Hollywood Drawing

~: Three - Raising Film Funding

In fact, after signing the contract with Wayne, Jimmy soon regretted it. Maybe the genius in Professor Anderson\'s mouth is just a learning genius?

He has seen some experimental short films shot by Wayne, in which a lot of **** scenes and dark themes make him feel very uncomfortable. Just when he had basically given up on Wayne, he received a call from him today.

"It\'s not that kind of experimental film. This time I made a complete plan and script. It\'s a real feature film, and I need to use it for my graduation film."

Wayne knew that he felt bad for the other party, otherwise he wouldn\'t have contacted him for a few months. But the other party is still a qualified broker. At least he asked him to help rent equipment before, and the other party did not shirk.

"Are you going to make a feature film? Wayne, I have to remind you that making a feature film and all the stuff you used to do are two completely different things, you can\'t do it alone, well, you need me to help you Who are you hiring?"

Jimmy reminded him seriously, seeing his firm eyes, he felt that these were not his concern, he was just his manager.

"I will contact you in a few days, I need basic crew, lighting, makeup, props, sets, and I can shoot myself. Of course, I don\'t need the famous ones in the industry, I can\'t pay their salary, I just find enough professionals It\'s fine."

"Ok, caa has everything you need. Are you going to build your own crew and make it independently?"

"Yes, so I have to raise funds for filming first. I hope that a company will invest in me. I only work as a director, but it is basically impossible."

Hearing his words, Jimmy resisted the urge to roll his eyes, drank the coffee in one gulp, took out the money and put it under the cup.

"Okay, I\'ll wait for your call. I have other things to do. I\'ll go first."

Wayne watched Jimmy walk out of the cafe, maybe he thought he was talking crazy? Putting the money under the cup, he got up and went out to sit in the car. He looked at the document bag on the passenger seat.

After finalizing the script and project, the most important point below is to raise filming funds. As the teacher said, many directors who are very old are stuck at this step.

Are those directors who run around every day for filming funds without talent? This is actually a strange circle. No one will invest in you until you prove your ability, and you can\'t prove your ability without investment.

A person who is almost 60 years old in his two lifetimes, he understands that money is the most important thing. You have all the conditions for success. If you don’t have money to produce, you only have the conditions for success. There are many Hollywood who have this condition.

Driving to the downstairs of the apartment, he went upstairs to take out a packed box of documents and put some clothes in the car. Then drive straight to Ventura County in the Greater Los Angeles area, where Wayne\'s home is.

Similar to Orange County, Ventura County is primarily suburban, with major development and growth going through Los Angeles. But the northern part of the county is dominated by the vast undeveloped Los Padres National Forest, where the Wayne family farm is located.

The central and southern parts of the county were originally small towns on the Pacific coast, but since the expansion of U.S. Route 101 into the San Fernando Valley, the cities involved in the master plan began to grow rapidly, and the entire county became more and more urbanized. .

The San Fernando Valley here is another film and television industry base in North America. But unlike Hollywood, the films shot here are all kinds of for adults, *****.

The key is that the scale of this industry is bigger than that of Hollywood, which has a global market. Behind every film and television company, there is the shadow of large capital in North America. It is conceivable how profitable it is.

With country music playing in the car, he drove along the road, thinking about whether he was prepared enough or not.

Soon he arrived at the Los Padres National Forest in Ventura County, where he grew up on a farm next to the forest, watching the plants in the fields and the cattle in the distance. A place to relax.

Entering the farm, and greeting a few cowboys along the way, Wayne parked the car in front of a wooden villa.

My father was sitting on the lounge chair under the porch, with a pipe in his mouth, and two golden retrievers at his feet. Seeing him open the door and get out of the car, two dogs scrambled around him.

"Dad, where\'s mom? I have something to discuss with you when I come back this time."

Wayne rubbed the dog vigorously and sat beside his father.

"Well, your mother is preparing dinner. I heard about her new beef stew with potatoes. There is a guy in the herd who is always provoking and fighting. Yesterday I asked James to bring him down."

Old Greenberg looked at his son. This time he came back and seemed to be thinner than before. I hope he didn\'t touch those illegal drugs. He understood young people, and old Greenberg had smoked some leaf cigarettes himself when he was young, so he was afraid of Wayne getting them.

"While Mom is making dinner, Dad, let\'s go to your study. I have something I want to talk to you about."

