His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 722: Fat uncle who reappeared

Because the child of the same age is already in the second year of junior high school late at school, she just wants to enter the first year of junior high school.

After the exam, she went back to the temple.

Because she really missed her mother, she secretly went down the mountain without telling her Master the night when the exam was over, and wanted to go back to Tang's house.

She carried a large backpack full of gifts.

These gifts are for mother and the little brother who is only two or three years old.

But just halfway through, she was attacked.

There were only two people on the other side. Maybe she looked at her alone and underestimated her strength. The two came up with bare hands, but she was knocked down.

She quickly notified her mother and master.

After this incident, she was trapped on the mountain again.

What happened to those people in the end, she didn't know.

Mom never tells her.

In the days after that, she just waited on the mountain for school to start.

During this period, she found other fun besides picking wild fruits-drag racing.

There are often people racing on their mountain, they are all passionate teenagers.

But they don't bring girls to play, and even if they do, they just let them sit in the co-pilot.

She despised the co-pilot.

So I dressed myself up, mixed in as a boy, and played for a while.

At first, it was unfamiliar and irritating, and repeatedly felt that something was going to happen.

Later, she gradually mastered the skills, played better and better, and quickly gained the affirmation of those boys.

This also made her days before the start of school less difficult.

After school started, she stayed not long before she was taken away again.

After going out for a while, wandering around at home and abroad, then came back.

This is true for the first and second grades.

As a result, she couldn't concentrate in class, and felt that the teacher would call her at the door in the next second, saying that her family would come to pick her up.

Over time, she got used to it.

Soon, it was the summer vacation when the second grade was promoted to the third grade.

At that time, she could do many things.

The art teacher took her painting to the competition two years ago and won a grand prize.

The name Su Yanluo slowly became louder.

She gradually received many invitations for her to paint.

So, throughout the summer vacation, she was either painting or asking a few friends to go racing, and life passed quickly.

As if destined, Dabai sent someone to pick her up just a few days after her third year of school started.

She finally couldn't stand it this time, she didn't want to run away all over the world.

But in the end, I was convinced by my mother.

The person who came to pick her up this time was the fat uncle two years ago.

This was the second time he appeared in front of her after he suddenly disappeared that day.

The fat uncle's face is a bit more fleshy than it was two years ago, and there is a shallow scar.

He smiled and said to Qian Mian: "Miss Qian Mian, Young Master Bai said, this time we will go to country h to play."

Qianmiao doesn't care anymore.

She had finished reading the books in middle and high school a long time ago, and it was quite boring at school, so she could go out to play.

This time, she didn't see Da Bai either. From school to the airport, from the plane to Wucheng, she was accompanied by the fat uncle.

There is a direct flight from Beijing to country h. She thought that she came to Wucheng to meet Dabai.

But Uncle Fat took her to the port.

That day, the weather was fine, and it was the weather that went out to sea.

She was sitting in the dessert shop by the sea, drinking milk tea, squinting and looking far away, the seagulls hovered on the sea.

Outside the corridor, the fat uncle was on the phone.

This is the first call he made on the way.

She didn't have the quirk of eavesdropping on other people's calls, but at that moment, something in her ear suddenly fell out.