Hollywood Drawing

~: Ninety-one-California

Cameron Diaz glanced around with his peripheral vision, and found that no one in the vicinity was paying attention, then raised his head and stood on tiptoe.

In the scorching kiss, she could feel the heat of the other party, and the hands that were walking on her body made her feel a surprise in her heart.

She paid a great price for being able to sneak into this party today, but as long as something happens with this man, all the price is worth it.

At this time, in the corner of the meeting, Nicole Kidman elegantly held a wine glass, walked to Naomi Watts, and looked at her fellow Australian.

"Congratulations, Nami!"


The two touched the wine glasses and exchanged friendly smiles at the same time.

Nicole Kidman was tall, even taller than most of the men in the room. She lowered her head slightly and squinted at her fellow countryman.

"Nami, you didn\'t come to many hometown gatherings. Everyone misses you very much."

Naomi Watts took the last two steps with the wine glass in her hand. She wanted to avoid the sight gap caused by her height. She smiled and said, "I\'ll definitely go when I get a chance, you know, I\'m too busy during this time.

Two films were shot in a row, with almost no rest time in between. After the release of "Escape from the Dead", non-stop publicity activities began. I have to say, those fans were just crazy, and it made me a little bit exhausted. "

Hearing the name "Get Out", the smile on Nicole Kidman\'s face froze, but it returned to its original state in an instant.

She rolled her eyes slightly and said with a smile: "Of course, I can understand your hard work. I heard that you lived in Greenberg Manor for a while? Unfortunately, we were on Mulholland Road, and we didn\'t get together before. "

Speaking of this, Naomi Watts\'s smile immediately cooled down. The other party\'s meaning was very clear. She was kicked out of the mansion and lived in another woman.

Trying to suppress the anger in her heart, Naomi Watts looked into her eyes. "No, there\'s a chance later, Nicole, and I\'ll buy a house there myself soon."

"Then I\'ll wait for your party invitation..."

The two were talking when Pat Kingsley walked up to them and interrupted Nicole Kidman.

"Miss Watts, can you introduce Director Greenberg for us, Mr. Cruise wants to chat with him."

Naomi Watts turned to look at the famous CAA agent with a smile on her face.

"Now? I didn\'t pay attention to where he went. I\'ll tell him when I see him."

After speaking, he nodded lightly, turned and left here.

Naomi Watts circled around the banquet hall for a long time and couldn\'t find Wayne\'s shadow until she walked near the balcony when she heard a few strange sounds.

She tilted her head and glanced inside, and the expression on her face immediately became richer. Seeing that no one noticed it, he walked into the large balcony with a glass of wine.

I saw Wayne leaning against the marble fence, holding a cigarette in his left hand and a champagne he had just sipped in his right.

In the shadows under him, he could vaguely see the outline of a woman, kneeling there and shaking her hair gently.

"Wayne! Someone is looking for you!" The arrival of Naomi Watts didn\'t make the girl in the shadow panic, and even her movements didn\'t stop.

"Hey, Nami!" With a slightly embarrassed expression, Wayne put down the wine glass in his hand and pointed to the outside of the balcony. "Wait for me, I\'ll be out right away!"

Naomi Watts rolled her eyes and turned to walk out. She dared to swear to God that that woman was definitely not Harry Berry, she just saw the black beauty outside.

Before she could go out, she heard the man\'s soothing inhalation and whispering murmurs.

"Did you swallow it?"

Then there was the sound of packing up clothes and belts, and Naomi Watts simply turned her head around again, she wanted to see which **** was able to hook up Wayne while he was going to the bathroom.

Wayne packed up the belt, threw the cigarette **** on the ground, twisted it with his leather shoes, and took out a business card from his jacket pocket. He lowered his head and said softly, "I still have something to do, this is my contact information, you can call me at any time!"

"Okay, dear, you are really great!" The girl took the business card and held it tightly in her hands. This is her goal of coming here today. "I\'ll go first and call you back."

After speaking, he walked out of here under the scrutiny eyes of Naomi Watts.

"Cough! Nami, who\'s looking for me?" Wayne coughed lightly to hide the embarrassment on his face.

"Pat Kingsley, Tom Cruise\'s agent, said the superstar wants to meet you."

Naomi Watts sighed in her heart, and put on the smile he liked again on her face. For the beautiful girl who just left, it was as if she had never seen it before.

