Hollywood Drawing

~: Four hundred and sixteen - to the extreme personal style display

The film has entered the final closing stage, and all the audience are looking forward to it, looking forward to what kind of sparks the two undercover agents from different camps can collide with, and what the end of the two will be.

At the same time, the respective actions of the two people on the big screen, after a period of hesitation, Colin finally made up his mind, in order to protect his identity, he deleted Billy\'s police file, so that he could no longer restore the police identity.

Billy on the other side handed an important document to the beautiful psychiatrist, the beautiful woman who was walking between two men.

When everything was ready, the two made an appointment to meet Billy\'s boss, the rooftop where the white detective died, at 314 Worthy Street.

In the bleak background music, Billy leans his back against the roof against the wall, and the audience holds guns, waiting for Colin to arrest him when he arrives.

The iron door on the top of the building was pushed open from the inside. Colin observed it and walked out slowly. Billy, who had been waiting, rushed out before he could react, and shouted loudly.

"fk, hands up, dog"

"Hey, hey, hey, put that **** gun down, do you hear that? I\'m here to convince you hey, hey, listen." Colin felt his hands and explained with the same excitement. "I can give you money, you oh, fk!"

Before Colin could continue, he was knocked to the ground by Billy. "You were arrested by fk, and you have that dog\'s videotape, so what?"

A fierce quarrel, this scene is like a North American English swearing show. The two men are screaming wildly at each other, all kinds of word combinations with f, all kinds of insulting slang emerge in an endless stream, the two men Their small mouths seemed to be smeared with honey, and they greeted each other fragrantly.

"Hey, fkyu. I deleted all your police files! Bastard."

When Colin said these words emotionally, Billy who was holding a gun suddenly froze for a moment, and then asked loudly in disbelief, "You deleted all my files?"

There was another fierce quarrel, and in Billy\'s hysterical ffyu!fkyu! roar, he couldn\'t bear it any longer, he waved his fist, punch after punch, and smashed it into Colin\'s face.

There is almost no modification in this scene, and the expressive power of punching to the flesh is shocking. With the blood splashing from the corners of Colin\'s mouth and nose, the auditorium is silent.

After nearly 150 minutes of torture, the audience has gradually become familiar with the style of the film. Although this scene is full of violence and blood, who makes this the feature of Wayne Greenberg\'s work? It would be strange if it was a realist gangster film without this kind of blood-sucking scene in the whole film.

Everyone knew that the end was coming soon, and no one was willing to make a single sound. More than 2,000 people stared at the big screen with wide-eyed eyes.

Billy beat Colin, but still suppressed his anger and anger, and did not choose to shoot him directly, but insisted on arresting him. At this moment, the iron door on the rooftop was pushed open again, and another police officer pushed the door and walked out. Seeing this, he immediately took out a gun and pointed it at Billy.

The two sides were at a stalemate for a while. Just as Billy held Colin hostage and walked into the elevator, when he came downstairs and was about to leave the building, the elevator door had just opened, and a bullet hit Billy on the head accurately!

Another police officer suddenly appeared outside the elevator. He didn\'t hesitate and shot Billy directly!

No one expected such an outcome. The scene of Billy\'s headshot was too sudden. A large cloud of bright red blood mixed with white fluid splashed directly onto the elevator wall. This scene is very impactful, at least for the audience watching the movie attentively, the impact is a bit too strong.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

"No, how could this be?"


At this point in the story, no one expected that the movie would end like this. Billy, who has been undercover in the gang, clearly shows that he is a good person, and according to Hollywood\'s unchanging ending routine, it must be a good person who overcomes all evil, and it is a happy ending that satisfies the audience.

But all the fans at the scene ignored that this is not a purely commercial film. It seems that the appearance of big stars together cannot change the fact that this is a work that lacks commercial attributes.

Different from the realization of ordinary audiences, there are still a group of alternative guests, and this small group of people shines at the same time, as if they have seen some attractive scene.

The development of things was really unexpected. The movie did not give the audience too much time to sigh, and it continued to end. It turned out that the policeman who killed Billy and the policeman who just ran to the rooftop are both Frank Castro. Photographed undercover police station.

