Hollywood Drawing

~: Eighty Seven - Vanity Fair

Under Jenna\'s expectant gaze, Wayne smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I didn\'t expect such a big surprise at all, when I saw the stats Jimmy gave me, I thought my agent was joking with me at one point."

"Until now, I still feel incredible. I have a hunch that the film will be liked by many fans, but I didn\'t expect the enthusiasm of the audience to be so high."

"This is a masterpiece in a thriller! Congratulations." Jenna pulled him into a relationship again through words. "That\'s not what I said, it\'s what the famous film critic Roger Ebert said about you."

"Thank you, but it\'s not my fault alone." Wayne shrugged. "This film can be liked by fans, and it is the result of the joint efforts of the entire crew."

Speaking of the crew work, Jenna\'s topic changed. "We all know that just after you started filming, you ran into huge trouble. Did the farce have a big impact on the work of the crew?"

"No, everyone believed in me, they all understood me, and knew that I would not look at anyone with colored eyes. This incident did not affect the progress of our work, and we even finished the filming task ahead of schedule in the end."

After answering this question, the smile on Wayne\'s face disappeared. He was reminding Jenna that he didn\'t like this kind of question. The matter has passed, all the benefits have fallen, and he doesn\'t want to mention it again.

Seeing the changing face of the young director opposite, Jenna wisely changed the subject.

"I heard that you were a top student before you graduated. The film "Happy Death Day" was born because of your graduation work?"

"Yes, that\'s my first feature film." Wayne leaned back slightly on his upper body and found a more comfortable position. "I remember that there were a lot of difficulties at the time, but the film was finished with stumbling and stumbling."

Jenna rolled her eyes at him and continued, "It\'s undoubtedly a very good film. Did you take it to the Saint Denis Film Festival?"

Wayne understood what she meant. She should have read her own information in detail in advance, otherwise she would not have brought the topic to this point.

However, this is not impossible to say, after all, the film was a huge success in the end.

"Yes, I hope to find a suitable distributor at the Saint Denis Film Festival."

"It\'s not going well, right? I remember that the publisher of "Happy Death Day" is Twentieth Century Fox." Seeing that he was willing to talk about this topic, Jenna continued to guide the other party.

Wayne remembered his memories at the film festival, and he was also very touched. During the worst days, he wanted to give up at one point.

"Things didn\'t go well. Our film was very popular at the festival, but no distribution company was willing to buy it. They didn\'t even give us a chance to talk."

Speaking of which, he paused and eased his emotions. "I was thinking about selling the film at a loss, even for no money, as long as someone was willing to release it. I am still grateful to Twentieth Century Fox, without them, Happy Death Day wouldn\'t have been in theaters. ."

"Even if you don\'t cooperate with them now?"

"Yes, I didn\'t cooperate with Fox this time, but it\'s just a business issue, and it doesn\'t affect my gratitude to them." Wayne\'s tone was firm, and his words were half-truths. "Especially Mr. Townsend-Rothman, I have never forgotten his support for me."

Jenna shook her head, with a schadenfreude in her tone. "I think the distribution companies that turned you down, see the box office, and know what they\'re missing out on.

I heard that the film "Happy Death Day" finally brought you $30 million in revenue. Is this true? "

"Of course, there\'s nothing that can\'t be said." With a magnanimous expression on his face, he did not avoid the topic of film income. "I sold all the overseas copyrights and follow-up shooting rights of the film to Twentieth Century Fox. It is specially mentioned here that I have paid taxes."

"Oh my God, one movie will bring you tens of millions of income. This is simply the American dream that happens around us." Jenna raised her hand to cover her mouth, her face full of surprise.

Wayne felt that the editor-in-chief should choose to be an actor. In his eyes, the performance of the other party was very natural, as if it was the first time he heard the news.

He somewhat understands the routine of these reporters, which is to win your favor through questions, words and expressions, and then through guidance, let you say what they want.

After Jenna continued to ask a few questions about the first film, the conversation suddenly changed. "Get Out had a very successful first week at the box office. It\'s more than ten times the cost of production. Would you be proud of your film, beating Tom Cruise?"

Here, as soon as he heard the other party\'s question, he knew what she wanted to do.

Even though Warner Bros. has already communicated with Vanity Fair, they still hope to have a topic of conversation. If the interview questions are all bland, how can their magazine attract attention?

