Hollywood Drawing

~: Seventy-nine - Media Response

The event in New York\'s Times Square ended in a hurry. Naomi Watts and the others did not take off their makeup. They got into the car under the protection of the police and quickly returned to the hotel.

The film has attracted a lot of attention from African Americans, which is of course a good thing, but the fact that these people come to participate in the event in groups is a huge hidden danger.

No one knows if there will be any special thoughts in their minds. If there is a whole zero-dollar shopping activity in groups, Wayne feels that he is guilty of a big sin!

This is not impossible, just look at the police officers who are facing the enemy.

Warner Bros. packed the seventh floor of the hotel for the group. Wayne was in a lining and jacket room, which was not the standard of a presidential suit, and the specifications were not low.

In addition to the master bedroom, there are two smaller bedrooms, each with its own bathroom, and the three bedrooms are connected by a living room.

After returning from Times Square, Wayne put on loose clothes and sat on the sofa in the living room watching TV.

His attention didn\'t stop on the TV show, and he kept thinking about work in his mind. Now it seems that his second film will basically not fail. As long as there are no problems with the follow-up promotion, the box office should be guaranteed.

Nina and Sergey are also sitting on the side, the two of them are the ones who put their minds on the TV show.

Harry-Berry curled up on the sofa, holding a nail clipper, carefully trimming his nails.

"When, when."

The knock on the door sounded, and Nina reluctantly took her gaze away from the TV series, walked quickly to the door, and opened the door.

Following Nina in is Naomi Watts, she is in high spirits now, and her whole person reveals joy from the inside out.

Naomi Watts, holding a stack of newspapers and magazines in her hand, sat next to Wayne with a playful smile without even looking at Harry Berry.

"Look at these, Wayne." Naomi Watts put everything in her hands on the coffee table, picked up the top newspaper, and pointed to the entertainment headlines on it. "Our films have been reported by many media. The newspapers I bought back were just what I saw with my own eyes. There should be more that I haven\'t seen!"

Wayne took the newspaper handed over by the other party and looked at the entertainment section.

\'The summer season is coming soon, and the North American film market has already started fighting early. Currently occupying the first place on the North American box office chart is Disney\'s dark horse "Home Alone" released in April.

On the second weekend of May, that is, yesterday, there were only two large-scale films. One was the film "Ambition of the Earth" directed by Ron Howard and starring Tom Cruise and his wife in 2,538 theaters. The other is the 2088 theater thriller "Get Out," directed by Wayne Greenberg and starring Naomi Watts and Will Smith.

According to the information we got from the North American Cinema Alliance, the first day of "Ambition in the Land" was not high, and the box office was only about 9.9 million US dollars. Most of the audience who entered the theater were all Tom Cruise fans.

The small-budget thriller "Get Out" has the potential to become a dark horse at the box office. After dark yesterday, the attendance rate increased significantly, and the first day of the box office was about 9.7 million US dollars.

This is another small cost with potential dark horse after Disney\'s "Home Alone"...\'

Wayne threw the newspaper aside, and the moment he saw the box office figures, he let go of his dangling heart. Since "Escape from the Dead" can win a box office figure similar to that of the other party with hundreds of fewer theaters than "Ambition of the Earth", it seems that this weekend, there is hope to overturn "Ambition of the Earth" and go directly to the top!

"Did you see it? We almost won the single-day box office championship. It\'s a pity, it\'s just that short."

Naomi Watts took the return paper and put it aside.

"It\'s fine, Nami." Wayne also felt joy from the inside out, and happily lit a cigarette. "What did those papers say?"

"There are a lot of film reviews and media reports." Naomi Watts picked up another newspaper and shook it before his eyes. "I\'ll read it to you!"

"This is from the New York Post. After its premiere in January, the audience rating of "Get Out" was A or higher, accounting for more than 95% of the total rating. The above ratings are still around 90%..."

"For another, Nami." Wayne interrupted her.

"Ok, this is the Los Angeles Times. "Get Out" is a surprise in both concept and production. The shock will never come when you think it\'s coming, and the secret behind it is more than you can imagine Imagination is more daring. - Kenneth Turan"

"The film\'s particularly effective combination of racist satire and horror, this second by Wayne Greenberg, is a blockbuster social commentary showing positive fearlessness, of course. That doesn\'t mean it\'s not scary. - Todd McCarthy"

"Wait, there\'s the Chicago Sun..." Naomi Watts put the newspaper aside and picked up another one to continue reading.

