Hollywood Drawing

~: One hundred and ninety-eight - 2 choices

Harvey Weinstein walked away calmly, which was very unlike his fearless personality. This fat pig dared to give birth to the top six executives.

Especially after tearing up coins with Disney Emperor Michael Eisner, there were few people Harvey Weinstein dared not provoke.

However, this is a very smart fat man, all kinds of women biting Morgan Freeman, just a few months ago, all those women suddenly obtained legal aid from barristers, this is obviously the capital in control of this.

There is no need for him to conflict with Wayne. Since Warner Bros. is so ruthless this time, it has already meant to warn anyone.

Quentin Tarantino obviously had something to say, but things didn\'t go well, and he followed along in a depressed mood.

"Wayne, you haven\'t contacted me for a long time."

Before dinner, Charlize Theron finally came. After giving Wayne a hug, he hugged his arm and whispered. "Every time I call, Nina always says you\'re working. Is your work over now?"

"No, just come back early this morning."

While stroking the girl\'s hair, he thought about how to arrange her. Of course, it would be fine to put in a small role, but that obviously didn\'t match what he promised her at the beginning.

I can\'t help thinking about this headache, this girl should get what she deserves for what she paid for. This is the rule of the game, and he is not going to break it arrogantly and unreasonably.

"You know my next movie is "Batman"." Wayne could clearly feel the girl\'s body tense instantly. "It\'s a male-themed film, and there aren\'t any significant female characters in it."

"Don\'t talk, just listen to me!"

His hand stroking the girl\'s hair pressed hard, preventing her from saying what she was about to say.

Wayne raised his hand and stretched out a finger, and said, "I\'ll give you two options, you have one night to consider. First, I will seek a major female role for you in Warner Bros.\'s new project next year, I believe I, I still have this face."

Seeing that the girl was clearly thinking about it, he immediately extended a second finger. "Second, you have the opportunity to have a small role in \'Batman\' and see how a film is born. After this film, I will give you a female role in the next project."

These two choices have their own advantages and disadvantages, the first one can save her a year, and with Wayne\'s favor, the role of the role is absolutely guaranteed, allowing her to have a high starting point in Hollywood.

The second is that the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees the wisdom. It took an extra year of time, but he was able to participate in Wayne\'s next project. Based on the investment of "Batman", it is speculated that future investment will definitely be indispensable.

"Don\'t worry, girl." Wayne put his hand in through her collar. The girl was obviously caught in a brainstorm, and her sense of the outside world had basically been cut off. "You have one night to think about it. Maybe you can make a phone call to discuss it with your agent and give me the answer tomorrow."

With his actions, Charlize Theron woke up, she couldn\'t care about anything else, and immediately pulled out the phone and ran out of the living room. It seemed that she listened to people\'s persuasion and went to discuss with her agent.

Charlize Theron ran out of the living room and sat by the fountain in the center of the small square. She knew the importance of this opportunity and had to discuss it with her agent. This choice may be related to her career.

I have been taking acting classes for a year, and I can hardly hold back the urge to participate in a movie as soon as possible.

"Mandy, talk first, I need you to help me analyze a choice, it\'s like this..."

On the phone, she repeated Wayne\'s words in detail, and she remembered these two choices very clearly.

Then there was a long silence on the phone, and Charlize Theron didn\'t speak. She knew that her agent Mandy was thinking about gains and losses.

"Liz, listen, if I were you, I\'d go for the second option. It\'s going to take an extra year, but it\'s a huge guarantee that you\'ll be involved in a movie with a very high probability of success. There is a saying in Hollywood now that Wayne Greenberg equals success!

Of course, no one can guarantee that he will never miss, but this man is in the most prosperous creative period of a director. The probability of his misses is definitely far less than that of other directors. There is also an absolute benefit, so that you walk enough time and more contact with him! "

These words have basically persuaded Charlize Theron, but the last sentence of the agent still puzzled her.

"Mandy, get in touch with him more? He should have a lot of women, I\'m not stupid, I can absolutely guarantee that he won\'t have a **** love for me. You haven\'t been in contact with him, so I don\'t know, this man\'s sweet words are only He will stay until he withdraws from my body, and he will remain absolutely sensible during normal times, and he will always speak in terms of interests."

