Hollywood Drawing

~: 106 - Indulgence

\'Warner Bros. is taking a gamble, the production cost of 60 million, for a director who has only directed a million-dollar investment, the heavy production pressure will overwhelm him...\'

\'The villain? After two consecutive small investments and big success, Wayne Greenberg has begun to walk into a dead end! Warner Bros.\' review department may...\'

\'clown? Wayne Greenberg\'s biggest possibility is to use $60 million to make a horror movie that\'s not much different from a million dollars! This young director adores large-scale gore scenes, and this will definitely be his slipper...\'

Since there are media sing-along, there must be media sing-song. This entertainment city is never short of people who look down on him. Wayne is like an iceberg that has emptied the sea water, and suddenly its head emerges.

By the time everyone saw him clearly, a lot of places had been occupied by the huge underwater volume of the iceberg.

In the past two years, he has had successful films in succession. While he was gaining benefits, he also invisibly harmed the interests of many people. Hollywood\'s plate is so big, if you eat more, others will definitely eat less, or not even have to eat!

"That\'s all?" Wayne threw down the newspaper in his hand, and there was almost no authoritative big media in his reports, mostly small and medium-sized paper media.

Harry-Berry, who was sitting beside him, also put down the newspaper in his hand and looked at him with a little sympathy in his eyes. Wayne turned a blind eye to her expression, and lit a cigarette with a calm expression.

"There may be more tomorrow. These are just the quick-responding media. I thought everyone was optimistic about you, but I didn\'t expect so many media to want you to fail!"

Before Harry-Berry came over, he went to the newsstand to buy these newspapers. He didn\'t pick out the reports that trumpeted the director. Instead, he bought a lot of things that didn\'t sound so nice.

This is just her little thought, even if she is a little disgusted by this man, but he didn\'t show his face when she asked herself to move out, so it\'s better not to answer her calls.

This is a heartless ice man. When he wants to play with you, he will turn into a perfect boyfriend. After his interest is over, he will immediately throw you away like a rag.

The only advantage is that this man is trustworthy and promises that things will be done. Don\'t turn around and don\'t recognize people.

"Harry, I\'m not a dollar, and I can\'t make everyone like it!" Wayne doesn\'t care about the negative views of those media, only if there is controversy, it\'s just that they are doing propaganda for themselves.

This will only leave a deeper impression on the public fans, and Warner Bros. found through investigation that through two films, Wayne has a good director reputation among young people.

The words \'Wayne-Greenberg\'s works\' have gradually formed a brand effect among a certain group of young people who like to watch movies.

"You have a lot of roles. I don\'t worry about your acting skills. This is not a role that allows you to play your acting skills, but..." He reached out and grabbed Hei Pearl\'s chin, turning her face. "You are too delicate, you need makeup to cover up the mirror, this role doesn\'t have to be too beautiful!"

Harry-Berry\'s head swayed from side to side with his movements. She didn\'t care about the other person\'s actions like picking a pet, but asked nervously, "I\'ll pass the audition, won\'t I?"

"The premise is that you want to enter the second round of auditions. I won\'t participate in the first round. I have a lot of work and I\'m not that free." Wayne still reminded, letting go of the woman\'s chin.

"Find a makeup artist yourself before the audition and cover up your face. It\'s better to be ordinary. I\'ll say hello to the audition director, as long as you don\'t act very badly!"

"Thank you, dear..." Harry-Berry hugged his arm in surprise, with a dazzling light in his eyes.

Wayne looked at her and shook his head. "Keep your current acting skills, that\'s enough for this role."

For this inexplicable man, Halle Berry doesn\'t care about his attitude at all, as long as he can get this role, it\'s enough.

She rolled her eyes slightly, leaned into the man\'s ear and whispered a word beginning with a, then stood up gracefully, and walked up the stairs skillfully.

