His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 828: You said how lonely I would be if you left

The old lady is strong, and this pull is not light, and she directly slams Qian Mian on the man's body.

on purpose!

After a hard hit, Qian Mian quickly stood back and stood firm.

There was a sudden pain in her wrist, and she realized that the old lady was trying too hard just now. The wound on her wrist opened again.

She raised her head subconsciously, and saw that the man seemed to be staring at her wound.

In the hideous red and black mask, I wonder if it is also a fierce face.

"Oh, Baishen, give me the shot! Look at her, she doesn't respect the elders, and deliberately made me sick. If it doesn't happen, my old life will be gone."

Thousand-mian sign language: "What do you want?"

Old lady: "I am responsible! I am responsible!"

Qianmiao has always been disgusted with such rascals, but she used to meet men of the same age, and she can still teach a lesson, but now this is an old lady.

Qian Mi compared the sign language: "I won't be responsible for what I haven't done."

After that, she turned around again.

The old lady let out a soft cry: "Oh, oh, dizzy, dizzy, sick again..."

While talking, he bent over and fell down, still pulling Qianmiao's clothes in his hand.

Qian Miao looked down at her and saw that she was playing tricks like a child, kicking her legs and feet constantly, and things falling out of her body.

Qian Miao frowned, with a hint of irritability between her eyebrows.

Just when she didn't know what to do, the man slowly bent over, picked up the phone that the old lady had dropped on the floor, turned around, and threw it towards the fountain pool not far away.

With a sound, the phone flew past in a parabolic curve.

"My cell phone!"

The old lady shouted, full of breath.

Immediately after Qian Mian saw her rise on the ground, she jumped five meters high, and without any bouncing point, she rushed to the mobile phone a few meters away, a somersault turned over, and the mobile phone smoothly fell into her palm!


Qian Miao was stunned for a few seconds, this old lady's ancient martial arts is not shallow.

"Grandma, are you still dizzy?" the man said suddenly.

Qianmiao raised his eyes suddenly, and because he opened his eyes too hard, the wound he had not yet recovered was torn open for a while.

She didn't expect that the man's voice was so gentle.

Not only warm and moist, but also a little unspeakable familiarity.

But when I reminisce about it, it seems that there are many people around her who have this voice.

This man, whether it was his voice or his figure, didn't quite match this hideous and mighty mask.

The old lady was so guilty when asked by the man. She lowered her head and tucked her phone in her pocket while muttering: "This kid is still such a ghost. My phone is a big treasure. I can't afford to lose it if I lose it!"

"Grandma has so many babies, there is no shortage of this one." The man said.

Qian Mian is quite puzzled, how does this man call her grandma?

Just thinking about it, the man has turned around to leave.

The old lady stopped him suddenly.

Then he looked at her and ordered: "Go to him and bring me a bottle of wine!"

After finishing speaking, he turned to look at the man with a grin: "Good boy, there is still a bar in 82 years, and two bottles for grandma."

The man nodded and said nothing.

The old lady looked satisfied, looked loving, and walked over and grabbed the man's hand and stroked it: "My favorite is the one, saying that if I go, I will be so lonely."

The man's hand did not move, so she touched it, like a grandson who loves his grandma.