Colin, who was squatting on the ground in shock at this time, flashed a cold light in his eyes, without any hesitation, he stood up and shot and killed the two undercover agents who were the same as himself. No one knows his identity anymore.

A few days later, the police held a grand funeral for Billy in memory of the undercover gangster hero, and Colin became the biggest winner after the incident.

Just when Granule thought that he had finally realized his dream of being a police officer, Officer Mark, who had resigned, beat him to death at his doorstep.

The final shot of the movie is on the mouse lying on the railing of Colin\'s house. The mouse in the bright sunshine formed an extremely strong contrast with Colin who fell in a pool of blood.

The film ended so abruptly, most of the people who were abrupt didn\'t react, the lights on the ceiling turned on, and the name of the main creator of the crew began to appear on the big screen.

This ending was once again beyond everyone\'s expectations, so that most of the audience saw that the lights were on, but they didn\'t react, and were stunned on the seats for a while.

"I said I guessed the ending, do you believe it?"

George Lucas first made fun of the old man beside him, then took the lead and stood up and slapped his hands hard. His applause was like a switch, successfully awakening everyone, with a "Boom", the applause sounded like thunder for a while.

"You guessed it?" Steven Spielberg frowned, and his tone was full of suspicion. You must know that when he watched each preview, he never guessed that the ending would be so simple and crude.

"Yes, from the second half of the movie, I guessed that Wayne would do this. The whole movie is full of rude designs. If you analyze it carefully, the story of this movie is probably one of his works. The worst one, but this kind of rudeness of Chi Luoluo just fits the story that is full of rudeness, especially the ending of the movie.”

Halfway through, George Lucas looked at Wayne, who was calling the curtain, without concealing his admiration in his eyes. "The contrasting colors of the picture at the end seem to have a special appeal, giving people a hearty sense of absurdity in the rudeness.

Steven, if the films like "Happy Death Day", "Get Out" and "Joker" a few years ago were made by Wayne in a little progress, he was slowly showing them to audiences in North America and even the whole world. personal style. The "The Departed", which made him dazzle his skills undetectable, was a show that pushed his strong personal style to the extreme. "

Steven Spielberg looked serious and nodded. "Wayne is more ambitious than we imagined. He doesn\'t use a mediocre work to win the academy\'s recognition through the addition of off-field factors. He didn\'t break his promise. This film is like a display of learning results, or It\'s the culmination of his unique personal style!"

While the two were talking, the applause gradually subsided. Unlike all of Wayne\'s previous works, the too strong personal stylization obviously made most of the audience immersed in the rude ending of the camera, so this time Applause, nowhere near as long as other films before him premiered.

After seeing Wayne leading the film crew to the curtain call, the fans lined up and started to exit the stage. Some of the more excited young boys were still discussing the plot with each other in a low voice, and the girls who came to watch the premiere had a high probability of only I remember the handsome faces of the two male protagonists.

"Hello, can you take a minute and help us fill out the questionnaire?"

"Hello, can\'t you?"

At almost every exit of the show, there are two or three statisticians from third-party survey companies. The significance of this work is very important. The audience reputation of the premiere may affect the amount of publicity resources that Warner Bros. will invest in the follow-up. It is also related to the screening strategy of the theater company.

"Congratulations, Director Greenberg, the UU reading www.uukanshu.com movie is very exciting."

"Thank you, thank you for coming to the premiere."

"Congratulations, Wayne, I must say, this is a masterpiece!"

Wayne, who was holding a mechanical handshake with a formulaic smile on his face, only reacted when he heard a familiar voice. This was the father of Star Wars. He immediately shook his somewhat numb head and withdrew his formulaic smile.

"Oh, thank you, George, I\'m too busy here tonight. When I\'ve been busy, I invite you to play with me."

"Ha, George, if I were you, I would never play golf with him." Steven Spielberg on the side shrugged and joked, "Believe me, he only treats the golf course as a chatter. In this place, Huidong will never swing a club."

Wayne blinked at the two old men, and said innocently, "No, Steven, you can\'t just reveal my secrets like this!"

For a time, there was a happy laughter from the three of them at the scene, and the laughter caught the attention of many people, and no one without a wink came up.

When these three get together, it can be said that they occupy most of the essence of Hollywood directors. All smart people know that when they talk and laugh, they do not have the same status, so it is best not to move forward.

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