Hollywood Drawing

~: One hundred and forty-six - good luck boy!

"Hi Wayne!"

Hearing someone say hello, Wayne looked up and saw the radiant Uma Thurman, the man next to her aroused his great interest at this moment.

"Hi, Uma." Standing up and shaking hands with the cooperating actress, he turned his eyes to the man beside him.

This person\'s recognizable facial features are casual and free and easy. Later, netizens gave him a nickname and called him "ruffian". As soon as he saw him, a picture appeared in Wayne\'s mind, and he proudly said "Niubi" in Chinese!

"Hello, Director Greenberg, Quentin Tarantino!" The ruffian Quentin extended his hand to him.

"Nice to meet you, Director Tarantino!"

After saying hello, Quentin was obviously very interested in him. It should have been intentional for Uma Thurman to bring him to meet him. You must know that this woman has a very ordinary relationship with Wayne.

The body language of the ruffian director is very rich when he speaks, and at this moment he is waving his hands and gesturing. As he said, "I\'ve seen all your videos, you know, we have a lot of similarities in our shooting philosophies and styles. Especially with those beautiful **** shots, ohmygod! It\'s almost like a negotiation. …”

Wayne smiled and listened to his chatter, and Uma Thurman patted her forehead, stabbed him hard, and reminded him in a low voice. "Honey, we should go."

"I\'m sorry, we can talk together when we have time." Before leaving, the handsome director gave him a business card of his own.

Handing the business card with only his name and phone number to Nina, Wayne smiled and shook his head and sat down.

The Australian beauty who had been watching their greetings, stared at Uma Thurman\'s back and said, "This woman was with Ethan Hawke before, but I didn\'t expect to change to this director so soon."

"Stop gossiping, Nami."

If Uma Thurman didn\'t kick Ethan Hawke, how did he get on Quentin? If you think about it, you can understand that Quentin and Uma\'s most important masterpiece should have already started filming. After "Kill Bill", the violent aesthetics of this ruffian director will be completed.

The Oscar ceremony started at the right time, interrupting Naomi Watts\' continued gossip. She and Uma Thurman have not been dealing with it very much, and the words are quite demeaning to this woman.

The host, Billy Chris, wore a clown mask funny, and the first sentence he said was to make fun of Wayne. "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the beautiful and charming Gotham City, I\'m your old friend Arthur the Clown! Hey Wayne, don\'t just applaud, you irresponsibly sent me to America, and now I want How to go back?"


The audience was full of good-natured laughter and applause, and Wayne also smiled and stood up, bending slightly towards the audience.

It\'s not just Wayne who is being ridiculed. Billy Chris, a talk show actor, has made up a series of words, from Al Pacino\'s "Scent of a Woman" to Robert Downey Jr.\'s "Chaplin". ", almost ridiculed all the shortlisted film actors.

Then everyone discovered that the only bright spot of this event might be Billy Chris\' talk show performance. After entering the official segment, various boring and nostalgic performances began, interspersed with some small awards.

It wasn\'t until Naomi Watts nudged him that Wayne came out of his mind-wandering state. Anne Bancroft and Dustin Hoffman were on stage presenting the nominees for Best Original Screenplay. .

"..."Lorenzo\'s Oil," "The Unforgiven," "The Crying Game," "Get Out," "The Good and the Good." Dustin Hoffman paused deliberately, then smiled Said to the microphone: "The one who won the best original screenplay is ~"Get Out", Wayne Greenberg, congratulations!"

Although this was expected, it also allowed Wayne to get the first golden man in his life, and he buttoned up his suit and gave Naomi Watts a hug.

"Honey, congratulations!"

"Thank you, Nami!"

Then there were hugs with the crew, and the last one happened to be the funny Will Smith, who hugged Wayne and roared loudly in his ear. "Brother, you got that **** little golden man, congratulations!"

In the warm applause of the audience, Wayne took over the golden statue from Dustin Hoffman. Although this thing is not a particularly heavy award, it is at least a consolation for him.

"First of all, I would like to thank the Academy for giving me this recognition, which is the greatest compliment for my hard work. I would also like to thank the crew for their hard work, it was you who made this film go to the Oscars. Finally, I would like to thank my father, Ruben Greenberg!

Dad, thank you for risking losing your retirement money and paying for my first movie, you taught me how to be a man. Finally, I have to say to my mother, Anna Greenberg, Mom, I\'d be so proud of you! "

After he finished speaking, he waved the little golden man in his hand to the applause and walked towards the backstage of the music hall.

Wayne\'s award did not cause any waves, and the awards ceremony was still in progress.