Wayne looked at her with a smile and waited for his answer, thought for a moment and then said: "Of course, I am very honored that the film can beat "Ambition of the Earth" to win the championship in the first week of the box office, that is Tom Kerr A veteran director like Garon Howard, a superstar like Ruth, gave me a lot of encouragement!"

Looking at the young director who was talking eloquently across from him, Jenna was slightly taken aback, but she didn\'t expect that he didn\'t get on the set and tried to step on the superstar Tom Cruise.

She got the news early in the morning. Many tabloids had bad news for him. It was obvious that someone was deliberately guiding public opinion.

And the person who has the ability and motivation to do so is most likely the superstar who has lost face. She has exact information, and it is the superstar\'s agent who is connected with her.

She believed that the young director, who was backed by Warner Bros., must have received the news. Many tabloids appeared in the morning, vaguely comparing him to a "traitor"! "White skin and black heart"!

Some things are not a secret in the circle. Tom Cruise is a very proud person. He became famous at a young age until he became a Hollywood superstar. It can be said that it has been smooth sailing along the way.

Everyone around him can only compliment and admire him. This superstar has never suffered such a big downfall before. As long as he participates in a movie, it will become a box office guarantee for the producer.

In 1983, Tom\'s first film, "The Good Boy is Crazy", won a box office of more than 60 million US dollars, ranking among the top ten of the box office rankings that year.

After the release of "Top Gun" starring him in 1986, it not only hit the box office of 170 million US dollars in a short period of time, but also defeated "Alien 2" and "Star Trek 4" and directly topped the box office list of that year. champion.

In the same year, the fiery atmosphere of "Top Gun" has not yet passed. Another film he starred in, "The Color of Money", this film cooperating with Martin has a good box office reputation, and the box office of more than 52 million US dollars ranked No. 1 in that year. Twelve.

Since "Top Gun", Tom has become a box office guarantee for the film and a national idol, and even this film has directly become a North American recruiting promotional film.

At the beginning of 1988, the movie "Cocktail" starring him garnered more than 80 million US dollars at the box office. Within two months, the second film starring Tom Cruise in the same year, "Rain Man", gained another 172 million US dollars and reached the top. Annual box office champion.

It can be said that Tommy has been in the company of success all the way, and almost no one can press him when his film is released.

The too smooth star journey has also created him extremely proud and arrogant character. His beliefs and personal sexual orientation have always been criticized, but his fan base is too strong, which gives him the capital of pride.

Jenna has heard more than once in the past two days that Tom Cruise\'s anger at starring in the film and losing to such a small-budget thriller, along with the director and producer of "Get Out", also Certainly nothing good.

Her purpose is very simple. She hopes that the young Wayne Greenberg~www.novelhall.com~ will make some provocative remarks to Tom, so that this issue of Vanity Fair will have a stunt.

It\'s just that this young director has obviously been sober all the time, and he was not overwhelmed by the temporary success. He was so calm that he didn\'t want to be a young man in his early 20s.

In fact, Wayne certainly understands what she means. If the box office numbers of the two films are similar, he will not be stingy with eye-catching remarks to gain attention.

But now "Earth Ambition" obviously doesn\'t even have the strength to fight to the death. Being pushed and crushed all the way by his "Escape from the Dead", he can no longer work hard and thankless to attract the hatred of the superstar.

The other party\'s only small means left now is to find some gossip tabloids and small film critics to smear him. Even this kind of smearing remarks dare not openly publicize them, and can only use words to guide them.

These things are better left to Warner Bros., after all, he is just a director.

"Do you think your film will continue to be the box office champion? After all, there is no new film released on a large scale this week." Jenna saw that he was not fit to step on his competitors, and she began to pull the question back to the film.

"For the box office, I\'m very confident." Wayne adjusted his sitting position and put his left leg on his right. "The box-office potential of this film is obviously not yet released, and it will continue to dominate the North American theatrical market this week."

Before the film was released, Wayne was worried that he would not be acclimatized due to the age difference. Or because of its own production style, it has given a larger scale than the original film, which may cause discomfort to fans.

But almost none of these have appeared. The film has become a rampant train until now. No one can stop it with bare hands, and can only wait for it to burn up its own fuel.