Hollywood Drawing

~: fifty-seven - so be it

"Okay, now everyone can ask questions, please raise your hand first."

The host took the microphone at the right time and said to the reporters who couldn\'t wait.

"Hello, I\'m ABC reporter Jones. Can you give me a copy of the video tape I just played?" The reporter at the front asked the host directly.

"No problem, any other media needs can be collected from Warners staff after the press conference. The next one."

"Director Greenberg, do you have a grudge against Phelan Goodman? Why did he frame you?"

Wayne took the microphone and thought about it before saying, "I don\'t know why Mr. Goodman did this, maybe it\'s because I don\'t have a good relationship with his son.

Someone accused me of being a racist. I have never come forward to defend myself. I am afraid that if you say anything, you will think that I am a sophistry until Halle Berry finds me. "

The reporter and the camera all aimed at Wayne. The young director, who was at the center of the incident these few days, didn\'t say a word. Unexpectedly, he made a big move.

"Bang", watching the picture of Wayne on the TV, Phelan Goodman directly smashed the teacup on the TV screen.

"This bitch, I don\'t think she can be trusted. She dares to contact Wayne Greenberg in private, how dare she! This bitch!" Adam cursed incoherently, but Phelan was unexpectedly calm. down.

He knew that it was too late. If this kind of scandal happened, the board of directors of Universal would definitely force him to resign. What is he if he loses his global executive position?

"Adam, get ready to move." Phelan said calmly. "I\'ll resign myself as soon as possible and we\'ll move out of Los Angeles."

"Why? Dad. We still have a chance, so what if he finds out?"

"There\'s no chance. I can\'t wait for the board to fire me. Do you think it\'s the end of the world if we move out? No, no, it\'s not bad if we move out. If he pursues us to file a lawsuit, things will be the end of the world."

Phelan shook his head helplessly, why is his son so much worse than the other.

"I won\'t leave, I still have a job, and I still have Ambition. His low-budget thriller will definitely be humiliated by the box office of Ambition."

Seeing his son fall into some kind of abnormal mood, Phelan didn\'t bother to talk about it. He didn\'t regret it, the fault was that he was tricked by that woman.

After the press conference, Halle Berry looked at Wayne nervously.

"I did everything you said, you won\'t chase after me and then sue me?"

"Relax, Harry." Seeing her tense look, Wayne suddenly felt a little dull. Sure enough, he was still suitable for filming, and he couldn\'t bear to turn his face. "You are also a victim in this matter. You did a good job. Go back. I promise you will do it."

"Then, that videotape..."

"That video tape will only be in my collection cabinet and will not be circulated."

According to his original idea, after the press conference, he would "unintentionally" disperse the videotape. Now, he doesn\'t think it means much to him.

After Harry left, Jimmy leaned up to him and asked him in a low voice, "Phelan Goodman, do you still want to pursue a lawsuit? Ryan\'s side is ready."

"Tell him to wait a few days, no giant company would want this kind of scandal." Wayne let out a long sigh and looked at Los Angeles outside the window. "Whether he resigns or gets fired by shareholders, let Ryan sue him for defamation or whatever, and I\'m going to let him leave Hollywood naked."

"Don\'t think too much, Wayne! You are a genius, a genius in making movies." Jimmy organized his own language. "Your mind should not be used on this kind of thing. It will be much better after this incident. At least the circle knows that you are not to be messed with."

"No, Jimmy, I understand what other people think. If I don\'t fight back, they\'ll just think I\'m a bully." Wayne shook his head, lit a cigarette, and took a deep breath.

"Forget it, it seems that I\'m only suitable for being a director. From tomorrow, I will focus all my energy on the crew, and I will leave the follow-up to you."

From this matter, Wayne found that he was just an ordinary person. If according to his plan, he used Halle Berry, he would immediately expose the tape again, and lawyer Ryan would immediately sue her for defamation.

The same goes for Ferran Goodman. With such a major scandal, he will definitely not be able to work at Universal, and no other company will use him.

As a result, he was sued by Wayne for bankruptcy, and he got out of Los Angeles in a daze. But Wayne found that he couldn\'t be so ruthless, and he still decided to keep his promise to Halle Berry, a woman who was being used, and let her go once, at least not to chase her to the death and not let go.

He knew that it might not be right to do so, so he should have turned Halle Berry and Phelan Goodman into bankruptcy and sent them to prison. This is the normal practice of a rich Jewish man.

So Wayne found out that he was just a normal person, and his two lifetimes of experience did not teach him to cut grass and roots.

