His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 704: The person who sent someone to search for the Wei's house was Leng Lizard

Lin Wenyu curled her lips: "The purpose of inviting my cousin to this show is to use her and Zhang Xuela to create highlights. They must be in the same team."

Tang Qin said quietly: "You said that, I'm looking forward to this good show."

Lin Wenyu pursed her lips, not wanting to speak.

Fencing broke out in a sweat, Qian Miao took a shower after eating breakfast.

When I came out, the phone's ringtone rang fiercely.

It's from the black chicken.

She pressed the speakerphone and wiped her hair while listening.

Toffee jumped on the table and stared at her phone next to her.

The voice of the black chicken came from the phone: "Boss, I found the master behind Wei Wu!"

Qianmiao wiped her hair for a while, then picked up the phone, turned off the hands-free, and put it in her ear to listen: "Go on."

The black chicken said quickly and clearly: "The person who sent people to search for the Wei's home is the current right elder in the southeast area of ​​the Asian Dark League. The code name is Cold Lizard!"

Cold lizard...

These three words were blank in Qian Miao's mind. Then, a cold air lifted the blank curtain and led her into a dark and boundless space.

A damp, musty smell loomed around the nose, filled with a **** smell.

That memory suddenly awakened.

The black chicken's voice is full of anger: "This old poison, after so long, is still tossing, next time I see him, I must destroy him!"

Qianmiao could understand the anger of the black chicken.

After all, the black chicken suffered a lot of grievances from the cold lizard from the beginning.

No beating or scolding, but there are always all kinds of insidious tricks waiting for him.

Make him ashamed in the eyes of everyone.

Take the code name "Black Chicken", which has nothing to do with the cold lizard.

In Dark League, everyone has a number and a code name.

The serial number consists of letters and numbers, just like an ID card.

The code name replaces the name for convenient addressing.

The code name of each person is determined by the person above, usually directly from the name of the plant animal. If it is repeated, add an adjective before it, such as cold lizard.

After Heiji first set the code name, he was teased by Leng Lizard for a long time, and he changed several code names for him in the middle, including black-bone chicken, bird chicken, bastard, and even father-in-law.

Therefore, the black chicken hates him especially.

However, this matter can only be regarded as a small matter in her involvement with the cold lizard.

She did not expect to hear this code name again after several years.

"He chased Wei Wu for what?"

Wei Wu is related to the bdr experiment. Could it be that the cold lizard was also involved?

Heiji's words were filled with depression, and said: "I haven't checked it out yet, I only know that those people are his subordinates."

Qian Mian frowned: "Be sure to clarify the matter and continue to investigate."

The black chicken said, "Boss, should I go there in person?"

"No, let others go."

The black chicken muffled: "Yes."

After the phone call, Qian Miao spent two hours sleeping.

During these two hours, she slept unsteadily.

The past, which she thought had been sealed in dust, was turned out in her dreams, as if scenes happened just yesterday.

The ignorant little dark and damp cabin, the wretched and greasy man's palm, and the strange male voice like a nightmare——

"If you don't obey, go to the bloodbed."

"Come here and let me touch you."

"Kill her! Kill her! Kill her for me!"

With a bang, she was sunk into the icy water, and the surroundings were dark and dull, and the feeling of suffocation was overwhelming!