Hollywood Drawing

~: One hundred and eighty-eldest sister will lead you to smoke "leaf cigarettes"


The little boy who played Bill\'s younger brother also followed his parents. He didn\'t have many scenes, only a few scenes, but it was the introduction of the whole story. Wayne deliberately squatted down to communicate with him.

"Chase the paper boat and run like you practiced before, understand? Don\'t look at the camera or the people around you, just pretend we don\'t exist."

The little boy nodded curiously. "Good sir!"

"Go on, you\'ll do great!"

Reaching out to touch the child\'s head, Wayne smiled and encouraged him. There are a large number of children in the crew, the emotion of this young actor is definitely one of the uncontrollable factors, and all he can do is encourage him.

This scene is relatively easy, but as everyone expected, when the artificial rain of the props team hit, an accident still occurred, and the child would unconsciously look at his parents every time.

"cut! Take a ten-minute break."

When this was the case for the third time, Wayne reluctantly came to the parents of the little actor, who were also concerned and looked at their son.

"Mr. Thornton, or can you go and stay in the car for a few minutes?" He pointed to the prop trailer behind him. "Little Thornton will catch a cold if he goes on like this. If you are gone, he may be more relaxed!"

"Sorry, we just don\'t feel at ease, okay, call us after filming." Although the parents are worried about their children, they are quite reasonable.

Walking back to the monitor, he waved to start again, Zach Snyder nodded, and walked over to the child with another order.

"Everyone, back off, keep quiet!" Wayne stood directly on the chair and shouted with a loudspeaker. "Lee, pay attention to the makeup on your face, if it gets drenched, I would suggest that the makeup artist mix the paint with glue!"

Before the filming started, the boy turned back to find his parents, but this time he was obviously disappointed. In addition to a dozen cameras of different heights, there were only a large number of crew members and waiting young actors around him.

The clerk took the slate and came to the main camera again. ""The Clown\'s Soul", the first scene, the first act, start!"

Under the crowd\'s onlookers, the child performed well this time. Fortunately, the little actors were arranged to practice walking, otherwise it would be more troublesome.

The little boy chased the boat in the heavy rain and stumbled. He hit the railing, but kept staring at the drifting paper boat.

"Cut! Zach, let\'s just do this for this shot, arrange the camera position, and take advantage of this kid\'s good performance, let\'s shoot along!"

Although on the monitor, Wayne could clearly see the little boy sneaking a peek at the camera on his right when he hit the railing, but he didn\'t intend to dunk it, and the other parts performed well, which can be cut out in the later stage. .


Waving to Li Guohao dressed as a clown, he pointed to the other\'s mouth. "I know it\'s uncomfortable to wear this thing, but you still have to pay attention to the makeup on your face. You\'ll be fine in the performance, and pay attention to arouse the child\'s emotions."

At this time, Li Guohao\'s image changed greatly. From the forehead to the entire head, a special headgear is put on. The face was also covered with white paint, and the most important thing was the innermost custom braces.

The clown is ugly and scary, almost this thing takes a lot of credit. The props group has produced more than a dozen of different sizes and models, which are used in different scenes.

"The rain truck is ready!"

"The lights are fine!"

"The camera crew is ready!"

With the sound of preparations coming from the various work groups, the scene returned to silence again.

Li Guohao hid in the arranged sewer, stretched out his hand and made an ok gesture.

"Crack!" As the slate was laid down again, the little boy looked curiously at the sewer, just in time to see the funny and gloomy face of the clown, and he sat on the ground in fright.

"cut! This is ok, take a ten-minute break and grab makeup for that child."

The few main actors who were waiting on the side, almost all of them had not filmed much, they gathered together and watched curiously, while Drew Barrymore stood by himself.

Jayden Lieberher, who plays Bill, has been staring at the board since filming began, apparently curious about everything on set. Looking at the girls who were incompatible with him, he finally summoned up the courage and walked over.

"Hi, Drew, I heard a lot of people say that you have been filming since you were a child. Can you tell me what the board with the opening is for?"

What he said was still stammering, but this little boy was obviously very obsessed with bad girls a few years older than him. This kind of girl was very attractive to boys of this age.

"You didn\'t want to date me, did you?" Drew Barrymore glanced up and down with bubble gum in his mouth. "Okay, that\'s the slate."

Jaden Lieber took a peek at the girl\'s chest and said, "I\'m just curious, and I don\'t dare to go to those adults. They seem to be busy..."

