Hollywood Drawing

~: 105 - You don't want an Oscar?

The press conference ended in a harmonious atmosphere, but Wayne was not in a hurry to leave. Kevin Tesuhara said he had other things to talk about.

Leaving the cluttered conference room, Wayne and Warner Bros. CEO came to his office to greet each other all the way. After closing the door, Kevin Tesuhara directly spoke his thoughts.

""Get Out" will continue to be shown, Wayne, this film will continue to be shown until the end of the awards ceremony."

In fact, he had already noticed that there were still several theaters in remote areas of Los Angeles that were continuing to show "Get Out", but he didn\'t expect Warner Bros. to mean this, so he asked uncertainly.


"Of course it\'s the Oscars. Warner Bros. will do its best to publicize the best original screenplay and the nomination for the best director. You don\'t have to worry about all these. You just need to attend the awards ceremony."

Kevin Tesuhara with a confident smile, he knows too well that the Oscar is not enough to seduce directors and actors in the circle. Although the main purpose is not for Wayne, but this does not prevent him from selling well.

"I\'m too young, Kevin." Wayne\'s tone didn\'t fluctuate at all, he didn\'t mean any excitement at all. "Even the nomination for best director is too early for me! Actually, I\'m not in a hurry. Even if I accumulate qualifications, it will take two years. It\'s not too late to start when I\'m older."

Looking at this face without any emotional fluctuations, Kevin Tesuhara suddenly felt a burst of powerlessness. There are not many people who can stay awake in front of Oscar, even Martin Scorsese, one of the four directors, has always been obsessed with being a golden man.

The last time Kevin saw a director who could look at Oscar so calmly, his name was George Lucas, he was the father of "Star Wars" and the founder of Hollywood commercial films.

However, the situation of the two people is completely different. George Lucas quit all unions except the producers and gave up the hope of Oscar voluntarily, but Wayne is really calm.

"Kevin, I propose to put all public relations resources into the best screenplay and guarantee to win this little golden man."

In fact, this proposal is Wayne\'s purpose. He is also a golden man. The original script is much simpler, and his age will be ignored.

And what Warner Bros. did is nothing more than to squeeze the last drop of profits from "Get Out", and to make money from the videotape of the hairstyle film by taking advantage of the Oscars.

It\'s a matter of getting what you want, and Wayne will remember Warner Bros.

Kevin Tesuhara took a deep look at this face. "Well, Warner Bros. will change their strategy and focus on the best script!"

In fact, the film "Escape from the Dead" was not born at the right time. Now the atmosphere in North America is not so bad, and the black life is still in its infancy, so Wayne is not optimistic about using this film. Go for an Oscar nomination for Best Director.

"That\'s it, I have to plan the preparations for the film. If you have anything, you can call my agent directly, or call my assistant."

After the matter was finalized, Wayne stood up directly, said hello, turned around and left. As long as he entered the working state, he would become fully engaged like a robot.

For his continuous success, there is a big reason for choosing the right film, and it may also be because of his passion for work!

"Wait, Wayne!" Kevin Tesuhara didn\'t mind his attitude. Talented people always have some quirks, which is very normal for him. "It\'s a good thing for you, you can think about it."

"Huh? What?" Wayne sat back again in confusion and looked at the head of Warner Bros.

Kevin Tesuhara\'s upper body leaned forward slightly, and his voice became a little quieter. "Warner Bros. will have a round of share expansion financing next year. If you are interested, you can prepare funds in advance!"

"Okay, I understand, thank you, Kevin!"

"You\'re welcome, Warner and you are very happy to cooperate, why not let this cooperation continue?"

Wayne shook hands with him, turned and left the office. This is actually a big pie. Kevin Tesuhara just revealed some news without paying real money.

Want to buy shares of Warner and become an individual shareholder of this giant? It\'s very simple, make this big investment project well, and everything will be successful if the film fails.

Then there is no need to mention anything. At that time, the CEO of Warner Bros. did not promise him anything!

