Hollywood Drawing

~: 227 - Women can't be too smart


Wayne\'s personal legal adviser, lawyer Ryan Russell, looked at a large number of reporter paparazzi in front of him and exclaimed in disbelief.

He turned to look at Colin Howard, who was sitting next to him, pointed to the reporters outside the car window, and said, "Are these people crazy? Even if they block the manor, what\'s the use?"

Originally, Ryan Russell and Colin Howard were ready to come over early in the morning to report the results of the negotiation, but before they entered the manor, they were startled by dozens of reporter paparazzi surrounded by the door.

These people are professional, with photographers behind them. They are really the kind of paparazzi with a camera around their neck and sitting on a motorcycle. They have almost blocked the gate of the manor.

"Don\'t you read the newspaper?" Colin Howard asked strangely. "Wayne\'s new film is selling well. He is now the focus of media reporters, but he doesn\'t like to be in the limelight."


Ryan Russell nodded. "No, I mean reading the paper of course, but I didn\'t expect these people to be so crazy. Hey Colin, look at those two guys over there, aren\'t they digging out the trash? It\'s just talk."

With the help of the manor\'s security, the two\'s car drove in at noon. The gate of the manor was like a natural dividing line. Those people seemed to have a tacit understanding and would never step in.

These reporter paparazzi are not stupid. With this kind of heat, taking pictures of Wayne Greenberg or getting some different news is very valuable, but they will never take a step into the manor to change A bonus for those security.

In the living room of the manor, Wayne was talking on the phone with Jeff Robinoff, the CEO of Warner Bros., when he saw the two people who came in, he pointed to the sofa, indicating that they were free.

Jeff Robinoff\'s voice on the phone clearly reached his ears. "...The situation in Xiangjiang has been contacted in advance. After you go, Warner Bros. Asia will be responsible for the reception, and Benjamin will take you to contact the Xiangjiang film company.

Also, Wayne, I hope you can take stock as soon as possible. The attitude of most shareholders in the board of directors is that you can get this done as soon as possible. I think we should establish a closer cooperative relationship. "

This is also what Jeff Robinoff hopes. If he has a shareholder who is close to him, he will be much less questioned.

Wayne also understands the meaning of it. Unlike the other five major movie giants, Warner Bros. has a much heavier weight in the media group Time Warner. The reason is that Warner Bros. was not acquired.

In this way, the unsatisfactory results of Warner Bros. summer movies this year have caused Jeff Robinoff to be questioned a lot, so he is eager to urge this matter.

"Jeff, Warner Bros. has always been my best partner, and we work well together, don\'t we? I\'ll get this done as soon as possible in the near future, our interests are the same, you can rest assured. "

All of Wayne\'s projects are heavily promoted by Jeff Robinoff, and even the production costs have never been discounted, which is very difficult to do.

This just shows that the interests of the two of them are the same, which is the basis of all cooperation.

"Ok, that\'s it, you can contact me at any time if you have any questions. By the way, you are really not interested in Time Magazine? Your agent Jimmy replied to the company, and you rejected the plan of the public relations department."

Wayne said into the microphone: "Yes, I don\'t think the cover character is of great significance to me now. And with the popularity of "The Clown\'s Soul", it seems useless to do this kind of work again, wait for the next publicity Movie time."

"Okay, that\'s it."

Putting down the phone in his hand, Wayne chuckled and shook his head. The Warner Bros. distribution and PR departments have formulated several marketing plans for him in the past few days, but now that the film is so popular, he really doesn\'t think it makes much sense.

In his own perception, no matter how the name Wayne Greenberg is marketed, he is always a director standing behind the scenes. Fame does play a role in him, but he doesn\'t think that it has as much significance as a star.

In the industry of director or producer, you still have to rely on the work to speak. Before the Internet era, excessive marketing alone will not play much role.

"How about the loan?" Wayne looked at his accountant and financial advisor.

Colin Howard opened the briefcase and took out a few documents. Regardless of whether his boss understood it or not, he also pointed to and explained to him one by one according to the rules.

"There\'s nothing wrong with it. Wells Fargo, JP Morgan, and Citigroup have the highest quota and relatively low interest. They have confidence in your credit and income. The three banks can lend a total of about 330 million yuan, plus the amount in our hands. Some cash, maybe $350 million can be mobilized.”