"Enough, Nami." Wayne interrupted her activity, pointing to the piles of newspapers. "Those who say good things about the movie don\'t need to read it, is there anything else?"

Naomi Watts was taken aback. "Isn\'t it bad for the media to praise? I read almost all the mainstream media and they said good things about our film."

"Nami, don\'t take the media\'s integrity too high." Wayne shook his head and continued: I can only say that Warner\'s public relations are doing a good job. They can shamelessly praise us today. If the results of the film are not good tomorrow Ideally, they would stomp us in the mud like they compliment us. "

In fact, Wayne was very relieved to hear these reports, but he understood the ethics of these media, and he just forced himself to calm down.

Just as Wayne and the crew started their promotional activities, Jeff Robinoff and Kevin Tesukhara were also reading newspapers in the president\'s office in the Warner Building.

Suddenly, CEO Kevin Tesuhara said, "This movie is a little bit beyond our expectations. We have to send us a message from the investigator. Not only the attendance of ordinary theaters is good, but even theaters around the African-American community start early in the morning. There was a queue to watch the movie.”

"Yeah!" Jeff sighed. "I originally thought that this film would not reach the box office we expected in the first week when it hit "Ambition in the Land", but I didn\'t expect that more than half of it would be completed in one day on Friday."

"Today is a rest day, and the box office will continue to rise. You have to coordinate the publicity department and increase publicity." Kevin Tesuhara said.

"No problem!" Jeff pointed to the newspaper. "I will make news about "Get Out" appearing in all the media tomorrow. It is surprising for those African Americans who did not expect such enthusiasm. It seems that Harry-Berry\'s plan is very success!"

"It\'s the director, Jeff!"

Kevin Tesuhara sighed sincerely, no one expected that Ron Howard and Tom Cruise would join forces and lose the box office championship on the first day.

That\'s right, there are no secrets in this circle. Kevin got the news this morning about Tom Cruise buying the box office. If this is normal, it is a good way to stimulate the box office, provided that strong competitors cannot be encountered.

And on the newspaper in front of him, it was written in bold font: Wayne Greenberg, a rising talent director in Hollywood!

Others Kevin are not surprised. What makes him most amazing is that the director is only 22 years old now, which is too young! He has not yet reached the creative flourishing period that a director should have. It can be seen from his first two films that he is still groping for growth.

The initial stage of a director is always full of uncertainty, and even Spielberg has missed works. But this young man has done a very good job, a film has grown one step at a time, and the director\'s road has been particularly steady.

Kevin Tesuhara believes that as long as he does not make mistakes himself~www.novelhall.com~ After a few years, when his production philosophy and personal style become more mature, he will at least develop into Francis Coppo A master of genre films like that.

The most rare thing is that Wayne\'s films also take into account the feelings of the public fans, not just the director\'s self-esteem, which makes his commercial achievements not low.

"Jeff." Kevin Tesuhara tapped the director\'s photo on the newspaper with his hand. "Keep him, the success of this film is predictable, it\'s just a matter of how much the final box office numbers are. Even if the film only stays in theaters for a weekend, it can generate a lot of revenue.

The investment in this film is simply insignificant compared to the large amount of revenue that is about to be achieved! Keep him, I want his future films to be produced and distributed by Warner Bros.! "

Jeff Robinoff is also thinking about this issue. Wayne Greenberg\'s next project will definitely become a Hollywood sweet pastry, and there will be countless jackals vying for it.

The only good news now is that he has signed a priority investment contract with Warner Bros., which can ensure that Warner Bros. will get the plan for new projects as soon as possible.

"When he finishes his promotional activities, I will ask him out as soon as possible!"

CEO Kevin Tesuhara nodded, stood up and walked to the window, looking down at the City of Angels.

"Jeff, you should know that I am seeking the position of CEO of the group. It should take two years before Karen retire. It means a lot to bind this young director."

Kevin Tesuhara said that Jeff understands that if Kevin can really achieve the position of President of Time Warner, he has a great chance of being the CEO of Warner Bros.

If the business you are responsible for can still generate a large amount of revenue, there is basically no chance for your competitors.