His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 721: She has no one to play, she just learns

Qianmian looked at the strange man with no expression, just said: "Chunmian doesn't feel dawn."

Uncle Fat was taken aback, Master Song Ya was taken aback.

Then the fat uncle rolled his eyes and said: "Smell the birds everywhere! Hahaha..."

Qianmiao's eyes rolled, and he said, "This is not from Dabai. He didn't match his secret code."

Uncle Fatty's face changed drastically, and he couldn't say anything: "That...I remembered it wrong. I remember Young Master Bai said the code, but I have a bad memory, you see..."

Qian Miao's expressionless little face straightened, and said indifferently, "He just has a problem, Da Bai didn't set a secret code with me at all, I just said nonsense."

The fat uncle broke out in a cold sweat again!

"This...Miss Qianmiao, I was really sent by Young Master Bai to pick you up. Look, there are his personal belongings!"

He took out a watch from his pocket: "Look, is this Young Master Bai's?"

Qian Miao took it over and took a look. It was indeed his right.

"I want a cell phone," she said.

The fat uncle took out his cell phone, and then took the initiative to dial out.

"Miss Qianmiao, listen."

Qian Miao took the phone to listen, and after a few words with Dabai, he returned the phone to the fat man.

Soon, she left the temple with this person.

This person came in a car, and there were only the two of them in the car.

Soon, they arrived at the airport and left the capital that same day.

She went to many cities with Uncle Fatty, and stayed in each city for a short time.

She increasingly doubted the uncle's motives.

Because during this period, although she could talk to Dabai every day, she never saw him once.

Until one day when she woke up, she went to find Uncle Fatty, who was no longer there.

It was replaced by Dabai.

Like the fat uncle, Da Bai took her to various places to play, without mentioning what happened.

Later, he took her to his hometown, Wucheng.

Over there, she lived in Dabai's house for a month, and she was bored every day.

Although there were many people in the villa, no one played with her, they were all waiting to serve her.

She doesn't need anyone to wait on her.

Dabai saw that she was bored, so he invited a few teachers to teach her things.

She is more interested in painting, and occasionally writes a few words.

The art teacher seemed to admire her very much and wanted to participate in the competition with her paintings.

She didn't want to write her real name, so she randomly chose a name for the competition: Su Yanluo.

Those three characters are actually the core meaning of the painting.

She hopes that all disputes will dissipate like smoke and fall into the dust.

Although she didn't know why someone wanted to kill herself, she didn't think it was important. The important thing was that she didn't want to be frightened by drinking now.

Wucheng is a treasured land with many talents.

Da Bai rarely shows up, and she has no one to play with, so she just learns.

In addition to art, she also taught herself information technology to pass the time.

This technology is very practical, and she can do many things with it.

But Dabai did not invite her a teacher in this area, only let her play with the computer casually.

It happened that she was most interested in this, so she learned it by herself.

More than a month passed in such a peaceful day.

Suddenly one day, Da Bai appeared.

He seemed to be a bit more mature than before.

He said to her: "You can go back now."

You can go back to the capital.

After more than half a year, she can finally go back.

After returning, she had to be pushed to school to take the exam before she saw her mother.