"Boring trick!" The girl rolled her eyes, but explained it anyway. "Pay attention to the words on the board. It has the abbreviations of the scene, the scene, the director, the title, etc., and one end can be opened and closed to make a sound.

In order to be able to synchronize the sound and picture in the post-editing process, a segment must be shot in front of each shot, and the post-editors will find the shots for use. There are at least a thousand shots in a movie. If you don’t make a decision, it will be messy! Because directors never shoot in sequence. "

The girl\'s show-off knowledge is just basic common sense in the crew, but after she finished speaking, she found that several children were surrounding her, which made her proudly raise her head.

Behind the director\'s monitor, Bruce Rosenblum stood beside Wayne and asked curiously: "Although I was very curious during the audition, I still believed in your ability. Now look!"

He pointed in the direction of Drew Barrymore. "I understand with that girl, but the rest of the children are all novices and have almost no experience. Why don\'t we choose young actors with acting experience?"

"Have you read the original book carefully?" Looking back from the camera playback, Wayne pointed to a book that had been on the table. "Bruce, this group of kids is very suitable, such as Jaden Lieberher\'s natural mild stutter. They are all ordinary children, and they are more like Loser compared to that girl!"

As he looked at the group of children, he continued with a smile: "Because they have no experience, they exude a sense of innocence and failure, which can perfectly show the cruel confrontation between innocence and the real world. This is the story of this story. core.

There is no need for experienced young actors, just because they may not be able to perform Loser\'s feeling perfectly, this is a story of a loser\'s alliance that grows slowly. Let that group of kids have more contact with Drew Barrymore, the more failure the better, I need them to grow under the camera. "

This is why Wayne is indifferent to the casting of young actors. He has only one requirement for Schwartz, try to find it as close to the character as possible, and it is good that the child has aura.

His setting for the small actors in the film is an alliance of a group of losers, who may be more or less flawed because of family reasons or because of growing up.

If the film wants to shoot that kind of youthful feeling, Wayne feels that it is better to just let them play in their true colors. When these children gradually gain experience over time, and have the confidence to face the camera and face bad girls, film and cameras, they will be able to. Faithfully record it all.

"You\'re right," Bruce Rosenblum said with a smile. "I hope this film can be as successful as you were before. You don\'t know, I\'m not the only one staring at the position of the producer of this crew. There are many producers who want to work with you."

Wayne smiled and shrugged. He believed what the other party said, but there was some compliment in it, so it was not easy to say.

The filming of the opening scene in the rain went well. Most of the crew members are old employees, and it is not the first time they have cooperated. A stable team works very efficiently.

When Wayne shouted again, everyone politely applauded the little actor together. This kid has only a few scenes. He can say that it was finished on the first day of filming, but he will have to make up a few more clowns to become him. shots, those can go back to LA to be made.

"You acted very well, boy!" Crouching on the ground and hugging him, Wayne gave the child a clown mask, which was his old routine. "Trust me, you will see your excellent performance in the cinema in the future. Of course, your parents must accompany you to watch it!"

"thank you, sir."

Standing up and nodding to the children\'s parents, they left with the first cast of the crew.

"Okay, take a break early and have lunch!" Glancing at the watch on his wrist, it was less than twelve o\'clock, but the first day of shooting went well, Wayne still called into the loudspeaker to take a break.

After he finished speaking, he walked back to his trailer. The assistant had already arranged the food~www.novelhall.com~ You have to bear with it, there is no Chinese food here! "Nina pointed to the curry beef on the table, as well as some salads and sandwiches. "These are all delivered by the hotel now, but the taste is not bad. "

But apparently God didn\'t want to let the crew go too smoothly. Luke Simmons and Bruce Rosenblum got into the trailer together as soon as Wayne\'s sandwich took two bites. There was no smile on their faces, full of gloom. .

"There\'s something, Wayne." Luke Simmons glanced behind him again, carefully observing the director\'s face, and said, "The group of children was taken to the prop car by Drew Barrymore, Zach is dealing with this!"

"What? It won\'t be our rebellious girls, take them to the car to teach them the knowledge of "growing up" with these boys, right?" Wayne\'s tone was full of ridicule, this is nothing new, anyway, the group of children They are all minors, don\'t reveal the news, just deal with it.

"No, Wayne." Bruce Rosenblum is not as talkative as Luke Simmons, he spit out swear words. "That **** little bi**h, take them inside to secretly smoke leaf cigarettes!"
