History's Top Sect Leader

V1.Chatper 248

As soon as Ye Wen came to the entrance of the cave, he felt a wave of heat coming. This kind of situation had never happened before, and Ye Wen was very surprised.

Going forward, you can see that the cave is full of red light and the heat is steaming, and the cold spring water is constantly steaming, almost turning this cold cave that is difficult to enter into a large sauna. house.

Through the hazy steam, Ye Wen could vaguely see a red glow in the depths of the cave that dazzled people\'s eyes. Just looking at the approximate location, Ye Wen immediately understood what was going on with the vision full of caves.

"Is the fruit ripe?"

Using his congenital purple energy, Ye Wen ignored the threatening heat wave with his strength, and then waving his sleeves, blew away all the steam and mist around him, making the area around him show his true colors. face.

Waving his arms while walking, Ye Wen came to the place where the red light was in just a moment. Only then did he notice that the water in the pool closest to Hongmang was gurgling and tumbling non-stop. The cold spring water that could turn someone into an ice sculpture in an instant was cooked by the heat from the fruit?

"How hot is it?"

Considering that this is just the residual heat emitted by the fruit, the fruit itself does not know how tyrannical it will be. At this time, relying on all these visions, Ye Wen knew what a rare treasure this crimson fruit is, and the fruit that can emit such terrifying heat is definitely a super super super tonic.

Ye Wen looked at the red fruit, and was considering whether to pick it off, when he saw that the fruit seemed to have sensed something, fell from the small tree with a plop, and then fell to the ground.

At the same time, the small fruit tree couldn\'t bear the terrifying heat any longer, not only gradually wilted, but finally burst into flames, and there was no ash left in an instant, which surprised Ye Wen for a while.

"I\'ll go, feelings are still non-renewable resources?"

I thought that the crimson fruit was ripe, and I just ate it myself. After that, as long as the fruit tree is carefully guarded, then it may bear another fruit after more than ten years. But right now, what I thought was too good, this fruit never gave him this chance.

"Eat? Don\'t eat?"

This question did not make Ye Wen hesitate for too long, but he made a decision in an instant, picked up the red fruit, felt the hot temperature, and Ye Wen directly took a bite of it.

Ye Wenwen wanted to try to see if he would only absorb part of the essence after taking a sip, so that he wouldn\'t have to worry about the medicine being too powerful to kill him, and he could even save some of it for his younger sister and younger brother to eat.

Unexpectedly, he just bit into the fruit, and his teeth only opened a little crack in the fruit. The crimson fruit suddenly turned into a piece of hot juice, and all of it flowed into Ye Wen\'s mouth before Ye Wen could react.

"I\'ll go, isn\'t this thing alive?"

Ye Wen was taken aback by the strange reaction of the red fruit, and even wondered if the fruit was spiritual. When he realized that someone was about to eat it, he turned into a puddle of liquid and flowed into Ye Wen\'s body, so as not to suffer misfortune. dismembered\'.

After standing for a while, Ye Wen waited intently for the medicinal properties of the red fruit to kick in, but he didn\'t want to stand for an hour without any abnormalities. Dissipated completely, the cold air re-emanating from the cold spring even expelled all the remaining heat in the cave.

"Why is there no movement?"

After thinking about it for a while, Ye Wen saw that the red fruit didn\'t respond, and only thought that the medicine needed to show its potency slowly, so he curled his lips and prepared to leave.

I just wanted to take a step, but found that my feet seemed to be nailed to the ground and I couldn\'t move. Even my hands that could move just now couldn\'t move a little bit.

"what happened?"

Not only that, but he couldn\'t even move his tongue, Ye Wen seemed to be rigidly frozen. Then he felt a burst of hot breath rising from his belly, and the moment he blinked from his belly, it spread to his whole body.

"Could it be that the effect of the fruit has kicked in?"