At the moment in the back row of the music hall, someone sat up instantly after hearing Ruben Greenberg\'s name. Sitting here are the executives of New Line Pictures, and it is New Line President Shay who reacts.

From Shay\'s mouth came a voice that only he could hear. "Wayne Greenberg. Reuben Greenberg! I should have thought about it, didn\'t expect you to grow so big!"

Shea knew very well what this one-time "nephew" had to do with Warner Bros. New Line Pictures, which he currently controls, is facing a merger with Time Warner. Although it was acquired indirectly, it can be regarded as a family.

But the only advantage is that Shea still retains the controlling rights and independent management rights of New Line, so he does not have to be too constrained by Warner, but can enjoy Warner\'s resources.

"Reuben, I wonder if your son knows what happened back then..."

His voice disappeared into the raucous music hall.

This year\'s Oscars did not have any upset films. The best changed script was awarded to "Howard Manor", the best supporting actress was Marisa Tomei "My Cousin Pooh", Gene Hackman\'s "Impossible" Forgiveness, won Best Supporting Actor.

The most important awards are exactly as predicted by the media. Best Actor is Al Pacino for "Scent of a Woman", Best Actress is Emma Thompson for "Howard Manor", and Best Picture is "Unforgiven"!

And the best director is the long-awaited old cowboy, Clint Eastwood "Unforgiven"!

After Shen Chang\'s award ceremony, most of the actresses on the scene turned from weak to refreshed. Everyone\'s ready to go to the Vanity Fair party.

This is the main purpose of many people coming to the Oscars. Most of Hollywood\'s powerful people will appear at the party. This party is full of opportunities. As long as one can seize one, it may change the fate of many people.

All this was arranged by Warner Bros., and Wayne could only follow the crowd to the Four Seasons Hotel, and Jeff Robinoff began to take him around to greet people.

"The videotape of "Get Out" will begin to be distributed in the United States tomorrow. With the name of the Oscar statuette, Warner Bros. will make a profit this time."

Not far away, Townsend Rothman held a wine glass and chatted softly with Jane de Bont beside him. Bond has just signed a contract with 20th Century Fox and is about to start work on a new project, Speed ​​of Life.

"Townsend, you missed him at the beginning. Maybe you can invite him back when his next project starts. Of course, it depends on Wayne Greenberg\'s summer performance." Bunt looked envious. With that young director, recently, his films have aroused national discussion.

Looking at Wayne with a look of regret, Townsend Rothman sighed and said: "We tried to ask him to come back to direct "Happy Death Day 2", but unfortunately his agent rejected it, and it is unlikely for the past two years. , he\'s already tied to Warner Bros.

In this matter, even I took his eyes off him. Who would have thought that such a young man\'s success was not accidental! "

The conversation not far away could not reach Wayne\'s ears. He was obviously drinking too much at the moment. He was about to say hello to Naomi Watts to go back early, but the big man who came up to say hello made him have to stop. his own footsteps.

"Wayne, you\'ve done a very good job. Many people are watching you. You don\'t have to be sad about Oscar. As long as you keep making progress, some things are destined to be obtained by you!"

Being praised and comforted by the other party, Wayne instantly felt full of peace. "Thank you, Mr. Spielberg, I\'ll keep trying!"

This old Jewish man who picked up the camera is the best director, and put the camera down is a businessman. He should have a very good impression of Wayne, and he regarded him as his own in a few words.

Steven Spielberg looks like he is helping his younger generation. In fact, he is really a good man for Jewish descendants.

"If you have time to play golf together, I will introduce Jeffrey Katzenberg and George Lucas and they will introduce you to them. In our group, talented young people like you are very rare."

This gave Wayne a huge surprise. He knew that although he had some status in the circle, he was still far from these Jewish bosses.

So he thought ~www.novelhall.com~ took advantage of this rare opportunity to send an invitation. "Director Spielberg, if you have time, I would like to invite you to the premiere of \'Joker\' to see this stylized film I made!"

"What time?"

"Soon, it\'s tentatively set for mid-May!" Wayne said quickly.

The old Jewish man frowned for a while, and finally nodded. "I\'ll go, remember to ask Warners to send me an invitation, good luck boy, just in time for me!"

After politely exchanging contact information with the other party and saying goodbye, Wayne felt as if he was in a dream. These characters were temporarily unavailable to him. This was no longer a question of coffee status.

He quickly found Jeff who was chatting and told him the news, even Jeff was sighing. "Good luck boy, this year is an important year for Spielberg. I didn\'t expect him to promise you to attend the premiere in the gap between the two films."

Damn it! Wayne woke up instantly, it was "Schindler\'s List" and "Jurassic Park"!