He went downstairs while thinking, and after meeting with the waiting group, he directly discussed with John: "Tomorrow we will have a meeting, you are responsible for organizing everyone, um, just put it at Warner, okay?"

"Ok, no problem!" John has long adapted to his work style. As long as it is beneficial to the film production, he will only cooperate with his work, and will definitely fight for power and profit like a brain-dead.

In front of Wayne, he is a more moderate producer, because Wayne\'s achievements are there, and John would never give so much trust to another director.

This is a producer-centered Hollywood, and the first producer is the one with the most power in the crew.

Wayne and John looked at each other, and after confirming that the other party\'s thoughts had not changed and that they were still focused on work as before, they said goodbye to each other and started their busy work.

After getting into the car, ignoring the assistant and manager, Wayne closed his eyes and leaned on the sofa, and began to sort out all the preparations in his mind.

Sergey drove the car smoothly, and the extended version of the Rolls-Royce also had perfect comfort. When Nina arrived at the manor, she realized that her boss was snoring cheerfully and fell asleep...

She looked at Jimmy, pointed to the sleeping boss and asked softly, "Aha, doesn\'t it mean that from the moment the signing is completed, the director and the producer are under heavy pressure?!"

Jimmy also had a haunted expression on his face. He had never seen his client fall asleep like this before. When the film began to be prepared, he would be like a clockwork, and he would always check and fill in the gaps. .

"I\'m asleep?"

The two people who were looking at each other saw him shudder and wake up, and they both stared at him with strange eyes.

"Why? Didn\'t he just sleep?" Wayne opened the car door and walked down, spreading his arms wide and stretching his waist. "Call Harry-Berry, ask her to come to me to get the script, and have some words to tell her in advance, damn, if she can\'t pass the first audition, then she deserves to be famous!"

"Okay, okay, I\'ll call right away!" Nina agreed, trotting into the living room.

"Did Zach Snyder get on the plane?" The two discussed the film as they walked in.

"It will arrive before dark!"

"Inform him not to use me here, and let him go to Warner tomorrow for a meeting." Wayne arranged them one by one in an orderly manner.

He just fell asleep, and just after signing the project contract, this is obviously not his workaholic style.

The reason is very simple, because he is used to living under pressure, and this invisible pressure weighed him breathlessly from the beginning, and now, Wayne has only used two movies.

After walking into the living room, he ignored the assistant at work, squinted his eyes and leaned back on the sofa.

According to the contract signed with Warner Bros., UU Reading www. uukanshu. com Wayne\'s core team members will also join the crew and participate in the preparatory content, but one person can\'t come, and Luke went to direct the horror film he had never heard of.

The assistant director was replaced by Zack Snyder, the lighting engineer was still reticent, but the skilled Steve Wilson, and the main cameraman was still Robert Carlos from caa.

As long as these three supervisors are their own people, then the crew will basically not be in danger of losing control. No matter how many deputies and assistants there are, they can\'t make waves.

In fact, the editor should be involved as soon as possible. Observe the director\'s production style with the group shooting, and the editor will be more handy in the later work.

Warner\'s editor is definitely not good. He is too busy with his work. He has to cut endless films every day. He has no time or time to follow his crew to observe and shoot.

However, this doesn\'t affect the overall situation, it\'s just that the director and producer are a little more tired during the post-production work, just keep an eye on the editing work!

Shortly after the press conference, news about Wayne\'s new film appeared in the media one after another, and most of the media took a wait-and-see attitude towards his new project.

\'This morning. Wayne Greenberg and Warner Bros. Film Productions, signed a new project cooperation, it is reported that this is a crime drama...\'

\'DC is about to have a second comic book character on the big screen, Arthur the Joker as a villain...\'

The reports with such a title are relatively mild, and basically just objectively report the entire press conference. This kind of simultaneous propaganda that starts just after the film is prepared cannot be indiscriminate.