Ignoring the woman who went upstairs, Wayne was still making choices about the movie in his mind. If the success of the later "Joker" is due to the performance of Joaquin Phoenix, it seems that there is nothing wrong.

This is a grand one-man show. The requirements for the actors are very high, but there are some things that Wayne must give up for his future plans.

Who is the most successful clown? It really can\'t be judged. But if the two most successful Joker movies are the protagonists, many people will choose Nolan\'s Batman and The Joker 2019.

That\'s right, in Wayne\'s opinion, the Joker is definitely the first protagonist in Nolan\'s Batman series.

He wants to combine the advantages of both sides. Arthur can gradually change from an ordinary person to a chaotic clown, but for future plans, he cannot abandon the comic style as early as Nolan.

It\'s not just a crime drama, he\'s going to set aside enough clips, and then one day in the next few years, remind Warners about those gaps.

"Hey! Honey, aren\'t you coming up to enjoy your spoils?" Harry-Berry\'s coquettish voice came from upstairs, and Wayne looked up at the sky and walked upstairs with a beast-like smile. .

Thinking of what she secretly said just now, Wayne decides to let go of the storm in his head and enjoy the relaxation after a busy work. The best outlet for a man is always a woman, especially when this woman does everything she can to vent to the man. when.

After walking up to the third floor to his bedroom, Wayne raised his eyebrows in surprise. It seemed that this woman really sacrificed everything to please her.

"Harry, are you sure you want to play like this?" He took the rope in his hand and took a soft soft whip.

"Don\'t you like it? Honey! In this bedroom, I am your pet, come and enjoy your spoils."

"Of course I like it. I have to say that you have good eyesight, especially this tail..."

After the night fell in Los Angeles, the place was full of drunken fans, and on the third floor of Greenberg Manor, this night was destined to be full of turbulent nights. Everything that happened in the room, even Wayne, a brain with countless epics, felt very uncomfortable. Incredible.

Halle Berry understood his preferences deeply and took the initiative to amplify the scale.

It would be shameless for Wayne to be hypocritical about Black Pearl\'s own thoughts, so he followed the other party\'s wishes, and in order to preserve her yearning for a better career, Wayne must fulfill the other party even if he was tired and sore. ideal.

Black people are definitely talented in some aspects, not only skilled, but also bursting with unprecedented enthusiasm.

Even though he only had contact with this African-American actress, he was full of deep admiration for their talent. The passionate and fanatical black pearl is like a hurricane, so Wayne can\'t stop sighing, the youth in his early twenties~www.novelhall.com~ is really full of infinite beauty.

Harry-Berry is tall and handsome, with dark skin and a startling beauty standing on the balcony on the third floor, with his hair that was deliberately curled up without covering his body, his back to the swaying figure in the night of Los Angeles, let him For a while I thought this was called art.

In this bedroom tonight, she is Wayne\'s pet, slave girl.

Under his command, the black pearl kept unlocking different skills, allowing Wayne to **** all the gameplay he knew in his previous life.

Harry-Berry\'s submissive cooperation made it very easy to arouse the impulse on a larger scale. Wayne burst into arrogance and walked towards his prey with a cruel smile like a beast.

This game, which can also be called a classic in the San Fernando Valley, didn\'t stop until the middle of the night.

This also relieved the little assistant in the guest room on the second floor. After listening to the silent third floor, she fell asleep peacefully.

At a certain moment just now, Nina even felt that the cry from the black pearl was like a wounded fox at all. It was definitely not the pleasant sound that a normal woman should have.

This cast a deep shadow on her, and also caused the little assistant to fall into self-doubt. Could it be that the way she played with her boyfriend in the past was wrong?

Early the next morning, Nina saw with her own eyes Black Pearl wrapped herself up in the sunshine of Los Angeles and limped to the car.

Ironically, this black beauty has always had a cheerful smile on her face.

Under the extremely strange gaze of the little assistant, after having breakfast with her, Wayne got in the car and rushed to the Warner Building in Burbank.