Hollywood Drawing

~: Four hundred and fifteen - release yourself

In the Way of Infinity, the Buddha said: Suffering from a body that is inexhaustible will never die, and longevity is the great kalpa of the inexhaustible hell. Wayne\'s "The Departed" very Chi Luoluo abandoned this idea, it only tells the story of two undercover, this is just a pure realistic **** gangster film.

Through the relationship of the drug dealer\'s cousin, Billy successfully entered Frank Costello\'s gang and was trusted.

On the other hand, Frank Castro is like Colin\'s spiritual godfather. With his help, many cases are solved one by one, and Colin is getting more and more attention from the police.

On the contrary, Colin often passed police news to the gangster organization, and let his spiritual godfather avoid the pursuit of the police again and again.

On one side, he had a bright future at the police station, and on the other side, Billy, because of the long-term high pressure of undercover, could only rely on tranquilizers to stabilize his emotions, so he found a psychiatrist introduced by his boss for emotional counseling. Coincidentally, this beautiful psychiatrist is Colin\'s fiancee.

At this time, a large number of parallel cross-associative montages are used in this shot to construct the narrative frame. The story has also become complicated and confusing, there is no concept of time, and less foreshadowing for emotions.

"Did you do this on purpose?"

Naomi Watts has been watching the movie with a frown since the beginning of the movie. This movie does not conform to her aesthetics at all. It is rude and full of swear words, which makes her very tired all the time. When I saw this plot that has been intertwined, I couldn\'t help but turn my head and ask.

"The establishment request I put forward was made by Dwayne Scott." Wayne nodded slightly, staring at the big screen without changing his face and said, "He did a good job, didn\'t he?"

"Ohgod!" The Australian actress stretched out her hand and patted her forehead lightly, her voice a little hoarse. "I can\'t understand this editing at all, Wayne, maybe I shouldn\'t accompany you this time. You don\'t make a film. It\'s simply too unfriendly to female audiences."

While he was talking, the scene being staged on the big screen was Billy under pressure, questioning his boss in the car. An angry Billy rudely asked his boss why he knew all about Frank Castro\'s crimes but didn\'t arrest him.

At this time, Billy learned that there were undercover gangsters in the police station, which also indicated that an exciting game of cat and mouse officially kicked off.

Glancing at the big screen, he heard Christian Bale\'s non-stop F**K, and Naomi Watts sighed helplessly.

She dares to bet against God now that there are very few girls who really like this film, and she has even thought that the girl who will walk into the theater to watch this film is most likely because of the chapter of Christian Bale Handsome face, oh yes, and Brad Pitt\'s blown-up face.

Everyone around was watching the movie attentively. Although the Australian actress did not like the movie, she reluctantly turned her attention to the big screen, but what she was thinking at the moment had nothing to do with the movie being staged. Think back to the plot of the second Batman.

Colin was tasked with a microprocessor transaction. A large number of police officers had already felt the scene and strictly controlled the sausages. In the face of such an emergency, Colin called Frank Card in the name of calling his father. Stroh tipped the letter.

He reminded his spiritual godfather to turn off all mobile phones. During the transaction, only one person\'s mobile phone was not turned off. This mobile phone belonged to Billy, who was undercover in the gang. He was reporting the transaction to his boss.

In order to avoid the suspicion of the police, Frank Castro, who knew that he was at risk, did not change the trading venue, but only confused the police with an empty car after the transaction was over.

The gang members of the breeding trade had already escaped by water through the back door. After all, the police had fled, and the mission failed, and their wish to catch Frank Castro in one fell swoop came to nothing.

The mission failed. Billy, who had been under high pressure, was on the verge of collapse again. He went to see a beautiful psychiatrist to relieve the pressure.

At this time, Frank Castro also noticed that there might be undercover police officers among his subordinates. He called Colin and started looking for clues.

However, Colin does not have the right to view the files on the boss\'s computer. In order to find out the identity of the undercover agent, Colin proposed that Frank Castro provide a copy of the social security number information of everyone under him.

Very ironically, the police also began to investigate the information of the undercover insider, and handed the task to Colin, which meant that he wanted to investigate the fact that he was an undercover agent, and obviously he couldn\'t do it.

In order to investigate who was the undercover agent Frank Castro sent to the police, after collecting all the Who Will Insurance numbers, Billy secretly followed the whereabouts of the portfolio. The matter was very simple. Than is an undercover gangster.

