History's Top Sect Leader

V1.Chatper 249

Worship, banquet, bridal chamber!

It\'s a very simple process, but it\'s also very complicated. All the guests who came to congratulate say hello and offer a glass of water and wine. After this round, let\'s not talk about wine. Even if it is filled with water, it will make people feel bloated and uncomfortable .

Fortunately, his skill is extremely high, this little drink only needs to turn his true energy, and then find a place where there is no one, and all of it will be turned into steam and dispersed in the air.

"It\'s good to have high martial arts skills. If you drink too much, you don\'t need to go to the toilet!"

The wedding banquet was really relaxing and pleasant, but when we arrived at the Tianshan School, Li Xuan who appeared here unexpectedly said: "Master Ye, Mr. Li has come to ask you to fulfill the agreement!"

"Sect Leader Li really knows how to choose the day..." Looking down at his bright red wedding gown, Ye Wen raised his wine glass to Li Xuan: "Sect Leader Li must give Ye some time, and my Junior Sister, please come back after a few days to have a peaceful life!"

Li Xuan just drank the wine with a smile, but didn\'t say anything else. However, the meaning revealed in his eyes made Ye Wen understand that what he just said just now meant that he hadn\'t said anything. This Li Xuan is determined to compete with himself in these few days.

Although the words of the two of them did not deliberately make public, but with their status, they would naturally attract many people\'s attention, so when they spoke, others deliberately kept their mouths shut, wanting to hear what happened to these two top masters in today\'s martial arts world. what to say.

Originally, Li Xuan\'s appearance in Shushan was enough to surprise many people, but when Li Xuan and Ye Wen\'s words were heard and understood by everyone, many people all let out a low voice.

"Does Master Li want to compete with Master Ye?"

"It\'s a little bit...to compete in martial arts when someone is getting married?"

"Nowadays, Daozong\'s power has been greatly reduced, Zen sect closed the temple to ignore the affairs of the martial arts, and the senior Jiujianxian has shattered the void. Now there are almost no figures in the martial arts world who can stand shoulder to shoulder with Master Li. Originally, Master Li should be the well-deserved number one in the martial arts world." There is only one person. However, Sect Leader Ye has been too prestige these years, compared to why Sect Leader Li came here!"

"That\'s right. In my opinion, this martial arts competition is unavoidable... Originally, I thought about leaving after the wedding banquet, but now it seems that I have to stay in Shushan for a longer time!"

"Should, should!"

It is extremely rare to see such a thing as the head of Tianshan and the head of Shushan competing in martial arts. At the martial arts event last year, many people thought that they could see who was stronger between the famous Li Xuan and Ye Wen, who had been in the limelight in recent years. They didn\'t expect that Li Xuan was just a fake. I feel a little pity.

This time it will definitely not be fake, many of the guests are from the martial arts world, they are naturally very interested in the peak duels in the martial arts world today, and many people who decided to leave after the wedding banquet expressed their intention to stay.

In this case, the problem of accommodation is a bit troublesome. I didn\'t expect that this group of people in the martial arts are quite proud, and they laughed directly: "I haven\'t slept anywhere in the world, not to mention that there is a sunshade to keep out the rain." It’s not a problem even if you sleep outside!”

It\'s settled like this, the martial arts tycoons don\'t insist on where to live, they just hope that after a night of fighting, they can witness the duel between these two masters tomorrow.

Seeing that this matter was almost decided by you and me, Ye Wen could only curse secretly: "When did I say yes?" Then he gave Li Xuan a bitter look: "Okay You Li Xuan, when I get married, you still rush to find me one-on-one, and the one I married is not your junior sister, can you do it?"

Under the emotional excitement, his mighty skills inevitably leaked out a little, giving off a tyrannical aura. Most people can\'t feel it yet, but Li Xuan who was drinking suddenly frowned, turned around strangely and looked at Ye Wen. But at this time Ye Wen was no different from before, which made Li Xuan very strange.

