Hollywood Drawing

~: One hundred and eighty one - apology

As soon as he threw the sandwich on the plate, Wayne\'s face darkened immediately. Originally, as soon as he entered the crew, he turned into an ice cube face. When he heard the news, his expression was so cold that he could wring out water.

"Who else knows about this! Did Zach block the news?"

He put on his coat, ready to go and see what was going on. If the parents of those children find out, it will be troublesome in the end. If they cover it up, it\'s okay to say that if they don\'t cover it, they may have to pay those little actors a lot of money. He doesn\'t have the budget.

"A lot of people have seen it, or heard it!" Luke Simmons explained as he got out of the car, following Wayne. "That Jaden Lieberhe, who had a slight stutter, was the first time he smoked, and he sang after he was hilarious, otherwise he would not have been discovered by the props team."


Lunch time was originally to find a place individually, or to rest in small groups. The prop compartment is so big, and there are so many messy props and costumes in it that no one usually wants to go there.

Now that Wayne got out of the car, he saw many staff members, who were looking inside from the prop carriage, most of whom had gloating expressions on their faces.

"Luke, you go and let them all go."

After he finished speaking, he walked over, leaving only a small gap in the compartment door. After pulling the back door, he and Bruce Rosenblum walked in, and immediately closed the door.

There was also the faint voice of Luke Simmons driving those people away.

There is a lot of space in the car, but there are a lot of messes. Zach Snyder is sitting on a bucket with his back to the door. On the opposite side are several dejected children, one by one squatting under a row of clothes.

Drew Barrymore sat cross-legged on the ground, next to him was Jaeden Lieberher, who had just woken up, and the black kids Jonathan Jacobs and Wyatt Olef were staring at the bottom of the car, not daring to look up. , Finn Wolfhard looked proud, as if he had done something big.

"Miss Barrymore!" Wayne bent down and looked into the eyes of the rebellious girl. "Now it\'s up to you to tell me what happened! Don\'t try to lie to me, or I\'ll call Spielberg right now and have him fly over and take you away!"

Originally, the girl had always had an indifferent expression. She had seen this kind of thing a lot before, and the crew didn\'t have a good way to deal with it. At most a warning.

Especially for "children" under the age of eighteen like them, the normal crew basically has no good solution, and they don\'t dare to deal with it, otherwise the news will be a scandal.

But seeing the grimness that flashed across Wayne\'s face, the girl was obviously panicked and said involuntarily, "We just want to come in and explore, we found it in the prop car..."

He nodded, his voice full of indifference. "Fine, then tell me now, who of you smoked that **** thing!"

"Sir, I don\'t blame Drew, I am very curious..." Jaden Lieberher, who had sobered up at this time, was about to make a move, but as Wayne turned his head to look at him, the child\'s voice gradually faded. get smaller.

With a cold face, he turned his head and looked at Drew Barrymore again. Wayne obviously didn\'t believe what other children said, and continued to wait for the girl to speak for herself.

This matter is very bad, and Wayne feels very disgusting. Every time he shows in advance that he hates this thing, but almost every time he finds someone around him smoking it, as if he is related to contraband?

Drew Barrymore bowed his head, avoiding his gaze, and whispered, "I took a puff, Jayton Lieberher took two puffs, and when it was Finn Wolfhard\'s turn, Jatton suddenly sang, and we been found."

"Very well, keep your mouth shut, Miss Barrymore!" Wayne looked back at Zach Snyder and the production manager, nodded with them, and looked back at the girl. "Now, tell me where you found it."

The girl struggled to stand up, walked to the hanger, pointed to a men\'s coat, lifted it up and found a bag hanging on the hanger, which should belong to the same person as the coat.

"I thought the bag would have..."

Wayne interrupted her directly and put his hands on the girl\'s shoulders. "Okay, they don\'t understand anything, and I don\'t believe you don\'t understand! Only this time, understand? I don\'t want to find anything like this again! Look me in the eyes and answer me!"

"Yes, Director Greenberg, I promise it\'s only this time, it will never happen again!" Since seeing Wayne\'s ferocious expression for a moment, Drew Barrymore has been avoiding his eyes, even his mouth. He kept his head down while making promises.

Hearing the girl\'s words, he turned his attention to the children again. "what about you!"

"Yes, sir, I promise, please don\'t inform my parents! Please!"

"I promise it won\'t happen again..."

