Hollywood Drawing

~: Eighty - the beginning of the competition

In the Warner President\'s office, Jeff was just about to go back when he heard a knock on the door.

John walked into the office with the data he just sorted out in his hand.

"Boss, I went to your office, and the secretary told me that you were here." After John finished talking to Jeff, he handed him the information he was holding.

"Well, on Friday, the film made a detailed box office of 9.79 million US dollars, well done! Our own investigators immediately selected 3,500 movie fans, and the returned questionnaire showed that more than 90% chose A or A+, and the audience chose A or A+. The reputation is very good!”

Jeff looked at the detailed data analysis in his hand and felt very happy. After reading it, he handed it directly to Kevin Tesuhara.

After watching him read it, John cautiously said, "Boss, among these data, there is one situation that is not shown."


"I\'ve asked the investigators, and those who rated the movie A or A+ are all young movie fans, and almost none of them are over 30 years old. Others are rated either C or C!" John looked at himself nervously after he finished speaking. boss.

Jeff and Kevin were stunned at the same time, which shows that the film still has hidden dangers.

Jeff touched his chin, thought about it, and said, "This shows that most of the audience can accept the setting of the film, and they like it very much. The remaining small number of people hate the film very much."

"Jeff!" Kevin Tesuhara put down the statistics table in his hand, his relaxed expression obviously didn\'t care about this issue. "It\'s normal for this to happen, you can\'t have a movie that everyone likes, we\'re targeting young people.

And this is a large-scale R-rated film. Some people will hate the film, which is quite normal. The only thing that can be liked by everyone, except for gold, is a beautiful knife! "

"You\'re right." Jeff mumbled.

At the same time, in Universal City, California, the film and television production company with the longest history among the six Hollywood giants, Tom Cruise and his wife are sitting in a conference room with their agents.

Not only Tom Cruise and his wife, but also the main staff of "Ambition in the Land", it can be said that the core team is meeting here, and they are discussing the follow-up promotion of the film.

"Our main rival seems to be Warner Bros.\' "Get Out", and now we are completely behind, whether it\'s the film\'s box office or the audience\'s word of mouth!"

Karl Laimler, director of Universal Pictures\' film and television production department, looked at everyone in the conference room. "Although the box office was dominant on the first day, we all know why."

Everyone in the conference room is full of old people in the circle. Everyone understands what this means. If it continues like this, "Ambition of the Earth" is very likely to fail. Compared with the film investment, Universal Pictures estimates that it will take many years to recover the cost!

Karl Laimler just finished speaking when he sat in the corner of the conference room and uttered a voice.

"Sir, I suggest that you can think of a way on that small-budget thriller."

As soon as his voice fell, everyone in the conference room looked at the young man in this corner.

"Don\'t think too much, Adam!" Director Ron Howard reminded him that there was nothing he could do. If it weren\'t for Phelan\'s favor, he would never take care of this immature child.

"Are you Adam Goodman?" Karl Laimler looked at the young man and suddenly remembered his identity, the son of his ex.

Few of you here don’t know about Phelan Goodman. The latest news he heard was that Phelan Goodman chose to settle out of court. Although he didn’t have to worry about prison, he paid a fortune. Big compensation, no one now knows where his ex has gone.

"Yes, sir." Adam saw that everyone was looking at him, he raised his courage, and took out a document from his carry-on bag.

"Here are some things I collected, well, many of them you have seen. I found a strange thing, the movie "Escape from the Dead", although the audience has a good reputation, most of the people who can rate it are young people .

The middle-aged and elderly people who have watched the film have a very low evaluation of the film, even disgust! I did some research on purpose. "

Saying that, Adam stood up with the information in his hand, starting with Karl Lemmler, and each sent one.

Seeing that the main personnel had obtained the information, Adam did not return to the corner, but stood in front of the conference room. He pointed to the information in his hand and continued:

"I deliberately surveyed those viewers with particularly low ratings, and by talking to them, I found the reason why they hated that film. That is the film is too dark!

Hollywood commercial films have their own set of rules. Before this thriller, no film has used so many African-American main actors, and the ending in the film is the biggest point that fans hate the film.

