Hollywood Drawing

~: One hundred and forty-five - Wayne is like a wayward child

Countless fans and film critics are waiting, and the beginning of the 1993 summer vacation is destined to be an unusual carnival. I just don\'t know whether the smug smile at the end belongs to Warner Bros. or Sony Columbia!

With the outside storm out of his Ventura County farm, Wayne stayed at home quietly until early February, finally rushing back to Los Angeles before the Academy Awards.

In fact, this Oscar event has basically nothing to do with Wayne. He neither invested in a public relations (lobbying shui) company by himself, but also asked Warner Bros. to invest resources in certain places.

For this Hollywood film event, Wayne\'s age is a flaw. Even if Warner Bros. and him work together to tackle the problem, according to his own analysis, the probability of being nominated for best director is not more than 30%.

And this is obviously very low cost performance in terms of the money and human relations to be wasted. It\'s better to hold on for now, and when you have enough confidence, use all available resources in one fell swoop to take down the golden statue that drives all directors crazy.

The Rolls-Royce Silver Spur, which was washed by Sergey, was driving smoothly on the way to the California Music Center. In the car, in addition to Wayne, the invited director, there was also the exquisitely dressed Naomi Watts.

Wearing a dark black evening dress, her skin was contrasted even more fair. Black, the color that never makes mistakes, has always been circulated among actresses.

This is the latest model specially customized by the Australian beauty from Chanel. The purpose of choosing black is just to match Wayne\'s dressing style. After all, no matter what event this man participates in, he is a dark handmade suit that has remained unchanged for thousands of years.

"...DC dark storm swept the United States, director Wayne Greenberg will once again deliver a shocking masterpiece to fans! Warner Bros. announced the creation of the Super Bowl, making this DC comic book a success Appeared in front of fans in more than 180 countries, this will once again promote the globalization of the Hollywood film industry!"

"This is a report from The Washington Post. It\'s a neutral and objective point of view. The rest of the media is simply flattering you, Wayne, how do you feel when your name is sweeping the United States!"

Rolling up the newspaper she just finished reading into a microphone, Naomi Watts reached out to Wayne and made an exclusive interview with him.

"Nami!" He glanced at the whole street that was about to be blocked from the car window, and he shook his head helplessly. "Everyone likes to hear good things, but the final result still depends on the box office. Just look at the media\'s praise, don\'t take it seriously!"

Hearing his serious words, Naomi Watts rolled her eyes, she just saw the corner of the big boy\'s mouth rise. "It\'s boring, you\'re looking more and more like a **** old man now! The media is crazy about how good I should be these few days. It\'s the biggest waste to give you all this fame!"

Maybe even Warner Bros. didn\'t expect that this incident would have such a big impact, but they didn\'t act slowly. Various media outlets quickly followed up on the hype, and they must promote "Joker" and Wayne in advance. known to the public.

Even Time Warner stretched out its finger a little. Large-scale TV stations such as TNT and HBO are repeatedly playing different versions of the trailers of "Joker". The line company shared the expectation for this film.

"Do you want to listen to anything else? Do you want to read a brainless compliment of you, or a leading film review by some film critics?" Naomi Watts flipped through the newspaper on the seat, picking out the next reading to pass the time. . "How about \'Chicago Sunplates\'? Roger Ebert has mixed praise for you!"

Originally, this was not on Wayne\'s mind. The director ultimately had to rely on his works to speak at the box office, but today the red carpet in front of the Hollywood Theater was jammed with traffic, and he was just bored to listen to it.

But the mention of Roger Albert gave him some interest. "Tell me, what did he say about me?"

"You don\'t necessarily like to hear it, all right." The Australian beauty picked up the paper and cleared her throat. "It\'s a talented young man like Wayne Greenberg that keeps some of the art space in a homogenized Hollywood.

His first two films are very good at excavating the hearts of the characters, and the theme of the story is also full of exploration of human nature, expressing his attitude through the dark side. pity! This young man was blindfolded by the high box office numbers!

He should go back and continue to create independent art films instead of creating such summer blockbusters, which will make him go down a vulgar business road and waste his talents. He is like a self-willed Children who are taught..."