Mandy\'s laughter came clearly. "Liz, don\'t be stupid, he put down the camera is a typical capitalist, of course he will speak with interests. I don\'t expect you to be Naomi Watts, but don\'t be Harry Berry!"

Speaking of this, the broker paused and let his client digest it for a while before the voice continued. "Since you stayed at the manor, I have carefully analyzed the women around Wayne Greenberg. There is no way that Naomi Watts has a second, the woman he met when he was down, and their friendship is even greater than Unbelievable love.

But Halle Berry hasn\'t been around him since the end of "Joker". It\'s a stupid woman. The main female characters in Wayne Greenberg\'s movies are almost always played by the women around him. , think about it for yourself. "

After thinking about the phone for a while, Charlize Theron looked around and whispered: "I understand, it\'s better to accompany a young and handsome Hollywood big man, it\'s better to please those potbellied old men, I will try my best not to let him I lost interest."

Hanging up the phone, she let out a long breath. After tidying up his shirts, he went back to the main building to accompany Wayne to dinner.

After dinner, Charlize Theron obediently followed him upstairs, but remembering the previous phone call with her manager, she rolled her eyes slightly and whispered on Wayne\'s shoulder.

"Can I drive out, I want to go to the convenience store to buy something and I\'ll be back soon."

"Ok, you go to Sergey yourself, I still have some work preparations, so I won\'t accompany you." Wayne didn\'t take it to heart, the girl\'s request was not excessive.

He came to the balcony on the third floor and smoothed the two golden retrievers. They became more and more lazy.

Set out the prepared "Batman" concept map, and look at the props that need to be made in advance. Needless to say, armor, masks, bat darts, these things are relatively easy.

One of the sci-fi-style Batmobiles is the focus. This car is designed by combining several movies he has seen in previous lives and adding some self-understanding.

It gives the impression that at first glance, this guy is very powerful, like a sci-fi version of a tank that has become shorter, but there is a sense of technology everywhere.

At least seven or eight such Batmobiles must be produced, and five of them must be able to start normally to cope with different shooting situations. This thing is not difficult for you. After all, you don\'t need to consider comfort and safety, but it is a waste of time.

There is also the scene where Bruce Wayne is chased by the police in the middle of the film. The Batmobile will go to the ground and easily crush houses and cars. These houses and cars need to be modeled in advance, and the model should be used when shooting. .

There are dozens of manuscripts in total, all of which he took time to draw slowly after he started to have this idea. The present is only the final version, and there are many more drawings that have been abandoned.

"Fortunately, the director has basic skills when drawing in split shots..."

While looking for areas that could be improved, he mumbled a little. These manuscripts will be handed over to ILM tomorrow. They will start modeling props as soon as possible, and there are some CGI special effects to be used, which should be discussed in advance. .

At this time, Wayne is especially grateful for the customized study plan he made when he was a teenager.

If it wasn\'t for more than ten years of uninterrupted study, he could not have mastered so many professional skills, let alone these design drafts.

He is also very glad that he did not lose his head and used his cleverness to make money prematurely. Basically follow this road, he will not be short of money in this life.

"Sure enough, investing in yourself is the best investment!" Putting the sketches and the things that will be used tomorrow in a file box, and watching the night view of Beverly, Wayne gently rubbed the two parts of his body. A big dog head, enjoying the rare tranquility.

In fact, this new "Batman", UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Wayne is still following the context of the war, but there must be some changes in it, otherwise repeating Nolan\'s old path will not be able to connect with other characters.

It was different from the situation faced by Nolan at that time. At that time, Batman had already released four films, "Batman", "Batman Return", "Batman Forever", "Batman and Robin". There has been a small loss of audience word-of-mouth.

In the last two movies, the audience\'s reputation collapsed on a large scale, so Warner Bros. had to hide the series at that time, and Nolan was equivalent to rescuing Batman again.

The downside is that he made the trilogy into a separate series, which is completely incompatible with the entire universe. Even Warner Bros. wants to start with Bruce Wayne and open its own universe.

The situation facing Wayne is different. Batman has not yet been hidden in the snow. Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent are still the most famous superheroes in the world.

And superhero movies have not yet become popular, which will virtually increase the audience\'s sense of anticipation. This time, the era of superheroes will never be opened with little spiders, which must be the mission of bats.