Hollywood Drawing

~: fifty-eight - hard-earned normal shooting

In a past life across the Pacific, Wayne heard about the production process of some movies and TV series, and he would have been a projectionist at that time.

A TV series or web drama with a grade of 30 or 50 can be finished in three or two months, and a domestic film of 90 minutes, that is, more than a month.

But it was only after he started learning how to make movies that he realized that this is impossible in Hollywood. The filming time of the crew here is very precious.

Judging from the speed of filming and production, he is already a fast shooter. It takes three months to shoot footage, and post-production can be completed in two or three months. This is the reason why he chose a film with a small investment and a clever production method.

Even the famous fast shooter Spielberg can\'t guarantee one film a year.

It is normal for a popular American drama to be filmed for a few years or more, while it is normal for a normal commercial film project to burn for a year or two after filming and post-production.

Therefore, as soon as the film crew started the film, they encountered the accident of the director scandal, and the filming was able to catch up with the plan smoothly, which made him very gratified.

In fact, there is a reason for the slow progress of filming and production in North America. First of all, there are various trade unions that cannot be bypassed.

All the actors hired by the crew, behind-the-scenes types of work, all have their own unions. The North American labor protection law will not allow you to play two shifts or three shifts, and even overtime filming generally does not happen.

If you don\'t follow the labor protection law and increase the workload of the crew, you don\'t need to report it to the labor union, and the entire crew will be suspended for inspection.

Compared to shutting down the crew for inspections, the wasted time and capital cost. Compared to overtime shooting, the loss of extended working hours is greater, so even if you want to speed up the speed, there is no good way.

At this time, it shows how important Wayne\'s shooting plan made in advance is. Now, as long as he shoots according to the plan, it is the most efficient. After each scene is shot, the props and scenery of the next scene are ready.

"Hey, Will, Nami, be sure to pay attention to your emotions. This is the beginning of the whole play, showing your state of love."

Will Smith and Naomi are communicating easily. They need to play a pair of lovers. Let\'s chat a few words in advance, which will help reduce the strangeness.

"No problem." "Ok."

As the board fight began, Will Smith opened the door, smiled and hugged Naomi, the two kissed like close lovers, and entered the room.

"cut, it\'s over, get ready for the next one."

This kind of play is not complicated, but it is the foreshadowing of the whole movie. The smooth shooting continued until a bed scene of the male and female protagonists suddenly got stuck.

"Damn, you are lovers, lovers in love, let go and show your professional attitude."

Wayne stood in front of the bed a little anxiously, looking at Will and Naomi. They made mistakes as rookie actors. Under the crowd watching, both of them were stiff and couldn\'t let go.

"I\'m sorry, Wayne, let\'s try again."

Naomi herself was a little annoyed, as long as she thought about being watched by a large circle of people and wanting to make out with a strange man, her mind went blank.

"Luke, tell them to take a ten-minute break. Nami, Will, don\'t think too much, you guys performed well before, it\'s just a **** scene."

Will and Naomi sat on the bed, feeling a little overwhelmed. This scene has been filmed more than ten times in a row, with more than ten seconds of footage, but it just failed to meet the director\'s requirements.

Wayne didn\'t particularly criticize them. Every novice actor would feel ashamed when they encountered such a scene, especially when the crowd watched.

The important thing now is to find a way to get them into the characters. The more than ten seconds of footage is finally edited into the film. It may only be a few seconds, but it is very important.

Will looked at Wayne and said hesitantly, "Director Greenberg, can you clear the set and leave only the necessary staff, I think it will be much better."

"The two of you should communicate for a while first to brew your emotions. If you can\'t enter the role yet, I will consider it."

He folded his arms and left his hand to touch his chin. He said, clearing the scene is also a way, but this kind of simple bed scene is really unnecessary.

It stands to reason that Hollywood actresses or female stars are not shy and afraid of showing off. If they can\'t do it in front of the whole crew, they won\'t be alive when the film is broadcast.

This kind of situation only happens to novice actors. Two complete strangers suddenly let them undress and make out in front of everyone, and their bodies are numb. It\'s just a normal reaction.

This kind of thing, as long as you have filmed a scene and passed the test in your heart, generally there will be no obstacles to filming this kind of scene in the future.

"How about the two of them?" Luke saw himself sitting on the prop sofa and sat next to him. "They just lack practice, don\'t worry, they get used to it very quickly."

"I\'m not worried about this. Actors are all emotional creatures. As long as the emotions are there, these are not problems." Wayne lowered his head, holding a stack of photos in his hand, turning them one by one, and suddenly he stopped.