A black male protagonist actually killed all the mainstream ethnic groups. They can\'t accept such a setting, which is not in line with social rules. "

Having said that, everyone here understands what he means. Although this untenable reason is far-fetched, it is not an opportunity. It depends on how it works.

"The main audience of the movie has always been young people. Even if we try to use this news, the effect may not be very good." Ron Howard is still relatively sober, he reminded everyone after listening.

"And the most important point, I don\'t know if you have noticed." After Ron Howard attracted everyone\'s attention, he continued: "The audience of "Ambition in the Land" and "Escape from the Dead Town" is very large. The difference can be said to be two groups!

Even if we use some tricks on that film, our own film will not be very good. I think we still need to find a way to promote it! "

He is right, the two films are not the same genre at all, and their natural audiences are different. In this way, taking the risk of offending Warner Bros. and doing things again is really not a good choice!

Seeing that everyone was thinking about the director\'s words, Adam suddenly felt embarrassed standing in front of him.

"No, Mr. Howard, this news is still useful!" The agent, who had been standing behind Tom Cruise, opened his mouth before Adam could speak.

"Ms. Kingsley, what can you do?" Karl Lemmler was very interested in his words.

"Our media can use a subtle way to remind the public that this is a movie about black people killing white people. I think the effect should be good. It can also reveal some news to those gossip tabloids, they don\'t need to be obscure. Way, these tabloids wish Warner Bros. would sue them!"

As Pat Kingsley spoke, he tapped the table with his hands and thought, and the plan slowly took shape.

"As for the different audiences of the two films, I don\'t quite agree with this view. We all know that the films released on a large scale are the only two of us. If we change the two-to-one to one-to-one..."

"That\'s right, what Ms. Kingsley said was my plan!" Adam couldn\'t wait to jump out. He didn\'t want to finish the film in obscurity and disappear into Hollywood. He had to show his ability!

"It\'s too late." Tom Cruise has always been proud, and now in Hollywood, superstars can be counted on one hand, and he is one of them.

Obviously, the proud superstar is reluctant to do so.

"Then start next week!" Karl Laimler made a decision. "You don\'t need to worry about this matter, Tom, you leave as soon as possible to participate in the promotional activities. It\'s up to you to see how the film will fare at the final box office."

"Noy" Karl Lemmler called his assistant. "Help me contact some film critics, those who are closer to Universal Pictures, and let them join in..."

The discussion in the conference room slowly ended. Everyone knew that these things could only be done as best they could. No one knew what the final result would be.

The next morning, Tom Cruise saw the news in the newspaper and was so angry that he didn\'t eat breakfast, so he called Pat Kingsley.

"Honey, don\'t care about the reports in the newspapers, everyone knows what the media is like." Nicole Kidman picked up the newspapers thrown on the ground and sat beside her husband to comfort him.

When she read the report in the newspaper, she instantly understood why he was angry. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"Hollywood superstar Tom Cruise\'s Waterloo..."

Turning over the newspaper, the other side also had a huge headline that read: "Tom Cruise has no box office appeal, was defeated by a small-budget film..."

Nicole Kidman patiently read the report. On Saturday, "Get Out" made $19.5 million at the box office, while "Ambition" starred in it, only $6.94 million.

This number is simply dazzling. The two films are completely incomparable, as if their films are small productions.

Pat Kingsley, who came in a hurry, also felt helpless when he looked at the unsightly client.

"Tom, don\'t worry, we are not hopeless!" At this moment, she could only comfort him like this.

"You stay in Los Angeles to cooperate with Universal Pictures\' plan, and this time you go out to promote me and Nicole!"

Hearing Tom Cruise\'s words, Pat Kingsley was embarrassed. My client is usually sober and won\'t talk nonsense for a while.

But if a reporter deliberately angered him, he would dare to say anything. She was afraid that if she would not follow, no one would remind him in time, and bigger problems would arise.

She turned her attention to Nicole Kidman, hoping she could persuade her husband.

"It\'s okay for us to go out, don\'t worry, Pat!" Nicole Kidman meant that she would always remind her husband and would not let him talk impulsive.

As an agent, Pat Kingsley is undoubtedly one of the successful ones. Just by bringing out Tom Cruise, a Hollywood celebrity, she has become one of the top agents.

But only she knows the pain. Tom Cruise has always been controversial, and she has been helping her clients wipe their butts!