Hollywood Drawing

~: Four - start to gather groups

In the restaurant, a rare family of three was eating together. Two golden retrievers were lying at Wayne\'s feet. They had finished eating the canned dog food. When they were lying there, Wayne would occasionally give them a piece or two of beef.

He chatted with his mother about interesting things in school, and tasted the beef stew made by his mother. Over the years, he has become accustomed to American food, and only occasionally still thinks of Chinese food.

After dinner, the family of three and two dogs sat on the sofa and watched TV. He took out the document bag and handed it to his mother.

"Mom, look at this, this is the first full-length film I prepared for myself, and I want to use it as a graduation project. Dad has promised to contact me with an accountant tomorrow, and will invest for me to shoot this film. ."

Mother took the file bag, and Old Greenberg consciously turned down the sound of the TV. About half an hour later, as he and Greenberg Sr. sat cross-legged on the floor, arguing about the Green Bay Packers and the England Patriots quarterback, his mother dropped the script.

"Wayne, actually mom doesn\'t like the story, but the project is very feasible. For your first film, it\'s a perfect fit. I saw your budget, about $1.2 million, but you have to calculate the shooting cost. There will be no surprises, or delays, and for a novice, there will definitely be overruns.

There are very few main actors, and the requirements for actors are not high. My suggestion is that the heroine should find a blond woman who is absolutely beautiful, which will help to enhance the highlights of the film. Don\'t look down on the vase. Wayne, promise mom, don\'t put too much pressure on yourself! "

Wayne listened to his mother\'s words. He knew that his mother had worked as a first-line producer. Although she was a little old, she still had vision and experience, and her mother was not like her father. She still insisted on writing occasionally and did not completely break away from this circle. .

"Mom, I will succeed. Many people in Hollywood are waiting for an opportunity, and I will never waste it. I don\'t want to go to various small production groups after graduation. A filming puppet without the post-production rights, this is my only chance to prove myself.”

He looked at his mother seriously. He also said these words to himself, and he had no time to waste. In this producer-centered Hollywood, he has seen a lot of directors in this circle, most of which are just puppets for filming, and basically do not involve post-production.

Only those directors who have been proving themselves and achieving success all the time have the opportunity to express their opinions in post-production. Wayne definitely does not want to be a director who does not even have the right to make editing suggestions for his own films. This is not his pursuit.

"Of course, Honey, Mom believes in you. You will definitely be proud of Mom."

The mother stroked her son\'s serious face.

Although he knew that his mother was comforting him, he still felt very moved. His father was willing to pay for his own practice, and his mother always encouraged him to learn more knowledge, which made Wayne feel that he was really lucky to be born in such a family.

"Okay, boy, if you\'re willing to give up supporting the Patriots and support the Packers with me, I might consider giving you a little more investment."

Father winked at him, then pointed to the TV.

"Oh, Dad, don\'t even think about it, the Patriots will win the Super Bowl, watch it."

Wayne shook his fist at Old Greenberg, took the script and went upstairs to his room.

He wanted to start drawing the storyboards as soon as possible, and he had to consider a lot of things. As his father said, he only had this chance, and the old Greenberg would only pay for him this time.

If he messes up and doesn\'t get this expensive Hollywood ticket, all that is waiting for him is to rely on his father or mother\'s relationship to go to a small TV or commercial crew, and start from an assistant director or lower position to accumulate qualifications, Slowly accumulate experience and wait for opportunities.

The next morning, he was woken up by the golden retriever. He didn\'t go home for more than a month. He slept too soundly, and his tense nerves suddenly relaxed when he came home. He overslept and broke the biological clock he developed in school.

"Hey, two little bastards, get off the bed, you guys are too big."

Wayne patted the two dogs and pushed them out of bed. It was past eight o\'clock, and the sun shone on the bed through the balcony, making Wayne languid and making him not want to get up.

He went to the bathroom to wash his face and woke up. He took two carrots and went downstairs to the horse pen at the back of the villa. Skillfully feed carrots to a black quarter horse, then start cleaning the pen and brushing the horse.

This is his fifteenth birthday present. When Old Greenberg bought it back, it was just a pony. As long as Wayne is at home, he cleans the pen and brushes him every morning, and rides it for a lap if the weather is nice.

Just like the two golden retrievers, the old Greenberg\'s standard is that I will give it to you if you want, but you need to take care of them yourself, and no one will help you.

You should treat them as partners and friends. If you can\'t do it, you will be punished. Usually, the punishment is to help the cowboy do physical work. This is what the old Greenberg taught him since he was a child, that a man should be responsible for his own choices.

I have to say that American-style education and Chinese-style education are quite different in this respect. For example, Wayne\'s biggest impression is that the content of the middle school across the Pacific is in American high schools, but the things learned in American elementary schools are taught in universities across the Pacific.

After riding a horse around in a circle, Wayne went back to the second floor to take a shower in a sweat. After changing his clothes, he went downstairs to eat breakfast made by his mother.

"Mom, where\'s Dad? I don\'t remember him getting up early to help the cowboy."