Feeling the surging heat continuously rushing into his meridians, Ye Wen really wanted to mobilize the innate purple energy to refine all these essences, and more importantly, these essences were too hot and domineering, if they were allowed to rush back and forth like this If not, all the meridians in my body may be destroyed. Even he himself might be burnt to nothing by the energy of this ****.

Ye Wen felt that his whole body was about to burn, and at the same time, with his fixed eyes, he could vaguely see a burst of red light like a flame around him, and his whole body was no different from a human-shaped torch.

The feeling of being burned will definitely not be good, especially when Ye Wen is being grilled from the inside to the outside. If it wasn\'t for the innate purple energy in his body to automatically activate to protect the master, Ye Wen would be able to Say goodbye to this world.

But the power of this crimson fruit is too strong, the innate purple qi has been running at full speed but still can\'t fully digest the medicinal properties of the fruit, the current situation is that the innate purple qi has been digested a little, but the energy coming out of Ye Wen\'s stomach is weak Two points or even three points or even four points.

Ye Wen had nothing to do with these extra essences, he could only let them rush back and forth in his body, while feeling the great pain caused by the burning of his meridians, he couldn\'t even utter a sound.

"Damn it! What the hell is this!"

When great happiness hits a person violently, it is likely to bring great tragedy to that person.

Ye Wen\'s current situation is like this. The tyranny of the red fruit has exceeded his expectations. The medicinal power of this fruit is no longer a problem of indigestion. Judging from the current situation, bursting Ye Wen is just the beginning .

Even though Ye Wen\'s meridians are already very strong, and the innate purple energy is constantly repairing and repairing, it still can\'t keep up with the speed of destruction of this heat, and at the same time, the strong breath stuffed Ye Wen\'s body tightly Yan Shishi, even felt that his whole body was stuffed, but someone was still blowing air into his body.

The congenital purple qi in Dantian kept spinning, but even if it had already turned like a propeller, it still couldn\'t recover from such a disadvantage. In his anxiety, Ye Wen even wanted to create another qi vortex in Tanzhong and Baihui. They run Xiantian Ziqi together to dissolve this tyrannical energy, but he has just started to take action, the energy in his body is already full, making him feel like he is about to explode.

"Am I going to die?"

Ye Wen felt that his body seemed to be on the verge of collapse, and he caught a glimpse of the inconspicuous ring on his finger in a crisis.

"This...has it!"

He suddenly remembered that this thing was a bottomless pit, if he didn\'t put all his energy into the ring, he didn\'t expect to get any good things because of it, as long as it could alleviate the current crisis, he would be thankful.

He first sent his innate purple qi into the ring. After all, the innate purple qi also occupied most of the meridian space in his body, and it could be relieved for a while if it could be cleared out. Although my meridians would be destroyed faster after losing the innate purple energy, but right now I don\'t care about that much.

The innate purple energy was absorbed by the ring in just a moment, and then the triggered ring continued to absorb the energy in Ye Wen\'s body like inertia. Ye Wen felt that his body had reached a strange balance after a while.

The scorching energy constantly rising from his abdomen filled every inch of space in his body, and the energy that was about to explode him also kept disappearing on his fingers.

one increases, one decreases

A fury of increase, a swiftness of decrease. In this case, Ye Wen\'s body seemed to be a transitional object, scorching energy was continuously generated in his body, and then at the critical point of exploding him, he was sucked to an unknown place by the ring .

Ye Wen, who was tortured by this heat, was already in a trance and didn\'t know anything. He didn\'t even notice the flash of light from the ring on his hand, and then a long and thin cold object appeared on his hand. .

In a trance, he felt that there were many formulas and movements that he had never heard before in his head. Ye Wen, who had already fallen into a trance, could start to use these formulas to exercise his zhenqi.

If Ye Wen was still awake, he would definitely not do this, but now he is in a trance, and his energy is raging in his body. His body is instinctively looking for a way to calm down this tyrannical energy, and now he suddenly got a bunch of The formula began to work spontaneously: since the original method is not working, then try a new method.