"Who prepared these photos? Where\'s the props? Let him prepare again." With a snap, he threw the photos on the table.

Luke picked it up and frowned. The photos are full of photos of Naomi and various black people. These are the props that will be used next, and the photographer will give the photos close-ups.

But most of the black ex-boyfriends inside were expressionless and took pictures with Naomi with a serious look. He saw the problem at a glance, this is definitely not the state of taking pictures with lovers.

"Jason, Jason!" Luke shouted the prop master.

"What happened, Luke." With some props and costumes hanging on his body, Jason trotted over and looked at the photo in Luke\'s hand. "Is there a problem with the photo?"

"Go find those African-Americans and take pictures of them again." Wayne pointed to the road photos without waiting for Luke to say. "These are the heroine\'s ex-boyfriends. Think about it with your head. Will you take a faceless photo with your girlfriend, and neither of you have physical contact?"

"Sorry, I\'ll do it right away!" Jason understood as soon as he heard it. There\'s nothing to say. Some directors never pay attention to these details, while others pursue them too much.

"Arranged to take a picture of Metz and Naomi as well, I just saw that there was none in it." The maid (grandmother) who was laughing and crying in the plot was actually deceived.

"Okay, I\'ll prepare right away!"

When the break time came, the staff began to return to their posts in an orderly manner. The photographer also arranged the camera and aimed at the two people on the bed again.

Wayne walked to the bed and asked, "Is there any problem? How is the communication?"

Seeing them nodding to say it\'s okay, he walked back to the monitor and stared at the screen.

"The tenth scene, the second act, start!"

A close-up of the two people\'s kissing began to appear on the monitor screen, and they slowly began to make out with each other.

"cut! Well done, that\'s great. Steve, dim the lights, let\'s do it again."

It was difficult to stop the busy shooting task at the beginning, and Wayne didn\'t care about the news from the outside media, and refused to give interviews after get off work every day.

The disturbance from the outside world was completely put aside by Wayne, and even the follow-up matter of communicating with Warner about racial discrimination was completely handed over to Jimmy.

He threw himself into the filming wholeheartedly, and didn\'t care about anything outside the crew, but all the big and small issues in the crew had to be asked before he could make a decision.

Because of his personality, Wayne would never hand over the task of managing the crew to the assistant director and production manager, and most successful directors would not do the same.

For the daily shooting plan, he has to communicate with the main staff in advance. From props to scene layout to lighting and camera selection, he needs to ask all questions. Although he will not participate in the specific process, he will definitely be responsible for the final review. Shooting will start.

In addition, some scenes in the script are still being designed and polished. After all, this is not a normal realistic movie. There will be many absurd plots in the later stage of the film.

For example, in the episode where the male protagonist was imprisoned and tied up, he deliberately added some dialogue to let the mother\'s character tell the audience their doubts through dialogue.

Some things can be explained completely through dialogue, thereby reducing the audience\'s doubts or doubts. To put it bluntly, this is not a normal story. The plot is reversed and reversed~www.novelhall.com~ The story of repeated reversals is only based on absurd brain changes, so the audience must try their best to feel that this is real, and increase the substitution sense.

Wayne has pondered many dialogues in the film, and even found several actors together to find loopholes and areas that can be improved.

After all, this is a film thirty years later, and many of the outdated dialogues and memes must not appear in the film.

Wayne understands that dialogue is the most obvious display element in a film. When the dialogue unfolds, the viewer\'s attention will be fully focused on it. The fundamental role of dialogue is to promote the development of the plot and explain the various characters in the film. motivation.

There is also a huge benefit to bringing together actors. After all, he is very obtuse about funny points. After being baptized in the era of the information explosion, he has some laughing points that are less than in this era, and can allow a group of actors to perfect these things. good at.

So he plans to make use of his strengths and circumvent his weaknesses and avoid these scenes that he is not good at. The film focuses on what he is good at, the final murder scene.

For these last large-scale **** scenes, he prepared a lot of ketchup, and the film must be full of blood and violence.

From the beginning of preparations for this film, the goal is to be an R-rated film. Simply, Wayne is at this scale, showing as many of these as possible, so that the final scene can bring the audience a sense of emotional release.

Although R-rated films have a relatively narrow audience, they will become a selling point. There are many rebellious teenagers in North America who will enter the theater for the film\'s rating.

R-rated films have always been the first choice for teenagers in the video rental market.

The director has never been a simple job, just like a large contractor, the final construction of the building depends entirely on him to find a balance between various types of work.