"Illusion? Impossible!" He has cultivated the Ice Soul Cold Art to a great success, and then intensively cultivated the cold air. After the skill has become more and more profound, this kind of situation rarely occurs, let alone the sudden illusion. Especially the feeling at that moment just now gave him a sense of familiarity and strangeness: "It\'s a bit like that old ghost of Jiujianxian, but it\'s a little different..."

Looking at Ye Wen, Li Xuan\'s eyes narrowed unconsciously. He felt that something must have happened to Ye Wen, and he even suspected that the young master of Shushan had already touched that realm first.

After thinking about it, Li Xuan laughed softly: "Why do you think so much, anyway, you will know tomorrow!"

After toasting, and having already completed the formal procedures of worship, Ye Wen bid farewell to all the guests and left the lobby directly - all the ceremonies of this big wedding were held in the main hall, while the wedding banquet was held in the main hall. It is the canteen in Shushan School that can accommodate hundreds of people eating at the same time.

After turning around, the first thing Ye Wen saw was Hua Yi who had been waiting outside. Hua Yi was wearing a light pink dress today, standing there so pretty, and came to lead the way when Ye Wen came out. Take him to the backyard.

"Hua Yi!"

"What orders does the master have?"


Seemingly knowing what Ye Wen wanted to say, Hua Yi smiled: "Ma\'am is impatient, master should hurry up!"

Originally, Ye Wen considered marrying the two girls together, but Hua Yi did not agree. Later, Ye Wen thought about doing it again and letting Hua Yi in, but Hua Yi said with a faint smile: "Master is enough!" Then... there was no more.

Following Hua Yi to the small courtyard where he lived, the door of his room was in front of him. This door is very familiar to Ye Wen, but today he feels a little strange. Because after today, there will be another hostess in this room, and this hostess is waiting for him in the room at this moment.

Swallowing, Ye Wen pushed open the half-covered door, and strode in. Hua Yi behind him closed the door again after Ye Wen entered.

Step by step into the bedroom, sitting on the familiar bed was Ning Ruxue in a scarlet gown, with a veil covering her head to completely hide her beautiful face. Ye Wen walked over and went up After looking up, down, left, right, and right for a while, I found that Ning Ruxue\'s breathing was a little short, and her whole body was trembling slightly.

"The block is really strict!"

Ye Wen\'s words made Ning Ruxue, who was a little nervous, barely catch her breath, and raised her jade feet wearing red embroidered shoes to stamp Ye Wen\'s feet fiercely: "You\'re talking nonsense again! Gossip, did you drink too much?"

Not dodging or dodging, let Ning Ruxue step on it, but when the raised jade feet fell, it was unbelievably light. Ye Wen only felt that the tops of his feet were being blown by the breeze. What a painful feeling.

Let the junior sister lose her temper and get rid of her nervousness, Ye Wen smiled and threw the red hijab on the table beside him, just happened to give the scale bar on it for lifting the hijab to the table. Covered tightly.

Ning Ruxue was also taken aback when her hijab was lifted suddenly, and then she saw Ye Wen looking at her with a smile, her hands were also empty, thinking that this senior brother must have not followed the rules.

"Brother, why are you messing around again?"

"Now that it\'s all been lifted, Junior Sister can\'t tell me to do it again?" Ye Wen said, Ning Ruxue would be able to admit defeat in this way. Unexpectedly, his Junior Sister was more persistent than he expected, so he went to the table and put the hijab on. Retrieve it, and then put the scale beam into Ye Wen\'s hand: "Relift!"


Looking at the scale beam in his hand, Ye Wen glanced at Ning Ruxue who was glaring at him, Ye Wen could only shrug his shoulders, and waited until his junior sister covered her head again, then lifted it up with the scale beam and started from Ning Ruxue. Ru Xue got it off her head.

"Is this okay?"

Ning Ruxue looked at Ye Wen\'s aggrieved look and couldn\'t help laughing. With this smile, all the red decorations in the room lost their color. He lightly touched her cheek with his hand: "It\'s so pretty! Come on, give senior brother a smile!"


Ye Wen smirked: "It\'s wrong to call him Senior Brother now! It\'s time to change the title!"