The last trace of innate purple qi in the dantian spun violently, and with each rotation, the scorching qi around this strand of true qi would be absorbed by it.

It didn\'t take long for this innate purple energy in Ye Wen\'s body to turn into a river of bright stars and flow into the meridian that was occupied by the scorching energy, and at the same time, it was already in dilapidated condition.

I don\'t know what\'s going on with this formula. After it starts to work, it goes through all the meridians in my body, and as this galaxy-like energy keeps running, all the tyrannical and hot energy in Ye Wen\'s body is completely absorbed by this energy. A burst of strength was swallowed into itself, and then turned into a little bit of starlight to join the bright galaxy.

Right now, if someone stands beside Ye Wen, they will notice that the burning red light on Ye Wen\'s body, which is like a flame version, gradually becomes peaceful, and at the same time slowly turns into a piece of purple starlight and slowly revolves around Ye Wen. After a while, this little bit of starlight turned into a bright river, and those standing in the middle seemed to be surrounded by stars, which made people feel weird and at the same time felt a powerful force emanating from these extremely beautiful rivers of stars.

The purple crystal in Ye Wen\'s hand was getting smaller and smaller. With the growth of Xinghe, the crystal was now as big as a finger. It stands to reason that Ye Wen\'s gesture at this time and the size of the crystal should have fallen long ago, but the crystal seemed to be stuck to Ye Wen\'s hand at this time, completely ignoring the call of the ground and staying in Ye Wen\'s hand did not leave.

Looking at Ye Wen\'s body again, the purple qi in his dantian flows slowly, and then the purple qi will turn into a long river of bright stars after coming out of his dantian. The meridians in Ye Wen\'s body are like a starry sky, covered with purple starlight, and at the same time The slow movement of these purple star lights vaguely told everyone where the meridians in Ye Wen\'s body were.

At this moment, Ye Wen, who had been in a trance for a long time, regained his sanity. At this time, he only felt that the Lingtai was clear, and his whole body was very comfortable. At the same time, the previous situation of not being able to move at all finally disappeared, and Ye Wen, who had recovered his mobility, Wen\'s first thing to do is to see if he is still alive, and if there are any missing parts?

"It\'s okay, it\'s okay, my limbs are healthy, and my five senses are normal!" Ye Wen touched it, and Ye Wen\'s face suddenly became a little strange: "Why does this place become more majestic? Is there any use for such high fighting spirit at this time?"

There was no abnormality in the body, Ye Wen sank his mind to check the situation in the body, and found that his meridians were not damaged at all, and compared to before he lost consciousness, the tenacity of his meridians now is simply not at the same level as before.

Especially the zhenqi in the meridians that exudes bright starlight like water, although it is not very eye-catching like fine water, Ye Wen can feel how powerful this zhenqi is.

"What about that strange heat?"

After mobilizing his true energy and looking for it, Ye Wen felt the heat just by thinking about it. He found that there was an uninvited guest in his dantian now, and a fiery red thing that seemed to be substantial had just settled in Ye Wen\'s body with such a big thorn. After Ye Wen tried a little, this fiery red thing would burst into a burst of strong energy. With scorching hot energy, Ye Wen, who thought he was asking for trouble, mobilized his true energy in a hurry to trap it, but he didn\'t want that as soon as the true energy flowed, the frightening energy gushing out would be immediately captured by these people like a galaxy. The general energy was swallowed up.

"Could it be that I have cultivated some kind of miraculous skill unintentionally?"

As soon as he thought about it, a bunch of formulas and methods that had been poured into Ye Wen\'s mind before popped up. At this moment, Ye Wen, who realized that he had practiced a kung fu unconsciously, had a strange expression on his face.

"It turned out to be..." Opening his eyes, he looked at the purple galaxy around him, and the bright dots of starlight scattered everywhere, illuminating the entire dark cave. At this moment, Ye Wen finally knew why he would Turned danger into disaster, and even got a blessing in disguise.