Holding the things he had taken down from the car, he called his father, and together they came to the study on the second floor, which was also his father\'s workshop. There is a row of old-fashioned shotguns in this room, and a huge stuffed deer head hangs on the wall.

Father sat behind the large oak table, took out a huge revolver, and rubbed it skillfully. Since the old Greenberg moved here to open a farm, he has particularly liked hunting and guns. No matter what he does, he can\'t do without guns.

"Tell me, what do you want to talk to me about, don\'t tell me which girl you made a big belly, I might consider giving you a shot with this big guy."

He looked at his father helplessly. He has been here for so many years, but he still can\'t adapt to the American-style father-son communication. He will never forget that when he was thirteen, his father came to his room at night, gave him a Playboy magazine, and wanted to teach him healthy surname knowledge.

"Dad, look at this, I did it."

Wayne opened the file bag and handed the script and plan to his father.

Father took the plan first and put the thick script aside. Seeing his son take these out, Old Greenberg already understood what was going on. It was about a father-son agreement.

He didn\'t want toys or pocket money since he was a child. He helped his father clean guns every weekend, went hunting with him, and watched football with him until he went to college in Los Angeles. The price was that my father had to put up a sum of money to invest in one of Wayne\'s films after he graduated.

After Old Greenberg read the plan, he picked up the script and turned it over. He just read it once and put it down.

"Listen, Wayne. My set is outdated. I was a producer before you were five years old. I haven\'t touched the industry in all these years. If you want that money, I\'ll contact you tomorrow. Accountant, but you only get one chance, and if you screw up, I\'ll help you find a company for an internship."

Old Greenberg looked at his son seriously. If he can support his son now, maybe he can only give money.

"Dad, what\'s your opinion? If you started a film company in the past, would this project get your investment?"

He really wanted to get the investment that his father had promised since he was a child, but he wanted to know if his father would invest in this project if he was still a producer.

Father thought about it and said to him:

"From my point of view, you won\'t get investment. Although your plan is good and you don\'t need a lot of money, normally I would never invest in a novice like you, maybe not at all.

Maybe you can vote for a few small companies to try, but don\'t have any illusions. Listen, I\'ll pay for your first movie just because your last name is Greenberg, no second reason. "

Wayne wasn\'t disappointed when he heard it. He had long thought of it, that\'s how this circle is. This is more euphemistically what my father said. If it is a film company, it is estimated that he will not be able to see the executives. It would be very good to let him put down the script and plan and go back to wait for the news.

"Okay, I\'ll show my mom later, maybe she can give me some advice. Dad, you know how long I\'ve been preparing for this day, I don\'t want any problems."

"Of course, I sometimes think that you may be in a hurry. Maybe you can wait until after graduation to find a film crew first. After a few years of study and work, you have enough experience to make your own movies."

How could he not be in a hurry? Seeing that 1991 was coming soon, he knew that every year that passed, his chances would be reduced by one year. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"Okay, I\'ll go see how my mother\'s beef is doing, and put it back in my room."

Wayne carried the box back to the room at the end of the corridor on the second floor, just like when he left, his mother should help him clean often. At the foot of the big bed there are still small nests that he once made for the two golden retrievers, but they are definitely not usable now, they are too big.

The whole house is simple and warm. There is a desk by the balcony, and a wooden bookshelf stands beside it. In addition to a few books, there are also toys from Wayne\'s childhood, various comic books and a guitar.

The box he brought back contained the experimental short films made by the university in the past few years. There were about seven or eight videotapes. After tearing the tape off the box, Wayne neatly placed the videotapes in the bookshelf and glanced at it with satisfaction before closing the door. Go upstairs to the kitchen.

"Mom, I smelled the aroma before I entered the door."

His mother looked much younger than his father. She was of English descent, about 1.75 meters tall, with blond hair on her head, and was stirring the pot with a spoon.

"Oh, Honey, how was your school day? I watched the beef stew I learned on TV, and it looks like I didn\'t screw it up."

Mother put down the spoon, turned around and hugged him.

"It\'s still the same, the credits are enough, but I told the professor this year that I will use the rest of the time to shoot my graduation works."

"You\'re going to be a great director, and you\'ll be proud of your mom. Go ahead and call your dad over and tell him it\'s going to be dinner. If he\'s still playing with those broken guns, I\'ll take all his toys. Throw it away."

"Hey, dear, I\'ve come down. It seems that you have to find another reason to throw away my collection."

Mother had just finished speaking when old Greenberg had entered the dining room.