half-eaten hamburger in one hand, took out his mobile phone in the other, and dialed his girlfriend.

Since graduating from college~www.novelhall.com~ their group of Wayne fans have also gone their separate ways, and everyone has been trying to find a job. To this day, Ector Henry can still remember when they watched "Joker" together. what happened.

They watched the movie together, applauded silently together, and then went back to the dormitory together, filled out a review for "Joker" on the IMDB website, and put the film at the second place in the top250.

Although not many people know about this website now, and its members are all senior movie fans, Ector-Henry has always believed that this website will become popular in the future.

After the call was connected, the voice of his girlfriend Daisy came from the opposite side.

"Haney, how\'s your interview going, **** it, I swear if you hadn\'t found a job yet, I\'d definitely leave this company, those leaders are vampires, trying to squeeze us interns every day... Haney?"

"Oh dear, I\'m sorry, it seems that the company I went to this morning is yellow again." Speaking of this, Hector Henry felt very ashamed.

"However, I have good news for you!"