His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 829: What is your relationship with Baizhu? Why did he let you follow him?

He said: "I have time to come back to see you."

The old lady sighed and said seriously: "Here, after you go out, it's hard to come back again."

After that, she let go of the man's hand, turned her head to face Qianmiao, and resumed the fierce and evil spirit just now: "Little dumb, you made me cough and get sick. From today, you will be waiting for me for a whole week!"

"Quickly, get the wine!"

Qianmiao was about to refute, when the man suddenly looked at him.

At this glance, her words got stuck in her throat inexplicably, and she didn't want to say it anymore.

"Come with me."

I can't hear any feelings or temperature when I speak softly, as indifferently as water.

The old lady pressed Qianmiao's waist and pushed her forward: "Go!"

Qianmiao thought about it, and it wasn't for the old lady, his legs and feet automatically followed the man's steps.

As he walked all the way out of the rating arena, and then continued to follow.

He spoke very little, and he didn't even look back when he walked all the way, giving Qian Miao the illusion that even if she suddenly stopped leaving, he didn't know.

After passing through the square, you are in the entrance of the dividing wall.

Separated by a wall, there is a courtyard for the newcomers on one side and a courtyard for the elderly on the other.

In normal times, the old people come and walk around the new people at will, but the new people can't go there at will, they can only stand on the tall buildings and look from a distance.

Everything here is better than the newcomer's compound, even the grilled hot dogs sold at the supermarket are more fragrant than the newcomer's, and they are bigger.

Qian Miao was hungry again.

Staring at the slowly rolling big hot dogs, several of them were grilled with their mouths open, greasy and fragrant.

She couldn't help but stop and look at it for a while.

Then I wanted to buy it.

"Go faster." A faint male voice came from the front.

Qianmian turned his head to meet the conspicuous mask, pursed his mouth, swallowed, and then reluctantly followed his footsteps.

Thinking about it, I'll buy a few and taste it after a while.

"Hey, are you a newcomer?" There was a sound from the side.

Qian Mian turned his head and saw a few people sitting on the benches beside the supermarket entrance.

The dressing of these people was somewhat familiar, reminding her of Leng Lizard's men, but they were all female.

The woman in the middle laughed, stood up, and walked towards her.

"This dress is really a newcomer. Hey, newcomer, what is your relationship with Baiju? Why does he let you follow him?"

Qian Mian glanced at her, did not speak or could speak, and walked towards Bai Shu.

Bai Zhu seemed to be waiting for her deliberately, her pace was very slow, and only after he followed up, did she resume her previous speed.

She walked into a courtyard with Bai Shu.

The narration is all high-rise buildings, only the houses on this side are very short, they are small villas.

He walked to the gate, entered the password, and walked in.

Qian Mian followed along.

The lights were on on the first floor, in simple cool colors, and everything was clean and spotless.

"Wait here." He said, and walked in one direction.

Qian Miao stood in the living room, looking at the house with blurred vision, with many thoughts in his mind.

The first one is thinking about this dark alliance.

Her original intention of coming here was to avoid being tracked by unknown forces.

But now, she suddenly felt that it was quite interesting to gradually upgrade from a newcomer to a high position everyone respected.

It's like playing an upgrade game.

After a while, the man walked out, holding two bottles of wine in his hand.

Qian Miao was about to get it, and suddenly noticed that his gaze was falling on her hand.