He followed the file bag until he reached a movie theater. He saw the person who took the file, but because of the dim light in the movie theater, he couldn\'t see the person\'s face clearly.

And all he can do is continue to follow the person who got the information, so this person acts too cautiously, and in the end he gets nothing.

As soon as the camera turned, Billy, who was about to take part in this mission, was temporarily told to use his trust by a transport ship bound for Boston. He immediately contacted his boss to inform him of the situation, and agreed on a meeting place.

Gu Frank Castro said that the demon-enabled newcomer was just to verify Billy\'s identity and see if he was an undercover agent. Billy, who had already noticed it, did not arouse suspicion.

As everyone knows, the wily Frank Castro has turned his attention to his boss, and he sent someone to follow the liaison between the police station and the undercover agent. Undoubtedly, whoever connects with him is undercover.

The rooftop of 314 Worthy Street is the meeting point that Billy agreed with his boss. Secretly, Frank Castro has secretly sent people to surround this place.

The situation was very critical. Just when Billy was about to enter the building and was about to be exposed, Frank Castro\'s men sent a message to Billy and went to 314 Worthy Street to join the operation.

Very simple, this is another temptation for him. In the face of Billy who is about to be exposed, the white police officer has no other choice. He exchanged his sacrifice for Billy\'s safety. Billy watched his boss helplessly like this, and slammed into him from the rooftop.

In this scene, Wayne did not disguise or cover up at all, as if a real person fell from the top of the building to the ground, and even he chose a close-up shot, and the scene was bloody.


"Oh, God......"


The movie has always been put here, and the theater has always maintained a fairly quiet atmosphere. It is really too abrupt and **** for this scene. This is the first time that the audience in the back has made various exclamations in a large area.

Ninety percent of the fans who can come here are mentally prepared to face large-scale scenes. They understand that they are going to watch an R-rated gangster movie, and the director of this R-rated movie has always been Wayne Greenberg in film noir.

But no one thought that those vulgar lines and Chi Luoluo\'s violence were not enough, and there were such undisguised large-scale **** scenes.

"The dark side of Chi Luoluo in society, the real human nature, and the undisguised bloodshed, Wayne is really letting himself go."

Hearing the exclamations behind him, George Lucas also took a deep breath. It was almost impossible for him to shoot this kind of realistic film, so there was a very obvious tone in his tone at the moment. appreciate. "He was born to shoot this kind of work, Steven, do you know who made me ring when watching this film?"

Steven Spielberg asked curiously, "Who?"

"Francis Ford Coppola!"

Speaking of this, he paused for a moment, then shook his head slightly. "You know, I\'m talking about the feel of this gangster movie, I mean, there\'s a similar master-level feel to the camera, plain, unpretentious, razor-sharp narrative, it\'s like a scene A **** romance for men."

Steven Spielberg nodded lightly, that is, he understood what the old man wanted to say. Perhaps, in the eyes of ordinary fans, this movie would not be ranked in the top three of all Wayne\'s works, but in them In the eyes of professionals, this film is the best show.

The duration of "The Departed" is relatively long. After all, this is not a fast-paced commercial film. Wayne chose to keep some details in the editing~www.novelhall.com~ The whole film has a total of 150 minutes, and the story so far It has also entered the final stage. After the audience was amazed, the atmosphere of quiet movie watching was restored again.

The story on the big screen continues. The gang member who sent the wrong message to Billy died unexpectedly, thus giving Billy temporary safety.

On the other hand, the death of Billy\'s boss gave Colin an opportunity to investigate Frank Castro\'s undercover agent. He contacted Billy by phone, ready to gain Billy\'s trust.

Frank Castro, who traded again, took his subordinates to the trading place. At this time, he was entangled by the police undercover and lost his mind. The current crazy behavior of this spiritual godfather has seriously threatened Colin\'s comfort. Colin decided to lead the team himself, and he would never do anything to solve all the troubles himself.

The police once again surrounded Frank Castro\'s trading location. The two sides had a fierce exchange of fire in the dark night. After a fierce shootout, the organization of the gang leader was wiped out. Now there are very few people who know Colin\'s identity.

Now, he wants to get rid of the past and become a real cop, but right here, Billy finds the file bag with gangster Social Security information on his desk.

Suddenly, Billy knew that Colin was the undercover agent who had been hiding in the police station!


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