"Okay, Nami!" He waved to interrupt the woman who read more and more happily. He was sure that Roger Albert, an old bastard, had never seen the trailer of the film, but just scanned it before being interviewed. Just look at the production numbers, or you won\'t be able to say such a thing.

"We\'re getting out of the car right now, get ready! Throw away the **** Sun!"

The car finally rubbed against the red carpet at a speed like a turtle.

Naomi Watts glanced out the window and joked: "So you don\'t like to hear bad words, haha."

Glancing at the next one and saying it was their turn, Wayne shrugged. "Nobody likes that shit, I\'m not a masochist! Well, watch out we\'re getting out of the car!"

As the door opened, Wayne stepped out of the car first, then turned around and reached out to help Naomi Watts down, ignoring the frenzied flashing lights and striding toward the theater door in his usual style.

This caused another problem. A certain actress in front had just reached the halfway point, and she was about to be caught up by two people behind Wayne. All the reporters were gesturing to let her go quickly. But the actress turned a blind eye, still moving forward step by step.

There was no other way, the two people in the back had to slow down their pace, and they couldn\'t surpass the people in front. Wayne still had this kind of self-cultivation.

"What\'s that lady doing? Wayne." With an elegant smile, Naomi Watts asked softly, taking his arm.

Wayne also felt helpless about this. He knew that this was a red carpet. No one knew which Oscar started, and there was such a person. Or take the form of sponsorship and appear on the red carpet.

"Don\'t worry, I\'ll explain to you later."

Looking at the girl who was moving forward in small steps, Wayne doubted that the other party could walk the short red carpet for an hour. Fortunately, the security staff couldn\'t stand it any longer, and took the initiative to walk up to the red carpet to pull the woman away.

"Wayne, look this way!"

"Director Greenberg. Put on a pose..."

"Hey Wayne, here!"

Even with the responsibility of publicity and exposure, Wayne ignored the shouts of countless photographers on both sides of the red carpet and went straight to the interview area at the end of the red carpet.

The two came to the door of the theater. Before the reporters came up, Naomi Watts sighed at the girl\'s back. "It seems that my face is not thick enough!"

As the hottest topic in North America these days, as soon as he walked into the interview area, he was greeted by an ABC TV reporter with a camera behind him. It seemed that he was being broadcast live across the United States.

"Director Greenberg, "Get Out" has only received three nominations, and there is no best director among them. Do you think the academy is ignoring you?" The female reporter\'s first question aroused him. alert.

Following the recited routine, Wayne smiled at the camera. "Being nominated is a great encouragement to me. I\'m still young, and the academy has given me and the film enough!"

The reporter then asked: "Will you be nominated for best director for the next film?"

"I will try my best!"

Age, the younger you are, the more you take advantage of it. The only exception is Oscar. Those old men who control the academy will never allow a young man in his early twenties to easily get the golden man who is the highest achievement. .

"There has been news from the outside world that you and Naomi Watts are lovers." The female reporter gestured to the girl who was laughing beside her. "You asked her to be the heroine of your two consecutive films. Can you talk about your relationship?"

"We\'re just good friends." Wayne smiled and patted the girl\'s arm. "When I didn\'t graduate, we were neighbors, so our relationship has always been great, but we\'re not boyfriend and girlfriend, so don\'t get me wrong, her male fans will want to kill me!"

The reporter handed the microphone to Naomi Watts. "What do you think of your friendship?"

"Partner! Yes~www.novelhall.com~Partner!" The Australian girl\'s delicate face glanced at Wayne at the right time. "The friendship between us is like a partner in the same industry, from a small apartment, hand in hand to our current partner!

Wayne is a genius and moves very fast, but he never left me alone, so he invited me to play the heroine in both of his films! "

"Okay, thank you two!" The reporter saw the next wave of people on the red carpet and quickly ended the simple interview.

After entering the California Music Center, Jeff Robinoff, who had been waiting here for a long time, took them to the position of the crew together with his manager Jimmy and assistant Nina.

After sitting down, Jeff looked around, and whispered to him: "The best screenwriter is sure to be stable. There is no need to report other awards. Warner\'s resources are all invested here."

He nodded slightly. "I see!"

The crew of "Get Out" came one after another, and everyone acted very relaxed. Obviously, everyone understood that they were here today just to show their faces and go through the motions.