As soon as these words came out, Ning Ruxue was ashamed, and a boundless red glow covered Ning Ruxue\'s cheeks, ears and neck. Seeing her shame like this, Ye Wen also found it interesting and beautiful.

Just about to open her mouth to tease her again, unexpectedly Ning Ruxue opened her mouth and choked out a barely audible sentence after holding back for a long time: "Xiang...xiang...xiang..."

"Like what?"

Ning Ruxue\'s face turned even redder, at this moment it was almost comparable to the steamed shrimp, Ye Wen withdrew his hand, and pinched Ning Ruxue\'s fingers that kept twisting his clothes: "What do you look like? I have been waiting for half a day!"

If it were in the comics, Ning Ruxue\'s head would have been covered by a mushroom cloud of steam; or she would have simply fallen back and fainted in circles around her eyes.

"What kind of appearance! I...I don\'t call it! A senior is a senior!"

Turning her head aside, Ning Ruxue still didn\'t say that word in the end, but Ye Wen didn\'t care, instead he pulled her into his arms, and whispered in her ear: "Lady!"

Ning Ruxue, who was still struggling a little, suddenly limp in Ye Wen\'s arms, and even buried her whole face in Ye Wen\'s arms, her head refused to lift up as if it had been poured with lead, and then let her Ye Wen stripped off his dress one by one, revealing his perfect figure in front of his senior brother.

Putting Ning Ruxue on the couch, Ye Wen quickly settled himself down, and then got on the couch too.

Ning Ruxue, who closed her eyes and didn\'t dare to open them, felt a familiar aura enveloped her, then thought of what Aunt Zhao and Hua Yi had said to her back then, understood what was going to happen next, and shook her head in embarrassment. He turned aside, closed his eyes and called out softly: "Ms.


In the middle of the night, the spring scenery was infinitely beautiful, Ning Ruxue, who had just experienced human affairs, slept very sweetly, and Ye Wen hugged her in his arms, just looking at her in deep sleep.

This night not only got what she wanted, but at the same time, when Ning Ruxue didn\'t know it, she used the red fruit essence in her body to help Ning Ruxue refine her meridians, and her innate purple energy also had this effect , Ning Ruxue\'s physical condition has also been greatly improved, and at the same time, part of the red fruit essence has been absorbed. As long as Ning Ruxue digests her skills, her skills will also increase a lot. It is conservatively estimated that the junior sister can also reach that innate The realm of perfection.

In the past few days, Ye Wen finally figured out that the red essence in his body was actually the red fruit essence that he had not yet digested. That small fruit has such terrifying energy, Ye Wen doubts that anyone in this world who eats this fruit will only explode and die.

"If I didn\'t have a ring to help me absorb a lot of essence, and at the same time, I happened to produce a formula for the Zixinghe exercise that can digest these essences, I would have turned into ashes now. But even so, there are still so many essences Without digestion, the effect of this fruit would be too exaggerated.

He wondered if Lingxuzi had made a mistake, or simply underestimated the power of such fetishes. If it wasn\'t because of his intrusion, maybe Xu Xian would be the most likely to eat this fruit in the end, but can Xu Xian withstand the power of this fruit?

In addition, he already understands what his current feeling of being rejected by the surrounding world means. It seems that this is why Nine Sword Immortals said, "Shattering the Void, it\'s not that you don\'t have to go to Shatter if you don\'t want to!" \'

Now Ye Wen has a faint feeling that he will be kicked out by this world at any time. If his skill improves a little bit, this feeling will be even stronger. So at present, not only does he not dare to cultivate casually, he even dare not use his full strength to make a move—he also understands why Jiujianxian has almost never made a move with all his strength, and he is probably afraid that once he makes a move, he will shatter the void on the spot up.

There are so many reasons, although there are still many red fruit essences in Ye Wen\'s eyes that have not been digested, but he dare not move them, at most, he will transfer these essences into Ning Ruxue\'s body through the matter of his bed brother, Calling her can also get some benefits. I even have to take some time to share some moistening clothes.

