Hollywood Drawing

~: Eighty Eight - Expanded Screening

Jenna\'s interview with Wayne has been done for the most part. The biggest impression this young director gave him was that he was extremely confident in the films he directed and at the box office, but he was not blinded by the temporary success.

"Director Greenberg, we did a movie fan survey before. The most curious thing about you is the choice of movie genre. I heard that you wrote the scripts of these two movies yourself, right?"

This is also what Jenna is curious about. Looking at this director alone, although he is not sunny and cheerful, he is also a very normal young man, definitely not the dark and gloomy type.

"Yes, I wrote the scripts for these two films myself. I was just interested in this type of film, so I started to study them as soon as I went to college."

When Wayne heard her asking about the type of film, he felt helpless. He had other ideas, but he couldn\'t give up the plan he had made since he was a child.

Since he came here, he has discovered the wealth in his mind, but if he wants to take out the things in his mind, he needs to study film production strictly. A director who is a half-way monk, an academy who has absolutely no systematic study is easy to succeed.

In his previous life, he was an ordinary person. When he was sick and depressed in bed, he was madly infatuated with this type of film. Except for some particularly impressive commercial films, this type of film was the only thing left in his mind.

It\'s not that he doesn\'t want to choose anything else. When he was a child, he even thought about being a producer. Compared with the director\'s job, with the memory in his mind, it may be easier for a producer to succeed.

In the end, he gave up the idea of ​​becoming a producer. One obvious thing was his interest. He was sure that he liked making movies and liked the feeling of being in control of all the attention.

Although Hollywood has always been a producer-centric system, for capable directors, this has never been a problem, and being a producer is just a routine operation.

Seeing that he was a little distracted, Jenna deliberately raised her voice and asked: "We all know that your family is in good condition and your parents love you very much, but how did you get your inspiration for stories with a dark and dark style? ?"

"I think it\'s to look at and think more." Wayne regained his senses and pointed to his eyes. "As long as we pay attention to everything around us, we can get a lot of inspiration from it. For example, the script of "Escape from the Dead" was the first thing I thought of from the racial discrimination that happened around me."

He tried his best to make up stories and tried to be more realistic, but he couldn\'t tell the other party honestly. I brought it over decades later.

"These inspirations belong only to you geniuses." Jenna looked at him with an expression of admiration for his talent. "It\'s impossible for ordinary people like us to find these inspirations. Will your new project be in production soon after this film is over?"

"Probably not so fast." Wayne sat on the sofa and leaned back again. "I haven\'t rested for a long time. I started making films before I graduated. After "Happy Death Day" ended, I made "Get Out" immediately. Continuous work made me very tired. I might go on vacation first.

But it won\'t be too long, and I already have plans for the next project. "

"Can you tell me what type it is? Or this kind of thriller with some cold humor?" Jenna didn\'t expect to be able to ask about his follow-up plan, so she struck while the iron was hot and continued to ask.

"No, unlike the first two films, I can\'t reveal too much now. I can only tell you that this is still a Greenberg-style film."

Wayne pinched his brows. Facing the media interview, he still felt a little tired.

"Well, fans must be very much looking forward to your new work." Jenna glanced at the time and felt that it was almost time to go to the end. She saw Wayne\'s actions and knew that the other party must have impatient thoughts.

"How is your relationship with Halle-Berry going? There are many fans who say they like your combination very much."

After all, this is an entertainment magazine, and it has the attributes of gossip, so the private life of the interview guests will be mentioned more or less.

Wayne knew this and made preparations. He said casually, "Our relationship is very good. As for the future progress, we need to leave it to God."

"Is Halle-Berry your first girlfriend? I heard that she is also an actress, have you considered letting her be the heroine of your new project?" Jenna was very rude, and she was quite inquisitive.

Wayne was stunned for a moment, who is the first girlfriend? After thinking about it, he still said vaguely: "It\'s the first one. As for the issue of her filming in the future, she needs to make up her own mind. Whether or not to participate in my future projects depends on her personal wishes."

Later, Jenna saw and asked about some things in their lives, and ended the interview. Wayne stood up and shook hands with the other person, pushed open the door of the interview room, and walked out.

"Boss, it\'s over?" Nina saw him come out, hurried up to meet him, and handed him the prepared water glass.