Holding the milk, the mother poured him a glass and replied:

"Do you still want fried eggs? He went to the farm entrance. Howard is coming soon. Your father will pick him up."

As soon as my mother said Wayne, she understood that Howard was an accountant for the Greenberg family, who mainly helped their family with tax returns and investments. It seemed that his funds would be ready soon.

Just after breakfast, the door was pushed open, and he and his mother came to the living room, just as his father came in with a middle-aged white man.

"Oh, Anna, you\'re still so beautiful. Little Wayne, how was your school day? I heard you\'re graduating soon. Time flies too fast."

The middle-aged white man greeted him familiarly and sat on the sofa.

"Uncle Howard, do you want coffee? Yes, this year is my last year in college."

Wayne poured him a cup of coffee and listened to his father talking to him.

"Well, Reuben, I\'ve brought the documents you want, just sign it. But I want to remind you, this is the income from the trust you set up for Wayne, is it a little early to take out the money now? ? Internet stocks are looking good right now.”

Father signed the document, looked up and said to Howard:

"This kid will graduate soon, and I promised to invest in his first feature film."

"Well, the money has been deposited into your account, and you can write a check for him at any time."

Without hesitation, my father took out the checkbook and wrote Wayne a check for 1.2 million. Although the family has no shortage of money since childhood, more than one million, no matter what era, is a huge sum of money, and I believe it is not a small sum of money for my family.

"Wayne, this is a father-son agreement we have since you were a child. To be honest, I didn\'t expect you to stick to it from how old you were. This is the last money you can get from this family. I remind you again. , if you screw up, you\'ll have to do your own internship to earn living expenses."

He was holding a check from his father, $1.2 million, which was a huge sum for Wayne now. If he went to earn it himself, it is estimated that he would not be able to earn this amount for a long time.

"Got it, Dad. I understand what you mean, although I know you don\'t want to believe it, but I will not lose money, and I will earn the money back."

After speaking, he solemnly put the check in his pocket, and then went back to his room upstairs. Sitting in his heart, Wayne picked up the phone in the room and called his agent Jimmy.

"Hi, Jimmy, this is Wayne. We can start recruiting. I need you to help me find some reliable people. Yes, I will go back to Los Angeles tomorrow and I will meet them."

Hanging up the phone, Wayne waved his fist, and he can finally start. Taking out the check and looking at it carefully, Wayne actually knew that his father had kept him a trust fund a long time ago. But until Wayne reaches his 40s and accomplishes nothing, he can slowly reap the benefits.

Although old Greenberg sold the stock of the film company and shared a lot of money, he was only driven out and became disheartened. But the family bought a farm and made a trust fund for him, so it was really not easy to give him more than one million yuan this time.

The next day, with his mother saying goodbye, he drove out of the farm and headed straight for Los Angeles along Highway 101.

After returning to the apartment, he tidied up casually, and came to the agreed Jasmine Cafe. When he entered the door, Jimmy was already waiting for him with some documents.

"According to your requirements, these people are the most suitable people I can find. They all have some work experience, but they have not participated in a successful production yet, and their abilities are not bad."

"Wait a minute, I\'ll take a look." Wayne picked up the document.

Steve Wilson, lighting engineer. Lily-Angie, makeup artist. Ross-Will, props engineer. Mia Craig, set designer.

Almost all of them have experience in shooting, but the price is not high.

"Ok, just them for now. Do you have any suitable actors to recommend? The heroine\'s classmates and best friends, preferably an American girl, oh, and an actor, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com The most important thing is to Cheap."

Jimmy was looking at the script, and when he heard what he said, he raised his head and asked him:

"Where\'s the heroine? Don\'t you need me to find one for you? Caa has some novice actors like this."

"No, I have a choice for the heroine. Prepare for it. I\'ll do it today."

That\'s right, the heroine Wayne has been chosen. His neighbor who came to Hollywood to chase his dreams, he has seen each other\'s movies in his previous life, and it completely meets his requirements.

Many plans, he felt that he was incapable of dealing with it. He was just a person. Wayne and his lawyer Ryan first went to Delaware to register a studio, Greenberg Studio.

There is no way, his films are destined to be independent small productions, only if there is a studio to sign a contract with the crew, a legitimate company can be more credible than a college student.

According to Delaware regulations, as long as he has a nominal office in Delaware, he can even share a clerk with other companies, but it also cost him $5,000.

The best place to register a company in Delaware is that there are tax benefits. Basically, Hollywood companies are registered here, including giants such as Disney and Paramount. There is also a professional commercial balance court in Delaware. Even if there is a dispute, it is very convenient to deal with.

He met with the staff introduced by Jimmy and signed a contract. Before he had time to know more about it, Wayne went to school again and asked Professor Anderson to help introduce a senior who graduated with good grades but had not yet found a job.

Professor Anderson introduced him to a senior, Luke Simmons. Wayne graduated two years ago and has been running between various crews, but he was not happy, but Wayne needed him, so he asked him to meet at Jasmine Cafe next to the school tomorrow.