It is understandable for him to think so, if he really wants to shatter the void because of this, then walking alone will always seem a little lonely. It would be better if someone was with me.

The only worry is that the so-called Shattered Void is a dead end. If these two women are harmed, Ye Wen still needs to have a good talk with them. After the second daughter\'s skill has reached a certain level, she can just stop.

According to Ye Wen\'s estimate, even if he raises the skills of the two girls to a certain level, the essence of the red fruit in his body may not be completely consumed - the power of this fruit is really terrifying, in fact, what Ye Wen thought was already Part of the digested essence is still left in his true energy, waiting for real refining!

Looking at his finger, the originally ordinary ring on it has changed its appearance. Although the appearance has not changed, the texture seems to have changed. The ring, which was originally the same as an ordinary iron ring, turned into a silver ring. Ye Wen took a look, and it was no different from the real silver ring. If it wasn\'t for the fact that he channeled his true energy into it, he would still have that strange feeling. He really suspected that his baby had been transferred.

What he cared about, apart from the change in appearance, was that every time he sent his true energy, the notification sound of the ring would not be "It\'s been less than a month since the last use, so it can\'t be used!" \' This sentence, instead, strangely turned into a sentence like \'upgrading...\' that made him collapse.

"What exactly does that mean?"

Ye Wen has never figured out this mysterious ring. According to his previous performance, he would not stop draining himself, but when the treasure mirror of the sky appeared, the ring obviously stopped absorbing it actively, and then gave himself a After one Purple Galaxy Crystal, it began to change.

This was the first time he encountered such a situation of automatically stopping absorption, and only then did he realize that he didn\'t understand this treasure at all.

Perhaps it was Ye Wen\'s movement of raising her arms that made Ning Ruxue a little uncomfortable. She moved while she was soundly asleep, adjusted her posture a few times, and suddenly opened her eyes.

Turning his eyes, he saw Ye Wen who was close at hand. Thinking of what happened just now, Ning Ruxue almost got into the bed and buried herself. But she also knew that it was her duty as a wife to do those embarrassing things with her senior in the future, and she had to learn to get used to it.


After more than twenty years of shouting, she is used to shouting, and it is impossible for her to change her words in a short time.

"Why aren\'t you sleeping?"

Ye Wen put his hands down so that Ning Ruxue could sleep more comfortably: "It\'s nothing, I just don\'t want to sleep yet!"

Seeing Ye Wen\'s expression, Ning Ruxue thought that her senior brother was thinking about the duel after dawn. From Hua Yi, she already knew what Ye Wen and Li Xuan said in the lobby, and it was impossible not to worry. , so his brows were knit together, and he said with a little worry: "Brother... are you sure?"

Ye Wen had an unexpected encounter, and before he had time to tell others about his soaring skill, he just said that he ate the overripe red fruit, but he didn\'t say what state he had reached right now. Seeing that there was nothing unusual about him, Ning Ruxue thought that the effect of the fruit was limited and the improvement was not great, so she asked this question.

If we let her know that Ye Wen is too strong to dare to practice martial arts, she probably won\'t have this kind of trouble - what she has to worry about is that Ye Wen is about to shatter the void, what should she and the Shushan faction do?

He stretched out his hand to stretch Ning Ruxue\'s eyebrows, and then started to slide his big hand along the thin eyebrows, passing through the cheeks, chin, neck, collarbone, and shoulders, and finally stopped on the smooth back and stroked slowly. spin.

"It\'s just a martial arts competition with Li Xuan, it doesn\'t matter if you are sure or not!"

When Ning Ruxue heard what Ye Wen said, and saw that he didn\'t seem to be comforting herself on purpose, she was a little relieved, but she was still a little shy at first, and she took the initiative to put her wrist around Ye Wen\'s waist , seems to want to hold the brother tighter.

Sensing the worries and thoughts of his junior sister, Ye Wen also tightened his arms a little bit, and the two of them hugged each other without continuing to talk, just lying like this.

Until a glimmer of light appeared in the dark night sky, Ye Wen suddenly said: "Come with me!"