Hollywood Drawing

~: 2 - Hollywood script

Anderson picked up the file bag on the coffee table and unbuttoned it under Wayne\'s expectant gaze. He took out the two documents pinned inside, the top one was thick and the bottom one was thin.

"Happy Memorial Day?"

Anderson muttered softly, opened the thick script, and quickly read it. After a cursory look, Anderson nodded with satisfaction. The script was written entirely in standard Hollywood writing format.

Similarly, as the foundation of a play, professional script writing can make every process of film production run smoothly. The management looks at ease, the producer looks at ease, the director looks at ease, and the actors look at heart. So what kind of script is considered a truly professional script writing format?

Just like the one currently held by Professor Anderson, the standard is divided into six parts.

1. Scene description and character actions, this sentence usually appears below the scene title, and is used to describe the scene and explain the actor\'s ongoing behavior.

2. The name of the character is the name of the character. If it is a supporting role, you can write "Kidnapper A", "Robber B" and so on.

3. Dialogue, the lines spoken by the characters, including voice-overs, monologues, and narrations, are all lines. To write clearly.

4. Auxiliary descriptions, voice-overs and foreign voices should be marked after the character name, and other descriptions should be marked below the character name, which can briefly describe the character\'s action or state. For example "cough", "with a cry", "excited".

5. The way of transition, that is, the way of switching between pictures, what we often say is fade in, fade out, in, and fusion, are all transition methods, which are marked when necessary, and generally do not need to be written.

6. The title of the scene, INT is equivalent to "inner" in Chinese scripts, representing the interior scene. The Hollywood format is "inside/outside-place-time".

In Hollywood script writing, the scene title cannot write the scene number, such as the first scene and the second scene. Because the shooting sequence of each scene is decided by the director.

All of the above constitute the standard script format of Hollywood. Of course, the script of a commercial film with a large cost and a large production is basically above this standard, and it is much more refined, such as the so-called three-paragraph narrative circulating on the Internet in later generations.

Professor Anderson read the script for the second time and began to read it carefully. When he saw the absurd setting in which the protagonist was killed every day, he couldn\'t help laughing.

But using the classic Hollywood routine, this story can be justified. Anderson knows that there are some things that can\'t be taken seriously, and the appeal of this script lies in these subtle designs, which are obviously dark horror comedy with a little cult quality.

"Your script is a bit interesting. If you shoot it exactly according to the script, it will be very attractive to a considerable number of people, especially teenagers."

Anderson put down the script in surprise, which was completely beyond the level of a graduation short story. At least as far as the script is concerned, it is very professional, and it seems that the child\'s knowledge reserve is very sufficient.

"Teacher, you know, I have been studying this kind of noir film since I was a freshman. Although I made a few short experimental short films before, they were not recognized by my classmates and professors.

Almost all professors except you don\'t agree with my style. They feel that this kind of movie style with obvious black attributes, or absurd settings, **** scenes, and the dark side of people\'s hearts is too niche, so I wrote this, a script with a less obvious style. "

It\'s not that Wayne just wants to make such noir films. He was a projectionist in his previous life and watched many films of various genres, but he didn\'t leave much of an impression. And in the last stage of his life, he liked this kind of noir movie madly. He watched a lot of this type of movie, no matter how good or bad.

His biggest advantage is the movie images he has seen in his previous life in his mind, but he has always been a fan of film noir since then, and his mind is full of these attribute movies, so he also took advantage of the trend to study this genre.

"There\'s nothing wrong with having a strong personal style, but a movie is a mass entertainment after all, and you have to be clear about the balance in it. It can be seen that you need this script, which is completely beyond the scope of a graduation film, but there are many difficulties in making it." .

Anderson filmed the script, thinking about the difficulty of filming, and picked up the thin document below.

"Well, I have to admit that you are better than I thought, and you have made a detailed project plan. If you add a complete project plan, this can already be regarded as a complete commercial project with clear selling points. "

"Teacher, although it is almost impossible for a rookie independent film like me to have company investment, I still hope to make a plan. I definitely dare not underestimate the difficulty of making a feature film, so I hope to make all possible preparations in advance."

Some dreamers who come to Hollywood always have the illusion that if they have a good script, a film company will invest. The reality is that the studios don\'t read your script at all, they read your plan first.