In fact, Colin Howard understands that these things are not mainly for Wayne. This boss has no concept of money at all, and even what he said, he is not sure if he has no brains.

The ordinary-looking assistant lady next to the boss is his main object of explanation. This woman looks average, but in his heart she is a powerful person.

Sure enough, just as he thought, Wayne listened for a while, then simply moved aside and let Nina start discussing various details with the accountant, and set his sights on the lawyer.

"Let there be no problems with the law."

"Don\'t worry about that." Ryan Russell nodded. "Our team of lawyers, with legal personnel specializing in contracts, will never have problems in this regard."

In the team of lawyers formed by Ryan Russell, all aspects have been considered, and Wayne is not short of money, so this group of lawyers actually covers all aspects of people.

In fact, only now has Wayne felt that he was a little redundant. He had been studying hard for the first 20 years, but he devoted all his study energy to filmmaking. He didn\'t even know what the lawyer said.

He only understands some basic legal common sense, and it is more like listening to heaven when it comes to this kind of contract issues.

Fortunately, there was an assistant lady. Nina communicated with the two of them for a long time. After she had settled everything, she nodded to him and helped him sign a few documents.

"Colin, get this done as soon as possible, my energy behind me will be put into filming again, even my vacation plans have been cancelled by me, and I will only go back to the farm to live for a few days, if you can still catch up, and Come to the farm with your father as a guest."

After the business was over, Wayne specially instructed the accountant, just as he said, when the popularity of "The Clown Back to the Soul" passed, he would start working again.

If it wasn\'t for the fact that Tim Burton was just brought in as a producer, he could have stayed in the studio watching preparations, organized actor auditions and other work, I guess he would not even have a few days off while the film was released.

"I\'ll get this done as soon as possible, but I\'m not sure if I can catch up with the guest." Colin Howard said with a smile. "Then let\'s do it first, I have to prepare a lot of things on my side, and communicate with the bank and Warner Bros. negotiators."

With that, he shook hands with Nina, nodded, turned and drove away from the manor with Ryan Russell.

"Is it all right?" Wayne turned to look at the assistant, and the smile on his face disappeared.

If anyone else can be trusted, Nina Klein, who stays with him every day except sleeping, is definitely one of Wayne\'s most trusted people.

The assistant pushed up her glasses and said confidently, "Don\'t worry, there is no problem, boss, trust me, with Colin Howard\'s professionalism alone, it is absolutely impossible to hide anything from me."

"That\'s good."

Wayne doesn\'t need Colin Howard\'s high level of professionalism, because he doesn\'t give accountants the right to invest and manage money independently. All his money is invested in Microsoft under the lid, and Oracle in the madman, and there is no financial operation at all.

Such a guy with trustworthiness and average professional level is the accountant he needs, who can easily negotiate, handle tax returns, and watch over the funds invested in Internet stocks at any time, so that he can get the high salary he issued.

This salary buys trust. Basically, it has nothing to do with ability. It only talks about ability. Assistant Nina who studies finance, and agent Jimmy may be better than Colin Howard.

Wayne\'s trust in him was inherited from his father, Howard Sr. had been a financial advisor and accountant for the Greenberg family for twenty or thirty years, and he never made any mistakes, nor did Ruben Greenberg make any mistakes. Lost a dollar.

"Boss, there\'s something wrong at the gate of the manor!"

Sergey walked in in a hurry~www.novelhall.com~ looked down at his boss like a bear, and said with a strange expression.

"What? Is there a paparazzi who dares to sneak in and take pictures?" Wayne asked in surprise. "Just let your brothers throw them out, don\'t threaten the security of the manor, and don\'t shoot easily."

In any case, he is more than half a public figure. If a gun is used, even if it is the hands of security, there are many things that cannot be explained.

"No, boss." Sergey shook his head and pointed in the direction of the entrance of the manor: "No one dares to come in those soft bastards, the trouble I\'m talking about is that Ms. Cameron Diaz is here, reporters and paparazzi are surrounded by Blocked her car, the security wanted to help her in, but she refused..."


"Yes, now Ms. Cameron Diaz is being interviewed by dozens of reporters, and the gate of the manor is about to become a press conference. Do I want to go out and stop her?" Sergey asked with open hands.

"fxxk, women can\'t be too smart!"