"I didn\'t expect to get this magical skill by accident, and even practiced it..."

Ye Wen closed his eyes, and could even feel that there was actually a purple thing hidden in his dantian. This thing was wrong in terms of strength and energy, because this thing turned out to be a long columnar purple crystal. Just stay in Ye Wen\'s dantian. At the same time, Ye Wen found that his zhenqi would pass through this crystal when it was running, and after it came out, it would turn into the galaxy emitting purple light.

"Zi Xinghe..."

Talking about the kung fu that he had just practiced, Ye Wen was not glad that he had practiced such a heaven-defying kung fu at the first moment, but cursed: "Why is it Zi again?"

With the power back, the starlight beside Ye Wen gradually disappeared, but the dots of stars floating in the cave did not disappear, presumably it was the Qi that Ye Wen had burst out before, because it had already been released, so the Qi was not consumed It won\'t disappear until it\'s cleaned.

Looking at this beautiful and strange scene, Ye Wen lowered his head and thought about his current situation.

The meridians became stronger, and he found that his body seemed to have been tempered again, and he didn\'t know how much stronger than before. At this time, if an ordinary expert punched him, Ye Wen might not need to use all his strength to resist, and could ignore the opponent\'s attack only by relying on his physical strength.

In addition, his true qi also changed. The innate purple qi in his dantian was almost condensed into substance, and flowed like a liquid after being mobilized into the meridians—Ye Wen found that the essence of his body was still the same. The innate purple qi can still be used at the same time, and it hasn\'t changed in any way because of training Zixinghe.

This makes Ye Wen a bit strange, but when you think about it carefully, Zi Xinghe is just one of the first layers of the super perverted "Huntian Baojian", and after practicing the "Huntian Baojian", you can use ten completely different weapons. Qi Jin must have its uniqueness.

Based on the current situation, Ye Wen guessed that after the completion of the Huntian Treasure Sword, the original and purest state of the cultivator\'s true qi was preserved, and these ten kinds of qi were passed through a special movement gate—or through that Gen Tianjing? ——Transform true energy into one of them.

After thinking about it carefully, Ye Wen found that he had a lot of knowledge about the Huntian Treasure Mirror in his head, and only then did he understand it. For Huntian Baojian, any true energy is nothing more than true energy, and the magic of this body, which is said to be created by God Nuwa, is far beyond Ye Wen\'s imagination.

At least according to Ye Wen\'s current knowledge, it is impossible to comprehend clearly. And he finally understood that he hadn\'t trained Zi Xinghe at all. According to the information he just got, if he really became Zi Xing He, there would not be a single purple crystal in his dantian, but a purple Xing He air cluster should appear.

If all the ten layers of the treasure mirror of the sky are practiced, then ten different air masses will be distributed in the dantian, guarding the practitioner\'s original true energy, and interacting and interacting with each other at the same time, so as to continuously improve the skill .

"Emotional Laozi is just an entry-level person like this?"

It was only then that Ye Wen knew how powerful this magical skill was. Ye Wen, who had already vaguely felt that he seemed to be incompatible with the world, turned out to be just a beginner.

Standing up again, Ye Wenfu looked at the still starlight in the cave, and walked out of the cave slowly. At this time the moon was high, it should be midnight, and as soon as they came out, they saw Ning Ruxue and Hua Yi walking towards the entrance of the cave, looking around while walking. I presumably saw him not returning for a long time, so I came to look for him just in time for him to come from the cave.

"The master is there!"

Seeing that Ye Wen was fine, Ning Ruxue breathed a sigh of relief, but she pretended not to care, and curled her lips: "It\'s always worrying!"

Ye Wen, who just suffered a big change, didn\'t take it seriously, just smiled and hugged the two girls in his arms and kissed each other: "I\'m worrying you!"

Just at this time, Ye Wen felt that wonderful feeling of incompatibility between heaven and earth again, and it was a little stronger than before.


ps: Heavenly Treasure Mirror~ So, come to Piaopiao...