If you don\'t have a project plan, and you, a newcomer, still want to be a director, it\'s better to go to hell. Countless scripts are sent to film companies every day, and it is estimated that the individual scripts bought by film companies are less than one in ten thousand.

Even if you buy it, you don\'t know when it will be made into a film. Ninety-nine percent of it will be thrown into the script library for ashes. Why do you let those capitals take a look at the script that has no prospects and give you hundreds of them? Ten thousand U.S. dollars?

Even after these years of systematic study, sometimes Wayne would fantasize that someone would read his script, and then swipe a pen and write a large check, enough for him to squander the movie.

This is basically fantasy and nonsense. If you want to make a film, the key is to submit a business project proposal to potential investors and film companies, a plan on how to prepare, cast, shoot and produce the film. A rigorous plan.

"Wayne, with these, I can try to help you get some investment. I\'ve seen a lot of very old directors who are still running around for funding for their first feature films, and most of them actually need this kind of money. Complete project plan."

Professor Anderson flipped through a few thin pages of the plan, which took into account all the problems of the film in detail, and even the problems and solutions that may be encountered in the shooting.

Although the investment is not high, it is still a sky-high price for newcomers. Newcomers who haven\'t made any achievements, let alone film companies, even private investors won\'t take a second look. Anderson hopes to help him find some film funds to support newcomers.

"Teacher, I have a way to raise funds. The plan I made is prepared according to the funds I can raise. I may not take too many classes, and the time is very tight. I want to make sure to shoot him before graduation. come out."

"Okay, your credits are enough to graduate in the last academic year. What you need is to do it yourself and participate in the production of the film. Work hard, if you can produce the effect of the script, I believe this will help you find a job in the future. Absolute advantage."

Anderson looked at the young man in front of him. The reason why he was described by his classmates as withdrawn, indifferent, and unsocial is because he spent all his time studying. This is a smart kid who knows what he wants and works hard for it.

Wayne drank the coffee from the cup, packed up the script, and stood up to say goodbye to the professor.

"Teacher, I also made an appointment with an agent, so I\'ll leave first."

"Go, if you need any help, you can call me."

Professor Anderson tapped him on the shoulder.

He left the teacher\'s office and went to the cafe next to the school. After ordering a cup of coffee, he stared at the pedestrians outside the window and waited for his agent.

Although he has lived in the Greater Los Angeles area for 20 years since he was born in 1970, he still can\'t forget the real experience on the other side of the Pacific Ocean just like it happened yesterday.

When he was young, he saw a movie called Paradise Cinema by chance, and he went to study to be a projectionist. It was illness that interrupted his more than ten years of filming career. He became obsessed with noir films when he was passive in the hospital bed. When he fell asleep, he was still immersed in movies every day.

God is fair, UU reading www.uukanshu.com took away his disease-ridden life and gave him a good life in this life. After he was five years old, he went to live on a farm in Ventura County with his parents. Although his father was not a very rich man, his family was not short of money and gave him a good learning environment.

In this life, Wayne is not ignorant. He is very clear about what he wants and has been working hard for it. The family environment also gave him enough facilities, and all his studies were private schools since elementary school.

From childhood to adolescence, his mother took him frequently to visit the cast of his former friends, and let him observe the world\'s film factory carefully. Learning to be a director is actually an expensive process.

At the beginning of college, buying related books and expensive film films, and renting equipment to shoot their own experimental short films, ordinary families really can’t afford these expenses.

"Hi, Wayne. Do you have anything to do with me? God, if you hadn\'t called me, I would have almost forgotten you, the movie director. Waiter, give me a latte."

A young man not a few years older than Wayne pulled out the chair and sat across from him. He was neatly dressed in a suit, and he seemed to be positive.

"Jimmy, I\'m graduating, and I\'ll start my first feature film right away. I\'ll need you to help me start recruiting, crew members, and a few actors in a while."

He looked at his agent. Jimmy approached him when he was in his junior year, a novice agent who had just left the caa mail room. He heard that Southern California majored in film and video, and there was a talented director, and he immediately found him. Hope to represent his brokerage contract.

"What type of film? Or is it the kind of **** experimental short film you made before?"

Jimmy took a sip of coffee and asked Wayne with a frown.