This is the other party\'s private life, she has no reason to interfere, and this is quite normal at a Hollywood party.

At today\'s reception, there were many handsome men and women, especially those young girls in hot clothes. They frequently wandered among the crowd, as if they were looking for something at any time.

Like all parties in Hollywood circles, there is always a shortage of beauties here. Some of them are hired by party companies, and most of them are mixed in through relationships such as friends and agents.

The latter kind of beautiful girls who have sneaked in have a very clear purpose, and there will never be a shortage of directors, stars, producers and company executives at this kind of party.

As long as you can successfully climb into one of them, even if you can\'t get the main role in the movie, you still have the hope of appearing in the movie and starting your own stardom.

And almost all the people invited to this kind of party are rich people, which is also an opportunity for some girls to rewrite their own destiny by their appearance.

"Nami, how did they get here? Isn\'t this the Warner Bros. party celebrating "Get Out"?" He asked suspiciously.

"I don\'t know either, but it\'s definitely easier for them to get invitations than those girls, after all, they don\'t have to kneel on the ground to give people..."

"Hey, Nami!"

Wayne followed Naomi Watts, bickering in a low voice, and walked to a corner of the banquet hall, where he saw Nicole Kidman strikingly far away.

In comparison, Tom Cruise next to her is nearly a head shorter than his wife. When they saw Wayne coming, they also stood up with wine glasses.

"Wayne, this is Tom Cruise and her wife Nicole Kidman." Naomi Watts briefly introduced the two authors.

"Hello, it\'s nice to meet you, Mr. Greenberg!" The superstar stretched out his hand first with a smile.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Cruise!"

After the two said hello, they looked at each other at the same time.

When he was young, Tom was indeed a very high-quality idol, apart from the flaw of his height. His attitude towards work was even better than many tricks.

From his debut in the 1980s until the dawn of the new century, this superstar was almost a box office guarantee. There are not many films he missed, but "Ambition of the Earth" is one of them.

"Mr. Cruise, I\'m a fan of your movies. You know, after watching your "Top Gun", if my mother hadn\'t stopped me, I would definitely have joined the army!"

Many people at the reception were looking at this place, and Wayne didn\'t care. He skillfully spoke the scene and greeted the other party.

"Call me Tom, Wayne!" Hearing the compliment from the young director, Tom Cruise\'s expression became obviously much more natural. "Congratulations on the success of your film, you are a genius!"

Both of them seem to have forgotten the competition a few days ago. Whether it\'s Wayne or Tom Cruise, they are very tacit and never mention what happened before, as if it never happened.

The people who can get ahead in this circle are all smart people. Even if I don\'t have a lot of brains, there must be a smart and sober agent.

Everything that happened before was just for the film, just normal business competition. The box-office battle is over with Universal Pictures massively cutting back on publicity and distribution.

This circle is said to be big or not~www.novelhall.com~ said to be small or small, no one can guarantee that they will not cooperate with each other in the future.

"That\'s it, Wayne, if you have time to welcome you to the manor, we live too close!" Tom Cruise chatted with him for a while before it was enough, and there was still time to get in touch with him in the future.

"No problem!" The two shook hands cordially again before Wayne took Naomi Watts and turned to leave, walked to the rest area and sat down.

"This is Hollywood!" Naomi Watts exclaimed.

Wayne looked at the blonde beauty. "Yeah, this is Hollywood! It\'s almost time, I\'m going back, how about you?"

He waved to Harry Berry, who was looking over, and stood up to straighten his suit.

Naomi Watts stared intently at the approaching Black Pearl. "You\'re not going to play with her, are you? When will she move out?"

"Soon, let\'s wait until the film goes down. Now those African Americans are still very enthusiastic about the film."

Harry-Berry took his arm, and Wayne asked again. "Should I send it to you?"

"Don\'t worry about me, I\'ll let the agent take me soon." Naomi Watts looked at the black beauty beside him, not wanting to look awkward.

Wayne shrugged and took Harry-Berry out of the hotel. Sergey helped them open the car door and the car went straight to Beverly Hills.

The biggest surprise for him today was not the appearance of Tom Cruise, but Tim Burton. It can be seen that this gothic director is very confident in the prospect of "Batman - Return".

However, this film did kill the expectations of many Batman fans to some extent.

This also reminded him that not all films need a profound alternative style, and the consequences of abuse are serious.