Hollywood Drawing

~: One hundred and ninety-nine - lessons left by predecessors

When Charlize Theron returned to the manor, more than an hour had passed, and she walked to the bedroom balcony with an unhappy face.

"When I was queuing to check out, an uncle with a child in front bought a box of bullets, and the little child swallowed one out of curiosity while his father was checking out!"

South Africa\'s diamond face is not happy. "The worst thing is that the child\'s father didn\'t rush to the hospital, but started wrangling with the salesman about compensation, **** it!"

"Well, there\'s nothing strange about it." Wayne poured her a cup of black tea. "You didn\'t run out of Beverly, did you?"

He has been here for more than 20 years, and he has heard a lot about this kind of strange thing. Although California\'s guns are not flooded, the bullets are also sold on the counter of convenience stores.

Excessive pursuit of freedom has a price. Most people\'s reason is that the bad guys have guns, so we need to ensure that the good people also have guns, so there is the phrase \'Happy America, gun battles every day. ’

Charlize Theron winked at him and said mysteriously, "Of course, the convenience store here doesn\'t have what I want."

Then he put his arm around Wayne, pulled him up, put on his handbag mysteriously, and dragged him to the bathroom.

"I went and bought some goodies for lube, let\'s go to the bathroom, and I\'ve got a few new games for you."

Wayne smiled slowly, he liked the surprises the girl gave him, every time it opened his eyes unexpectedly.

The next morning, when the girl was still asleep, he faced the sunshine in Los Angeles, got in the car and came to the post-production studio. The production of "The Clown\'s Soul" is basically coming to an end, and when he is finalized, he will start adding the soundtrack as soon as possible.

After chatting with Zack Snyder and the editor about his requirements, after noon, he got in the car and hurried to Warner Bros. Studios.

There was no one in the studio, so Wayne and Nina went back to their office and took a break. He opened the file box and took out the prepared manuscript. These are the main tasks for today. The production of every item must be explained clearly to the people from Industrial Light and Magic.

"Boss, are these all Batman\'s equipment?" It wasn\'t the first time Nina watched him play with these, and she couldn\'t help but pick up a blueprint out of curiosity.

Wayne nodded and asked casually, "Yes, as an audience, would you expect to see "Batman" in a movie theater?"

The assistant thought for a moment before she said, "If it\'s your previous film, I don\'t like it very much. Those stories with black cores are very unfriendly to women. But if it\'s "Batman", I should be looking forward to it. Bar."

Sir Bruce Wayne has a huge reputation, especially in North America. Whether it\'s a boy or a girl, who hasn\'t read these comics when they were young, Superman, Wonder Woman, these three heroes accompany many people\'s childhood, teenage to youth.

Wayne nodded, watching the Batmobile slowly sink into thought.

In his memory, Warner Bros. used to rely on the most famous hero, and almost every film had a good box office, but it fell into a vicious circle step by step. Zhou started a big cliff dive.

This is typically caused by the collapse of the audience\'s reputation. There are many reasons for this, and Wayne can only try to avoid some of his own analysis.

Recalling Zha Dao\'s "Batman Vs Superman", the powerful appeal brought by Batman and Superman made a very good starting point almost as soon as it entered the theater market.

Then it was inevitable to start the next week\'s big plunge. He couldn\'t remember the specific box office figures. It seemed that he had collected more than 260 million US dollars in two weeks, but the box office of the second week was less than half of the first week. The typical high Drive low.

At that time, there were many discussions on the Internet that this super giant system obviously lacked stamina, which even ordinary netizens could analyze. But compared to the cliff-like decline in the box office, what is even more tragic is that the film\'s reputation has collapsed all the way.

It stands to reason that, as the head work of Warner Bros. and the most anticipated super blockbuster by fans, whether it is the cast of actors or the configuration of various behind-the-scenes personnel, it can be said to be the top in Hollywood. Even if it wasn\'t for these two heroes, it wouldn\'t be that bad, but it really caused a lot of scolding on the Internet.

It was definitely a tragic lesson that Wayne had to analyze and avoid.

Did Zach do something wrong? Not really in the circumstances at the time, he was just an avid DC Comics fan. But the mistakes made in the film are definitely worth keeping Wayne on the alert.

This time, he will try to adapt the "Batman" slowly, to remind the Easter eggs and other methods, and shoot them step by step, but the important thing is the adaptation of the story, which must not be completely developed in accordance with the comics.