The staff of Warner Bros. have distributed the copies according to the list of media present, and now the eyes of the media reporters are all staring at this copy, waiting to go back and break a big news.

In fact, there is no need for Wayne to do anything anymore. These uncrowned kings will quickly ignite the subsequent wave, but it is a pity that Morgan Freeman is not involved.

As the wind changed overnight, the crew seemed to suddenly return to the right track, and everyone\'s eyes on Wayne were no longer full of pity and ridicule.

The filming was finally able to proceed normally, and I could clearly feel the improvement of everyone\'s working conditions.

"Will, take your smiling face, your girlfriend\'s mother is trying to hypnotize you, to give off some panic, understand?"

"Steve, the lighting is dark, I want to take a close-up of Will\'s face!"

After Wayne walked back to the monitor with a serious expression, he stared at the screen and gestured to Luke.

"The third scene of "getout", the sixteenth act, start!"

"Cut! Robert, use the overhead shot of the third lens, reset and start again."

Since the filming started again, the director suddenly became harsh, and the suddenly tense working state made everyone become cautious.

"cut! This one is very good, Will, good performance, let\'s do it again."

Nina and Sergey stood in the corner of the studio, watching the filming together.

"It turns out that this is how the movie was made. I thought it was mysterious." Sergey stared at everything in the crew curiously. All he saw was the boring shooting, and he felt that there was nothing new in making movies.

"You\'ll get used to it after a long time. Who made our boss a movie director!" Nina finished speaking, seeing that the filming was paused, she immediately grabbed the water glass, trotted over and handed it to Wayne.

"Mace, when you smile at Will, show your audition expressiveness, yes, that\'s the look."

Wayne didn\'t look back, took a sip from the assistant\'s glass, and gave it back to her. Everyone thinks that he is more demanding on filming because there will be some funny scenes soon.

If he didn\'t worry about the whole movie scene, then the humorous scenes were the only thing he needed to learn.

He is not good at these. He has always known that he is not going to develop on the line of comedy in the future. I can only work hard to achieve the funny scenes in this film, and it is good to be basically qualified.

The plan he gave himself was that after this film was transformed into a mainstream commercial film, he would never touch low-cost **** comedy. A serious, dark and profound drama is the way he should go in the future.

As for plasma horror films with ultra-small investment and high returns, he wouldn\'t touch those films that were purely disgusting without a theme. If you look closely, you will find that those directors who started out with low-cost plasma horror films will eventually seek transformation.

After this film, Wayne will also follow this path. Although he didn\'t shoot that kind of mill horror movie, he was also afraid of being fixed in the thriller genre.

The crew doesn\'t have any scenes outside the studio now, most of them are shot on set, and they have Warner\'s prop library. Wayne is crazy and arranges all the scenes in the yard in the studio.

This kind of situation is relatively rare in this day and age. Most directors prefer live-action shooting, and they don\'t like this tricky method. This is not a problem for Wayne at all, and he is not ready to attack Oscar.

The only purpose of this film is to make money.

Coming to the arranged window, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Metz was ready. Wayne and Robert explained the camera position and the issue of light and color, and walked to Metz\'s side.

"Mace, this scene is a bit difficult." Wayne sat opposite her. "It doesn\'t matter to you, show the state you were in when you auditioned, pay attention to your smile, you have to convey a feeling of smiling and sad. You are the focus of this scene, I will give it to you Close-up of smile."

"no problem."

Metz also gradually entered a state of relaxation. Her role can be said to be the most in need of conveying information through expressions. "I have practiced many times at home, and my mother was so frightened by my smile that she couldn\'t eat at the same table with me."

The preparations were ready. Seeing Wayne\'s signal, Luke picked up the field card and walked to the camera.

"The twenty-second scene, the first act, start!"

Sitting behind the monitor, Wayne propped his arms and stared at Mace in the camera.

She stood in front of the window and looked out the window, and saw that the guy Chris noticed her, and then she smiled. Looking at the close-up on the screen, Wayne nodded with satisfaction. This girl is very talented, but she is mediocre in appearance and does not have a wide acting career.

"cut! Very good, this one is over, rest for ten minutes."

As far as the current shooting progress is concerned, Wayne is very satisfied. Although the scenes that have been filmed are all simple scenes, according to his estimation, the shooting time will not be more than two and a half months.

The director\'s racial discrimination accident happened on the first day of the production. Even with a large number of African-American main actors, the filming and running-in were smooth, which was very satisfying.

And the faster the shooting progresses, the more time will be left for Wayne\'s post-production.