Several children nodded like chickens pecking at rice, especially Jaden Liebercher, who kept looking at him with pleading eyes.

"Zach, take them to your trailer to eat and rest!" With a sigh of relief, Wayne said to Zack Snyder, "Watch them! If I finish this thing today, these kids What happens again..."

"No, leave it to me!" Zach Snyder tilted his head to the children and took the lead.

He understands that Wayne blames himself for a reason, and he reminded himself several times before filming that he must pay attention to these contraband problems. There is a big party in this place, these things are completely semi-legalized, and it is too easy to get some.

And, there is another very important point. Although Luke Simmons has returned to the team, he is only the second assistant director. All the specific work in the crew is basically in charge of himself. If something goes wrong, he will naturally find himself.

"What are you going to do, Wayne!"

Bruce Rosenblum was very fortunate at this time, fortunate that this filming chose this place where birds don\'t shit. Otherwise, with more than 100 people in the crew, the media would have come to the door long ago.

As long as this incident is reported, issues related to children will definitely touch the nerves of most people in society, and the follow-up will definitely face various investigations by child rights organizations and trade unions.

The shutdown of the crew is light, and it is estimated that they will face huge fines and compensation. Those so-called public welfare organizations are all blood-sucking leeches.

"Someone took what I said seriously! Damn it!" Taking off the coat and purse hanging on the hanger, Wayne kicked a clown mask away, and shouted out of the car: "Lu K! Luke, come in!"

When Luke Simmons climbed into the prop car, he directly handed the things over, and in the other party\'s puzzled eyes, he said, "Go ask, who these things belong to, and come back and tell me! fxxk!"


Seeing the unhappy face of this junior, Luke Simmons took the things and got out of the car without any hesitation.

Wayne had to get to the bottom of this to see who was challenging his authority. He had to tell everyone on the set how important it was.

It\'s definitely more convenient to find someone when things are there. Regardless of the number of people in the props group, this person will definitely not be able to escape.

Wayne and Bruce Rosenblum went back to their trailer and ate together in silence. There is a tacit understanding between them and they all understand that no matter how this matter is handled, the filming work must not be delayed.

Fortunately, the parents of the children did not join the group, and only the parents of the little boy in the opening scene came, because he had very few shots, and it could be over in one day, and they would fly back to North America after filming.

Otherwise, as long as this matter is caught by the parents of those children, the necessary compensation will definitely be indispensable. How can I go back directly with hundreds of thousands of dollars for filming.

But now that they are not there, even knowing it afterwards is useless. If someone makes trouble afterwards, Bruce Rosenblum, the capital representative, will definitely let them know what it means to be cheeky.

Before the filming started in the afternoon, the owner of the big thing, Rondo Deron, was called in front of everyone. Slowly, everyone realized that something was wrong, and Wayne walked out slowly with a loudspeaker.

"Mr. Delong, I think the contract signed with you before the filming has an anti-drug clause? Why? Could it be that the validity of the contract can\'t restrain you, or what I said doesn\'t work? This is not the first time we have cooperated, I Can this be understood as you are challenging my authority!?"

A loud voice came from the loudspeaker, and Wayne stood a meter away from Rondo Delon, holding a loudspeaker face to face and yelling at him.

Everyone around turned their attention to the two people in front for a moment, no one spoke, and the entire shooting venue was terrifyingly quiet.

At this time, Rondo Deron, who was opposite Wayne, also knew the seriousness of the matter~www.novelhall.com~ Everything else can be said. It is absolutely unbearable for all directors to challenge the authority of the boss in the crew. .

"Mr. Greenberg, listen to me..."

"I don\'t need you to explain to me! I don\'t need you to apologize to me!" Wayne interrupted him directly through the loudspeaker. "Are you working in Hollywood on your first day? You can definitely imagine what the consequences will be! If you don\'t want me to talk to you with a contract, now, I apologize to all the staff!"

Rondo Deron\'s face turned red in an instant. In his opinion, being reprimanded in front of so many people was already very embarrassing for him. After all, it was not the first day for him to work with Wayne. Apologize to everyone!

"Okay." He watched the director\'s face getting more and more ugly, took the loudspeaker and turned to face everyone. "It\'s my fault, sorry!"

After he finished speaking, he handed the loudspeaker to Zach Snyder next to him, and walked back with an embarrassed look on his face.

"What are you looking at, I don\'t want another time! Keep your mouth shut and get ready to work!" Zach Snyder shouted to the surroundings.