Director Zha has already proved that there is only one situation in which movies are made in full compliance with comics. The movie will become a carnival of DC fans, indifference and even scolding from passers-by and audiences.

"Batman v Superman" is simply a representative of this aspect, so that most passers-by audiences, in some places, simply can\'t get to that point.

If you want to understand "Batman v Superman", you have to watch "The Death of Superman", "Kingdom Comes", "Injustice", "Superman - Red Son", "Justice League - Origins", " The Dark Knight Returns, etc. DC Comics!

This is just like a joke, this kind of super blockbuster with an investment of 250 million US dollars must be screened in a large area in mainstream theaters, but the potential audience for the film screening turned out to be those **** DC fans!

As a result, these fans collectively nestled high, but they lost the largest number of passers-by audiences, because they were unable to accept the film at all.

Of course, this is inseparable from Warner Bros.\' fascinated operation. They are always impatient and faint. As long as they are stimulated by the old rival\'s movie, they want to catch up with each other\'s progress through a movie.

People from Marvel started with "Iron Man", and the films began to be laid out one by one. The first few films were almost all carefully testing the market, and then slowly connecting all the characters through easter eggs and so on.

After eight or nine years and more than a dozen movies were filmed, the general trend of Marvel Dafa was formed, and the Marvel Cinematic Universe was constructed in two major stages.

Warner Bros. executives did not look at each other\'s preliminary work, but only saw the brilliance of the other party\'s creation. They wanted to catch up with other people\'s progress and advance directly to the Civil War universe if they were afraid of a "Batman Vs Superman" in their heads.

The content of this "Batman vs. Superman" movie almost compresses the plots of DC\'s five comics, and all kinds of huge foreshadowing scenes are simply seen in the movie.

Zach Snyder is not a director who is good at narrative. The end result is that a small number of DC fans revel, because they can fully understand the director\'s settings, but in the eyes of passers-by audiences are like a mess of sand.

This is simply one step behind, one step behind, completely giving up one\'s own advantages, and losing the traditional skills of copying homework.

The decision of Warner Bros. is so fascinated. Even many popular movie fans know Zack Snyder. This director is never good at telling stories, but the saturated color pictures like oil paintings, and the slow-motion lyrical scenes. , narrative montage, comic-style storyboard composition, and most importantly, an aesthetic of violence.

In Zha\'s films, the sense of picture is always higher than the narrative, just like a large MV, this kind of alternative style rare in Hollywood has made him highly praised and controversial.

If this style does not limit him, there will be masterpieces like "Spartan 300 Warriors", and R-rated films can at least bring out all the characteristics of Zha Dao.

Think about how he did it in "Batman v Superman", as soon as a lyrical picture arrived, Zach Snyder immediately entered the state, all kinds of slow motion, close-up and time-space transformation were all up.

But if he is separated from these things, even the most basic narrative dialogues will be awkward, too much use of stream of consciousness such as dreams to pave the way. , the plot is like a mess of sand.

Even Zach Snyder himself said in an interview that he came to the film from the perspective of a DC Comics fan.

The most irresistible thing is probably the plot of Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent turning enemies into friends, which definitely shocked audiences all over the world.

But a movie like "Batman Vs Superman" ~www.novelhall.com~ is like pouring a bunch of main ingredients into a pot and frying them all in one pot, and you have to keep the color, fragrance, and taste. This basically starts from Picking Warner Bros. went the wrong way.

I invited a director who was filming a film with a weak narrative and played with formalism. That’s fine. He also put a shackle on him, restricting the level of the film to be pg13, and not letting him choose his own suitable script. In the end, this happened A typical Zack Snyder movie.

Universal has done the same thing before. They wanted to get the idea of ​​Monster Universe earlier than anyone else, but they all fell into a big somersault and almost lost their underpants. Think of "Van Helsing".

These are the problems that Wayne will encounter in a few years. His choice is very simple. He has a stake in Warner Bros. to gain the right to speak, and then he must not be eager for quick success. No one is competing with him now. It is the safest way to slowly lead out the characters one by one.

Thinking of this, Wayne laughed. All of this came in time. "Batman-War Hour" is the best entry point. With the environment he is in now, no one can force himself not to shoot R-rated films, because The fact that you can earn high profits from your own videos is a reality.