Hollywood Drawing

~: Ninety - Party

As night fell, the front of the Four Seasons Hotel in Beverly Hills was surrounded by media reporters. A Rolls-Royce Silver Spike Lengthened Edition slowly stopped at the entrance of the hotel. The hotel doorman trotted a few steps and bent over to open the car door.

Wayne took Harry Berry\'s hand out of the car and walked towards the hotel in the blinding flash.

There were scattered fans around, stopped by hotel security, and some fans were still shouting the name of Halle Berry. Apparently the black beauty has also benefited enormously from this publicity program.

This gave her a good reputation even before a film was made.

Just as they had just entered the hotel entrance, they suddenly heard a loud shout from behind. Wayne and Harry turned around and saw Naomi Watts getting out of the car, causing violent fluctuations among the onlookers.

"Get Out" continues to show, and the crew wrapped up their promotional activities on Tuesday and returned to Los Angeles.

With her beautiful appearance and her performance in the film, Naomi Watts will attract countless fans to every city she visits during the promotion period.

She finally achieved her ideal to a limited extent. Now she is very popular and has entered the threshold of a female star.

Naomi Watts saw the two people walking in front and quickened her pace to catch up.

"Wayne, I\'ll accompany you!" She glanced at Harry-Berry, treating her like air.

This celebration reception was held by Warner Bros. to celebrate the success of the film. Although the film is still being shown, it does not affect the early celebration.

Everyone who came to the reception knew who was the protagonist of the party, the second producer and director of this young film.

"Nami, how does it feel to be sought after by countless fans?" Wayne walked into the elevator with two black and white beauties on the left and right.

"It\'s like the center of the world, I love that feeling." Naomi Watts had a smile on her face. "My agent has received a lot of audition invitations, and I will never compete with others for the role of the dragon in the future, thank you, Wayne!"

Wayne smiled and nodded. "It\'s the result of your own efforts, Nami."

He likes this feeling, not only that he has made progress, Jimmy has his own office at CAA, and Naomi Watts has finally stepped into the ranks of actresses. He once said that they will be partners in the same industry.

The elevator came to the fourth floor of the hotel, and the moment the door opened, Wayne heard a loud applause.

Jeff Robinoff stood not far from the elevator and took the lead in applauding him.

"Thank you, Jeff." Wayne hugged him and thanked him softly on his shoulder.

Jeff slapped him on the back twice. "You deserve it, Wayne. Come on, let me introduce you."

Wayne followed Jeff with a glass of champagne and began to walk around the reception. Socializing is the true meaning of this reception.

"Hello, Director Greenberg."

"Hi, Wayne!"

When he walked into a group of people dressed in suits and ties, everyone greeted him one after another. These were all the executives and production managers of Warner Bros., and Jeff introduced him one by one.

"Wayne, this is director Tim Burton. Next week, his "Batman - Homecoming" will take over your "Get Out" and help Warner Bros. continue to dominate this summer!"

On the opposite side was a tall and thin middle-aged man with slender appearance and unkempt hair, but he was wearing a formal suit. The director immediately attracted his attention.

"Hello, nice to meet you, Mr. Burton!"

Wayne greeted him warmly. This is one of the few directors who has impressed him, because his gothic shooting style is really unforgettable.

"Nice to meet you, Director Greenberg."

If Wayne is still groping for his own film style, then the director in front of him has already formed his own shooting style.

His films like "Edward Scissorhands", "Charlie\'s Chocolate Factory", "Notre Dame de Paris", "The Addams Family" are simply a gothic show.

"Congratulations to you young man, another film has exceeded 100 million at the box office!" Tim Burton\'s eyes were full of appreciation. "You\'re a genius, I don\'t know how you came up with this idea."

Tim Burton\'s first impression of Wayne is very good. He is a director with an alternative style, but he can sell well in business. Looking at Wayne is like seeing the same kind of eyes.

"Thank you, Mr. Burton, I\'m just lucky."

Hearing Wayne\'s modest words, Tim Burton smiled and patted his arm. "It can be said that some people get lucky, but in Hollywood, no director can get two successes by luck!"

"I like your production style. The theme of the film is highlighted by human nature, but it does not make people feel obscure. The dark production elements are simply fascinating."

Jeff smiled and watched the two communicate. Tim Burton was one of the few directors who worked well with Warner Bros. He hoped that Wayne could befriend him.

