His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 703: Cross out a list of amateurs to be invited in the next period

There is embarrassment in Tang Xiao's words: "Stop talking, I'm in someone's yard, I don't know what to say for a while, don't say it, that's it."

He quickly put the phone back in his pocket and looked back at the two women in the living room.

Both of them belonged to the Tang family, and he couldn't afford to offend either.

Taking a deep breath, he walked in.

Lin Wenyu was talking to Tang Qin about things to pay attention to on the show. Seeing Tang Xiao walk in, he stopped talking.

Tang Qin said, "We have discussed it. Since Mr. Tang is here to invite sincerely, we Wen Yu also happens to be fine, so let's go."

Lin Wenyu pursed her lips and smiled, and said, "I have always heard that adventure is very exciting. I am a person who yearns for adventure, and I want to see it."

The two of you said something to me, the fried Tang Xiao's head buzzed.

He couldn't say anything to refuse now. One was because he had come to invite him this time, and the other was because he didn't want to offend the Tang family.

After thinking and thinking, I came up with a compromise, saying: "Miss Tang can come to our program, it is our honor."

Lin Wenyu looked embarrassed.

Tang Qin said, "This is Lin..."

Before the word "Miss" was spoken, Lin Wenyu held her hand and stopped.

Lin Wenyu said to Tang Xiao: "Then I will wait for that day to come."

Tang Xiao wiped the sweat from his forehead and nodded: "For related matters, I will ask someone to contact Miss Tang after I go back."

Lin Wenyu nodded.

Tang Qin took a sip of coffee and said lightly: "We have already said that Bai Mi is arrogant, please don't move her."

Lin Wenyu added, saying: "My sister has always liked quietness, and she doesn't even like watching these lively things on TV. She says it's vulgar, and she wouldn't go if she thinks about it."

Tang Xiao paused and explained softly, "Actually, Miss Bai Mi decided to go. It's true."

The two of them looked stiff and looked at each other.

Tang Xiao always felt that the atmosphere of this family was strange, why it seemed that Bai Mi had a bad relationship with the family at all, and he looked like an outsider.

He didn't want to stay too much. After saying a few words, he left the Tang family on the excuse of too much trouble.

As soon as he got in the car, he called the director.

"Cross out the list of amateurs to be invited in the next period. I have new candidates here."

Inside the Tang house.

Tang Qin laughed: "Pretend, I know she's pretending! Anything light fame and fortune, low-key doing things, all pretend! I said, a girl like her age, who doesn't like to show off?"

Lin Wenyu looked down and didn't speak, feeling extremely depressed.

She originally thought that Tang Xiao came to her to ask her to go for Tang Qianmian, but she didn't expect to come out like this.

She knew very well that Tang Qianmin's fame was greater than hers, and she must be a green leaf and an inconspicuous existence by then.

Tang Qin glanced at her and asked, "What are you thinking about? Are you not attending?"

Lin Wenyu clenched her hand and said, "Why? I'm thinking about whether or not to team up with Feng Can. After all, he has been in the limelight recently and has been on the hot search."

Tang Qin smiled: "Yes, that kid surprised me. An amateur who has no work has been loved by so many people since the beginning of the broadcast. Needless to say, I look at him, and I will definitely be in this industry in the future. Up."

Lin Wenyu: "Not necessarily, how the elders of Feng's family like the entertainment industry, Chuchu wanted to be a star, so she was stopped by Grandpa Feng."

Tang Qin took a sigh of relief and said, "It doesn't matter if you get in or not, but you and Feng Can are both amateurs. It stands to reason that you can't join the team. It's better to go to the Zhang Xuela team."