Wayne took the water glass, took a few sips and returned it to the assistant, complaining to Jimmy next to him.

"Facing interviews with media reporters, especially such exclusive interviews, is more tiring than playing a game of football."

"Wayne, this is a good opportunity to promote yourself, which will make you famous." Jimmy turned his head to look left and right, and said to them again. "Go back first. I\'ll stay here for a while and then communicate with them to avoid things that shouldn\'t appear in tomorrow\'s magazines."

"Ok, let\'s go back first."

The main purpose of arranging Wayne to accept an exclusive interview with Time magazine was to promote the film while it was popular, and as the production manager of "Get Out", John Gray of Warner Bros. was also busy for the film\'s box office.

At this moment, he is following the front desk of the Emperor Cinema Company to see their director of operations. He has only one purpose here, and that is to ask the cinema company to increase the scale of the film\'s screening as much as possible.

Because Jeff had spoken to them on the phone before he came, the front desk took John directly into the supervisor\'s office.

"Thank you." John sat on the sofa in the reception area, took the coffee from the secretary, and didn\'t speak until there were only two people left in the room.

"Mr. Campbell, I believe Jeff has already talked to you on the phone. I came here just to confirm how many more theaters we can add to "Get Out" before this weekend."

Cohen-Campbell and John are not very familiar, and only talked to the Warner production manager a few times at the reception, but he is familiar with Jeff Robinoff and has been working with Warner Bros. happily over the years.

"I promise that by Friday, 250 theaters will be freed up for your films. I\'ve already talked to Jeff. Do you have any other ideas?"

Cohen Campbell is not surprised at all. Now that the box office of this small-budget "Get Out" has exploded, Warner Bros. will definitely try their best to increase the box office of the film, but he still doesn\'t know what John\'s idea is. .

"I just came over from AMC." John took a sip of coffee and looked at the other\'s face. "They\'ve promised to add 300 more theaters to the film."

The first impression his words gave to Cohen Campbell was that he was lying. A theater company like them knew each other very well. It was impossible for AMC to have so many theaters and squeeze them out for Warner.

Because before the film was released, the screening contract was basically signed, and even if the number of screens was to be increased, it would have to be squeezed out from elsewhere.

Seeing that Cohen Campbell did not speak, John continued: "The box office potential of "Get Out" is obvious to all, I think you can reduce the number of screens of "Ambition" to show our film, not to mention that you have signed Okay, the contract, I know there\'s definitely room for flexibility in the contract."

Cinema companies need to be profitable, and nothing is as convincing as a US knife. Now the situation is clear that the film "Ambition of the Earth" has been settled.

John also used the same method to persuade AMC. Originally, there were plans to add about 250 more.

"Well, we will also squeeze out 300 theaters, so that more fans in North America have the opportunity to see this wonderful film. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com" Cohen-Campbell did not hesitate, this is for them Just normal operation, and AMC has done it.

This film started with 2,088 theaters. In fact, there is a reason for Warner Bros. Otherwise, the theater company would never have given such a small-cost film thousands of theaters.

Now that it has exploded at the box office, it is certain to expand the scale of the show, but it is just a question of how much to expand. So to increase the theaters and screens for "Get Out", you can only squeeze from the Universal movie.

As for the contract issue, John is right. The contract they signed does have room for flexibility, just to deal with accidents.

"Warner has already contacted the film printing factory. All copies will definitely be delivered before Friday, so let\'s do this first, and I have to go to another theater company."

John shook hands with him and went straight out of Emperor Entertainment.

For this trip, he was more like a routine notice. The two largest theater companies in North America agreed to his proposal very happily, which made him a little unaccustomed.

And just after John left, Cohen Campbell received a call from Universal Pictures.

"Karl, I will try to maintain the screening scale of "Ambition in the Land" until the weekend, and if the film\'s attendance still does not improve, I will reduce the screen and theater.

Yes, just before the weekend, Carl, this is just a business, I am responsible for the group company, and the theater also needs to be responsible for the revenue. "

Everyone\'s thoughts are the same. They are all for the green knife. Universal did not propose to increase the scale of the show, but just hoped to maintain the current state.

Cohen Campbell could clearly hear that the other party was unhappy, but the truth is, this is just business.