"Thank you, I\'m still exploring, maybe you can give me some advice." Some people may have a good impression of each other and become good friends with just a few words.

Tim Burton gave him this feeling. From the look in his eyes, he could see that the other party\'s praise for him was completely from the heart, and there was no touting element.

And Wayne also appreciates his film style very much, even if the big director is about to fall over, it doesn\'t affect his impression of Wayne.

This is a director who can integrate his shooting style into the film and insist on it all his life. No matter whether the film succeeds or fails, he has not changed himself.

"Okay, it looks like I\'ve delayed you for too long." Tim Burton chatted with him very speculatively. After suddenly looking around, he found that many people were looking at them.

"Friday, my film "Batman-Return" will have its premiere at the Chinese Theater in Hollywood. If you have time, you are welcome to attend!"

"No problem, I\'ll definitely be there!"

"Don\'t worry, Tim. I\'ll give Wayne an invitation later." Seeing that the two of them ended their conversation, Jeff said with a smile.

Wayne took a swig of champagne, stared at Tim Burton and walked to Batman Michael Keaton.

Batman, this is a name that has a special affinity with me. Bruce Wayne and himself, Wayne, the fate of the two Batman will eventually intertwine according to his plan.

"Sorry, Jeff, I think I have to go to the bathroom." Wayne pointed to his stomach.

Usually, he doesn\'t drink too much, but he was toasted by others all night, which made him feel his stomach was churning all the time.

After saying hello, Wayne walked quickly towards the direction of the bathroom. Naomi Watts was not far from him, and after a few steps caught up with him, he asked with concern:

"Are you all right? Do you want me to buy you some medicine?"

Wayne shook his head. "It\'s just that I drank a little too much. I think I have to vomit again. You don\'t need to worry about me, just go and play by yourself."

After walking into the bathroom, he threw up neatly into the toilet, checked that he didn\'t get it, and then turned on the faucet and stood in front of the mirror.

The cold water patted his face, which instantly made him feel a little more energetic. He put his hands in front of his mouth and exhaled forcefully, making sure that the taste in his mouth would not interfere with the conversation, and then he shook his head and walked out of the bathroom.

Just as he was rubbing his temples and trying to find a place to sit, a tall and slender girl stumbled towards him, and Wayne immediately felt that she would collide with him.

So he followed his body\'s instinctive choice and avoided the girl sideways.

The sudden action of dodging and dodging was obviously beyond the girl\'s expectations. She stumbled and sat on the ground.

"Are you OK?"

Wayne stretched out his hand and pulled her up.

"I\'m fine, I\'m sorry I drank a little too much. God, are you Director Greenberg? I didn\'t expect that I like "Get Out" very much. I\'m sorry, I\'m so excited!"

Wayne folded his arms and watched the beautiful girl perform. If he believed that it was an accident, it would be a real brainless performance~www.novelhall.com~ This girl has flaxen hair, a standard model body, a beautiful face, and is obviously a mixed-race beauty. With a variety of styles, his gestures always show an outstanding demeanor.

"I\'m sorry, I forgot to introduce myself, I\'m Cameron Diaz, and I\'m a model!"

Looking at the hand that was reaching out to him, Wayne shook it lightly with a playful smile. He could feel the girl gently scratching his palm.

"Maybe, we can find a place to have a drink, Director Greenberg."

From the time she started to fall to the present, Wayne has not said a word. He just watched her perform silently. After confirming her purpose, he raised his eyebrows and said:

"Let\'s go to the balcony for a drink."

Taking two glasses of champagne from the passing waiter, the two of them came to the balcony together. Los Angeles has been lit by the sun all day, and even the evening wind blowing into the balcony has a warm feeling.

"Your figure is really good, Cameron, you said you\'re a model? No wonder you\'re so hot!" Wayne glanced down at her body. He could be sure that this girl\'s flexibility must be amazing!

A geek in disguise! Charlie\'s Angels! Aha!

"Thank you, I\'m just very interested in movies, Director Greenberg, maybe we can find a place where no one is there and tell me about the filming process."

Cameron Diaz smiled very sweetly. She moved forward gently in high heels, and she was very close to him, and the breathing of both of them could be heard clearly.

"Miss Diaz, don\'t you think this place is very clean?"

Wayne put the wine glass on the guardrail, stretched out his hand and gently wrapped his arms around her waist. Well, a light evening dress is like a second skin and feels very nice.